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And Now, Deep Thoughts: RP 3
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Sebastian Duke Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-13-2013, 01:17 PM

Saturday, October 12, 2013 – 4:04 AM EST – On Board Air Darkness One

I'm a tired man, that much is true. When you stop and think about it, it really is understandable. After the week I've had, others would have crumbled under their own weight. I'm looking at you, Peter Gilmour. Not only did I not win against John Madison and fail to dethrone him, I was immediately strung up like a common criminal in centuries past by Egyptian Snow Pharaoh and her band of really, really bad archers. Just forty-eight hours later I was involved in a Trios title defense that I actively tried to sabotage. The same match where Rebel attacked me with a chair in an effort to leave my Brotherhood, of course, he now knows that that just is not going to happen.

Egyptian Snow Pharaoh would prove her own weakness by openly complaining that I was “no selling.” Whatever that means. 'Oh look, my plan didn't work like I hoped. Let's make shit up.' Apparently, I was supposed to outwardly tell the world how much pain I was in. I didn't, and now she thinks I'm secretly on the side of John Madison.

Anyone with an ounce of brain power would know that just is not the case. I didn't like John Madison when we were on the same side. Why would I try to help him now when my hatred for that man is very much evident? It doesn't make much sense, does it? I wouldn't think so. In my opinion, I believe its just another case of a hot rookie (in more ways than one) trying to target me to make a statement. Keep targeting me. It'll be that much more humorous when I put you down in front of the entire world.

With that said, she has earned a little respect from me. I mean, anyone that has the power and the intestinal fortitude to do what she had done to me on Monday night, deserves some sort of recognition. It was an awesome moment for her, I'll definitely give her that much. The problem lies at the end. I fell twenty-something feet through the ring surface and she's bent out of shape because I'm not injured.

That's where it all started. I claimed I was uninjured. It's obvious that her definition, and mine, are totally different. She follows the more literal. As in, if it made a mark and I required medical attention, it's an injury. However, I see it differently. I don't consider myself injured unless I'm kept out of action. Yes, I have stitches all over my legs to seal the punctures left by the arrows. Yes I have aches and pains from falling through the ring surface. Yes I have ligature marks around my neck from the noose. What she's pissed off about is that she pulled out her biggest trick and look at me, I'm still standing. Ready for another fight.

My thoughts begin to wander away from this as Jacob, by best-friend, my Messenger and my closest adviser begins to wake up in the seat across the aisle on board Air Darkness One. I slap him in the shoulder to get his attention.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What do you think of the Snow Pharaoh chick?”

THE MESSENGER: “Personally? Or professionally?”


THE MESSENGER: “Professionally, I think she has an enormous amount of potential.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Personally?”

THE MESSENGER: “She wouldn't be a bad back up plan for your Queen.”

That wasn't what I was expecting. In all my thoughts about making my Kingdom of Darkness complete, I never even considered Egyptian Snow Pharaoh as a Queen. She is a pretty remarkable specimen though. Obviously beautiful. Extremely talented. Very much evil. Three requirements that she matches perfectly.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What about the one we just saw?”

THE MESSENGER: “I think she's unequivocally, the first choice. She, at times, tries to hide her own evil ways. She has found herself within the arms of a few of the XWF's men and I think you could be the one she's looking for.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Are you saying she's a slut? Because I could really get used to...”

THE MESSENGER: “No, that's not what I'm saying. What I am saying is that she keeps looking. She's not finding what she's looking for and you could give her the stability.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Doesn't she already have kids?”

THE MESSENGER: “I think she might.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “That could be a problem.”


SEBASTIAN DUKE: “My child would be born after her children. Making her children...”

THE MESSENGER: “Absolutely nothing. It's your crown. Your throne. Your kingdom. Your royal bloodline. The throne descends through you, not her. After your demise, your child claims the throne. Hers would only ascend if something happened to your child and he had no children.”

So, my Prince of Darkness would still become King even if her children were born first. No hurdle there.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What if she does not want to be my Queen?”

THE MESSENGER: “I thought you said you wouldn't ask.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I did, but the possibility still exists that she may sabotage me if I do what I intend to do.”

THE MESSENGER: “Sebastian, you're the leader of the most dangerous secret society to ever pose a threat to the powerful Catholic Church. You have connections all over the world. You have connections to some of the top administrators in many nations.

“She should not pose as even the smallest threat to you or the kingdom.”

This is why I pay this man. Actually, I don't pay him. If I did though, this would be why.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Do you think she'd make a good Queen?”

THE MESSENGER: “I think she would. She's been pretty successful in her career.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “She loses though, when the pressure is on in big match situations.”

THE MESSENGER: “That happens. She's gotten better though. And she'll continue to do so. Plus, if you bring her into the fold, Sebastian, you could make her every bit as dominant, and as legitimate as you are.”

Anyone that knows the story of Sebastian Duke knows that I brought myself up from basically nothing in the Xtreme Wrestling Federation and worked my ass off to get as far as I've come. I've had plenty of big matches. Title matches. Main event matches. I've felt the glory of victory as well as the sting of defeat. People tend to forget, especially in this business, that sometimes, its just not your night. That was the case for me on Monday night when I lost – barely – to John Madison. Still, no matter how close a win or a loss is, a win is still a win, a loss is still a loss.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “You're right.”

THE MESSENGER: “Isn't that usually the case?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I could mold her into something special, then her and I, together, will rule the Darkness, then the XWF.”

The Kingdom of Darkness will indeed fall upon the Xtreme Wrestling Federation. In due course, I will have another shot at John Madison down the line. This time, I can assure you without any doubt in my mind, the outcome will be different, and Sebastian Duke will take John Madison's kingdom.

Fade to Darkness.
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Andrew Morrison (10-13-2013), Egyptian Snow Pharaoh (10-14-2013), Mr. Radio (10-13-2013), Rebel (10-13-2013)

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