Vita Frickin Valenteen
Vicious Frickin Vampire

XWF FanBase: Some of everyone (cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)
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Joined: Sun Jul 29 2018
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Hates Given: 38
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08-13-2021, 05:00 PM
Okay, Okay, I know!
I woke up in a morgue and now everyone's like WTF is up with VV!?
The truth is, I'm not really sure either. I know that creepo from the wrestling convention jumped me. He said something about a gift before I blacked out. I remember waking up in an ally. I was hurt. Weak. I could hardly stand. I blacked out a second time, and when I awoke this time, I felt different.
Whatever injury I had suffered before had healed. I felt great, other than being in a morgue, of course. The odd thing was, even before I knew where I was, I knew. I could almost sense my surroundings, including the men working on staff.
I don't know... Just weirdness from the trauma of being attacked and left for dead, I'm sure, but sneaking out of that place was surprisingly easy to do...
Speaking of sneaking out, I know the rational thing to do here would probably be to first tell the morticians that I'm actually not dead, but also to maybe, I don't know, call the police?
Listen, guys, I know what I should have done. If Ruby were here right now, she'd say I was in over my head and that maybe this was a situation best left to the professionals. She'd likely kick my butt all the way down to the station herself, but she's not, now is she?
Three days ago, I died...
![[Image: The-Pink-Mist.jpg]](
Tonight, I kill the man responsible!
Various quick scenes play one after the other showing Vita taking to the streets and applying pressure to some small level thugs, leaving each one more bloody than the last, until finally, a mid-level boss in fear for his life as he watches VV tear through his thugs, hopes to bring the bloody night to its end.
Vita tosses the last of the guards to the ground and turns her attention to the "boss". He whimpers and sobs as she stabs a katana into the desk and leans in close.
Tell me where to find him!
"I don't know!"
Vita sneers as she leans closer.
"No really! I don't, but I know who does! I know his boss!"
Tell me!
"Barry! Barry Bugler!"
Tell me how to get to him!
The scene abruptly cuts to just outside of the room.
Moments later, Vita exits the room while sealing a disembodied eyeball into an evidence jar from her batman inspired gadget belt!
Okay, so even I was surprised at how easily I was kicking butt tonight, but Hell hath no Fury like a woman scorned, and if you can't tell by the gore, leaving me for dead has me feeling pretty frickin scorned!
A tall skyrise building.
Vita scales it from the outside.
Entering through the roof access door.
An undisclosed amount of time passes between shots as we cut to the interior of a luxurious bedroom suite complete with party lights and a full bar. A man in his mid 40's enters the room, It's Barry Bugler! He stops at the bar and pours a drink. VV appears from the shadows as if from thin air and wraps a thin metal wire around his throat, applying pressure just as she kicks his knee from behind. He drops to a kneel, but the much larger man forcefully falls forward, flipping VV over his shoulder and causing her to lose her grip on the wire! He pushes up, but Vita reaches her feet much faster, almost TOO fast, and slaps him over the back of the head with a slapjack, knocking him out cold!
Okay, weird... I've always been fast. It's kinda my thing! Not like you're going to see me tossing guys like Oswald and Charlie Nickles around the ring, but this? This was different. It almost felt like the world was moving slower around me. Ah... I've read about how adrenaline can affect both ability and perception. Maybe it's that. Maybe I should get pissed off more often? Definitely can't argue the results! lol
Barry Bulger awakens in nothing but his tighty-whities. His arms and legs spread across the bed, tied to the post.
"Uhhh... Wha...?"
An assassin, black coat, and red scarf. He tried to kill me the other day, and I hear he works for you. Care to explain why you tried to have me killed!?
Barry looks around the room confused. He repeatedly opens and closes his eyes tightly as if to maybe wake up from this nightmare?
Suddenly the blade of Vita's katana stabs into the bed, just inches away from Barry's most private of areas... Damn VV!?!
Realizing the gravity of his current situation, Barry's eyes fill with fear as he stumbles for the words.
"I... I... Uh.. Who are you!?!"
Vita snarls as she leans in, just inches from her and Barry's faces touching.
Someone who's pretty fricking tired of people always trying to FUCK with her!
Vita wrenches the sword towards Barry, pressing ever so slightly against his manhood, but with just enough pressure to draw a slight flow of blood that quickly stains the white cloth around it. Vita licks her lips seeming lost in the moment and enjoying this all far too much. Seriously V, you've been acting strange since leaving Anarchy, but this... This is next-level O-O-C!
Now tell me why YOUR assassin tried to kill me!
"I... I don't know! I never ordered a hit on you! I don't even know who you are!!!"
Say that I believe you... How would I find this assassin so that I may ask him myself?
"I can not tell you that! He would kill you, then me!"
Oddly Vita smiles.
I will do worse.
We shift outside of Barry Bugler's window where we hear him scream in agony over and over again until the screams died with a whimper.
![[Image: meet.jpg]](
Moments later Vita slips through the window and uses a grappling gun to repeal down.
Okay, wow... Things got a little carried away back there. I know that, and I know that using my anger as an excuse to go on a murderous rampage doesn't make it right. I've tried so very hard to be good, to follow Ruby's example, to be a hero, and do you know what I've come to realize? It's good to have morals and standards, but it's true bravery to be willing to put those aside for the better good, and wiping these murderous villains off of the face of the world so that no one else can ever be hurt by them again is a noble enough reason in my book...
I have no regrets.
It's mere minutes till 10pm. We open on an undisclosed backroad bridge. Villains have such odd meeting places.
![[Image: Assassin.jpg]](
The shadowy assassin that had attacked Vita and left her for dead. In all of this, it's odd that she's yet to learn his name. He waits patiently, completely motionless, but he does not know that his expected company will not be arriving tonight. Instead...
![[Image: ASSBUTT.jpg]](
Vita leaps through the air at an amazing pace, but to her surprise, the masked assassin manages to not only dodge her blow but also get the drop on her! He pins her to the ground by her neck as he studies her.
"Hmmm, you're much stronger than you should be. I miscalculated the force of your will."
The strange man looks her over as VV struggles to break free.
"Settle child, you do not possess the power to best me."
![[Image: tumblr-66b06dddc495bebc86818720f9c1f843-...0-1280.gif]](
The man releases his grip on VV and falls back to his butt clenching his chest as VV lowers her smoking gun and climbs up to her feet.
Looks like I have all the power I need! Now, who hired you to kill me!?
The man just smiles, causing Vita to raise her gun at his head.
Either way, you don't walk away from this, but don't think I won't bring a world of pain down onto you first if you don't tell me what I want to know!
A defiant smile still on his face, the man poises the following question.
"How many have you killed tonight just to find me?"
"How easy did it come, when you took their lives?"
Vita's brow drops and her teeth clench as she pulls her sword and steps it, placing the blade to his neck.
Pretty frickin easy! Now, WHO HIRED YOU TO KILL ME!?!"
Suddenly the man vanishes before her eyes, only to reappear behind her to whisper in her ear.
"To kill you? Nobody..."
Vita reacts by slashing the air as she spins around to see the assassin vanish into a mist.
What the!?!
A black mist moves in behind her, manifesting into the masked assassin.
"I was hired to make you better."
Vita slashes the air again.
Again, nothing but air! Vita anticipates his move and preemptively swipes her sword behind her, but the mysterious man catches the blade in his hand!
"I was hired to give you a gift. All of the pain and loss that you cause tonight? For nothing. You were always meant to know who granted you your new abilities."
Vitaa's hands begin to shake as she releases the hilt of her sword and nervously steps away from the strange man. She nearly jumps out of her skin when her sword falls to the ground and the man appears behind her again!
"I was told of a girl who dreamt of being a superhero but had no powers. A champion fighter, but lacked the strength. You have been granted both, thanks in part to a sizeable tribute from "your friend" Jessica."
Vita's eyes widen. She doesn't even bother turning to face him...
What have you done to me?
Tears begin to form in the corners of her eyes as she trembles.
"As I said when we met. I've given you a gift..."
Vita turns to find the man has vanished again, only to appear behind her again! He cuts his wrist with a sharp dagger. As the blood begins to run from his wrist, he grabs VV and shoves the bleeding wound into her mouth! She fights and pushes, but as the blood flows, her struggles fade, until she is willingly drinking from the wrist of her attacker.
WHY!?! Why would you give me the power to suck your frickin brains out of your frickin noses after I smash your frickin heads with my bare hands!?
You know that, right Boby!?!
This is all about Miss "All Eyes On Me" Fury and her desperate need to be the center of attention in EVERY aspect of her life! We had a fight! I said mean things! and once upon and time, I felt bad for it. I really did, but now? C'mon maaan, any goodwill you may have still had with me, pitty or otherwise, you might as well count on that shiz being dead and gone forever...
How do you even find a vampire!? That's what I want to know! I want to know how some jealous little bitch like you managed to track down a mythical being who JUST SO HAPPENED to be an assassin that would be willing to turn me into a FRICKIN VAMPIRE!
You didn't! no way! More likely! You had Bobby cook something up in the lab, or you had Oswald reach into some crappy horror universe or something!
BUT WHY!? I DON'T WANT TO BE A GOTH KID! I'm the squeaky clean face with attitude only matched by my self-confidence issues! I'm the flawed role model that little girls learn from! I'm not a frickin Vampire!
Okay.... Calm down.... I'll find a way to fix this. Some old-world magic or something. Meantime, don't think for a moment that I'm letting you or any other BOB willingly following the command of the wicked maybe leader Miss Fury. Leader or no, the end all be all here is this, if you're cool with BOB in any way, I'm going to frick you up and make you pay for encouraging a sociopathic prima donna and introducing her to the world of advanced science and science-fiction being not so fictitious! You assholes give her-her power! Before BOB she was just a stressed college student that was a little clingy. Now you idiots have opened Pandora's box by giving her the power and resources that you have, but hey, what's ruining someone's life... No, ENDING, literally, because I'm pretty sure that I don't exactly qualify as alive anymore! So what's ENDING someone's life when it comes to the alleged "big paydays" in BOB?
I'll tell you what it is, your titles, careers, your very lives are all forfeit! They are mine to do with as I see fit!
A Frickin Vampire!?
You know Bobby, coming into this match, I wasn't very sure of myself. Sure, I asked for the match, and I put on the tough face, but deep down, I was scared. I've seen what you can do. I've seen what you have done, back then when I was just a fan, and today, as you stand on the opposite side of the line to me, living it up in BOB and carrying every belt you've challenged for in recent memory.
You've done well, but that ends starting now! You're confident. Maybe you didn't know what Miss Fury had set into motion. Maybe you didn't realize that you facing a supernatural being that's not so fricking happy about the whole fricking scenario that she just so happens to hold your boss, buddy, or bitch that gets passed around the BOB locker room after everyone EXCEPT for her wins their matches each night!
Who knows, right? The whole point of the BOB double talk is to keep everyone guessing as to what the actual truth is, but everyone seems to forget that the distraction tactics only work when the mark allows them to. I don't care what the hierarchy of BOB is! I hold you ALL responsible for this, and EVERYTHING else ANY ONE OF YOU has done to hurt another!
Bobby, for you, that means a lesson in humility! I know you're a good guy, like it or not and I don't give a frick if you admit it, you're a good and decent guy, but you've let your judgment become clouded by greed and fame! You think that you're respected now? No, hell no! Why do you think OCW is in such a fuss to get their tag belts off of you!? the name Bobby Bourbon doesn't command respect! It doesn't hold prestige! Winning a title, and elevating a championship are two different things, and you've failed at the latter! Can you honestly say that the tag division is stronger or better now than it was six months ago? How many main events have the Bastards stolen with the overly popular tag division? None, because end of the day, win or lose, A Bastards match is just a sideshow attraction of brutality.
I can handle brutality pretty darn well these days. We're making "Vicious" Vita Valenteen look like a Saturday morning cartoon character.
Speaking of Cartoon characters, our favorite deceased junkie whose body was taken over by a time-traveling assassin only to be corrupted by The Engineer, who died, but the guy who was first dead is the only one alive... What was I saying?
Oh yeah, your point about beating Corey. I concur totally! Especially seeing as I solidly defeated him during my Xtreme Championship run that lead me to a 24/7 briefcase! Oh, except for the part where you refuse to admit the challenge he actually poses to anyone brave or stupid enough to stand across from him inside of this ring. Sure, he may not be a big brutish bull in the proverbial china shop, but there's no denying his success, then or now.
But you BOBs tend to do that, don't you? Blow yourselves up as some sort of BIG BAD and put everyone opposing you down. Heck, it's the name of the game. I know what you're selling! The only difference is that you guys lie and manipulate to try and confuse people and make them look stupid. Shatter their confidence before you ever set foot in the ring.
It's a smart play. It works, obviously, but it won't work here. Not with me.
Not now.
You felt like a failure at War Games?
Good. you are a failure, but not because you, a soldier, failed to leader you team to victory. No, you're a failure because you have betrayed yourself and your fans, myself chief among them! Formally! And for what? The instant gratification that BOB has brought you!? And for that, you turn a blind eye to all of the fricked up stuff your friends do, EVEN WHEN YOU SOMETIMES HELP THEM DO THEM!
Also Bobby, dude, I haven't lost to Ruby. What are you talking about!?!
For a group that's always crying about how nobody pays them any attention over on "their Anarchy show", you shouldn't make mistakes like that...
Especially when it's your "boss" that's built the reputation for losing to Rubes!
And just like how you'll be the first of a growing reputation of BOB's losing to ME!
![[Image: VVAvatar.png]](
Well, at least she's not focused on her loneliness anymore! LOL, and while it's no "Stone Cunt", I wonder how the world will react to "Vampress Vita Valenteen"!?!
1x Anarchy Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
1x Lord Of Violence (March 2022)
2x Tag Team Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
3x Heavy Metalweight Champion
1x Federweight Champion
24/7 Briefcase Winner - March 2019
2019 Tweener Of The Year
Match History