X-treme Wrestling Federation
Thank You - Printable Version

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Thank You - Prof. Bobby Bourbon - 03-28-2022

So, I'm not sure I've responded to everyone.

To everybody, thank you very much. To think of where I was just a couple of months ago and now having won the March Madness tourney, it's been a hell of a ride.

To TK, Kido, and Jenny, awesome work. I really appreciated everything you guys wrote, and am somewhat surprised I came out ahead. We tore the house down and lived up to the legacy of the March Madness finals. Furthermore, to Kido and Jenny, I didn't get to work with TK for once, and while I may kiss his ass a bunch more shortly, I want you to know everyone's ass deserves a big wet smooch for the work they put in.

TK, thank you for driving me to come back to the XWF and do stuff. I didn't really plan on doing any roleplaying until the summer, but you kept me engaged.

If I didn't mention you by name, thank you for reading my stuff, I am glad if you liked it, shocked if you found it technically sound in terms of rubric, and I hope I can represent as KotXWF for all of you. When I mentioned I wasn't planning on writing until July, I meant it, and I will be going to UGWC WrestleStock, only now as the King of the XWF and now I gotta represent even harder.