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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Crest
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Crimson Cobra Offline
Dat Crimson Boy

XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

02-20-2013, 10:19 AM

Crimson Cobra
Crimson Deadly
The arena is livid with a good reaction after “Here Comes the Boom” erupts and the Crimson Crest’s video plays on the x-tron. Out walk two men two Crimsons, Deadly along with Cobra. Both men are holding microphones in their hands and are prepared to give the same old long boring speech about how they should be the champions and how they will both be beating Mark Flynn. Mark Flynn the legend that is still in the flesh, this match for Crimson will be a good learning experience win or loss. Not many people get the ability to be competing against the top of the talent list.

Deadly makes his way down to the ring walking down the ramp without really acknowledging the fans but Crimson is slapping hands and patting heads, until he comes up to a man who is crazy enough to actually like Mark Flynn, he has a shirt on and a sign representing the current United State Champion. Cobra is utterly confused and smirks at the sight; he holds his hand out to the man who is disgusted by the offer to shake the hand of Crimson Cobra. This fan hates the Crimson Crest’s guts and just stares at Cobra who is still holding his hand out. All of the Crimson fans standing around are trying to shake Cobra’s hand but Cobra swiftly takes his hand and brings it across the face of this ignorant fan boy. The loud echoing slapping sound caused a big “OOOHHHHH!” sound to go over the entire audience. The man was bewildered and before he could react Cobra was already sliding into the ring to accompany his teammate.

The entrance song finally began to fade out as the two men were standing in the ring. Cobra being looked at by Deadly as if he did something wrong. Cobra looked over his right shoulder then to the left and shrugged his shoulders asking what Deadly was looking at. Cobra let the smile come out knowing that he was being looked at for the slapping of an innocent fan but then Deadly just shook his head and turned to the audience who were still cheering and chanting much too loud for the Crimson duo to begin speaking.

On one side of the arena the crowd chants “DEADLY! DEADLY! DEADLY!” and on the side where Crimson slapped the Mark Flynn fan they chant “Crimson! Crimson! Crimson!” in between the pauses of the other side’s chants. The two men in the ring are flattered but not wanting this cheering to continue with such important matters on their hands tonight.

Raising the microphone to his lips Crimson Cobra attempt talking over the overpowering sound of the audience,
“I don’t even think Mark Flynn knew he had a fan before tonight!” An overwhelming laugh is sent across the arena at Cobra’s remark. Crimson Cobra has to drop the mic from his mouth to allow the time for the audience to calm down yet again. This time its Crimson Deadly who rises his microphone to his lips.

“The Crimson Crest is here now allow us to speak.”

The crowd quiets down at Crimson Deadly’s request and finally the men are going to be able to talk. Cobra again starts the talking.

“So we are obviously out here for one reason, Wednesday Night Warfare is upon us once again and we are both competing. Crimson Deadly in a triple threat and myself an extreme rules match!"

My snake skin is going to be peeled back by Mark Flynn to expose a green worm? Will I’m circumcised so I don’t have any skin to be peeling back and unless you have an infection you need to let the rest of us know about there’s nothing green about me. Mark Flynn you see me as just another measly rookie, someone sliding by and riding the talent of my partner?

Crimson Deadly may be an amazing superstar but I do believe I got the pin in our tag team match up. Deadly was there to prove a point in my triple threat match up nothing more, I did not need him to win that match but it proved very helpful. There is no point in running up the mountain when you can help drive a car to the top, or am I wrong?

Mark you are no mountain just a man, so there will be no help needed when I decimate you and show you the meaning of extreme this week.”

Crimson Cobra waddles to the corner and holding the top ropes he hops up to his perch sitting on the turnbuckle allowing his partner a display of words now.

“Minions, minions, minions…”

An interruption of cheers is what Crimson Deadly receives from his patent way of calling the fans his own.

“Was there really one of you wearing a shirt that had the horrid words Mark Flynn on it?! That is a fallen minion. Truly sad but it’s going to happen and we’ll just have to accept that. As long as none of you are cheering for my opponents this week it will be all well.

Scotty the pink fighter Mac and Prophecy are two mere sparks compaired to the fire of someone like Mark Flynn, my match up this week will be a breeze. It’s you I’m worried about Cobra. I mean not to bring it up again or anything but you did get beat by that cock Mr. XWF”

Cobra jumps down off of the ropes offended

“Hey! I was NOT beaten by him he screwed me over!”

“Woah! Woah! Woah! Buddy we don’t need to go into detail about what happened after the match, I know that man is crazy and all but let’s spare the audience the details I mean we do need to keep it PG-13… I think”

Crimson Cobra looks embarrassed but is playing along with Crimson Deadly to keep the fans going. Cobra looks towards Deadly to continue the conversation.

“Ok… ok so that is not how I meant it at all, If it weren’t for his stupid rock bottom I would have been up and able to keep that other idiot in the ring, I guess if were talking the shoulda, coulda, woulda, I should also mention that I should have gotten down off the cage and to the outside instead of hitting my finisher…

But again that is the past and there’s nothing to do but move on. Crimson Cobra does not dwell on a loss but I will take everything for that match that I have now figured out and I will take it into the match with Mark F***ing Flynn and I will beat him with it!”

“Wait, are you saying you’re going to be like Mr. XWF and beat him with your Di..”

Cobra cuts off his partner before he can finish the last word in his sentence.

“Hey! I thought you were the one telling me to tone it down! Come on man I’m not like that insane Mr. XWF so don’t even compare him and me. I am in the Crimson Crest he is just trying to get his crust on crimson… Let’s not get that confused.”

The crowd roars in laughter once again, the two men in the ring keeping them entertained and informing them about their matches at the same time. Crimson Cobra now out of Deadly’s face no longer being offended scans his eyes through the crowd while he talks.

“Now that you all know, I am Cobra and this is the Minions Master…”


The audience says it along with Crimson Deadly and it shakes the arena. “Here Comes the Boom” plays again rocking the x-tron and the audience erupts into cheers. Crimson and Deadly chants rock the arena once more as the duo exits the ring. Crimson Cobra walks past the Mark Flynn fan once more this time looking at the man then pulling back his arm as if he were going to hit the man again. The fan nearly jumps back in fear of being hit again, and the first slap was still ringing in his head with the red hand print lying across his face. Crimson storms up the entrance ramp to meet his partner at the top, simultaneously they rise their arms Cobra rises two C’s from his hands to represent Crimson Cobra and the two finally turn to the black sheet blocking the back stage and the arena and they pass it exiting the arena.

1x Quote of the Moment
4x 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion
1x Tag Team Champion

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