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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Warfare 1/17/14 - part 2
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

01-18-2014, 10:16 PM

We return from break as...


What is this? In the halls of the arena we see Michael McBride laid out on the floor.

A steel chair laying next to his motionless body...

And standing over him is...


it's Iron Man??? The Mighty Avenger has struck again!

Iron Man turns around to see the camera filming him and runs down the hall and out of sight. What the hell is going on in the XWF? Who is running around dressed as Iron Man?

Cameras go back to ringside as we are set for our next match up.

Stevie Tyler
- vs -
Olive Pendershore
- vs -
Mr. Supernova
Triple Threat, 1 Fall
Person pinned does not earn Trio shot

The bell rings and Olive starts out with a running dropkick to an unsuspecting Stevie that sends him spilling to the outside. Olive looks at Supernova who is only observing at this point and Olive goes out after Stevie. She stomps him several times, whips him into the barricade and eventually ends up DDTing him right into the bottom ring step!

Mr. Supernova out of nowhere!

He leaped off the top rope and caught Olive with a hurricanrana that sent her sailing over the barricade and landing in the lap of an old lady in the front row! The young teenagers who are on either side of the old lady start punching Olive in her head and anywhere else they can hit for landing on their grandma!

Fans: Beat her ass! Beat her ass!

Supernova just watches in amazement at the ferocity of the fans as more jump in to start beating down Olive. These MUST be Americans even though we're in Italy. After a few minutes, security reaches the area and escorts all of the offenders away as Olive tries to recover with some of the nicer fans helping her up and patting her on the back.

BOOM! What the fuck!?

When did Stevie snap into Gary?! Supernova never saw it happen and never saw the actual ring steps coming at him from behind. The back of his head must be in serious pain!

The steps are send tumbling off to the side as Gary pulls Supernova up and rams him shoulder first into the ringpost, then rams his head into it a few times before bringing him over to the commentators' table and powerbombing him right through it!

Olive is leaning over the barricade, still on the fan side, and watching what's happening. It's no surprise she isn't exactly hurrying into the fray after being pummeled by so many fans. She appears to be bleeding from above her left eye and that same eye is a bit swollen.

Meanwhile, Gary picks up random pieces of the broken table and throws them down at Supernova. He picks up a monitor and smashes it down onto his head.

The ref begins yelling out from inside of the ring...

Ref: I've been very lenient so far but this IS NOT an x-treme rules match! Stop using outside elements and get back into this ring before the count of TEN! ...1 ...2 ...

He continues a rather fast count as Gary grabs Supernova's ankle and drags him along toward the ring, hoisting him up and rolling him under the bottom rope. Gary slides into the ring but his own foot is being grabbed now?!? IT'S OLIVE! She's on the outside of the ring trying to pull him back out but instead he pulls her in with him!


The fans are going nuts!

Gary pins BOTH of them at the same time... He's going to cost them BOTH their possible shots at a Trio Title match! Dammit!

The ref jumps in for the count...




Winner: Gary Stevie Tyler?

The lights flicker and then remain off for a few seconds. When they return, we see a timid looking and frightened Stevie Tyler with his arm being raised by the referee...

BUT! We also see SHANE at the top of the ramp looking on with disgust!

: I don't like what I just saw happen.

The fans begin to boo.

: I don't know what you all think you just saw, but I did NOT see Steve Tyler win a match just now.

Shane blinks a few times and shakes his head back and forth, slapping it twice.

: Yeah... I don't think we saw a standard triple threat match end with a legitimate winner. This match is supposed to serve a purpose in that the ONE person pinned is the person who does NOT receive a future Trio shot. As far as I'm concerned, the rules have been violated and this match must be restarted! NOW!

The ref calls for the bell and Stevie is caught from behind with a chop block to the left knee by Mr. Supernova! Olive is also getting back up but Supernova catches her with a quick kick to the gut and... END TRANSMISSION! (STO Backbreaker to a Reverse Side Russian Leg Sweep)

Supernova goes for the pin on Olive...



...THREE.............. kicks to the head! Yes, three kicks to the head is what it takes to get Supernova off of Olive! Stevie might be in a confused and frightened state but something has given him the courage to interrupt the pin! He backs up as Supernova stands and charges... Stevie drops down with the ropes right behind him, pulling down on the top rope and Supernova goes spilling over it with all his momentum. Steve looks down at Supernova outside of the ring and then turns to look at Olive who is down and out in the middle of the ring...

Olive begins to move a little and Stevie springs into action! He pulls Olive up and into SLICED BREAD #666!

Steve hops onto Olive in a hurry, hooking the leg as the ref counts...



...Supernova with the save! He dropkicked Stevie right in the head to send him off of Olive and rolling into the corner. Supernova follows and pulls Stevie right up into a suplex that he purposely lands against the top turnbuckle causing Stevie to crash straight down on top of his head in the corner. Supernova has no problem pulling him right back up and into... DARKEST LIGHT! (cross rhodes)

Supernova turns his attention to Olive and pulls her up and sets up for the End Transmission but Olive pushes her way out of it early on and then kicks Supernova in the shin, taking his left leg out from under him and causing him to drop down to one knee. He gets up immediately but now he's receiving a boot to the stomach from Olive who is BRINGING DOWN THE HOUSE! (sitout pedigree)

Olive covers Supernova as Steve starts to very slowly recover...


Stevie starts pulling himself up with the aid of the ring ropes as the count continues...


Stevie sees Olive pinning Supernova just as the ref's hand comes down a third time...


Winner: Olive Pendershore

This takes Mr. Supernova out of a future Trio Championship match and puts both Stevie Tyler and Olive into the future Trio title shot!

X-treme Championship
Steve Davids
- vs -
John Austin
Grudge Match/Rematch from house show
X-treme Rules

The lights in the arena go dim and the sounds of multiple clocks can be heard ticking away through-out the arena. Finally the alarm sounds and the beginning to Time by Pink Floyd begins to play. Out steps John Austin from beyond the curtains. He stands atop of the stage with his hands held to his hips and surveys the arena. He makes his way down to the ring, greeting a few fans along the way.

Darkness fills the arena and there is total silence. As the music picks up Steve emerges in the shadows, with one single beam of light shining down on him. He slowly makes his way down the ramp before grasping hold of the middle rope and pulling himself onto the ring apron. He climbs into the ring over the middle rope, and riles himself up for the match.

The crowd bursts with excitement as both Steve Davids and John Austin meet in the center of the ring. Their eyes locked on each other, their faces drawn in grave expressions, it is clear that even with the loud cries echoing around them, their attention is focused solely on each other. One of these men will raise their hand in victory, but at this moment, it is not clear who. The only sure bet is that both men will give it their all tonight and nothing will stand in their way of that win. This is a match for the record books...where were you when Steve Davids and John Austin clashed?

As the bell sounds and the fans roar, this match....begins!

Steve Davids diving into immediate action and catching John Austin with a stiff right jab to the nose followed by a left hook and a Spinning Forearm! Davids then comes in quick with a High Knee soon after, leveling Austin with a Roundhouse Kick!

Austin slams to the canvas as Davids plants a boot deep into Austin's ribs. Austin curling up from the pain as Davids lands a stomp to Austin's chest before dropping a knee into his face. From there it's on to another stomp to Austin's chest, a kick to the kidneys and then Davids is off to find a weapon. Sliding swiftly from the ring and reaching below it with a destructive hunger. glowing in his eyes.

A sadistic smirk dashing across his face as he pulls a barbwire covered bat slowly from beneath the ring. Davids eyes traveling the length of the bat and you can all but imagine, the twisted visions plaguing his thoughts. As a deep and menacing chuckle emits from Davids, he slowly reenters the ring and makes his way to Austin, who is just rising to his feet.

Davids rears up the bat and swings it down! The bat connecting with a sick, wet thunk as the wires slice into Austin's shoulder. Austin going down to one knee and howling in agony as Davids raises the bat again. This time higher and with more vehemence in his eyes!

The target, John Austin, lifts his head just as Davids swings the bat down but this time, Austin raises his hand and catches the bat before it connects!

Oh my god!

Austin grips the bat as the wires cut into his hand. The blood draining as if it were on tap from his hand as he yanks the bat from Steve! Then as blood just continues to gush from the deep cuts in Austin's hand, he projects himself forward and Shoulder Tackles Davids straight across the ring! Davids' back slamming into the ring post before he drops to the canvas. The barb wire covered bat still clenched in Austin's hand as he climbs to his feet.

John Austin looks down at the blood pouring out of his hand as he slowly unclenches his fist. Ignoring the blood and the large gashes, Austin just flips the bat around, before he affixes as firm grip onto the bat's handle and then brings it down with epic force, right onto Davids' back!

Steve wails in agony as Austin delivers another blow...and then another....and then ANOTHER! Over and over again, the bat finds a home into the back of Steve Davids, until his shirt is in tatters and his back is covered in deep wounds. Then Austin tosses the bat and rips Davids up from the canvas before executing a Delayed Brain-buster Suplex!

Davids crashes to the canvas and Austin runs to the ropes. Bouncing off of them and flying to the other side, as he repeats this action a few times. Springing from one side of the ring, only to bounce off the other side to build up a crazy amount of momentum! Austin eventually building up so much speed, it looks like Austin is literally flying from one side of the ring to the other! Austin finally breaking it up, when he leaps to the side suddenly in a super fast Running Knee Drop!

Austin hurls down at Davids like a human shaped bolt of lighting! His knee aimed for Davids' head!

Oh shit!

And it doesn't connect!

Davids moves out of the way that quick, even after the beating he just received! It's inconceivable! Davids rolls out of the way and Austin slams to the canvas! Hard! Austin's Knee Drop connecting with nothing but canvas! Ooooooh so close, but not close enough!

Davids lifts himself up gingerly, his back a brutal gore filled nightmare camouflaged by all that blood that just keeps flowing. His eyes snapping straight to Austin.

Austin on one knee, raises his eyes to Davids as they meet each other's gaze briefly before Davids catches Austin with a Spin Kick, that sends Austin straight to the canvas! Austin not on the canvas more than a moment, before Davids is crashing down upon him with an Elbow Drop.

The blood from Davids' back, smears heavily on the canvas as he gets up quick from the Elbow Drop, bringing Austin up along with him as he rises. Davids hand grasping the back of Austin's neck, he then sends Austin off towards the ropes in one swing.

Austin soars forward haphazardly, smashes into the ropes and comes right back into a Big Boot from Davids! From there Davids yanks Austin up from the canvas again and proceeds to hit him with a Spike DDT! Davids goes for the pin!




A frustrated growl emits from Davids as he rises to his feet. Austin slowly lifting himself upright to join him, has little time standing erect, before he has to duck out of a charging Davids' way! Davids shoots forward and catches himself from colliding with the ropes, but turns to find himself caught with a Spear from Austin!

Davids goes down and Austin reaches for and grabs the ring bell! An object that doesn't last staying still in Austin's hand too long, because it's soon dropped right down onto Davids' head!


The bell sounds as it slams into Steve's skull!


It sounds again on a second slam!


And a third!


Now that time was from Austin tossing the bell aside, before he reaches down and pulls Davids up by the hair. Austin then gives a quick open hand slap to Davids' face and promptly hits Davids with a Triple German Suplex! The final being in a bridging pin!



Davids kicks his foot up onto the rope!

Austin and Davids are separated, but are quick to return to blows. Austin delivering a Giant Chop to Davids chest and Davids retaliating with a stiff shot to Austin's throat and a Headbutt! Austin stumbles back dazed as Davids does the same! Davids' head seeing far too many blows tonight and that Headbutt not helping matters!

Both men shake off their head trauma simultaneously and then reaffirm their attention towards one another as the lights...suddenly drop!


We're bathed in darkness as confusion sets in and a low roar comes over the fans...

A few seconds go by before some music begins playing over the arena speakers... Everything remains dark as the guitar lingers through the air. After a few seconds some people recognize the track: Degrees of Sanity by Savatage

The arena remains dark as various low powered spotlights explore the darkness at a slow moving pace. Fans look around but nothing can be seen through the darkness.

A few more seconds of the guitar intro and the lyrics finally begin.

/ And so I sit here in the dark /
/ You made the rules I played the part /
/ I never rushed or pushed my fate /
/ When time was tired I knew to wait /

The lights slowly raise to normal levels and reveal the silhouette of a man emerging from the entrance. As he steps from the darkness and the lights land on him, the first thing we see are his black combat boots and the white flesh of his bare shins. The bottoms of his ripped blue jean shorts come down just past the knees and his comfortable fitted shorts are covered in quite a few black stains and some red that could be blood.

Another step forward brings into light the classic SAVATAGE shirt featuring the cover art of the "Edge of Thorns" album. The sleeves are cut and left with some jagged edges and strings dangling. The man's forearms and wrists are taped with white tape that he also has brought over his right hand and knuckles while the left hand remains tapeless. Some tattoos appear on the man's upper arms but cannot be properly made out.

The man continues walking forward as we see his face is covered by filth and his long, dripping, curly hair dangles in front of his face as well.

Steve Davids and John Austin both look on from the ring, catching their breath as they try to figure out what exactly is going on here.

The man reaches into his jean shorts and produces a microphone.

My heart is black, and my leader was not expecting me. Not again. Not ever again was I expected to walk HIS aisles.

He begins walking toward the ring as fans wonder what he means. Davids and Austin both look ready for anything, keeping their eyes on each other as well as on the approaching man.

I am an original. I am the forgotten.

He rounds the corner of the ring, keeping his eyes locked on the men inside of it as he circles it slowly. The filth on his face and what appears to be possible black paint over one of his eyes and cheek is making it hard to get a clear look at the man's face. He does slightly resemble... no, it couldn't be. Nobody would know him here anyway.

I was a king before it was considered an option for any lowly being to achieve. Behold the king of sanity with a touch anything but Midas. My riches are ashes to the naked eye.

He wipes some filth from his face into his untaped palm and then wipes it on his jeans.

I would have never come to this XWF; when I say I am an original I do not mean another past XWF excrement that's been re-digested and shat out once again even worse than before... I mean an original of the only collection of power that matters.

He begins stepping up the steps, walks along the apron and enters the ring slowly.

I would have continued to stay away as I'd done for the lase decade. I've always viewed the XWF as inferior ever since I discovered it, but as I looked to the skies this morning I knew we needed to revisit the past one last time.

He pauses as Davids and Austin remain with their guard up...

...My leader needs me to return home, and since this is the closest setting in existence, I have come to the place that I loathe so I may prove to him my worth once again.

The man slowly stares at Davids and Austin a few seconds before simply turning away and heading out of the ri-

No! He turns back and whips the mic right at John Austin and it hits him in the face, distracting Davids who receives a running punt kick to the groin followed straight into a DDT spiking Davids' head so hard that Davids' body is vertical for a second before falling over.

The man looks to John Austin and kicks him but John catches his foot. A lightning quick enziguri knocks Austin into a standing daze as the man pulls him into a short-arm DDT with some serious torque on it.

The man picks up the mic.

I hope you're watching, my leader. I am here to serve you one last time; I've come at the beckoning of the father. Are you watching?

The man drops the mic and pulls up Davids and Austin, locking each of them under each arm for what looks like a double DDT but first he screams toward the back.

Are you watching? Can you hear me still? Am I so forgotten that this means NOTHING!

He jumps up, bringing his legs forward in mid air and using all of his weight and momentum to bring both men down with that sickening double DDT. The man drops onto his back and just stays there after landing the move, just laying between the bodies of Steve Davids and John Austin. He yells up to the heavens.

Can you see me all the way down here where you left me?

He slowly sits up and stands to his feet, exiting the ring in a very sloppy manner, almost falling between the middle and top ropes and just happening to land on his feet. He looks at the fans and seems to sway in the breeze as he hears different reactions, finally backing up and leaning against the ring post like he's spent.

He looks in the ring to see Davids and Austin still down.

The lights go black.

"Degrees of Sanity" by Savatage begins to play once again. About 30 seconds of it plays through but then cuts off just before the vocals kick in.

Lights return to normal.

Both men are motionless in the ring! The fans are in an uproar! What the hell did they just see?

The referee isn't sure what to make of any of this but all that matters is that it's an X-TREME TITLE MATCH and anything goes... This match is still on!

Steve Davids and John Austin both slowly begin to move; Austin raising his hands to his face and covering it while Davids begins reaching toward the ropes to try and pull himself up.

A few more seconds pass as Davids struggles to get back to his feet.

Austin is starting to stand too but Davids is to his feet first... Both men look severely dazed after those DDTs they suffered but Davids is first to make a move!

He grabs Austin's head and sets up for it... THE SHOCK WAVE! Wait... NO! He was too dizzy and disoriented to pull it off and Austin reversed it into a small package pin!




An instant scramble to the feet by both men and they charge one another... Austin shoots low as Davids was going high with a knee and that knee just absolutely SMASHES into Austin's face, sending him reeling back and bounding hard into the ropes and being sent right into the waiting clutches of Steve Davids... SHOCK WAVE! Davids nailed it!




Winner: Steve Davids

Exhausted, bruised and physically beaten but still victorious... the X-treme Champion slowly raises himself to his feet and holds his head in pain with one hand and his back with the other. Tonight his body most DEFINITELY feels like he is the X-treme Champion as the ref hands him his belt. He makes his way to a generous ovation from this Italian crowd as they show their appreciation for the match.

Once Steve Davids and John Austin have made their way to the back, fans begin getting up to leave but they are surprised to hear the sudden entrance theme of...



Eli's music hits as the new European Champion makes his way out on Warfare, alongside the other members of The Congregation Amos James JR, Elisha, and the United States Champion Mystica. There's a mix reaction from the crowd. Eli looks around while the music just continues to play to soak in all the emotions from the fans of the XWF.

Eli James IV: Since June, I preached to you all about the evil in this place.. in the world.. and that the Almighty was leavin' the door open to display mercy to those who were willing. Everyone laughed and ignored me. I was off on everyone's radar. Within a month, I was asked to be a part of the Black Circle. Within 6 months I became feared and my name was on everyone's lips. People still ignored my message, but they knew I was a threat and had to be taken seriously. I won the tag team titles, and handed my half over to Mystica. I won the United States title and the only way I could be beat was to have a match, get attacked by someone, then someone having a briefcase came to attack me and pin me. Now, I am the European Champion. Amos... you came in and defeated the boy who took the United States title away from me.. you have walked alongside me.. and because of your loyalty.. I hand this to you.

Eli takes the European championship off his waste, and holds it out to Amos. Amos can't believe what Eli is doing.

Eli James IV: Go on, Amos. It's yours. It's mine no longer. You defeated a former United States Champion, therefore, you are the new European Champion.

Amos takes it proudly and hugs Eli. Mystica and Amos both look at each other with smirks on their faces.

Eli James IV: The Congregation now has the European Championship and the United States Championship once again. When I arrived, Sid Feder was shooting people. Then, he became some lowlife drunk who lost any passion for this place. But, not to worry... I ended him this past Monday on Madness.

??: Congratulations..

Out walks Shane and the rest of the Black Circle.

: Congratulations Eli. Sid is gone ... you have the European Championship, but do you really have the United States Championship? Are you sure, Eli? Are you that confident Mystica will stay loyal to you and not come join us? How's it going Mystica?

Eli looks at Mystica who gives a smirk. Eli seems to have doubts once again.

: Way to go! Way to be a true United States Champion, unlike your friend there. Our offer stands, Mystica. We like you. We want you to join us. Leave that idiot and his goons, and join the real elite group of champions.

Mystica turns and looks at Eli. Both stare at each other without much emotion.

: Serious Eli, a few weeks ago you got us. You covered us in blood and you got one up on The Black Circle. Of course, Mystica didn't really help you, but.. I think it's time we just repay the favor.

Amos drops his title belt and waves them to come down.

: Heh. No no no.. we're not walking into a battle we've already won.. just.. watch this.

Video shows up. Shane is sitting at a nice restaurant by a table. His face looks like a kid in a candy store. He's relaxed and happy. The table cloth starts to move and someone is coming from underneath the table. Not much left to the imagination. The person sits across from Shane ... Shane points where the camera is looking.. she turns... its..

It's Eli's wife, Emily Swanson James.

She didn't realize she was being taped. She starts to cry and runs off. You hear Nazi and Madison's laugh as they were filming it.

: You see, Eli... can you really trust anyone? HAHAHA!

Eli is trying to hold his composure. He looks like he's about to lose it. The Black Circle are all laughing and enjoying this.

: Are you sure Mystica is with you, Eli? Hehe. Serious, Eli, your wife is pretty damn good at her...... job. And we're good at ours.

The Black Circle starts walking toward the ring.. they pull out weapons! They are circling the ring.

It's 5 on 4! IF ELI CAN TRUST MYSTICA.... Plus The Black Circle has weapons!

Mystica is leaving the ring! is jumping with joy.. extends his arms to Mystica for a hug.. Mystica pushes him aside.. Mystica is leaving both teams to fight! Eli and are both unsure what is going on with him.

turns his attention back to the ring with a big grin.. it's now 5 on 3!

The lights go out.

They come back on.


The Black Circle are beside themselves!! Common enemies are beginning to unite against them!

Just when it looks like all hell is about to break loose, a voice echoes...

???: Attention XWF!

Out walks The Administrator!!

The Administrator: Like I told you last week, it's not about The Congregation.. it's not about The Black Circle.. it's about the XWF and I'll be damned if this company results in either team running things. The Administration Network runs this company and once I rid the XWF of you, , I will have free reign to restore PROPER ORDER to this company. One of my first moves will be to replace your melted down crown with a real title belt again, but in the meantime I believe this man will be lifting that "kingship" off of Theo Pryce's hands. Please welcome...

Admin motions toward the entrance and some music kicks in...

Out comes newcomer Haden Oliver Thomas! He shakes hands with the Administrator..

Haden Oliver Thomas: Mr. , or Shane, I made you an offer anyone with some intelligence would have accepted without hesitation. But since you are Shane , blinded and wrapped up in your own stupid bullshit with the whole Congregation war that it was Administrator who was the smart business man and took my offer with a smile. Shane, I not only could have made you a very wealthy man, but the Network would have allowed you to do anything in this company. Anything. They would haven't given a second thought to your actions no matter what the cost. You and your Circle could have reigned supreme. You boys could have done anything without any fear of the Network. Your wonderful leader denied my gesture. The Administrator, on the other hand, is wise and intelligent. He knew when a good deal was being presented that would benefit himself, the Network, and the entire XWF. We see eye to eye on money, business, and what it is going to cost to make this a success. We both know the future isn't bright unless change happens. Shane, I am that change. Myself and the Administer, and his Network, are going to bring new life into this place and if it means removing the dirt such as yourself and your Circle, then so be it.

Shane looks to be a bit annoyed.

: You think you can really outsmart me, Haden? You think the Network can outsmart me? SECURITY! Remove The Administrator and Haden from this building IMMEDIATELY!

Security starts coming from the back and are about to escort The Administrator and Haden out of the building. The Administrator gets the microphone from Haden.


More security guys try to stop the other security guys from removing Haden and the Administrator. Some Security men are remaining loyal to Shane while the others are remaining loyal to the Administrator.....

: Remove them!

The Administrator: Get and his scum out of here!

The security guards begin trying to rush past each other to follow the orders of Shane while others try to follow Administrator's orders and... HOLY SHIT... THE SECURITY GUARDS ARE FIGHTING EACH OTHER!! The fans are in an uproar! Members of security are throwing each other into the fans and battling it out through the entire arena!


Administrator and Haden Oliver Thomas look at each other and shake their heads in disgust at what they're seeing unfold in the ring and all around the arena. Administrator starts walking to the back.

The Administrator: We clearly have a LOT of work to do.

Haden looks back toward the ring as Congregatoin and Black Circle members are not only battling each other but now security as well. Even fans have climbed over the barricade and gotten involved, and security is too busy fighting amongst themselves and the wrestlers to stop the fans!

Haden Oliver Thomas: Unbelievable...

He shakes his head and turns to the back after Administrator as a fleet of about 3 dozen security guards with riot control gear come storming past him and almost knock him over! They rush straight into the frenzy and begin aggressively taking people down as the show goes off the air.

Reports indicate that after Warfare went off the air, everyone involved in the fighting was temporarily detained by authorities but nobody was actually arrested or had charges pressed against them except for the fans who willingly went as far as climbing over the barricade and fighting with others.

It was bad enough when the Black Circle/Congregation affairs were getting out of hand... now with the Administrator getting involved this is turning into a recipe for complete disaster!

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 11 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
Ezekiel Carter-Williams V (01-19-2014), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (01-19-2014), Haden Oliver Thomas (01-19-2014), John Austin (01-18-2014), Mr. Radio (01-19-2014), Mystica (01-19-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (01-18-2014), Scott Charlotte (01-19-2014), Steve "KingSlayer" Davids (01-18-2014), Theo Pryce (01-18-2014), Wallace Witasick (01-19-2014)
John Austin Away
Grizzled Young Vet


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

01-18-2014, 10:27 PM

Ah yes, the perfect match, I could have not asked for anything better, what a brutal encounter :D

To find John, turn those lights out because he will then appear...
XWF LEGEND and the only man who punked out Duke TWICE
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[-] The following 2 users Like John Austin's post:
AlexandraCallaway (01-18-2014), Steve "KingSlayer" Davids (01-18-2014)
Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

01-18-2014, 11:55 PM

OOC: fantastic job whoever wrote mine and Austin's match, genuinely superb.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

01-19-2014, 12:15 AM

Superb top to bottom, especially the triple threat and closing segment.
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[-] The following 1 user Likes John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
Wallace Witasick (01-19-2014)
Dr. Zero Offline
Fearsome Feathered Foe Most Foul

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

01-19-2014, 01:01 PM

OOC: I didn't mean to hate your post, Olive!

[Image: 7uXcTyU.jpg]
Co-Winner of the Lethal Lottery Tournament with Egyptian Snow Pharaoh
1x 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion
December 2013 Star of the Month
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Dr. Zero's post:
Jessie-ica Diaz (01-19-2014)
Jessie-ica Diaz Offline
Only to find it again.

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

01-19-2014, 01:05 PM

(01-19-2014, 01:01 PM)Stevie Tyler (Dr. Zero) Said: OOC: I didn't mean to hate your post, Olive!

OOC: Yes you did, you lying whore.
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Jessie-ica Diaz's post!
Dr. Zero (01-19-2014)

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