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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Pre-Match News Conference
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ProphecyGG Offline
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02-14-2013, 03:27 PM

Bridgestone Arena
Nashville, Tennessee

*Prophecy enters conference hall and takes his seat at the table. The look on his face says it all. Clearly frustrated and aggravated. He positions the mic in front of him.*

Prophecy: "Let's get this going and over with."

Reporter1: "You seem a bit more aggravated than usual. You taking this loss to heart?"

Prophecy: "It's one thing to lose. It's another to have some stoop to the level Sebastian Duke had to. It is what it is. I'm excessively distraught because as you may know I've been buried under about 3ft of snow. No power. And my flight was delayed. So yes. Your powers of observation suit you well. I'm exceptionally pissed off right now."

Reporter2: "Any thoughts or comments on your next opponent, Chris "Killer" Conrad?"

Prophecy: "If he's smart, he'll not show up. He'll just stay as absent and silent as he has all week. You all saw what happened to Luca. I'm beyond that right now. If Conrad shows his face tonight...I'm gonna break him. This is his first and may potentially his last match here in the XWF. Better off. We don't need any more lackluster competition on the roster."

Reporter1: "Could we potentially see a rematch between you and Sebastian Duke?"

Prophecy: "I can assure you he has not seen the last of me. I would dare say the likewise is also true. I would go so far as to say I hate him as equally as I respect him."

Reporter3: "What is your gameplan going into this match?"

Prophecy: "To win. Why would I share my gameplan beyond that? This is gonna possibly be the easiest match of my career. Like I said, if he's smart, he won't even bother showing up. If he does? I will show no mercy. He clearly isn't taking me seriously and tonight he is going find out how big of a mistake that is."

Reporter2: [b]"Last question Prophecy. We have been seeing you with some of your old companions. Could we be seeing any of them here in the XWF?"

Prophecy: *With a devious smirk* "No comment....Now if you'll excuse me. I have a scrub to curb stomp in a few hours."

*The reporters all start talking over each other trying to get one last question in. Prophecy ignores the commotion and simply walks out with a wave*
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