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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Caliban finally answers some questions
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Caliban Offline
The born and raised irish airbourne

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

01-11-2014, 07:10 PM

We open on a room bearing the number 123, the guy behind the camera knocks on the door and waits for an answer, Caliban opens it up with a confused look on his face

Mikey? How in the hell did you find me?

I uh, I guess I kept track when you bailed, I had a feeling you weren't done yet

Well why the hell didn't you come find me when I came back? HELL I have spoke to you in the arena! You picked me up from my other show on Tuesday and we were in a car for 5 hours travelling to warfare

You don't talk properly when people see you in an arena, I tried telling you this before, Like the thing with the interviewers, did you really wanna keep up the bad boy thing to compete with LJ that much? My buddy Steven McPherson, you would like him as much as you do me and he was the first guy you told to fuck off when he tried to interview you

Why don't I see that guy on TV?

Because guys like you keep tell him to go fuck himself

Oh right, yeah well it's a tough buisness kid, look at me, I just came back, talked myself to the moon and kicked the entire thing off with 2 straight losses

Hey it's better than last time

True, I went to hospital after my first show, at least I only got stitches this time

Mikey lights something behind the camera and a cloud of smoke fills the room

So that leads into my first question, why did you bail man, not a phone call or nothing, Heyman told me himself and we dont talk much

Well mate you were probably the only one who cared in the first place, but that isn't why I left. I'll be honest with you man I don't even remember winning a match the last time I came here, the guys were just tearing each other apart and I lost my focus. My mind stopped being in the ring and started staying in the locker room thinking about how to fix things and protect people I didn't even know. When the time came and I looked at things I realized I needed to step back and get my priorities straight

The camera man passes the joint to Jordy

So what happened? Where did you go?

Well first I went home to my Wife

Ah yes miss Sinney, I must say its nice having her around more often this time round, we would of been fucked if she hadn't taken over driving for the night

I can't drive with concussion mate, especially one that happened 48 hours before, but she likes the spotlight and behind the scenes people seem to like her regardless of what they think of me so I like having her around, I was sick of doing this alone and leaving her alone while I did. Then after I spent a couple of weeks thinking about things I went back to school, I hit Can-am hard for a month and then went travelling, I wrestled in Dubai, Dublin for the first time in my career, I wrestled in Montreal which is amazing, spent a couple of months in Seattle and did a couple of dates in Japan

Wow sounds like a good time

Jordy laughs and passes the joint back

It was fun yeah, I learned more about how things go in the business this time round, I followed promoters with a pen and pencil, made friends with the crews, I wrestled PWX No limits Pay Per View as the secondary main event and was the only wrestler who came down and helped set the ring up, even the dark match guys would stay out of it but me, I wanna know what wrestling really is not just what people are allowed to see or required to see for story purposes as is so often in the reality era of wrestling. If I have to break some walls to be on top I am gunna learn exactly where they all are and what they all are hiding before hand

Sounds like a plan

The camera guy passes back to Jordy

OK so what about this new guy suicide

That's Sewaside and I didn't come up with that he did, its a great tactic I believe employed by Eminem in 8 mile when he talks about himself so the other guy has fuck all left to say. But you see Brotha I don't have to make fun of your name, I don't have to talk shit about the way you speak or the clothes you wear, don't have to bad mouth the fact that you call everyone kid because you think it makes you look cool or the fact that you look like a cat just took a piss on your eyes I don't have to spend the next 5 days thinking about how to beat you because in my head it is already done. Frodo asked me why I can still talk about myself like I am the be all and end all of this company and the answer is simple as I already said to him. When I look into the mirror every day I see the best pro wrestler I am capable of being THAT DAY if I wasn't capable of being that good yesterday then thats ok that means I still have something to work on, something to drive for, someone I want to be

The camera man takes the joint back for the last time

Who exactly do you want to be Jordy? Why are you back?

Most people will say they are here to be a champion or here to make money, me I am here to wrestle and have fun doing it, title belts help me to keep doing it and mean I get to do it against opponents that are chosen to challenge me. I came back to find that challenge, is Sewaside it? I hope so, he will have to be because if he isn't he will be a short line in a book written by me as I take this company for everything it has. This is my year, this is my time and when I decide its right that world heavyweight title will fall under my control, I can be beaten but I can't be stopped, I will be ruthless, I will be relentless and when the time comes I will be the biggst name this company has ever seen

Caliban slides a finger across his throat and the camera man stops recording,

We good?

Yeah mate thanks for seeing me after I just showed up like that

Mikey gets up to leave, at the door Jordy catches him,

You are welcome anytime my friend, and maybe if you wanna bring Frankie along next time I'll give him a shot,

You mean Steven?

I like Frankie, good night Mikey

The door slams in the camera mans face

Thats Nathan, douchebag

The camera man walks away muttering to himself

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