Theo Pryce
King of Kings

XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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Joined: Wed Sep 25 2013
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Hates Given: 7
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10-11-2013, 09:22 AM
:: Money has its advantages, we all know this. Sometimes it’s used for good, oftentimes it’s used to perpetuate the never ending greed that has permeated people’s lives since the dawn of time. For Theo Pryce money has on most occasions made his life more difficult. Crazy to think about but it’s true. With money comes expectations. Donate to this cause, start this charity, all things that have never interested Theo as they never interested his father before him. Call him greedy, call him shallow, Theo won’t disagree with either assessment; in fact he might shake your hand for having the stones to say it to his face. On this night however money allowed Theo to get a private room at the War Room so that he didn’t have to congregate with the masses of the Wednesday Night Warfare Roster. Plus, Theo was hoping that after their victory in the Trios match Sin might come by for a congratulatory “romp session”, after all, what good is having a female partner, two in fact if you can’t get your beak wet after. But as has been the case in their previous meetings Sin declined the offer, though at least this time she decided not to even show up rather than rejecting him to his face. Rejection is not something Theo is faced with often. The pitfalls of being gorgeous and wealthy, you can basically get anything or anyone you want but not in this case and while most might assume that being rejected would send Theo into a pissy triad in this case it actually had the opposite effect. Theo had to commend Sin on her will and the stones she showed by rejecting him repeatedly, though he would never admit as much if anyone ever asked. Moments after Theo finished changing out of his wrestling attire and into more suitable clothes, a black and gray pinstriped suit his VP and wrestling manager Erica Rayner walks into the room. Theo looks up at her with the smirk she had been expecting. Not only did Theo win his first career wrestling match, but he scored the winning pinfall, or in this case submission. ::
“Go ahead Theo, you can say it.”
“You know what Erica, this time I’m not going to. Were both thinking it, we both know it’s true so let’s just leave it that. Instead I’ll give you the chance to offer your commentary first. What did you think?”
“Honestly, I was impressed, maybe even a bit surprised. I’ve never seen you wrestle before and until recently never know you gave a flip about it at all but I’m comfortable enough to admit that I was wrong. Nicely done Theo.”
“Thanks Erica. One match down and I’m already one of the number one contenders for the Trios titles. I’d call that a successful debut. Now let’s get out of this dump.”
:: Theo grabs his wrestling bag and heads of out of his private dressing room with Erica in tow. He passes a few of the other wrestlers on his way out. Some offer a congratulatory hand shake such as XWF Owner Shane , others say nothing. As Theo progresses through the halls he is approached by Liz Weinberg, one of the XWF’s primary interviewers. ::
“Theo do you have a couple of minutes?”
“I don’t see why not. My jet leaves when I’m ready.”
“Good to know. So, you just competed in your first ever match with the XWF and you came out on top. How does that feel?”
“Well I definitely prefer being on top, it’s certainly what I am accustomed to. Being the number one contenders for the Trio’s titles after only one match is a success in my book. What do you think Liz?”
“I would say yeah, that’s a hell of a start. And now you are competing in round one of the Lethal Lotto next week on a team with Cam Lang, Dr. Zero and the Egyptian Snow Pharaoh, who also happens to now be one of the 3 Trios Champs. What are your thoughts on that?
“Well first of all, congratulations go out to the new Trios Champs. They fought a hell of a match, albeit with a little help from Rebel. Smacking his own stablemate with a chair? Pretty messed up, but I dig it. Every man or woman for themselves, it’s the American way. But back to the champs, enjoy your new hardware, keep them nice and shiny for me because your days with those belts are numbered. I promise you that.”
“And what about your match next week in the Lethal Lotto? One of the people you just called out is your team mate next week.”
“So what? One has nothing to do with the other. Next Wednesday I will go out on a team with Cam, ESP and Dr. Zero and I’ll wrestle my balls off to win that match and advanced to the next round. And if I have to face ESP for the Trios titles before we are eliminated from the Lethal Lotto then so be it. I have no issues being someone’s partner one night and then ending them the next. Nature of the business and believe me, I know all about business.”
“True enough. How about your opponents in Round One, Andrew Morrison whom you are obviously familiar with, Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke and Salman Van Dam?”
“Well I wouldn’t say familiar with, yeah Morrison was one of my opponents in the Trios match but Olive dealt with him pretty quickly so he and I never had a chance to square off. Which is just as well for him, whether it was him or Nash or the guy I eventually got to submit, none of them were making it out of that ring unscathed. Now as for the rest of that team, Santos and Duke, they’re no joke but I’m not worried about either of them. Not when I have the team mates that I do.”
“And what about Salman Van Dam?”
“What about him? Is he some Jewish C List Action Move Star turned wrestling dummy?”
“He’s the 4th member of Santos’s team.”
“Well that’s unfortunate for Tony than isn’t it? Are we done here?”
“One more question, rumor has it you are helping John Madison get out of some legal trouble. Any truth to that?”
“I don’t comment on rumors Liz.”
::With that Theo and Erica make their way out of the arena and towards Theo’s car which is waiting to take them to the airport. The car’s driver, a middle aged stocky African American outside of the car. As Theo and Erica get closer the man grabs Theo and Erica’s bags and puts them in the trunk which was already opened. He then opens the back passenger side door for Erica as Theo makes his way around the back of the car and get’s in the back drivers side door. The driver then spins around and makes his way to the front of the car where he situates himself behind the steering wheel. A moment later the car engine fires up thanks to push button activation and the car speeds out of the back of the arena and towards the San Diego Airport where Theo’s private jet is awaiting.”
“A Jewish C List Action Movie Star, that was the best you could come up with?”
“What no good?”
“You’ve had better.”
“Eh, whatever. Where you able to talk to John while I was getting changed.”
“Yes I was. He said we are all good to go for next Wednesday.”
“Perfect. Thank you. Now, I feel like celebrating. I know an excellent sushi place downtown. Let’s hit it up before we head home?”
“Theo it’s 11pm at night. I am sure they are closed by now.”
“You’re not getting out of it that easy. I already called ahead, they agreed to stay open so long as I tip generously. I’m thinking 10% should do.”
“I’m joking. You know 25% is standard for me, but since these folks are doing me a solid, 35% sounds about right. So are you in?”
“Doesn’t sound like I have much of a choice does it?”
“You always have a choice. You could sit in the car and commiserate with the driver. Or you could join me for dinner. If you worried that I might consider it a date, don’t, you aren’t my type.”
“What’s that, strong and smart?”
“If you were anyone else I would have no problem giving you the honest answer, but alas, I am too much of a gentlemen to do that.”
“We both know that’s bullshit.”
“You’re right, but either way, I’m in too good of a mood to let you fuck it up.”
“Driver, we are making a stop at this location.”
:: Theo hands the driver a piece of paper where the address of the sushi restaurant is located. ::