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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Here comes another Bombshell!
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Katie Davidson

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10-11-2013, 08:11 PM

Scene opens in the academy locker room where we find the fresh faced Katie having just completed a work out she’s sat in the locker room deep in her thoughts. This coming Monday was going to be the biggest day of her life she was going to wrestle for the first time on live television. She has finally made it to the big leagues; no more completing in the independent circuit. She was petrified at the prospect and her stomach was doing ten million back flips and she still had the rest of the week to go. She continually felt sick about the prospect because in her eyes she was nowhere near prepared. Who was giving her this opportunity was anyone’s guess but she was scared she was going to mess up and let her city down. It is completely understand right? Every one including your family watching you on TV! You will have to do your best; Since the match was announced she had been training her little socks off trying in vain to somehow prepare herself for what’s to come. She couldn't let all her fans down that has been supporting her in her career. She had to give her own input into the match. She had to give some level of effort. Hence why she was working out and getting in all the practice she could. She knew she’d improved a lot in recent weeks but enough to propel herself into the shark pool of live Madness. It was going to be sink or swim for Katie… Noticing a live camera had slipped into the room she was a little taken aback by its presence. Blinking a couple of times she gives it a smile, trying to make it a confident one before calmly speaking towards it.

I… I hope you’ll all forgive me if I’m not very good at this sort of thing… or if it sucks. Cause I've never actually spoken to a camera before. Well apart from being in the independent circuit but that’s kind of a different thing all together. This is on an entirely different wave-length; I understand I’m supposed to hype this match up that was just thrown together just because management felt the need to give me a chance to shine. Shane took an interest in me and offered me and contact.

Katie bites her bottom lip, but soon turns into a smile.

I am sure everyone might think just because I am not the big dog in this yard I don't have any bite at all; but I will make everyone realize that I can compete on the same level as anyone in that ring. That time has finally come! The wait for me to begin my journey to win a major title in this company; it is time for me to swim in this big ocean known as the XWF roster and get my first big win.

Katie begins to snap her finger and shows a cheerful smile on her face. Maybe that scared girl worried about her first match has finally become a woman enjoying her first match up. Katie begins to speak again.

But let me get to the woman I am facing on this upcoming Madness Liz Hathaway! She is the woman that lost her first to matches in XWF; But she is a captain in the Lethal Lotto can some please explain to me how did such events come to pass?

Katie crosses her arms and closes her eyes, for a moment in the hopes of understanding what is going on.

Maybe Shane picked her because he wanted to shove a potato between her legs for something; But I am sure the reason why she became a captain was a gift from pleasing the boss in some sick bondage game.

Katie chuckles to her self; but soon then speaks again.

But let's get back to the point of this whole promo! Oh ok? Now Liz made a claim that I think I am....

Insert the air quotes!

"All That!"

Katie begins to slap her knee and begins to laugh a little bit.

Please! I am not like all the other people in this company that I thinks I am hot shit and then end up losing and don't have anything to say in defense. I am a hard work and I worked my way up to this level in the big leagues and I will prove it in that ring when I face you. You see Liz unlike you I am not lazy; I worked hard for everything I have. I took jobs that most people wouldn't to become the woman I am today; I spent years mastering my craft in independent and you will soon see what I have to offer this company.

Katie's eyes just suddenly glow.

Liz I will show you my will of fire in that ring. Even if it means hurt you to prove my point then that will just have to happen; I plan on winning my first my match unlike someone and I will put in the effort to do so. I hope you are ready Liz because their is no way in hell that I will lose this match in 5 minutes. You better be lucky to last 30 seconds in that ring. I am coming for you Liz and I will break you and make you understand that you promise of beating me was an epic fail. Unlike you I am here to make an impact and a name for my self.

Katie moves closer to the camera.

I 'm "The Motor City Bombshell" Katie Davidson and that's Checkmate, Bitch!
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Liz Hathaway (10-11-2013)

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