X-treme Wrestling Federation
Revenge is A Golden Bitch - Printable Version

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Revenge is A Golden Bitch - Alex Shawn - 06-06-2013

Revenge is A Golden Bitch

It's been almost a year now since I left Brandon back in that village in Africa. My wife had our child and we named him Jason Shawn. He's a beautiful baby boy. A week after he was born I started to plan on how I am going to get Brandon out of that hell hole. I bought some Combat knives, a pistol, and Kevlar. In exactly one day I will set out over plane to go to Africa and Free Brandon and everyone else who is trapped there. Tonight I am going to say goodbye to my Family just incase I do die. Which I do doubt is going to happen. When I was there last They didn't have any guns what so ever.

"Hey Jaimee, I'm going to Africa tomorrow. I'm finally going to get Brandon back!"

"Why do you insist to go there? You have a week old baby and you might die in Africa to save your best friend and a bunch f other people you don't even know!?"

"Because Brandon is like my brother. The Day I left him there was just..."

"It's ok Alex. I understand that Brandon and you have been close since you were both in elementary school. Just please, be here with me tonight?"

"I promise. I'll stay up all night with you and Jason if I have to... Once I come back with Brandon and Know that he is all right. I will spend all the time in the world with you two, I promise."

"I love you Alex, Just stay safe."
Me and Jaimee put Jason in his crib and then we went to our room and ya know we did some Adult stuff not fit for Luca's to see or hear. When I woke up at 8:00 in the morning I was ready to go. I grabbed my fathers dog Tags, my weapons, and my armor and I was ready for every motherfucker in that village. I called up an acquaintance I know who owns a helicopter named Nick Wesley. Me and him go back to the old Indy times. I got in his copter and we were off to Africa to save Brandon.

On the Ride there I was looking at the Gleaming waters of the ocean, Some Mexicans going in the wrong direction, The Crimson Dong Humping a shark and weird shit like that. I took a nap to get some more energy for when it was time to attack. When Nick told me that he's ready to kill these bastards if he is. I grabbed my pistol and Told Nick "Lets do this"

I jumped out of the side of the helicopter and Nick jumped out of the cockpit. The guards looked shocked, We shot them before they even had a chance to respond. I grabbed one guard and demanded to know where the hell Oluchi was. He refused to tell me so I shot him square in his fucking eyeball. I some what remembered this place and Started to look for where the shitty little throne was. and especially where the slave pens were. I saw Kwaku Hiding behind a basket. I kicked the basket and grabbed him by his neck.

"It's been some time hasn't it..."Wanka"

"Please don't kill me I'll tell you were Oluchi and the slave pens are."

" I'm Listening..."

"Oluchi is in his secret cave about a mile from here. he's doing some creepy shit with the Parunga fruit. It takes one year for them to fully develop and I guess those ones are fully developed. I would get to him quickly."


I shot Kwaku after I said that. It was him who attacked me and Brandon back in the coffee shop all that time ago. I still never found out what was wrong with my little sister. Anyways me and Nick started to jog a mile to search for this cave Kwaku told us Oluchi was hiding in. We found The cave that had two head mounted on a spike in front of it. We walked in ready for just about anything. I wasn't sure what kind of Ritual or Summoning this guy was doing but it just felt eerie. Then when we turned the corner there Oluchi was. With some kinda creepy staff, A robe made from human bones, and a hat that look like it's the skull of an eagle.

"ahhhh so nice of you to drop in Alex. It's been quiet some time hasn't it?"

"Tell me where Brandon is!"

"Now now don't be hasty Alex. I have a few qestions to ask you before we get down to business. First, How's your child Alex?"

"How do you know I have a child?!"

"Because Alex I see everything. I am GOD! Now tell me who your friend is"

"I'm not telling you his name."

"Then I will ask him myself. hello sir May I ask what your name is?"

Nick Wesley:"Bitch I ain't tellin you shit!"

"Bad choice of words young man."

This "man" then grabbed his staff and placed it on Nicks chest burning it. Killing him slowly. I then pulled out my knife and charged athim. I stabbed him right in the stomach. He then Had to tell me some stuff before I finished his ass off.

"Alex, you don't want to see Brandon in the condition he is in now. You have to believe me. Him and all of the other slaves have gone berserk. That's why I am in this cave. I summoned The demon Thamuz, The ambassador of hell, and the Demon master of Big weapons. He's going to kill all of the slaves and everyone still left on this island. Then he will return back to hell with all the souls he absorbs."

"Tell me how to stop him! Oluchi you son of a bitch don't die yet Tell me!"

"Ey yo man, I'm dying over here."

There was a hole so deep in Nick's chest that I could quite literally see his ribs. I slit his throat so he didn't have to suffer through that pain. That's when I heard Oluchi breath. He was playing possum to trick me into leaving so he can continue his ritual.

"You really thought playing possum was going to work you son of a bitch. I'm going to FUCKING SHOOT YOU! right here right now. This is for everyone you have kidnapped!, everyone you have killed, and this is for Brandon, and Nick."

I shot Oluchi In the middle of his eyebrows. Oluchi was dead. That evil tyrant That has deserved to die is finally gone. But at the cost of Nick, Who was the only one who knew how to Fly a Helicopter. I then Grabbed the key from Oluchi's corpse and the n went back to the village where all of the slaves have been kept. I unlocked the door and everyone just ran out almost instantly. I was looking at the crowd of at least a hundred or more. I couldn't find Brandon until a man with a bird approached me. It was Brandon! He grew A god damn beard.

"Brandon it's you! You actually look good for a slave."

"he he thanks I didn't stop working out, I didn't want to look like those scrawny assholes over there."

"I think it's time we get out of here. But first we're gonna have to find a boat or maybe find someone who remembers how to fly a helicopter,"

I started going around asking slaves if they knew how to fly a helicopter. I actually found one guy who knew how to fly one. I was honestly surprised. His name was Darwin Hemgar he was a mid fifties old man. He actually wasn't just lying to get out of here he knew exactly what he was doing. Me and Brandon hopped in the back. This helicopter did not have enough room to fit one hundred people so they are going to have to find their own way off the island. Brandon started to tell me some stories of what happened during his time as a slave. Some of the stories were actually interesting. But I was really tired and He as too. I handed him my blanket and pillow I brought along. He needed it more than me, We both took a nap until we were both home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


I am Teaming up with some Canadian guy who I don't know much about and we're fighting "The king of rejects" JohnnyXtreme. That name, when I hear it just reminds me of Johnny rocket fingers. Am I the only one? Then there's Brian Braxton who I literally don't know anything about him. I have heard of him but I haven't seen anything big about him. Except for the fact that he looks like Randy Orton. I don't know much about the other people in the match but It doesn't matter because I will slaughter both of them. Oh and that Canadian guy or whatever just stay in the corner and be a normal Canadian.