Let’s talk about Irony for a second, not the Google Intern who wears black horned rim glasses, wears cardigan sweaters and drinks soy lattes while listening to Arcade Fire, no I’m talking about the concept of irony. Last week after my crack pot team of Pryce Industry researches turned up some interesting results regarding the Black Circles actions over the course of the last few months I went on a little bit of a diatribe outlining the false narrative that has been permeating the halls of the XWF. While some took it as me trying to wash the Black Circles hands of any wrong doing, others, the enlightened few saw it for what it was, the truth. As I said last week, the Black Circle is not a group of alter boys, we all know that. But citing us as the reason no one can win a match fairly stems from misplaced anger as well as being factually incorrect nonsense. And then last night happened.
I suppose in the end you could call it fair play. I’m sure there will be those who take exception to that line of thinking, but fuck em. After all Paul Heyman, the Administrative Networks current mouth piece tried his hand at making things difficult for me with this whole mystery opponent nonsense but like a good King does, I prevailed. The Black Circle, prevailed, thanks in small part to Shane
coming down to the ring and making the 3 count when the previous ref’s were unable to do so. One of them got in my way, the other, well there was just something off about him.
I’m sure Scott Charlotte isn’t happy. I’d bet dollars to donuts that he’s screaming screw job but in reality, what happened last night was nothing more than Scott’s initiation back into the XWF. A few months ago when I was kicked off the Warfare roster by that epic cunt Giovanni Ferrari I turned to someone that I thought was a savvy businessman, someone with his eye on the bigger picture, that man was Paul Heyman. And of course Paul being the greedy Jew that he is wanted money in return for my services. It should have been the other way around, adding a talent like me should have had him foaming at the mouth but apparently my perceptions of Paul as a businessman were clearly off as he would rather spend his time helping lower level talent like LJ Havok build a legacy instead of working with guys like myself. But never mind that, Paul wanted money and money is something I have in abundance, and so an agreement was struck. Paul got his coin and I got a spot on the Madness Roster.
Fast forward a few months and we see that Paul Heyman and Scott Charlotte reached an agreement to bring Scott back into the fold, and where exactly is the money coming from to pay Scott’s salary? You guessed it, from the sizable donation I made into Paul’s pockets. So in a sense, Scott Charlotte was paid by me for the opportunity to lose to me in the ring. Nice try Paul. Maybe next time.
And now I move on to another challenge, the tag team titles. I earned a shot at the champs, and I earned a chance to pick my partner. I’ve done the latter, and now it’s time for the former. The champs? A former Black Circle flunky and the leader of a stable that is sinking faster than Smoke Man’s career, if you can even call what he has a career, and his partner, the new US Champ and a former ally of ours, Mystica. An interesting choice, and pardon me for a moment while I give Sebastian Duke some credit a smart choice. Or perhaps it isn’t. Mystica is a man of many talents, one of them being his inability to pick a side. But the time is running out on his indecisiveness.
While Eli James was kicked out of the Black Circle for his overall ineffectiveness as a member of the group, Mystica was given another chance to join us, to be a part of greatness personified, his response? To stand there like a statue while the Congregation and Sebastian Duke handed the Black Circle a beating. So be it. It’s not the first and it won’t be the last, we all take a beating from time to time but unlike most, the Black Circle has shown time and time again that among the many strengths we have as a group, our ability to get back up stronger and more focused each and every time.
From what I hear Sebastian Duke is practically walking around with a 24/7 hard on while he ponders his grand plan, which from what I gather involves replacing another walking reject in Griffin MacAlister with Mystica as his full time tag team partner and I guess his alliance with the Congregation. I wonder if Eli has any idea what he is getting himself into, Duke is possibly the least trust worthy person alive, just ask Griffin or any number of the former members of the Brotherhood. Sebastian Duke is a mercenary, plain and simple. It seems like perhaps he and Eli James have this notion of being the faces of this revolution against The Black Circle. I say bring it on. As fantastic and magical as Duke’s plan is, at least in his own mind I have made a living, both figuratively and literally seeing the bigger picture. Paul Heyman and his cronies may have fired the first shots in this new war, Eli and Duke may be the guys that take up their cause and while my shot won’t be the first, it will be the one heard round the world. I will be the man that breaks the back of this new head strong revolution. Mark my words.
Pryce Industries
Theo Pryce’s Office.
“So tell me Erica, how was your New Years? I’m sorry you had to spend it alone but your fuck stick was needed for other more important things.”
“You’re gross. You don’t have any issue talking to me about my sex life, that doesn’t seem to cross a line for you at all?”
“There isn’t a whole lot that phases me Erica. Besides, it’s not like it’s a secret. Were all adults here, and I am sure you and Nathaniel have talked at great length about using your uterus as a conveyor belt for a new Aryan Race, don’t hold out on me. I bet you already have names picked out like Adolf and Heinrich.”
“What we discuss is none of your business.”
“That’s not a denial. As for whether it is my business or not I have to disagree with you there. Your man toy is, for the moment my tag team partner for our match next week. I need him focused on Sebastian Duke, the guy that just handing him a curb stomping and Mystica, not on you and your future together.”
“Take it up with him.”
“Oh believe me, I will do just that. In the meantime, let’s talk business.”
“Fine but before we get to that, do you have any plans to get rid of that pile of powder of there?”
“What pile of powder?”
Erica points over towards the far side of the room where Theo’s cocaine buffet is currently set up.
“That pile over there. You know, the one that could get you locked up for the rest of your life.”
“I do have a plan for removing the pile of powder you seem to take issue with that.”
“Fantastic, and what is that plan?”
“To arrange it into thousands of neat little lines and then put it into my blood stream via a technique I like to call, snorting.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“I never joke about drug use Erica.”
“Theo you have a serious drug problem.”
“Serious might be a bit of an overstatement, as is the word "problem". You make it sound like I’m a meth addict or something. It’s some harmless cocaine, I do it because it’s fun, I enjoy it, I’m not addicted. Men like me, we don’t get addicted to things, except maybe being awesome. I’m definitely addicted to that. Speaking of…”
“Theo, your…”
“Don’t interrupt Erica, it’s very rude. I was in the middle…”
“No Theo, this is serious. You’re nose…you’re bleeding out of your nose.”
Theo taps his left nostrils with the two of his fingers and then pulls away to see his finger tips covered in blood. He looks down to see a line of red starting to stream down his shirt.
“Well isn’t that a bit...” Before Theo can even finish getting the words out he collapses to the ground, hitting his glass coffee table on the way down, shattering it into hundreds of pieces.
Fade to black...