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Lynx Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

07-19-2020, 02:16 PM


In-Ring Name:Lynx

Wrestler's Real Name:Eron Hunter

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Wrestler Date of Birth:18.12.1995


Weight:200 lbs

Hometown:Okinawa Japan ( From Sicily, Italy)

Personality: The calm and dreamer type

Looks Description: Very strong build. Wears a Lynx Mask.

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Pic Base, if any: Tekken's King

Strengths:Swift like the wind. Strong like a Tiger

Weaknesses:Sociophobe. Lacking Focus when Enraged

Entrance Theme Music:" Long Walk Home" By Howl Trance

Special Entrance (if any):

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Springboard dropkick
Reverse Enzuigiri
Northern Lights Suplex
Exploder Suplex
Gutwrench Suplex

Trademark Move(s):Hichō Rangeki Ha (飛鳥乱戟波
Description(s):Springboard Knee Strike

Gosha Fūretsu Ken 五車風裂拳
Springboard Larriat

Finishing Move(s):Ousou Reppa (鴨掻裂破
Description(s): Second Turnbuckle Falcon Arrow

Flame Desperado
Description(s): Wrist-Clutch Burning Hammer

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: Top Rope Kendo Stick Strike. Springboard Chair Strike

Additional notes:

Eron Hunter started his Pro Wrestling career in the NCW as Vagabond in 2017, his career was greatly successful. He won ninety percent of his matches in the Federation. He quit NCW suddenly and without any reason and disappeared without a trace, without being able to win any championships.

He appeared in Maximum Japan Pro Wrestling as a Masked Fighter, Lynx, because of his wish to test himself as a relatively unknown Fighter. Eron won his First Championship Belt in MJPW and was able to retain it until the federations end.

He is known as MJPW´s greatest Junior Heavyweight Champion ever.

With MJPW closing its Doors, Eron was forced to find a new place to call home; his travels brought him into HOSS, where he faced new challenges and challengers.After Eron joined HOSS, MJPW reopens its doors and thus Eron found himself fighting for two Federations at the same time.

He fought as Eron Hunter, Lynx's alter ego for a while, until both federations he fought for, closed their doors. Eron disappeared for a while from the wrestling business. Now he is back in XWF, as Lynx again, ready to take on new challenges.

[Image: UX4wNFD.jpg?1]
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