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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Lethal Lottery 2 Entire Tourney + PPV RP Archive
The Hunter (rp 2)
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ZakMisery Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

10-16-2013, 07:56 AM

Why…why was I in a match with two of the most disgusting men in XWF? I would rather be on the same team as Alexandra and Radio than ever on a team with Green and Gilmore. I, honestly don’t know how I managed such a pathetic team. Casey was the exception but only because he didn’t smell like he hadn’t showered in a month. Call me heartless but it was true; Casey was the only one who didn’t make me wonder in the fate of the Human race.

My eyes scanned the nightclub, looking for some food and it slowly drifted to Michael Radio. Poor fucker, didn’t stand much of a chance but I told Micah where he was so she would have gotten him home and taken real good care of him…now, back to food. Not that it was hard but hey, I was picky.

Normally, I would be here with Micah as she lured in the males, letting them think they were going to get the chance to sink themselves into her. Never once did that happen though, as soon as she got them into the back room, they met their fate. Now, here I was, looking for some drunk slut to lure away and drain. They were never missed, no one ever came looking.

“Hey there.”

His arms wrapped around my waist and his lips started ghosting over my neck. The bonus of being an Incubus…letting them think you were theirs to control. The dead man slowly slid his hands across my chest and stomach before letting his fingers dip slightly in my jeans.

“I heard you had the backroom, let’s go before someone steals you from me.”

Steals me from him? My eyes snapped over to Nova, who was sitting at the bar, his eyes locked on me and fire in his eyes. A smirk slid across my lips, Nova was jealous but he had asked to see me hunt and this is what I did. I let the man lead me back to the sex room, grunting when he slammed my back against the wall. His lips attacked my throat and his hands gripped my ass, forcing me into his hard body.

A moan ripped from my lips and I smiled as Nova appeared silently in the room. The fire in his eyes even brighter and I shivered, knowing that this was getting to him. I flipped him and pulled his head from my neck, giving more room for me to feed. His moan filled the room once I bit down, my fangs deep in his throat and hips pressed tightly against his. It didn’t take long before his heart gave and he dropped at my feet.

“Happy you got to watch?”

I turned around and noticed Nova wasn’t there anymore.


I frowned, looking around the room before I gasped out in pain, feeling a weight on my back, pinning my chest to the wall.

“Most people play with their food. This is the first instance of the food playing back. Real fucking cute Zak. Hope you really enjoyed that shit."

Nova’s hand tangled in my hair and he forced my head back, forcing a yelp of pain to escape my throat. My head rested against his shoulder and I whimpered when I felt his fangs press against my throat.

“You…you asked to watch…”

Another pain induced whimper escaped my lips and to be honest, having ones neck pulled painfully over their lover’s shoulder while being pinned painfully to the wall wasn’t comfortable.

"Wonderful logic. So does that mean had I not been here it would have gone further? What would have happened? Would you have fucked him? Do you need to stick your dick in your meal before you eat it sometimes?"

His teeth dragged along my neck and I tensed, expecting him to rip my throat out but the sudden twist of my head and the grunt of pain that left my throat as I landed with a thud made my eyes widen and send me into shock. I looked up just as he turned his back to me.

"You know what I don't even fucking care. I don't want to know. Do whatever you want. Thanks for the truly enlightening lesson."


My voice cracked but I didn’t move off the floor. He was pissed and it was pretty clear he didn’t want me to touch him.

“Nothing would have happened. I’ve never fucked a meal…I lead them on until I get them in here.”

Everything hurt, my body, my heart, everything. I stood up slowly on shaking legs before I walked over to him, my arms snaking around his waist and holding him tightly. My head rested against his shoulder and my claws dug into his sides as tears landed on his shirt.

“Why would I ever give up my life with you? Why would I risk losing my mate, my Azrael, for a meal? I’m alive with you, I’m finally complete with you. Don’t walk out, Azrael…please…don’t leave my arms…”

I had gone back on my words and submitted to him. Was I really that weak or was he just that powerful? Nova sighed and pulled my claws from his sides before turning around, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. One of his hands tangled in my hair and a sob shook my shoulders as we fell to the floor, Nova holding me tight to his chest.

“I’d never leave you…I just don’t like your method of hunting…”

I sniffed and looked up at him, “Blame Micah…she’s the one who figured out that sexual energy mixed with blood makes us stronger…”

My hands slid up his shoulders and I pulled him in for a kiss, trying to convey emotions that couldn’t be spoken. Nova understood and immediately pinned my shoulders to the floor, his hands tangled in my hair. I smirked against his lips, knowing we were going to have a long, rough night ahead of us.

(ooc nova helped with his characters dialogue. Again, on tablet sorry for the lack of coding.)

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