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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 3 RP Board 2019
Vinnie Lane Rapes Fun!
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Unknown Soldier Offline

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09-15-2019, 05:38 AM

Vinnie Lane bursts open the door to his trailer just outside the arena on Coney Island immediately following Anarchy coming off the air, sweating profusely and indeed in a massive hurry to avoid the crowds of people piling out of the building and noticing him run far ahead of them. He slams the door behind him and immediately starts trying to rearrange his pants, and in particular his groin area as it is immediately apparent that he has an enormous erection stretching and trying to get out of his pants.

Who wouldn't after having a front-row seat to all those ladies talking about their panties and going at it in the main event on Anarchy that evening. He keeps trying to pat it down profusely as he knows some person is going to be pestering him soon about the events that transpired that evening, but no matter how many attempts it is to no avail. The door knocks twice as Vinnie reaches to try and lock it quickly to stop whomever from coming inside, but at the last moment before his fingers can reach the door handle it opens and the person outside has decided to just let themselves in.

In walks the most attractive woman you've ever seen in your life. She's got that perfect hourglass figure with long legs, huge-juggs, and a tight pooper. Seriously, she makes that bitch that Tim Tebow was boning serenading with scripture, look like Mia Yim. The kind of sexy that can only be described completely and in precise details in a Peter Gilmour promo. Vinnie has to instantly turn around to face the other direction before embarrassing himself by facing her and showing her the obvious oblong bulge in his pants.

Vinnie Lane: "What the hell, you ever hear of a little thing called privacy!"

Vinnie turns his head to see who the intruder was and begins looking a bit bumfuzzled on his face and confused at the incredibly attractive woman at his door. Not so much that a hot chic was at his door; he's always been used to that, but rather more or less who the person was and why they were there. He starts eyeing her up and down and comes to a conclusion that perhaps she's a super fan and wants to get a little hot and heavy after that sick show he just put on for the XWF fans. He starts thinking that maybe he does want her to see the bulge but instead blurts out a pathetic attempt at a pick-up line.

Vinnie Lane: "Pardon me, mi'lady."

Even this XWF owner and executive and known chic magnet is so stunned by her beauty, he resorts to pick up lines of this pathetic caliber, as he stares back at her like a deer in headlights caught in some hypnotic gaze of spectacular beauty. Still ensuring not to turn and face her as the rock star's rock hard red rocket is now even more so standing at attention. He realizes his foolish mistake and tries again to woo her.

Vinnie Lane: "I'm sorry, what I meant to say was, how can I help ya, toots?"

Not much better, and he must have realized how big of a fool he was to think she was here to be sexually conquested by him, and perhaps she's just some dumb journalist or reporter looking for an interview. In an attempt to avoid the conversation from getting anymore strange, he reaches his right hand over his shoulder still facing away from her with his head tilted over his shoulder as well. This being an obvious attempt to shake her hand, but instead, it's a completely awkward situation and he's clearly only made things worse now.

She gives him this mystifying look as she is obviously creeped out but still manages to interject and speak before Vinnie can try any more peculiar handshakes. She sits down in a chair behind Vinnie, and he uses this as ample time to swing his body around his desk and sit in his big comfortable office chair behind his desk and hide his boner from the sexy lady under the table.

Brianna Blaire:"Don't you remember me, Vinnie? We met at that Winger concert the other night and you said you needed a new case lawyer for XWF and so you gave me a job!"

Vinnie Lane: "I was really, really drunk at that concert you'll have to refresh my memory."

Brianna Blair: "You lied to me! You said you were sober and would remember me! I kept asking you if you were sure you wanted to hire some porn star you met at the concert as your new personal case lawyer as even I thought it sounded a bit ridiculous. But you PROMISED me you were sober and SERIOUS!"

Vinnie Lane: "Sorry babe, but how the hell is anyone supposed to enjoy a Winger concert when they're sober?"

Brianna Blair: "You told me I was smart!"

Clearly this woman is not very smart to be convinced of such idiocy, but none the less, somehow Vinnie must have pulled some kind of rabbit out of a hat at this Winger concert and impressed this sexy ass lady somehow. Liquid courage in their previous encounter must have given him the ability to swoon this woman where he had failed to do so just moments ago.

Vinnie Lane: "You look like you're very sexy -- er--- I mean SMART! Yes, sorry VERY SMART!"

Brianna Blair: "Really?! You think so?!"

Look at this fucking magician as he's obviously turning this around with this girl? Can you believe this folks? If there's ever a woman sexy enough for him to cheat on Roxy Cotton with its definitely Brianna Blair! She leans in..... he leans in...... they both wet their lips and then.....

"VINNIE LAME !!!6!!!6!!!6!!!"

His trailer's door comes flying past Vinnie in the blink of an eye and smashes against the wall of the trailer wall directly behind him and his desk and shatters into broken pieces of wood and glass all over the scene. Unknown Soldier has kicked it in so hard that it's an entire existence is what used to be solid steel and wood, is instead now a pool of putty on the drywall of Vinnie Lane's trailer.

Unknown Soldier: "WHAT THE FUCK is this I hear about you relinquishing my match request for Relentless. I'm the Universal Champion and that means I get to pick the match stipulation!"

Vinnie Lane: "Soldier, can't you see I'm in the middle of something here?"

Vinnie says trying to emphasize a harsh point that his conversation with this girl he nods to is important, in hopes that Soldier will just go away. The sadistic slaughterer instead walks right up to the incredibly attractive woman and snaps her neck in half thinking nothing of it. She falls to the ground wiggling and fidgeting for a brief moment before going completely stiff and dead.

Vinnie Lane: "Really?! Then after something like that you have the nerve to wonder why I won't let you have this... Let me make sure I'm reading this right...."

He finds a pair of readers glasses and puts them on, then Vinnie puts on a pair of latex gloves that he has sitting next to his desk, and then scatters some notes on his table and then picks up a piece of paper that looks like it's been spit and pissed on and smells absolutely terrible. He holds it as far away from his face as possible as he reads it aloud.

Vinnie Lane: "SEVEN LAYERS OF SCAT AND RELENTLESS RAPE match stipulation you requested against Robert Main for the pay per view! I know it's a pay per view, but still dude, that's waaaaaay too far beyond the lines of common decency!"

Unknown Soldier: "Please Vinnie!"

Soldier gets down on his hands and knees and starts to plead with Vinnie.

Vinnie Lane: "Do you beg like a bitch like this when you pray to SATAN! too? The answer is still no."

Soldier gets up from kneeling and starts stomping around on the ground and throwing a temper tantrum like a little kid.

Unknown Soldier: "But, don't you get it Vinnie, my real name's Dante as you know because you call me it sometimes when you think you're being smart and coy with me. You see, we're going to do this whole Dante's Inferno thing where Scatbear is the final referee in the seventh layer of mother fuckin' scat bitch! I even used the name of the pay per view as a play on word for creativity! It will be the most epic and amaz....."

Vinnie Lane: "N-O! No freakin' way dude are we going back to doing rape, scat, or c- diffed dipped in diarrhea dildo matches anymore! I don't care if you are the Universal Champion. It's a damn disgrace what you did to this place years ago when you earned that 24/7 briefcase as Xtreme Champion so that you could now cash in for the Universal Title. I've finally turned this place into something with a little bit of dignity and respect since that fucking dwarf left us!"

Unknown Soldier: "You let me rape Ghost Tank that one time."

Vinnie Lane: "Yes, when frodo smackins was a general manager here there was so much rape and shit going around, it was hard for me to keep track of, and also, it's Ghost Tank need I say more? I actually feel sorry for YOU for actually doing it to him rather than the other way around."

Unknown Soldier: "Touche. However, let's just see how you like it when I one-up you on my ultimate plans to humiliate and desecrate this place still despite no more fun match stipulations for me! If you won't let me have the match stipulation I requested I will be forced to embarrass and humiliate this entire situation beyond belief. For that very reason, our match will be a standard pinfall match."

Vinnie Lane: "Wow, seriously? Smoke more meth than normal today, dude? You sure you're feeling alright?"

Unknown Soldier: "Only there is one slight catch; however, it has nothing to do with someone being a giver and the other a receiver of what's cumming on their forefront or their backside."

Vinnie Lane: "I feel like I'm going to regret this but, alright, let's hear it, dude? What's the catch because not like I didn't know it was coming!"

Unknown Soldier: "King Kong Bundy once upon a time demanded that his matches have a five-count pinfall to determine the winner! Although this match will be a normal and standard match in the ring, it will be for a 666 COUNT PINFALL. That's right mother fuckers! You want it nice and long and boring then that's exactly what the fuck you're going to get Vinnie! The winner will be determined by who can pin their opponent's shoulders to the mat for the referee to make a 666 count pinfall. If at XX when you were falling asleep to that Ranma Saotome vs some shitty wrestler from some shitty fed match, imagine what kind of long and drawn out bullshit he will have to endure for a 666 count pinfall match at Relentless for the main event with me in it!"

Vinnie Lane: "Damnit, again with this annoying shit Soldier, our time slot on pay per view is only 4 hours for that final day of Relentless. If someone is laying down on the mat for a count of 666 while being pinned I'm pretty sure they're dead and will have to run far past that four hour time frame."

Unknown Soldier: "Precisely! I need to make an example out of Robert Main by beating him to death. I need to make an example out of him for others to see and that is exactly why I will be dedicating this match to Steve Jason and The Brand. After Relentless, that match those two had at XX will be the second-longest most boring standard match in the history of ever. The only difference in my match against Robert Main is I'm going to physically copulate my cock into his colon so hard he won't be able to stand after a count of 666 or quite possibly ever again! I will smash his fat ugly bearded face beneath my boots until he bleeds out! In the end, there will be a winner and it will most certainly be ME! and it definitely won't be any kind of fucking fairy tale finish like at XX with those two queers!"

Soldier laughs as sadistically as Peter Gilmour before Vinnie interjects into his hyena-like roars of laughter into the sky. Taunting, mocking, and annoying Vinnie in front of all the little SATAN!tes watching at home.

Vinnie Lane: "You no-good son of a bitch! Why! Why do you continuously find ways to troll and annoy me at any cost? Scaring and killing all these attractive women I was about to work my mojo on, and then constant annoyances and temper tantrums on almost a daily basis. Why can't you just be fucking normal for once in your life and not make everything such a god damn joke all the time, dude! You know what, NO! I'm finally putting my foot down on this one and I'm not going to allow this match to go on this way.

Fine, you want this 666 count fall match to take place, that's fine and dandy, but I'm not subjugating my fans to the boredom of some kind of MiGrAiNe and Verne Gagne golden age match for hours on end while you two perform scoop slams and then try to punish each other with piledrivers to the point of where a 666 count is actually necessary. You want to kill each other, that's fine, this is going to be a freakin' street fight dude! Yes, you'll get to keep your 666 count fall stipulation, but there is going to be all sorts of weapons and fun little adventures for you to find on the streets of Miami! That way you can at least kill one another sooner and actually get to a real 666 count pinfall!"

Unknown Soldier: "Can I have torture devices?"

Vinnie Lane: "As long as it doesn't involve feces or penetrating one or more of someone's orifices then yes."

Unknown Soldier: "Shit, you really are no fun! Can we at least compromise and have 666 dildos dipped in c-diff outside the ring! You have to give me something here!"

Vinnie Lane: "Alright, fine, you can have ONE! ----- let me repeat that again ------ ONE! dildo. But it's going to be hidden somewhere and you'll just have to go find it amongst the carnage, dude."

Unknown Soldier: "But, how am I supposed to humiliate Steve Jason's legacy any further if this is some kind of 'what the fuck' street fight match with a single dildo in it. They had a standard match at XX! I mean, my new slave Cyren will be wearing my Universal title match belt on the outside of the ring, but that's just not enough I'm afraid."

Vinnie Lane: "Will paint Steve Jason's face on the lone dildo that will be hidden very well somewhere for you to find!"

Unknown Soldier: "Hey! Wow! You haven't lost all your mojo yet Vinnie!"

Vinnie Lane: "If I give you this Steve Jason face painted on hidden dildo will you leave me alone forever!"

Unknown Soldier: "Let's compromise, how about five minutes?"

They begin to jabber back and forth both trying to jockey for position and win the compromise.

Vinnie Lane: "At least until after Relentless."

Unknown Soldier: "One single 24 hour day."

Vinnie Lane: "Fine, now get the hell out of here, dude!"

Unknown Soldier: "Can we dip the dildo in Steve Jason's pussy he just recently grew so it will be easier for me to smell and find?"

Vinnie Lane: "Sure dude, whatever, just get the hell out of here for fucks sake!"

Unknown Soldier: "Then it's a deal! See! We can compromise Vinnie I knew it!"

Soldier reaches out his hand to shake Vinnie's. The XWF owner stands up to reciprocate the gesture and unfortunately forgets that deep down in his spandex tight pants is still a raging problem. Soldier notices it immediately and a crooked smile comes across his face.

Unknown Soldier: "I knew you'd be excited to see me back here in the XWF again, Vinnie!"

Vinnie gets embarrassed and his cheeks turn a bit red as he tries to explain himself by nodding to the dead woman on the floor.

Vinnie Lane: "No, you see, she was in here and I...."

Unknown Soldier: "Yeah, sure, whatever you say, she's been dead for over twenty minutes now, !"

Soldier looks completely confused and starts looking around aimlessly into the air wonder where the bleeping sound of him being censored just came from

Unknown Soldier: "Whoa! What the hell just happened!"

Vinnie Lane: "You just got censored, you can't say that anymore it's offensive."

Unknown Soldier: "Oh, you better be fucking kidding me! Nobody bleeps me Vinnie! NOBODY! Do you hear me...."

Vinnie Lane: "I just did and I'll do it again."

Soldier starts stewing around in circles inside Vinnie's trailer and getting beat red in the face. He's about to explode in anger and rage!


Soldier gets more enraged as he hears more of his words getting bleeped by the censors. He chucks Vinnie's computer monitor sitting in front of him on his office desk in his trailer against the side of the wall, smashing it to pieces. Vinnie has had enough and points towards the door with a stern look on his face directly at Soldier, glaring at him without blinking an eye and raising his voice immensely.

Vinnie Lane: "That's enough! Now get out of here!"

Unknown Soldier: "Fuck you Vinnie!"

"Hail [Image: pUgtAVa.gif]!"

Vinnie chuckles to himself realizing what the censors had just done.

Unknown Soldier: "Oh hell no! Where are these censors at Vinnie! I will rape them all! They can't bleep my mother fucking catch phrase Vinnie!"

A light bulb goes off in Vinnie's head as he sees an opportunity to rid him of this annoying little meth headed freak.

Vinnie Lane: "That's Theo's department, maybe you should go annoy --- er ---- I mean, ask him!"

Unknown Soldier: "I'm going to find him and rape that too! What the FUCK! Stop it! I'm coming for you douchebags if it's the last thing I do...."

He kicks his foot as hard as he can where a door should be on the trailer but is already missing from when Soldier arrived and kicked it in. Instead, the Universal Champion falls outside and lands face first in the dirt knocking himself out. Vinnie makes his way out of the trailer and steps over the moron continuing past him and simply leaving the deranged freak unconscious face down in the dirt in front of the rock star XWF owners personal trailer....
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[-] The following 10 users Like Unknown Soldier's post:
(09-15-2019), (09-16-2019), "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (09-29-2019), Atticus Gold (09-15-2019), Azrael Erebus (09-15-2019), Corey Smith (09-15-2019), Doctor Louis D'Ville (09-16-2019), Peter Fn Gilmour (09-16-2019), Theo Pryce (09-29-2019), Vita Frickin Valenteen (09-19-2019)

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