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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Warfare 1/8/14 - Part 1
Author Message
Giovanni Ferrari

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

01-09-2014, 04:03 PM

The Dimallisher
- vs -
Mandii Rider
- vs -
Rodney Tune
- vs -
Zak Misery
X-treme Rules, 1 Fall

Ezekiel Carter-Williams V
- vs -
"The Miami Madman" Manny Mendez
- vs -
"El Gurú Del Partido" Nicholas Martinaz
X-treme Rules, 1 Fall

- vs -
Smoke Man
Standard Match

Morbid Angel
- vs -
Hulk Hogan
Standard Match

Hank "Thunder" Lane
- vs -
Frodo Smackins
Reverse-Crowd Surf Match
Objective is NOT to crowd surf
Whoever can knock out their opponent and get them hoisted up into the fans' hands so the unconscious body can be carried away high in the air, wins.

John Raide
- vs -
Stevie Tyler
- vs -
Eli James IV
X-Bloody-Treme Punishment
Elimination Match
Fans will supply weapons!
Once you are BLEEDING and KNOCKED OUT you are eliminated. Doesn't matter which happens first as long as they are both happening at once.

X-treme Championship
Peter Gilmour, JTC & Justine MacKenzie
- vs -
Steve Davids
Locked-in X-treme Title Match
*If Davids wins, title changes hands regardless of who takes the fall.
If title changes hands before this date, the new champion is added to this match to defend.

Tag Team Championships
Sebastian Duke
& ???
- vs -
Theo Pryce
Standard Tag, 1 Fall
Rumors are circulating about Duke's partner being Mr. XWF... is it true??? It would NOT be the first time Mr. XWF ended up being Duke's surprise partner in a Tag Title match.

[Image: CdS48cg.jpg]

The cameras are rolling and the fans are screaming as we enter the War Room, for another outstanding and action packed installment of - Warfare.

Cameras immediately panning up to the lovely skybox situated high above everyone, where Shane and Giovanni Ferrari have a bird's eye view of it all.

Gio: Hello and welcome to Warfare! We've got an amazing show about to begin as usual and I have a feeling, something monumental might happen tonight. Don't you agree, ? ?

Gio turns towards the spot is usually seated and sees has vanished from his chair! This causes Gio to rise up from his own chair in order to see what happened, only to find sitting on the floor, picking through the hair on a small monkey's head and eating bits of dirt and bugs he finds as he does this.

Gio: ?

The monkey turns its head and waves at Gio

Monkey: Oook!

Gio: ?

Still no response from , he seems really intent on grooming that monkey and eating the things he finds as he does, but the monkey tilts its head and waves again

Monkey: Oook!

Gio: Well...I can see you're busy , but perhaps you at least want to give your prediction on the main event? It's sure to be an epic match and I bet the fans would love to hear what you have to say about it.

stops what he's doing finally and turns his attention to Gio.

: Oook!

Then reaches into the back of his pants, pulls out a large brown mass and flings it at Gio. Which unfortunately, Gio didn't react fast enough to duck out of the way from and so it hits him...right, smack dab in the face. And as the cameras get closer, we all see that was indeed...human feces.

Gio: I blame myself for pressing the issue and not seeing that coming . Just cut to the show.

: Oook!

Monkey: Oook!

The Dimallisher
- vs -
Mandii Rider
- vs -
Rodney Tune
- vs -
Zak Misery
X-treme Rules, 1 Fall

The four wrestlers stood at each post of the ring looking at each other, trying to stare each other down. Mandii flipped off Rodney Tune, which caused him to rush her. He tried to clothesline her but she simply side stepped and lifted her leg up high and brought it down. She hit him in the back of his next with an Axe Kick. Tune went down hard. Mandii started to stomp away at him as Zak and The Dimallisher start to trade blows. Soon Zak gains the upper hand and Irish-whips The Dimallisher into the corner, he climbs the up to the second rope and started to rain down punches on The Dimallisher's face. Meanwhile Mandii picked Tune up and threw him over the top rope, Tune hit the ground hard, Mandii followed and stood over Tune. She smirked before going to the ring, she lifted up the apron and started to dig around for a weapon. Zak was about to hit The Dimallisher with his last punch but it was blocked. The Dimallisher caught Zak's punch and shoved him off. Zak went flying and hit the mat. The Dimallisher walked over to the fallen vampire and picked him to his feet. He lifted Zak up and hit him with a body slam, The Dimallisher ran and hit the ropes followed by a leg drop across Zak's neck. The Dimallisher went for a cover.


Kick out!, Zak still had a lot of fight in him and wasn't going to go down easy. Mandii found a weapon. She pulled it out and raised ti above her head so the crowd could see. It was a Cheese Grader. Tune stood up and rushed Mandii once more, but this time Mandii hit Tune with a big boot and once more Tune was on the ground. She went down to one knee and pulled Tune's head up. She started to grind the cheese grader on Tune's forehead. Soon he had a crimson mask. Zak and The Dimallisher were trading blows once again. Zak kicked The Dimallisher in the gut, Zak locked his arms around The Dimallisher's gut and lifted him up and performed a gut wrench suplex. Zak didn't let up and started to choke The Dimallisher. The ref couldn't do anything due to the fact this was an Xtreme rules match. Everything was legal. As Zak kept choking The Dimallisher, he didn't noticed Mandii coming up from behind him with a steel chair. She had left Tune in a pool of his own blood. Mandii left the chair above her head and brought it down onto Zak's back. Zak let go of The Dimallisher's throat and held his back in pain. Mandii pushed Zak out of the ring with her foot. She turned to The Dimallisher who was still trying to catch his breath. Mandii hit The Dimallisher with the chair.







Seven times

Mandii threw the chair down and went for the pin, the ref started to count



Thr....KICK OUT!

The Dimallisher some how kicked out. Mandii started to fight with the ref telling him it was a three count. The ref was telling her no. He held up two fingers telling her it was a two count. While Mandii wasn't looking, Zak had climbed back into the ring. The vampire had a railroad spike in his hand, he ran at Mandii and tried to stab Mandii, but she drove and rolled out of the way, the spike did hit someone, the ref, right in the arm. The ref went down in extreme pain.

The Dimallisher slowly got up, Zak was laughing at the ref's pain. Tune had rolled into the ring, he had a bat with him. Tune rose to his feet and ran to at Zak and swung. Zak ducked and now his back was to Zak. The vampire hit a Spike Reverse DDT making Tune's head hit the ground hard. He went for the pin, but the ref was still down. He was trying to get the railroad spike out of his arm. Zak sighed deeply as he got up and went to the ref and dragged him over.

Zak-"Fucking count, you cunt!"

Zak went for the cover again. The ref started to slowly count.




Mandii had hit Zak in the back of the head with a light up Master Sword from Zelda. Which ended the count.

Zak jumps to his feet and charges for Mandii, but Mandii dodges out of the way and hits Zak with a Roundhouse Kick that sends the vampire flying out of the ring! From there Mandii turns to a still downed Rodney Tune and throws the light up Master Sword from Zelda at him. It cracks Tune in the head and then Mandii covers for the pin!



Winner: Mandii

Ezekiel Carter-Williams V
- vs -
"The Miami Madman" Manny Mendez
- vs -
"El Gurú Del Partido" Nicholas Martinaz
X-treme Rules, 1 Fall

Ezekiel Carter-Williams V, "The Miami Madman" Manny Mendez and "El Gurú Del Partido" Nicholas Martinaz are all in the ring already as the bell is rung and this X-Treme Rules match begins!

Martinaz starting things off by charging forward, is immediately taken down by a Big Boot from Williams! Martinaz drops to the canvas from that single boot shot to head and appears to be rendered unconscious. Williams, then turning his attention away from the fallen Martinaz just in time to duck a Spear from Mendaz!

Manny flies past Ezekiel and catches himself, moment before colliding with the ropes. But Williams is hot on Mendaz's heels and spins him around, catching him with a left hook to the jaw followed by a swift chop to the chest. Mendaz recoils back and Williams prepares to strike again, this time with a right jab, but Mendaz manages to catch the punch and is able to fire back with a Headbutt! Williams stumbles back, dazed as Mendaz rears up and charges forward with another Spear! It connects and Williams crashes to the canvas!

Still no movement from Nicholas Martinaz as Manny Mendaz rolls out of the ring and begins to fish under the ring for a 'toy'. Pulling out the first thing his hand touches, which just happens to be a steel chair! Mendaz slides the chair into the ring and slips in after it. Ezekiel Carter-Williams, slowly rising to his feet as Mendaz rushes in with a quick but deadly, chair shot to Williams' head!

Oh god! Either the force was just that strong on that swing, or the chair was made out of some really cheap metal, but that first blow dented in the chair with the imprint of Williams' face but good! A trickle of blood slowly streams down from a small wound on Ezekiel's forehead as he flops back onto the canvas.

Mendaz towered over Williams' body and raises the steel chair high above his head, bringing it down.....

...only to be kicked it balls by Williams' before the chair could make impact!

Mendaz drops to his knees from that shot to his nuts with the chair still in his hands and Williams slowly climbs to his feet. Wiping at the bit of blood that trickled down from the wound on his forehead, Williams then reaches over and grabs the steel chair. Ripping it out of Mendaz's hands and slamming it straight into Mendaz's face!


Mendaz falls back to the canvas and Williams brings the chair down onto Mendaz again!


And again!


Over and over Williams pounds the chair onto Mendaz's body!

Blood begins to pool on the canvas around Mendaz and the chair eventually is rendered to a mass of crunched in steel! Williams' has beaten Mendaz so hard with the chair, it's barely recognizable as a chair anymore!

Then with a frustrated grunt, Williams tosses the chair out of the ring and it soars into the audience where it strikes a fan! Screams of shock radiate from that part of the audience as the Warfare staff....does nothing. That's right they aren't paid to care about the fans, so why should they make sure if the one struck by that mound of metal that used to be a chair is okay? Instead a few of the staff members seem to be filming what happened on their phones and are seen laughing at the misfortune! What worthless sacks of shit!

Meanwhile back in the ring, Williams is pulling Mendaz to his feet in order to deliver a Fireman's Carry into a neckbreaker! Right as this happens and almost as if on cue, Nicholas Martinaz springs up and seems to be fully recharged! Martinez flies towards Williams as if to attack, but Williams turns around just in time and executes - Last Breath Superkick!

Martinaz drops like a sack of so many potatoes and appears to be out cold again! Ezekiel Carter-Williams V moves in and covers Martinaz for the pin!



Winner: Ezekiel Carter-Williams V

- vs -
Smoke Man
Standard Match

"You need me, I dont need you" starts and the intro plays through and finally as the tempo picks up this Dude just saunter out onto the center of the stage cocky as all that, singing along with his own theme song milking every second of it swaggering from side to side on the stage, finally a Beautiful red head appears as if from nowhere behind him and places her hand on his head calming him and then she steps back as he drops to his knees pounding on the ramp and then coming back up CM PUNK style screaming


He rolls back onto his feet, the girl is standing behind him smiling at his behaviour, he is basically bouncing as he makes his way from the stage singing along with his own theme song and getting in the face of the crowd, the song speeds up again and Jordan runs at the ring jumping and sliding in feet first followed by a quick kip up into a standing corkscrew back flip landing back on his feet. The entrance ends with Caliban sitting on the top rope with the girl playing with his hair on the apron. Both are waiting watching the ramp or opponent intently.

The music plays and the lights move in a similar manner. The X-Tron mainly shows his name rather than any wrestling promos, and this continues until the lyrics come into the song

When the lyrics start, Smoke Man exits the curtain, running out and going into his pose: he slightly squats with his legs apart and knees bent, crosses his arms in a cutthroat expression, holds this for a bit and then quickly stands, spreading his arms in a wide fashion, pointing at either side of him toward the crowd. Pyro explodes at his sides, and he takes off down the ramp.

As he walks down the ramp he looks around at the crowd, occasionally stretching his arms and legs but never stopping or slowing down. He runs and slides into the ring, carrying his momentum by running forward, rebounding off the ropes, stopping in the middle of the ring, facing the cameras and doing the same pose as described above, however no pyro goes off. He then climbs up a turnbuckle to the middle rope and does the same pose once more, albeit without bending his legs, before jumping off and turning to face his opponent, Caliban.

The bell rings and the two competitors circle each other. Caliban gets a quick shot off, but is blocked by Smoke Man, who hits him with a hip toss, sending Caliban to the mat. Caliban scrambles to his feet and fires back at Smoke Man, hitting him with an exploder suplex. Smoke man makes it to his feet and the two men trade punches back and forth.





Back and forth, this continues for a few moments before Smoke Man has enough and runs towards the ropes, bounces off of them and delivers a standing dropkick to Caliban. Caliban goes down, trying to shake off the attack, when Smoke man attempts a pin.



Caliban kicks out. Making it to their feet the two men glare at one another. Caliban delivers and impressive suplex to Smoke man and gets him to the mat. Caliban locks in a Boston crab, forcing Smoke man to feel a bit of pain. Caliban smirks and tries to pull Smoke man back towards the center of the ring. Just when it looks like Smoke Man is about to tap, he manages to pull himself over and hang onto the bottom rope. The referee tells Caliban to let go.

Caliban releases the hold and begins arguing with the referee. Smoke Man makes it to his feet and taps Caliban on the shoulder. Caliban turns around and Smoke hits him with a solid left jab followed by a right that send Caliban to the mat. Smoke pick up Caliban and hits him with a snap suplex. Caliban grabs his back and screams in pain. Smoke laughs as he picks up Caliban again and attempts another suplex. Caliban somehow blocks it and hit Smoke with a suplex of his own.

Both men land hard on the mat. Caliban grabs his back again as the referee begins counting both men down.





Smoke begins to make it up to one knee



Caliban makes it over to the ropes and begins using them to make it to his knees.



Smoke makes it to his feet and walks over towards Caliban and grabs him by the arm. Smoke sends Caliban flying into the ropes and hits him with a shoulder block as he comes off. Smoke picks up Caliban and sends him into the ropes again. This time catching him and connecting with a powerbomb. Smoke picks up Caliban and sends him crashing into the turnbuckle. As Caliban comes out of the corner Smoke grabs him and connects with a chokeslam. Smoke applies the Smokescreen Armbar and Caliban screams out in pain, Refusing as the ref asks him if he wants to tap. Finally Caliban can no longer take the pain and collapses onto the mat. The ref begins counting.



Winner: Smoke Man

]Morbid Angel
- vs -
Hulk Hogan
Standard Match

"Real American" by Derringer starts to play as the fans go nuts. Hulk Hogan slowly walks out strumming along to the song. The fans start going nuts and then he starts taunting them which causes them to start booing as he walks down to the ring. He enters the ring and starts flexing his muscles as the fans start to cheer again.

The Lights dim for a brief moment a faint sound of the wind...or so you thought! Grand Belial's Key - Fecal Parturition blasts over the PA as Morbid Angel comes from the Back stage area storming down to the ring looking for blood and death!

Morbid Angel
- vs -
Hulk Hogan
Standard Match

They lock up and immediately Morbid Angel …… Morbid Angel grabs Hulk Hogan by the ear and lifts him up in the air! Morbid Angel drops Hulk Hogan and kicks him in the face, causing Hulk Hogan to drop to the floor faster than Peter Gilmour’s weight! Morbid picks him up and Irish whips him to the turnbuckle. Hogan comes back on the rebound and Morbid punches him in the face. Hogan grabs his nose in pain and agony. Hogan moves his hand and sees that his nose is gushing blood. Hogan looks at the mat, which is getting more bloodied by the second.

Hogan looks at the blood and shakes like he has terrex. He looks at Morbin Angel and points to him while shouting “YOU.” Hulk Hogan charges at Morbid Angel with all his force… and Morbid Angel kicks him in the gut! So much for going full out Hulk. Morbin picks Hulk up and tosses him outside the ring with ease!

Morbid rolls out of the ring and is caught by a big boot from Hulk Hogan! Morbid stumbles back and Hogan charges at him. Hogan with a clothesline over the barricade! The crowd is loving it!

Hogan pumps up the crowd, and they are loving it!



Hogan hears the ref counting and he decides to walk to the barricade. He leans over, grabbing Morbid Angel by the hair. And Morbid Angel shoves Hogan and throws Beer in his face! Hogan backs away, blinded from the alcohol, and Morbid leaps over the barricade. He grabs Hogan by the little hair he has left and smashes his face into the steel steps, before throwing him in the ring at the count of “7.”

Morbid rolls in the ring and flips Hogan so that he is on his back. He gets on top of Hogan in a full mount position and punches him in the face.


Morbid Angel pulls a handful of pills out of his pocket and shoves them deep in Hulk Hogan’s mouth. Hogan rolls around the ring, causing Morbid Angel to fall off of him in the process. Hulk Hogan gets up and tries to cough the pills out, but to no avail. He looks at Morbid Angel and charges at him. He boots him in the face, causing him to fall to the outside floor.

Hogan rolls out of the ring, and Morbin charges and hits him with a headbutt to the gut! Hogan falls to the floor and begins to throw up, uncontrollably! Everything from pills to spaggettil, and … is that John Madison’s panties? No wonder why she hasn’t been wearing any as of late! Hulk Hogan whips his mouth after he finishes vomiting. He looks up at Morbid Angel who gives him a weird face. Hogan flips Morbid Angel off, and Morbid charges at Hogan. Morbid Angel slips into Hogans vomit! He squirms around, and tries to get up, but slips and falls again! Hulk Hogan rolls in the ring and begins to laugh at Morbid Angel.

Morbid Angel gets up and looks into Hogans eyes. Morbid’s eyes turn a deep red and he runs in the ring. Hogan tries to stand his ground, but Morbid Angel takes him down with a clothesline! He picks Hogan up by the throat, so that Hogan is looking into Morbid’s demonic eyes!

Blood starts to pour out of Hogans nose and mouth and Morbid Angel smiles. He lifts Hogan higher and chokeslams him to the mat. Morbid at the ground….


The ring apron bursts into flames! Morbid laughs and picks up Hogan. He …. Licks Hulk Hogans earlobe.

Hogan looks at Morbid and kicks him in the gut! Morbid holds his gut in pain, and Hogan knees him in the face! Hogan takes off his belt and begins to whip Morbid with the belt on Morbid’s ass! CLASSIC HULK HOGAN!! Hulk Hogan throws his belt into the crowd and the fans begin to fight over it. Hogan turns his attention to Morbid Angel who is laying on the mat holding his ass.

Hogan … RUNNING LEG DROP! He goes for the pin, the first of the match.



Morbid kicks out and spits a red substance in Hogans eye! Hogan gets up and backs up, screaming while holding his eye. Morbid kips up and attempts to send Hogan over the top rope, but Hogan refuses to be lit on fire. Hogan punches Morbid in the face and attempts a clothesline but Morbid counters with clothesline! Hogan does like five flips in the air, then smacks the mat!

Morbid looks into the eyes of the ref. The ref….. he passes out! What kind of black magic is this!

Morbid hold out his hand, and his trusty Colt 1911! He takes it and begins to pistol whip Hulk Hogan with it! Hogan is taking every piece of the pistol too! Morbid takes the pistol and cranks Hulk Hogan across the temple with it, causing Hogan to stop moving.

Morbid throws his weapon into the crowd, but the fans scatter away like Brotherhood members. Morbid picks up Hulk Hogan and drags him to the turnbuckle. He puts him on the top turnbuckle and joins him. He sets him up for ….. Satan’s Fall, but Hogan comes to life and bites Morbid Angel in the balls! They both fall to the mat and they are both out!

Slowly life begins to enter first Morbid Angel and then Hulk Hogan as they gingerly lift themselves off the canvas. Both wrestles looking pretty worn down and battered, but Hogan definitely seeming to have taken the worst of it.

What is this?!

Stone Cold! Stone Cold is here in the War Room!

Stone Cold gets a huge ovation as he quickly rolls into the ring. Immediately flips off Hulk Hogan.


Austin yells at a incapacitated Hulk Hogan before walking out of the ring, but midway through his exit. He decides to come back. He turns his attention to Morbid Angel.


And just like that Stone Cold made his presence felt in the War Room. He calls for a beer, and the timekeeper throws him a beer.

2 beers.

3 beers.

4 beers!

Steve Austin cracks them all open. Goes to the second turnbuckle and drinks all of them in Stone Cold fashion. He then flips all of us off and leaves as suddenly as he came.

No one was expecting THAT!

Both Morbid Angel and Hogan are down and motionless. The now revived ref climbs to his feet and seems confused on what to do. Yet, before the ref can start counting for both seemingly unconscious participants...Angel begins to move! Barely lifting himself up off the canvas, he crawls over to Hogan and covers for the pin.



Winner: Morbid Angel

We cut to the backstage area...

Suddenly a man wearing an Iron Man costume comes out of nowhere and levels Peter Gilmour with a steel chair to the face.

Gilmour was just walking the halls, minding his own business and he was attacked for no reason by this lunatic! Why? Why did this have to happen to poor Gilmour?

Peter Gilmour is down and out and he's not getting up. The man in the Iron Man costume looks around and see's no witnesses. He lifts his mask and then spites on Gilmour and then takes off down the hallway

Hank "Thunder" Lane
- vs -
Frodo Smackins
Reverse-Crowd Surf Match
Objective is NOT to crowd surf
Whoever can knock out their opponent and get them hoisted up into the fans' hands so the unconscious body can be carried away high in the air, wins.

"Orion" by Metallica begins playing on the Jumbo-Tron as Hank 'Thunder' Lane makes his way towards the ring. He is wearing a long Satin robe with Thunder on the back of it in Diamonds. As he passes by the announcers table he grabs a mic from one of them and takes it into the ring with him.

Hank 'Thunder' Lane: Now I want ALL of you Fat, Disgusting, Out of shape worthless pieces of crap to close your eyes while I take my robe off! Your eyes don't deserve to gaze upon a body as fine as this!

He throws the mic down and takes his robe off. His Muscular body is glistened with sweat and shines under the light. He has on a pair of Black wrestling trunks with Thunder on the back of them. The crowd is a mixture of cheers and boos as he awaits his opponent.

"Jelly Inside" by MC Chris begins to play as Crack and Frodo ride down together on dirt bikes. They dismount, and Frodo climbs in the ring. He removes his hoodie as he cheers on the crowd.

Ding Dong Ding!

The sound of the bell subsides, and the pair circle around each other in the ring for a few seconds, Lane almost unsure of what to make of his immensely smaller opponent. He backs up, laughing at the smaller man, until Frodo rushes forward and hits a huge, open handed slap right to the face of the larger Lane, sending him stumbling back into the ropes. From there, Frodo hits a kick to the shin that makes Lane hop up and down on the other foot, clutching his sore shin in his hands. Frodo does the same to Hank's other leg, dropping the bigger man down to his knees, before hitting a DDT.

Not wanting to waste a single moment, Frodo rolls Lane out of the ring, following closely behind until Lane gets to his knees and connects with a wild punch to the jaw of the advancing Frodo. Getting fully to his feet now, Lane grabs Frodo by the back of the head and drags him over to the guardrails that separate the crowd from the ringside area. Yelling something to one of the audience members in the front row, he slams Frodo's head against the guardrail before letting go of his grasp. Frodo stumbles backwards, possibly unsure of where he even is at the moment. Lane tries to take a breather, but unbeknownst to him, Frodo's manager Crack comes up from behind and hits Lane with a clubbing blow to the back, knocking him forward into a still groggy Frodo, causing both of them to topple over on impact.

Frodo gets to his feet first, shaking the cobwebs out of his head before walking over to the side of the ring and reaching under. After a few seconds of digging, he seems to have caught a hold of something and pulls it out, measuring Lane (who at this point is up to his feet) before looking down at what it was he grabbed:

A keyboard! Lane turns around to get a face full of keys, which fly off the keyboard upon impact, scattering on the ground or finding a new home in the skin of Hank Lane's face. Lane falls to the ground, ripping some of the keys out of his flesh and cringing all the while. Frodo rushes in to go for what appeared to be a big boot, but Lane sees it coming and rolls out of the way! Frodo misses wildly and Lane grabs him from behind, hitting a big belly to back suplex onto the mess of keys that spilled onto the floor.

Hank Lane gets back to his feet immediately, dropping a big ass elbow across the chest of Frodo Smackins! He lift Frodo up and attempts to bring him to the crowd, only to get met with a series of punches from the fierce, smaller competitor. Frodo's struggles pay off, as he drops to the mat and shoves Lane off of him. He tries rushing in; a tactic that has worked for him earlier on, only to get sidestepped and run right into the ringpost! He bounces off the metal pole, into a German Suplex from Lane! Lane digs under the ring now, and brings out a steel chair! He lifts it high in the air and slams it down across the back of Frodo Smackins, and then proceeds to do so again.

And again.

Lane lifts Frodo up, about to toss him into the crowd, when Frodo gets off of him and lands on his feet in the crowd, grabbing his opponent's head and slamming him face first against the rail! Lane drops to his knees, eyes glazed over. Frodo drags his body over the rail and struggles to lift his body up and the fans assist. They lift Lane in the air, Lane is crowd surfing!

Winner: Frodo Smackins

John Raide
- vs -
Stevie Tyler
- vs -
Eli James IV
X-Bloody-Treme Punishment
Elimination Match
Fans will supply weapons!
Once you are BLEEDING and KNOCKED OUT you are eliminated. Doesn't matter which happens first as long as they are both happening at once.

Eli James, John Raide and Stevie Tyler all stand in the ring at separate corners. The crowd is full of people holding different kinds of weapons from home. Scissors, Hammers and Knifes, OH MY!! The worst of it sits in front row facing the camera, an obese black man with a Mr. XWF t-shirt is holding a large black and spiked dildo. He locks eyes with Stevie Tyler and wiggles the dildo towards him. He licks his lips and laughs as Stevie tries to avoid eye contact. The ref calls for the bell and we are now underway.

Immediately fans start throwing in items towards the ring. Some make it in and some do not, a stray hammer strikes John Raide in the back of the knee and he kneels in pain. This gives Eli James the prime opportunity to strike as he catches a steel chair that makes it to the ring. He charges and hits Raide over the head with the chair. Raide falls over in pain. The ring is now full of trash cans, chairs, hammers, scissors, one guitar, an Xbox One, four lightbulbs and an actual kitchen sink. Stevie Tyler walks over to the sink and has no idea how anyone was able to get that into the ring. Eli James turns to face Stevie and charges him. He grabs Stevie and hits a Belly to Belly onto a trash can in the ring. Tyler goes right through the can and screams in pain. The fans scream in excitement as Eli James looks around the ring for a new weapon. He chooses to pick up the guitar and turns to face John Raide who has now gotten up using the ropes as leverage. James charges and attempts to hit Raide with the guitar, but the attack is ducked and James hits the ropes. The Guitar bounces back and hits him in the face. Eli James staggers back in a complete daze. Raide heads over and delivers a European Uppercut causing James to stagger back more into the ring ropes. He bounces off them back to Raide who elbows him in the face causing him to spin around. Raide immediately grabs James and hits a German Suplex onto another trash can!!!

The fans are loving this x-treme competition!! Raide collects himself for a moment and is unaware to Stevie Tyler who has gotten out of the ring. He heads over to some fans in the front row. The obese black man wiggles the dildo towards Tyler and he decides it'd be best to avoid him. Stevie instead is handed soccer cleats and some duck tape. This gives the former doctor a great idea, he grabs a piece of plywood a fan attempted to throw in the ring but missed having it land on the floor. He proceeds to tape the cleats onto the plywood with the sharp part facing out. The fans love the inventiveness of Stevie Tyler as he raises the new weapon up in triumph. Raide catches wind and runs to the ropes jumping through ropes with a Suicide Dive!!!! Stevie reacts in defense by placing the cleats in front of his face. Raide hits the cleats right square onto his face. The force of the dive causes Stevie to fall back and hit the barricade. Both men are down and it looks as if the move caused Raide to spurt blood. This is step one to win the match, but for Raide to be eliminated he must be knocked out. The ref checks on him but Raide yells and shakes his head prompting the ref to back off. Eli James has gotten back up and grabs a pair of scissors. He slides out of the ring and picks up Tyler. He pushes him against the barricade and jams the scissors down. Tyler uses his strength to keep the scissors away from his face. An intense struggle breaks out between the two with James attempting to stab Tyler in the face!! The fans scream as the scissors get closer to his face, but Tyler dodges as they come crashing into the barricade. The scissors get jammed into the barricade and James can't get them out.

Tyler knees James in the gut and slides out of his grip. He grabs James and body slams him onto his soccer cleat weapon! James' spine is pierced by the weapon. Tyler takes this moment to hype himself up with the crowd and they cheer loudly. The obese black man screams for Tyler to get his ass over here. Stevie shakes his head and grabs Raide by the hair. He picks him up, but Raide has found a hammer!!! He smashes Tyler's feet with the hammer and he jumps away. Raide gets up and hits Tyler in the shoulder with the hammer. He continues hammering away at each body part of Tyler until he is on the ground. Raide grabs Tyler by the left leg and locks in a Single Leg Boston Crab!! Tyler screams in pain over the already injured leg from the hammer time John Raide just commenced on him.

The ref checks on Tyler the entire time as he screams in pain. He reaches for any weapon near by him but he can't seem to find one. Raide is trying to break the leg and cause Tyler to pass out!!! He'd not bloodied yet, but it doesn't seem to have a certain order for the events to occur for an elimination!! The crowd pops as Eli James charges and hits Raide in the back of the head with the cleats!!! Raide releases the hold and staggers forward holding the back of his head as blood pours from it. Eli James grabs Raide and hits a Russian Leg Sweep causing Raide to fall onto Tyler's already hurt leg!! He winces in pain as Stevie pulls himself out from underneath John Raide's body. The ref checks on Raide once again, but he is not out!!

James is frustrated and kicks John Raide in the back of the head. He sees Stevie crawling away and runs to him. He grabs him by the leg and pulls him closer, Stevie struggles to get free, but James pulls him underneath his legs. Eli James grabs Stevie by the throat and picks him up. He elbows him in the face and then places Tyler's arm around his head. Eli lifts Tyler up and hold him in a suplex position for a few seconds. He falls back having Stevie land on top of John Raide!! James gets up and heads back in the ring. He grabs the four light bulbs and walks over to the ropes. John Raide pushes Stevie Tyler off and he tries to get up, but Eli won't have any of that. He throws one of the light bulbs at John Raide, but he misses on hits near the steel steps. Raide backs up and looks in the ring. Eli throws another bulb and Raide avoids it, this one instead hits the back of Stevie Tyler who cries out in pain as the glass shatters on his back. Raide grabs a steel chair from one of the fans as Eli James throws his third bulb. Raide blocks the bulb with the chair and it shatters on the chair. Raide slides in the ring and smacks James in the gut with the chair before he can throw his last bulb. Eli James buckles and falls on his knees. Raide hits him in the back of the head and he falls to the mat, dropping the bulb in the process. This gives Raide the idea to grab the bulb. John Raide sets the light bulb onto the face of Eli James. He takes in the crowd and looks around the arena as the fans anticipation builds.

They believe it.....

John Raide raises the chair up and......

SMASHES IT DOWN ONTO THE LIGHT BULB SITUATED ON ELI JAMES FACE!! It bursts and glass covers his face as his body convulses everywhere. Blood spurts from his face and a crimson mask quickly forms covering his face. Eli holds his face in horrid pain as John Raide throws the chair down. He raises a fist in the air in triumph. The fans cheer for the sheer brutality of this match! Raide wants to finish it! He pulls the bleeding Eli James onto a trash can and sets him on it. John Raide gets on the turnbuckle and signals to the crowd. He's going for The Raid!!! (Diving Headbutt) This is insane!!

He gets ready for the jump, but Stevie Tyler is up!! He jumps on the apron and then onto the ropes. He springboards and hits an Enziguri on Raide!!! Raide is kicks off the turnbuckle and falls back onto the steel steps!!! He tumbles down the bottom step gripping his head. The fans are chanting.


Tyler catches his breathe and tells the referee to check on both men. He checks on Eli James first. James smacks the ref in the face telling him he isn't out. The ref, holding his face in pain, checks on Raide who is outside the ring. He body is halfway on the steel steps with his head on the floor, surely he can't continue, but the ref is met with a swift punch to the face from Raide. HE ISN'T OUT EITHER!! THE MATCH CONTINUES!!

Stevie Tyler sighs and cannot believe it, but he is relieved he isn't bleeding as he checks his face for blood. He looks to both men and decides that John Raide would be the best choice to knock out from the tumble he just took. Stevie slides out and the obese black man yells at him once again.

Obese Man: You're only good in a bucket with a side of gravy, bitch!!!!

This....was the last straw. Stevie Tyler yells at the man and gets in his face, but this was the wrong choice. The obese black man was hoping this would happen as he clocks Tyler in the head with the spiked black dildo!!!!! The fans goes crazy as one of their own gets involved in the match as well as the dildo spikes are lodged in Tyler's face!!!

Crowd; XWF!!! XWF!!! XWF!!!

Tyler screams in pain as he staggers back, trying to remove the spiked dildo from his cranium. He tugs and tugs until it finally comes loose. He throws the dildo on the ground as blood pours from the wounds. Tyler shakes his head in disappointment as he spits the blood that poured into his mouth out. The fat black man laughs at Tyler, but Stevie has had enough and walks towards the man.

Obese Man: LOOK OUT, BITCH!!!

Stevie turns away and is met with a Busaiku Knee Strike from John Raide!!!! How the hell is this man even up!!! Tyler is laid out on the ground and Raide is down as well, he used up a lot of strength to get his revenge on Tyler. The ref runs over to check on them both, but Eli James runs over and immediately locks in an arm-triangle choke on Tyler!! He puts a huge amount of pressure on Tyler who struggles, but he slowly begins to fade....until.....

The ref calls it!! Stevie Tyler has been eliminated!! He is knocked out!!!

Eli James releases the hold and laughs in triumph. He gets up and walks over to John Raide. He grabs him by the hair and picks him up. Eli James throws Raide into the ring. James slides in and surveys the ring. He grabs the Xbox One and looks at it for a moment. He knocks on it for a moment testing its strength, but then decides it's not what he is looking for. Eli James throws the Xbox One out of the ring and it smashes onto the floor. He gets out of the ring and looks around the audience. Eli is happy to be handed a shuriken from a fan as well as a bucket of rusty nails. He places the bucket in the ring and slides back in. Raide has gotten back up and is leaning against the ropes. Eli looks at the shuriken and throws it at Raide, albeit not properly, but pierces the back of John Raide!! He screams in pain and the fans love it. John attempts to reach the shuriken to pull it out as Eli James fills the kitchen sink with the nails from the bucket. He walks over to Raide, who has gotten the shuriken out, and turns him around. Raide stabs Eli James in the shoulder with the shuriken and he staggers back in pain. Raide kicks him in the gut and hits The Vendetta (rolling cutter)!!! Raide gets back up and sees the kitchen sink full of rusty nails. He moves it to right in front of the corner and pulls Eli James over to the corner. He sets James on the corner and begins to hammer away at his face with European Uppercuts.

John Raide climbs the turnbuckle and pushes Eli James to have his back facing Raide. The fans are bursting with excitement as John Raide is setting up to hit a German Superplex from the top rope onto the kitchen sink full of rusty nails!!! He locks in his feet, so he won't go with Eli and Raide lifts him. Eli James is in the air and falling back, but he won't go alone as he uses his own force and weight to pull Raide from the turnbuckle!!! Eli is ahead of Raide, but they both land on the kitchen sink full of rusty nails!!! The sink shatters and the two convulse around the ring as the nails pierce their bodies!! The fans resound in a collective gasp as the two lay on the mat with the nails protruding from their bodies. The ref can't even believe it himself. He goes to check on Eli, who slaps him once again. He goes to check on Raide, who punches him once again. These two men aren't going down and the fans are eating it up with applause!!!!!

Eli and Raide are down!

Eli and Raide are slowly getting to their feet, suddenly from outside the ring a fan tosses an unopened 40ounce bottle of Colt 45 into the ring! It bounces over to Eli who grabs it and goes on the attack!

Eli starts battering Raide with the bottle! Hit after hit the bottle does not break!

Raide tries to fend off the bottle with his arms but Eli hammers him to the ground! Raide in desperation rolls from the ring to escape the bottle bludgeoning!

Eli holds the bloody bottle in the air in mild victory before following Raide to the outside!

Raide is nowhere to be found. Eli walks around the ring with the bottle in hand trying to stalk his victim. He sees the apron of the ring move! He slowly leans down to lift the apron and….Holy Shit! John Raide stuck Eli James with a the point of a flag pole! Eli jumps back as the spear like instrument is still stuck in his thigh! Eli drops the bottle to attempt removing the point!

Raide wipes some blood from his face then grabs the bottle and slides into the ring and quickly climbs the to the top rope.

Eli rips the pole out of his leg and looks up in time to see John Raide jump from the top rope to the outside of the ring and cracks him in the face with the bottle smashing it sending blood, glass and cheap beer spraying the fans! Eli falls over the announcers station! John Raide stands up still holding the top of the bottle and looks at it in shock!

Raide heads over to the near unconscious Eli and starts to punch and kick him!

A fan tosses in their leather belt! John Raide grabs it and wraps it around the neck of Eli James, strangling him! His face quickly turns from red to near purple…he is fading!

Eli frantically grabs around for something to help and finds an electrical cord plugged into the power supply and rips them out exposing the hot wires and touches them to John Raides leg sending 10000 volts through his body causing him to scream and fall backwards to the floor shaking!

Eli gasps in air as he stands up slowly and grabs the belt from around his neck and watches as Raide slowly crawls in the opposite direction! Eli wraps the belt around his hand leaving the buckle side dangling and starts to whip John Raide with the buckle side of the belt screaming “Say your name is Toby”!

John Raide is quick to his feet with a few quick lashes! Raide lunges over the barricade and into the fans. Eli is on his back whipping Raide and fans alike! Raide grabs a steel chair and swings around accidentally hitting a fan in the face but also connecting with the face if Eli! Eli lets go of the belt and grabs a chair himself! The two are swinging away at each other as screaming fans circle around them! Raide slams Eli with the corner of the chair causing him to fall back to the floor still gripping the chair! Raide jumps on the chest of Eli and starts beating him in the head with the chair! Eli rolls toppling Raide over to the floor and Eli is on top hammer fisting Raides face!

A fan offers Eli a bowling pin! Eli hits Raide over and over!

A Fan hands Raide a metal fork that he jams into the ribs of Eli causing his to get off his attack and Raide heel kicks Eli in the balls! Eli falls over and Raide football Kicks him in the face,

Eli drops back and proceeds to roll about on the floor while holding his face. As he does this, Raide comes in with a couple stomps to Eli's chest and stomach. Eli surges in pain and as an act of desperation, he pulls the fork out of his ribs and stabs it deep into Raide's calf!

Raide yells out in pain and topples back as Eli reaches up and uses the fan barricade to slowly lift himself up. While Eli is doing this, a fan grabs Eli by the arm and helps him the rest of the way up. Eli turns and looks at the fan and the fan smiles and pats Eli on the back as he gives a reassuring nod. Then the fan hands Eli a large hardcover first edition of the King James bible and Eli grins.

By this time Raide had gotten the fork out of his leg and started to rise, but Eli prevents that with a wallop from the good book! The Bible is so big and heavy it took two hands just to bring it down onto Raide's head! Raide falls back, knocked clean out from the shot to the head from that massive book and Eli kisses that very book before resting it nicely on the floor.

Raide is bleeding from the stab wound to the calf and is unconscious!!

The ref comes over and checks on Raide and sees that Raide is indeed knocked out cold and is bleeding from the stab wound he incurred to his calf.

Still the ref decides to count and make this official.




Raide's still out.




No movement whatsoever from Raide.



He's really out! There's no change in Raide's condition!


The fans are on their feet as they all shout with the ref!


The fans are screaming like crazy because this means, Eli James is the winner! Raide has been eliminated by being both unconscious and bleeding and as a result, Eli has claimed his spot in victory!

Winner: Eli James IV

The rest of the Congregation, come out to join Eli following his match. Eli hugs Mystica, Amos, Elisha, then Havok. Eli turns away and raises his hands to the heavens. Amos and Elisha both grab Havok's arms and throw him to the ground. Havok looks confused at what's happening. Eli gets a microphone.

Eli James IV: I knew people would join our cause, but only temporary. They would enter our gates but the purpose would be too great for them to handle.. they would slowly fade away and fall into temptation and betray the Almighty. LJ Havok.. we had our differences and then.. you came and joined me. We were following the ways of the Almighty.. but you LJ.. you wandered off the path.

Eli turns back around and falls to his knees in front of LJ.

Eli James IV: You betrayed me. You betrayed us by going with John Austin. It's been said if you're not with us, then you're against us.. and here.. LJ.. is where our story ends. You wanted your hand in both cookie jars. You wanted to be on both sides of the fence. You wanted to work with us, spread the good message, and place judgment upon the XWF and the Black Circle. You...

Mystica steps in between LJ and Eli. Amos and Elisha aren't sure what to do.. Eli's face looks confused as well. Eli looks up at Mystica not happy. Eli stands up to his feet.

Eli and Mystica are face to face! The crowd is going crazy!! MYSTICA AND ELI ARE ABOUT TO FIGHT!

Eli James IV: Where is your allegiance, friend? You've been quiet. Are you with them, too?

Mystica turns immediately and starts to attack LJ Havok. Eli has a huge grin on his face. Amos and Elisha end up letting Havok go as Mystica has lost it. He seems to be letting out a lot of frustration on Havok!

It looks like Mystica is with Eli and The Congregation.

Havok is bleeding badly and Mystica refuses to stop.

Mystica finally stops and just looks at a lifeless LJ Havok. He's not moving at all and covered in blood. Eli walks over to Mystica, smiling, and tries to help Mystica up.

MYSTICA HITS ELI! Eli looks serious.

You can tell, though Mystica is in a different body.. he remembers the nail in his hand. He's rubbing his hand.. looking at Eli. Eli pulls out .. a NAIL from his pocket! He is offering it to Mystica!! Eli looks at Amos and nods... Amos gives Mystica a hammer. Eli extends his hand to Mystica..


Mystica turns and jams the nail into Havok's leg!

Mystica turns back to Eli.. Mystica smiles. Eli smiles. Eli extends his hand for a shake.. but Mystica turns and leaves.

Is Mystica with Eli or not?

Peter Gilmour, JTC & Justine MacKenzie
- vs -
Steve Davids
Locked-in X-treme Title Match
*If Davids wins, title changes hands regardless of who takes the fall.

After some exciting action so far here on Warfare tonight, it gets even better...Darkness fills the arena as the crowd grows silent. "Hello Zepp" by Charlie Clouser begins to play and we see Steve Davids emerge from the shadows near the entrance way. He slowly makes his way to the ring and is given a mixed reaction from the packed house tonight. He grabs the middle rope and pulls himself up onto the apron. He climbs in and begins to rile himself up into a frenzy for the match.

"I'm a Champion" begins to play in the sold out arena. After a few minutes we see JTC and Justine MacKenzie come walking out from behind the curtain, both dressed for battle. They receive a mixed reaction from the crowd as they make their way to the ring. They acknowledge a few of the fans chanting for them in the front row as they make their way around ring side. They stay on the outside and look on at Steve Davids who is daring them to get inside the ring.

The lights in the arena fade to black. We hear "Daddy's Fallen Angel" by IN THIS MOMENT begin to play very loudly in the arena as the fans get to their feet. The red strobe lights begin going crazy and a blast of pyro goes off near the entrance way. The curtains slowly open up and out steps Peter "F'N" Gilmour to a massive amount of cheers. He holds the X-treme title high into the air with praise from the XWF nation. He begins walking down the ramp and to the ring. He stops and talks over a game-plan with JTC and Justine. All three shake their head and bum rush the ring, after Steve Davids. The referee quickly signals for the bell and this three on one handicap x-treme rules match is underway.

All three go on the attack on Davids but Davids is able to fight them off with his brute strength. He throws JTC outside the ring and charges after Gilmour. Gilmour quickly exits the ring before getting eaten alive with a spear. Davids turns his attention to Justine. She tries to go nose to nose with Davids but Steve pie-faces her down on the canvas. We see Gilmour grabbing a chair and quickly entering back into the ring. He turns Steve around and delivers a gut shot with the chair. He picks up Steve and goes for "DOOMSDAY" (Black Hole Slam) early on in the match but Steve is able to fight it off and deliver a modified face buster. Steve quickly hooks the leg as the ref goes to make the count...



JTC has came back into the ring and broke up the count with a kendo stick shot to the back of Davids. JTC starts swinging away at the back of Davids before throwing the stick off to the side. He helps Gilmour back up to his feet and we see Gilmour whispering something into JTC's ear. We see JTC and Justine exit the ring and begin pulling out from under-neath the ring a HUGE barbed-wire board. The fans begin a earth shattering chant of "holy shit" as they carefully slide the board into the ring. JTC and Justine begin to place it upright near the turnbuckle. Gilmour picks up Steve and tries to Irish-whip him into the board. Davids puts on the breaks. Gilmour goes for it again but Steve goes to reverse it. Gilmour almost hits it chest first but is able to catch his momentum. He turns around and is speared right into the barbed wire board. The fans begin the chant louder along with Gilmour's screams makes it unbearable.

Davids gets up and turns his attention to JTC and Justine. JTC and Justine run towards Davids but they in turn receive a double clothesline down to the canvas. All four individuals are down and out as the ref looks on in bewilderment. Davids slowly makes it to his feet first and goes to cover the fallen Gilmour.....



Davids picks up Gilmour and goes for "Game Over" (Praying Mantis Bomb)...He gets Gilmour up to the half way mark but receives a chop block on both knees from JTC and Justine. Gilmour slides out of the ring as we see JTC and Justine start to deliver the boots to a fallen Davids. JTC motions for some sort of double team move. JTC holds Davids into a back-breaker position and we see Justine climb to the top rope. She comes flying off with a picture perfect leg drop. They both go for the cover on Davids....


Davids is able to throw them both off with such physical strength. He picks up JTC and delivers a huge side-walk slam that sends him down hard. He picks up Justine and throws her into the barbed wire like a rag-doll. She screams out in pain as the fans start the infamous chant once again. Davids goes outside the ring and after Peter Gilmour. He goes to pick Gilmour off the floor but as soon as he turns Peter around, we see Peter swing a small hammer across Steve's knee. Steve goes down in pain as a sick smile grows upon Gilmour's face. He goes under-neath the ring and slides out a table. The camera gets a good shot of the cut up and bloodied back of Gilmour's. He slides the table into the ring. He picks up Davids and slides him into the ring as well..

Justine is still trying to get herself untangled from the wire. JTC gets back to his feet and begins placing the table upright. Gilmour runs his finger across his neck signaling that this is it. He picks up Steve Davids and delivers the Angel Wings right through the table. JTC goes over to help Justine out of the wire as we see Peter making the cover on Steve Davids.


The fans break out into cheers as the look on Gilmour's face is priceless. JTC finally is able to get Justine out and they along with Peter begin to attack Davids with vicious kicks and stomps. Gilmour tells the couple to raise up Davids. JTC and Justine bring Davids up to his feet and we see Peter climbing to the top rope. He comes flying off which is unlike him with a cross body block but Davids ducks and Gilmour takes out JTC and Justine... Davids places a chunk of the broken table in the center of the ring. He picks up Gilmour and delivers "Game Over" (Praying Mantis Bomb) right through the already broken piece of the table.

All of a sudden, Michael McBride and his sister Victoria run down the ramp. They slide in the ring and attack JTC and Justine MacKenzie. The McBride siblings throw them out of the ring and follow them out. Victoria grabs a steel chair and strikes it down onto Justine MacKenzie as she starts rising up. Michael waits until JTC gets to his feet. Then The Irishman runs and hits the Celtic Clothesline on the dazed JTC, making him do a back flip right out of the ring! JTC crashes hard onto the mat and Michael walks over to the time keeper, who gives him a mic.

Michael McBride-"Oi Peter, you're not getting off easy. I'm forcing you to be a man and defend your title like one should. One on One. Fuck you ye' cunt."

The McBride siblings walk back up the ramp leaving JTC and Justine MacKenzie knocked out cold.

Back in the ring Davids, distracted by the small spectacle that just went on, doesn't notice Gilmour rising gingerly to his feet. Gilmour looks dazed and also completely crazed as he rushes towards Davids. However, Davids turns just in time and tosses Gilmour up and over the ropes! Gilmour crashes to the outside mat, landing right on Justine MacKenzie!

Davids slides out of the ring after Gilmour but before he can get to Gilmour, JTC grabs Davids and spins him around. JTC attempts to slap Davids but Davids catches JTC by the wrist and Headbutts him. From there Davids hits JTC with the - Shock Wave (Fisherman's Spinning Neckbreaker)! JTC goes down, but Davids is quick to roll JTC back into the ring. Climbing in after and covering JTC for the pin!




Winner: Steve Davids!

Oh my god! Steve Davids is the new X-Treme Champ! This is incredible!

Stay tuned for more action, when we come back at you with the main event! Sebastian Duke and Mystica vs N.A.Z.I and Theo Pryce, for the tag titles! A match that's sure to provide the brutal entertainment you all love! You won't want to miss this! So stick around!
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[-] The following 14 users Like Giovanni Ferrari's post:
(01-09-2014), (01-11-2014), Dr. Zero (01-09-2014), Ezekiel Carter-Williams V (01-09-2014), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (01-09-2014), John Austin (01-10-2014), Morbid Angel (01-09-2014), Mr. Radio (01-09-2014), Mr. XWF (01-09-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (01-09-2014), Scott Charlotte (01-09-2014), Simon Lee Nash (01-10-2014), Smoke (01-09-2014), Theo Pryce (01-09-2014)
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

01-09-2014, 04:46 PM

Awwww shit. My boy Mikey is throwing his weight around.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

01-09-2014, 05:40 PM

I just want to thank Hank for a good first match. Even if he won it would have been a great match. So, thank you Hank, but you stilll have to shave that mustache. A bet is a bet.

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

01-09-2014, 05:56 PM

fuck u mikey! ur going to get yours i promise u!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Scott Charlotte Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

01-09-2014, 06:31 PM

"Mcbride, you cost Gilmour the title? That is the greatest thing I've heard since last time someone cost Gilmour the title! You've earned a spot on my good side. This is hilarious, he's going to be in an uproar for weeks!"

(1x) Hart Champion
(1x)X-treme Champion
(1x) Tag Team Champion w/ Q.C. Thug

Current Record

[Image: p_197-329-tragedy-comedy-270x270.jpg]

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Scott Charlotte's post:
Theo Pryce (01-09-2014)
Ezekiel Carter-Williams V Offline
Fuck Bitches, Get Money

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

01-09-2014, 07:18 PM

Three and oh.

[Image: ecwv.png]

XWF Record

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

01-09-2014, 07:37 PM

u guys do know this night isnt over right? i only hope stevie has eyes in the back of his head ;)

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

01-09-2014, 07:47 PM

do you have a title mikey? i thought not. i got bigger balls than you and I challenged you to a match you cannot and will not win.. so do me a favor and SUCK MY DICK and SHUT.. THE FUCK.. UP!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

01-09-2014, 08:16 PM

we shall see once february 5th rolls around. i might not even have to go to madness to end you..

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Sewaside Offline

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

01-09-2014, 08:45 PM

part 2?
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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-09-2014, 08:45 PM

Hulk Hogan has fallen!

(OOC- who ever wrote my match is fucking amazing! good show entire!)

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Morbid Angel's post:
Ezekiel Carter-Williams V (01-10-2014)
Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

01-10-2014, 04:10 AM

Ah Petey, are you upset that Michael evened the odds?

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

01-10-2014, 07:16 AM

im ending mikeys career in 2 weeks.. or sooner ;)

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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LJ Havok Offline
The Chose One

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

01-10-2014, 08:24 PM

ooc: that worked out well great temporary send off for havok

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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