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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
New Beginnings: RP #1
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Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

06-11-2021, 07:43 PM

Vidant North Hospital || Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina || 11:13 PM

...May 27th...

After landing in Florida to drop Dolly with Corey, I got the call from Frankie that the twins were coming. It was simultaneously exciting and frightening news. Needless to say, there was no way that I’d miss the birth of my children. The flight up was only about two hours but when you’re excited with nervous anticipation, two hours seems to crawl on by at a snails pace.

During that short flight, I had the solitude I needed to think about a lot of things. What to do about my mother, grandfather and Jacob Anderson, whose remains all rested in the cargo hold. How I’d approach my father about what I’ve learned and how to tell him exactly what happened. Whether or not I should take a kinder approach to that subject. Our fight was what it was and no, I’m still not proud of it. In the moment, maybe I was. But what it boils down to is as much as my mother was taken from me over lies, so was his wife.

Certainly I’ll try and keep that in mind, but at the same time… his history of acting rather than considering evidence has cost him his entire life. He’s content now, running his security company in Virginia, but had he considered evidence and waited for reliable intelligence, those few hundred Iraqi school children would not have died years ago. The American government would not have put a price on his head. I would not have staged a coup and taken leadership from him. And most importantly, my mother would still be here.

Additionally, I thought a lot about Frankie and made the decision to get him into therapy for the trauma he’s endured over the last 12 months: his mothers murder, his fathers arrest, the hijacking, the adoption drama, and whatever happened when he was in foster care that he’s not yet ready to talk about. To this point, I’ve kind of failed him in that regard. He should’ve been in therapy the moment he came to live with me. He acts out a lot, though I rarely show it to my viewers. The XWF sees the happy, funny, playful, adorable ten year old. What they don’t see is his tendency to argue over everything. They don’t see him getting so angry that the veins in his neck pop out. They don’t see him when he’s so pissed off about something trivial that he ends up crying and screaming. I choose not to show that stuff deliberately. Those are private matters and I choose not to exploit the trauma of a child for clicks and views of an otherwise great kid with a giant heart and a kind soul. His trauma does not belong in front of my viewers and fans.

Upon landing in North Carolina and the subsequent car ride to the hospital, it was time to put my game face on, so to speak. For the last several months I had been very much self consumed and my efforts were focused solely on coming to grips with my mothers end. I’ve seen it and lived it now and I’ll mourn and grieve in my own way on my own time. This isn’t that time. Now it’s time to go suffer physical and verbal abuse from my ex-girlfriend as she brings my children into the world.

And I’ll love every second of it.

...Several Hours Later – May 28th...

Frankie, myself and Ginny stand at the nursery window looking in at all the different babies. It’s been a long night for sure and yesterday switched to today. Night time switched to day time. And I went from an adoptive father of one, to a father of three. Talon James came first and I held him for just a few moments before the nurses took him from me. And yeah… of course I cried. Roughly twelve minutes later came our daughter Caitlyn. Liz held her for just a moment before they took her away. The new momma is now asleep and resting comfortably.

”They’re all so little,” the boy says to me in reference to the eight or so babies all sleeping in those transparent bassinets.

”Everyone starts out little,” I say to him with a rub of the top of his head.

”Which ones are ours?” he asks causing me to chuckle as he struggles to see over the wall.

”Climb up,” I tell him as I hold out my arm. Like the little monkey that he is, he climbs up and sits on my shoulders. ”The two in the far right corner.”

”They’re gonna grow up and be bigger than me, aren’t they?” he asks with a sigh.

”They might,” I reply honestly. ”That doesn’t matter though. You’ll always be their big brother whether they’re bigger than you or not.”

A lot of times he gets upset because he’s small. His father was only 5’9” and his mother from what I heard was five foot nothing. Sometimes he gets picked on in school because he’s so much smaller than everyone else and I hurt for him. Kids can be real dicks. He’s kind and sweet and so loving. Frankie doesn’t deserve to be treated the way other kids sometimes treat him. But what can I do other than try and lift him up when he’s down about it? If I confronted his teachers or principal or the other kids’ parents, he’s a narc and the bullying of him just gets worse.

”Ya did good kid,” Ginny says to me in her Southern twang as she rubs the middle of my back. ”They’re beautiful.”

”I mean I can’t take all the credit,” I reply to her with a turn of my head slightly in her direction. ”Just most of it.”

”Daddy?” says a nurse, poking her head around the corner. ”Would you like to sign the birth certificates?”

”Absolutely,” I answer her as Frankie climbs down off my shoulders. He stays with Ginny as I make my way over to the nurses station.

”Full name,” she informs me as I look over the certificate and can’t help but smile.

”But it’s so long,” I say facetiously before signing them.

”Y’all decided on names, riiiight?”

”Talon James for the boy,” I tell her as she enters information into her computer. ”Caitlyn Olivia, with a C and a Y for the girl.”

”And the last name?”


”Ya sure? Y’all are unmarried.”

”It’s Duke,” I insist.

She finishes up and takes the certificates from me. ”Now to get Ms. Tate to sign...” she says as she stands up.

”No,” I interrupt her. ”She’s asleep, let her sleep.”

She stares at me dumbfounded.

”She just pushed two human beings out of her vagina… she can sign things when she wakes up.”

”You wanna take your family in to see them?” she asks me as she relents, putting aside her desire to wake the sleeping momma.

”Don’t be ridiculous, of course I do,” I reply to her as she exits the nurses station and leads the three of us into the nursery. Against the wall, she grabs a couple of chairs and slides them over to the babies bassinets.

”Can I hold one?” Frankie asks as he excitedly hops up on one of the chairs.

”Boy or girl?” I ask of him.

”Gimme my baby brother,” he answers with a smile. Being cautious, I cradle Talon’s head and neck and gently lay him in Frankie’s arms. ”Wait no, gimme the girl,” he says as his smile fades and his eyes grow wide.

”How come?”

”He just pee’d on me and now my arms wet.”

Taking Talon from him, the nurse decides to clean him up and hands Frankie a baby wipe before I grab Caitlyn and lay her in his arms. No sooner does her head touch his arm and she spits up on his shirt.

”Aw son of a bitch!” he cries out, causing me to chuckle.

”Francis Robert!” Ginny chastises, despite her want to laugh.

”Well what’d you expect!?” he retorts as the nurse hands me Talon then takes Caitlyn from him. ”I just met them and they’re spewing bodily fluids all over me!”

We spent as much time as the nurses would allow in with the babies. Frankie got over his disgust quickly from the babies leaking fluids onto him. He sat holding each one for a good ten minutes apiece and telling them stories about what it’ll be like to be his little brother and sister, and the things he wants to teach them when they’re older. Telling them how cool he thinks ‘our dad’ is and how awesome their mom is. He told them they’d always be safe and if they didn’t feel they were to tell him and he’d have me fix it.

It was fuckin’ adorable to be perfectly honest. Regardless of my upbringing, my quirks and my flaws, I’m truly the luckiest man in the world right now.

After about 45 minutes, the nurse let me know that Liz was awake and wanted to see me. Naturally, I laid the twins down to sleep since at this hours old stage of their lives, that’s really all they do when they’re not eating or pooping.

In Liz’s room, she’s sitting up a bit eating some jello.

”Hey Momma,” I greet her as I walk in.

”This jello sucks,” she says as she works hard to get every last bit of it out of the little cup.

”Clearly,” I joke. ”We just laid the twins down,” I inform her as I near the edge of her bed.

”Aww! I wanted to see them!” she says as a tear escapes her eye.

”I can make that happen,” I tell her as I about turn to leave. ”I can be very persuasive.”

”No its fine, let them sleep awhile.”

”How are you feeling?”

”Like I just pushed a couple watermelons outta my vag, how ‘bout you?” she asks as I bend down and give her a big but gentle hug.

”Like I’ve been awake for a day and a half,” I answer her as I sit the edge of her bed. ”You’re the concern though, not me.”

”Where’s Frankie?”

”Ginny took him to get something to eat.”

”How is he?”

”He’s great,” I answer quickly, not realizing what she’s referring to.

”No. I mean with the babies?”

”Talon took a leak on him and Caitlyn upchucked on him. That pissed him off, but after that he was great.”

”Well, hopefully he gets used to it,” she says with a sigh.

”He’s a resilient kid, he’ll be fine,” I tell her as I stand from her bed. ”After I get back, I’mma put him in therapy.”

She looks at me.

”He’s been through a lot,” I say to her as she nods in agreement. ”I should’ve put him in awhile ago, but… I don’t want his past trauma to disrupt his happiness as he grows older.”

”I wish you could see yourself through my eyes,” she says as she lets another tear fall.

”Liz hun we’ve been over this,” I remind her gently. ”I love you, I do. But it’s just...”

”That’s not what I’m talking about,” she interrupts. ”When I first met you, you were like this scared little boy running from a life you didn’t want. You sought refuge with the only man alive that connected your blood with your mothers.

“Since then though, slowly but surely you’ve grown so much. You stopped running and started accepting who it is that you are despite you hating it with a passion. You met this amazing little boy and as a result, you’ve become the man you were always meant to be.”

”No one else is gonna do it,” I say in response.

”What I’m saying is your maturity, dumbass,” she says with a bit of a smile. ”You’ve grown into this really wonderful person. I adore you. Frankie, jesus, you’re his freakin’ hero. And our kids? Thad let me tell you baby, they’re in for it. They’ll never know anyone as fiercely loyal and protective of them as you are.”

Her comments render me silent for a long few moments. She described me much the same way those that knew my mother described her. It occurs to me and probably for the very first time that I actually am a mix of both of my parents. It’s not so one-sided after all.

Liz lays the bed back some and smiles.

”T.J. looks like you,” she says to me, breaking the silence. ”Spitting image. Even has your ears and your wonky eyebrow.”

”I’ll apologize for the ears when he’s older,” I say with a chuckle and a raise of my wonky eyebrow. ”T.J. though? Why give him a cool name like Talon just to call him by letters?”

”I love your ears,” she says with a smile, ignoring my question. ”There’s really not anything that I don’t love about you. Except the part where you think we don’t belong together.”

Again, silence. I don’t want to argue with her.

”So, how’d Italy go?” she asks and I hesitate to answer. She lowers her brow, ”I know Dolly went with you. That’s not what I’m talking about.”

”I learned what I thought I’d learn… a bit more too that I wasn’t expecting.”

”Such as?”

I hesitate a moment. I don’t have all the evidence yet, merely my own suspicions based upon something Jacob said. ”The Church may have played a contributing role in her death. I have Lincoln looking into it now.”

”What do you do if you find out they were involved?”

”I’m not sure I can answer that yet,” I tell her honestly. ”It looks like they were involved but unwittingly. I’m not sure I can really condemn them for playing their chess game with my father and grandfather. It looks like Jake just used what the Church was doing to drive a wedge between her and my dad to his advantage.”

”I think that’s a responsible answer,” she says as she reaches for my hand and grabs my fingers.

”Well, we’ll find out I guess.”

”So with your grandfather and Jacob conspiring against your father, does that not qualify as treason?” she asks. ”It was a plot against the crown and even by marriage, your mother was part of the crown was she not?”

”It was,” I say in response to her first question. She was.”

”What do you do about that, baby?” she asks, realizing she called me ‘baby.’ Old habits die hard. ”I’m sorry, I shouldn’t...”

”No, its okay,” I try to reassure her. ”All of their works and their files will be combed through and destroyed. Their remains will be dealt with appropriately. Well, what’s left of them.”

”What’s that mean?”

”When I woke up… I smashed my grandfathers skull.”


”Mommy and Daddy, look who’s awake,” says the nurse as she wheels in the babies. Excitedly, Liz raises her bed a little. Standing from the edge of her bed, I take Caitlyn from her bassinet and gently lay her in her mothers arms. Talon, I keep for myself and sit the edge of her bed next to her.

With a tear rolling down her face as she looks into our daughters little eyes, she gives a little sniffle. ”You did good kid,” she says with a playful slap on my thigh.

”We did good,” I correct her.

”We named you after your gramma,” Liz says to her. ”She was a wonderful woman that gave life to the most amazing man I’ve ever known,” she says quietly, wiping a tear from her eye. ”Your daddy.”

”You’re still awake!” Frankie cries out as he enters the room with Ginny on his heels. Conveniently killing Liz’s emotional moment that I don’t really know how to deal with.

”I brought you a coffee baby girl, are you even allowed coffee?” Ginny asks as she sets the hot beverage down on the table beside her.

”Thanks mom,” Liz replies as Ginny gives her a peck on her forehead. ”I don’t care if I’m allowed or not.”

Spying Frankie standing excitedly beside the bed, I look at Liz a moment before standing with the boy twin in my arms. ”Get up here,” I tell him. To which he lets out a great big smile. ”Just be gentle okay? Liz’s still in some discomfort.”

”That’s an understatement.”

Frankie climbs up on the bed and crawls up ever so gently next to Liz as he eyeballs his baby sister. Gently, I set myself down on the edge of the bed beside Frankie.

”Hi Caty,” he says as he reaches for her tiny little hand. She grabs a hold of his finger as he turns his attention to Talon. ”And you, ya little jerk. Stop peeing on me, but here.” Like Caitlyn, he reaches his hand toward his brother and the miniature version of me squeezes his finger hard.

”Now that is a pretty picture,” Ginny says as she snaps a pic of the five of us with her phone.

”Send that to me,” I say to her as she drops her phone in her purse.

”I know you guys are… well… you know,” Frankie begins with obvious hesitation.

”Frankie you know better,” I remind him. ”There’s no judgment here. You’re not gonna get mocked or made fun of. If you got something you want to say, just say it.”

”Can Liz still be my mom?” he asks after a few moments, being certain not to look up at me. Instead, he keeps his eyes squarely on his brother. It’s a fair question but one I’m not exactly prepared to answer. Before he was taken away, Liz and I were still together and that was the plan. A lot has changed since then and I don’t know exactly what the right answer is.

”Of course I can baby boy,” Liz answers him, and me too I suppose, as she puts her arm around him and gently pulls him into a hug. ”Me and Thad are me and Thad honey, you don’t need to worry about that okay?” she asks him and he nods his head. ”That won’t change me and you. Ever.”

For now at least, there’s a peace in my life. A calmness that hasn’t existed maybe ever. I don’t know what lies ahead and if anyone says they do, they’re lying to themselves. Elizabeth was and still is an amazing, special woman and I’m proud to share my children with her. I don’t know how it’ll shake out between her and I, but I do know that I love her as much as I ever did but the question on my mind is was it ever enough?

Dolly’s re-emergence into my life has caused me some consternation no doubt. Her and I reconnected on a level I’d never thought of and maybe there’s nothing there more than friendship. My emotional state the last several months could’ve definitely made me think more was going on than there really was… or is. It’s all just really confusing for me.

Was it a surprise? Was it a surprise to anyone that I walked into Leap of Faith with the intent of relieving Ned Kaye of the Hart Championship in order to restore honor, integrity and dignity to this once storied championship?

You know who the last great Hart Champion was?


Do you know how much that makes me want to vomit?

I realize Cent might take that as a shot at him, but it isn’t. The vomiting comes from each and every champion that succeeded him since his reign came to an end last summer. Let’s face it, this fucking strap has been passed around like it was Roxy Cotton at… any after party, really. But that stops now. No more Nothing and No One Idenhaus’s. No more jackasses from some other company wearing our title. No more Ned Kaye’s and R.L. Edgar’s hot potatoing it back and forth entirely diminishing the value of the championship.

It’s done.

It’s over.

It’s been mentioned before, but when I said Ned Kaye was the future of the Hart title and that he’d be a great standard bearer for the Warfare brand, I was wrong. I wanted to be right, but I wasn’t. And you know what they say, if you want something done right you have to do it yourself and that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I went after it to begin with.

I mean, that and because it was the only major XWF title that I never held.

If you want something to mean more than it currently does, you call on Thaddeus Duke. Before my name went on the Universal title, one it was vacant and two, it was rarely defended. Despite my own reign being cut short, I defended it as often as I could. Do you really think Chris Page would have defended as much as he did if it wasn’t for me doing it first? That’s not even a shot at Page. That’s a champion tipping his cap in respect to another. I hope Chris is as proud of his run as I was and still am of mine. He earned it.

Take it. Make it mean something, and move along.

There was no real tag team division until Continuum conquered Cataclysm. Since then, the XWF has had the most active and interesting tag team division it has ever had and it now takes up prime real estate on television and pay per view on a regular basis.

Take it. Make it mean something, and move along.

And that brings us to the Hart Championship that means fuck all right now. It may as well be a replica bought from the XWF shop or some shit because let me tell you something, I wear the gold there’s no getting around that. But I’ll be damned if I feel like a champion due to the mess this title has gone through over the last twelve months.

It’s worthless right now.

But it’s not gonna stay that way because just like the Universal division and just like the tag team division, I’ve taken it. Now I’m gonna make it mean something, before I move along.

So step right up Ariel Dixon. You’re the first contestant in the new era of the Hart Championship. An era in which its defended regularly. An era in which this piece of leather and gold plated tin actually means something again and I assure you Rel, you will not be the one to take it on down the line for I have only just begun to restore the heritage of it. There are battles to be had and defenses to be made and it just isn’t your time yet.

I like the guts you have, I won’t lie. I mean, you’re not even the only person to challenge me this week and just like him, I regret to inform you that stupid is just something you can’t fix. Stepping up is gutsy, stepping up to me and expecting to win… is just plain fucking stupid. In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been dominating the XWF for the last year and it’s not stopping with you.

Paul, what do we know?

5 foot 4, 130.

Resides deep inside your mind.

Dominatrix personality. Psycho to the point of scary.


That piques my interest.

Scary though? I don’t get scared and I don’t get rattled.



That’s a strength?

All or nothing attitude. Relishes pain.

That makes two of us. Destroying my body and nearly killing myself is fun. If it doesn’t hurt like hell, I’m not doin’ it right.

Weakness is a short attention span.


She doesn’t have ‘looking like a unicorn gambled on a fart and lost’ as a weakness?

Oh well.

Rel? Just a heads up. Work on that attention thing before match time because the Heat Seeker is fast and it comes out of nowhere. You could ask Ned Kaye but his bitch ass might still be asleep. So keep your eyes on me… not that you wouldn’t want to anyways… because if not, I’ll turn out your lights real fuckin’ quick and neither of us wants quick, do we?

Nahhhh… gotta have a little foreplay before the big finish. Amirite?

I mean, either we drag it out and play awhile before turning out the lights, or you turn your head at the wrong time and I turn out the lights… either way I’ll go to bed happy.

You have next to zero chance at winning this thing but you’re not gonna go home empty handed. This is your opportunity to show the XWF what you got. I mean, what you really got. You’re gonna step into my battlefield and my lights will shine on you and the eyes will be glued to you by association so do not waste this opportunity to show everyone what you’re made of.

Losses will teach you more than a win ever will so you’re gonna take this L and you’re gonna use it as a learning experience to come back stronger. If you learn nothing from this and stay a pretty little idiot, that’s on you but it won’t be for my lack of trying.

Congratulations, Rook. It’s your first crack at the big leagues.

Try not to suck.

[Image: yIk6jXf.png]

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  || 2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)
2021 Male Wrestler of the Year (shared w/ Alias) || XWF Hall of Legends
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