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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Every night in my dreams! (RP 3)
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Jenna Silver Offline
A part of Twerk Team U.S.A 2013/2014

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-30-2013, 08:42 PM

It was all perfect! Just Liz and I in my living room in front of the fire place with the lights dimmed and we're on a fuzzy zebra blanket in nothing except out lingerie. This is all I've ever wanted! We're just goig the o chat for a bit and make the mood very sexual and once the time is right I'm going to make my move! We are going to have the most intense sexual intercourse the XWF will ever witness. Yes, I have a camera recording us in the top right corner of the room. I won't tell her thought because I know she'll be fine with it because she is just the perfect woman...kind of.

Lizzy, you look so beautiful in your little pink bra and g-string. Not to mention that your ass looks better than usual tonight!

Ah Jenna, you know how to make me horny unlike that skank Jessie. You're so much more sexier than her too.

Aw! Liz, you make me feel all tingly!

That's what I do Jenna. I love to make you feel good. I just can't admit to loving you in front of the xwf because...that's just not how I roll. Now that we're alone though...I can tell you...

Liz Wait! Don't say it just yet. I want this moment to be spectacular!

Off with my bra! I threw my bra onto my couch that was behind us and got comfortable in the blanket next to Liz again. She laughed and removed her bra as well then scooted close to me and we looked at each other with clear love.

Jenna Marie Silver...I

*Ding! Dong!*

Son of a bitch! Hold that thought Liz I have to answer the door.

I got up and grabbed my back up T-shirt with a pink unicorn on it and said " Uni-porn." I walked over to the door to see who was bothering me and Liz's very intiment moment! I opened the door and...Oh Fuck my life!

Theo?! Wha-what are you doing here?! I'm a little busy at the moment and i dont have time to talk and don't know what to say and I'm wearing my Fuck shirt and Lizzy and I have no bra on and

Jenna...Stop. I don't care about anyhing else except for you.

but...Theo! Why now?

I'm sorry I just couldnt help it anymore! I've been doing so awesome and now...I'm the king! But all I want is you. Be with me tonight.


What's going on?! Theo? What the fuck are you doing here?

I came here to confess my love to Jenna! What are YOU doing here?!

They both started arguing about who loves me more and I didn't know what to say anymore so I ran back inside and curled up in front of the fireplace.

See! Look what you did!

what I did? Maybe if you weren't poisoning her mind with the whole homo sexual crap maybe she owouldnt be having a nervous break down right now and she would be with me!

Fuck you Theo! She didn't ask to be with you tonight she asked me!

Both of you shut the fuck up! Just come in and have a few drinks ok? I don't know what I want right now so please just everyone just shut up and rdrink some fucking alcohal!

They both looked at me with their eyebrows raised and shrugged their shoulders and came inside for some drinks. Things started getting foggy...I wasn't sure what was happening but then things went black. Wait, the image is back! I see a bunch of skin... I'm naked! Liz is naked and Oh my god!

That was...amazing!

Fuck yeah!

What the fuck happened?! A threesome?! Why don't I remember something so amazing like that? Liz and Theo are disappearing, NO!

Just a dream...FUCK!!!

Ooc: Sorry this was kind of short but I hate typing on my phone!

[Image: lPLDvvG.png]
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AlexandraCallaway (11-30-2013), Liz Hathaway (11-30-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (11-30-2013)

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