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Suicide Jack
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Suicide Jack Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

02-27-2017, 07:31 AM


In-Ring Name: Suicide Jack

Wrestler's Real Name: John "Jack" Carmichael Jr.

New to XWF or a returning roster member?:

Wrestler Date of Birth: 2/29/1984

Height: 6'1

Weight: 200 lbs

Hometown: Billings, Montana

Personality: Unhappy, determined

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Tween - he does what he needs to do in order to achieve his goals. Nothing personal.

Looks Description: Scrawny, pale, dirty blonde.

In-Ring Clothing: Jack will typically wear apparel relevant to where he has been recently. He loses track of time and trends.

Ethnicity: White.

Pic Base: Older Macauley Culkin

[Image: Macaulay-Culkin-Dating-History.jpg]


Strengths: Quick. Smart. Is used to pain. Fearless.

Weaknesses: Not very physically strong. No real wrestling training.

Entrance Theme Music: Marilyn Manson - Mechanical Animals

Entrance Description:

As the theme music plays, Jack emerges from behind the velvet curtains. His disheveled appearance belies the piercing focus and determination in his ice blue eyes.

He pulls deep on a cigarette, then tosses the butt to the side of the ramp before marching to the ring with a trail of smoke dangling from his mouth like a balloon string. Jack then sits in his corner on the second turnbuckle, awaiting the match to begin.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:

Sunset Bomb
Canadian Destroyer
Bloody Sunday
Double Foot Stomp
Flying Headbutt
Guillotine Legdrop

Trademark Move(s):

1. Time Warp
2. Unthought Known


1. Running dropkick while opponent is in tree of woe
2. One winged angel

Finishing Move(s):

A Wrinkle In Time


Burning Hammer, but with a twist at the end so the opponent lands face first onto Jack's knees in backstabber/codebreaker fashion.

Favorite Hardcore Attacks:

Jack will put his body at risk in any way he needs to, whether it be diving from high places, wrapping things like electrical cords or barbed wire around his neck and torso, etc.

Additional notes:

Time is a motherfucker.

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