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Wylie Sinclair
Author Message
Wylie Sinclair. Offline
There's no strings attached on me

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

01-23-2019, 12:03 AM


In-Ring Name: Clockworks

Wrestler's Real Name: Wylie Sinclair

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 180lbs

Hometown: Fukuoka, Japan

Current Place of Residence: Manhattan, New York

Personality: Highly intelligent, extremely clever and charming, Wylie is passionate and absolutely driven by outstanding determination and sheer willpower, that's derived from the things that he deems important. He is tremendously compassionate and caring, he never turns his back on a friend. He never falters or fails to come through either. In a heartbeat, he is always there, no matter what. Despite being half A.I and half cyborg, he has been noted as being far more kind, responsible, trustworthy, honorable and helpful, than any human in history. Always learning and constantly adapting, he has come a long way from being a mere computer program that became sentient and this goes beyond the simple fact of building himself a body. Some say in the process of learning and growing, he even managed to develop a soul. With a distinct, unique perspective and an amazing, uncanny ability to see things from both a very mortal perspective, as well as a highly mechanical, computerized standpoint, he is the best of two worlds. Human and robotic, wrapped into one package. Wylie is brave, honest, fearless in the face of danger and loyal. The type of gentleman that you always want in your corner.

Pic Base, if any: Grant Gustin (The Flash)
[Image: Grant-Gustin-en-THE-FLASH.jpg]

Strengths: Superior intelligence and combat training. Wylie is an exceptionally adaptive fighter, skilled in multiple methods of combat. With enhanced stamina, strength, durability, dexterity and agility.

Weaknesses: In spite of the tremendous journey that he has traveled in the eyes of being human, he is still a machine. He can be shut off and his program can be deleted. Though this information is considered to be top secret. It isn't impossible to figure out.

Entrance Theme Music: Thorn Within - Metallica

Special Entrance (if any): Coming soon...

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:

Leg/Fist/Elbow Drop
Big Boot
All Kicks
Belly to Back Suplex
All Submissions and Holds
Chokeslam to Hell
All versions of a Clothesline
Cradle Backbreaker
Slingshot Plancha

Trademark Move(s): Resistance Is Futile, Welcome To The Machine
Description(s): Falcon Arrow, Ripcord Knee

Finishing Move(s): Ctrl+Alt+Del, More Than Meets the Eye, Error 404
Description(s): Superman Punch, Blackout Stomp, Bridging Northern Lights Suplex

[Image: xaH7rBy.jpg]
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