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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Crime & Punishment - vs Flynn & Gilmour - RP 1
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Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-08-2013, 09:48 AM

Linn Kwann and Sebastian Duke have just awakened from their peaceful slumber. Sebastian sits near the window looking out upon the hallowed ground that is his estate as Linn heads toward the bathroom.

As he sits, he thinks to himself about the hell his property witnessed more then 230 years before during the Revolutionary War. Sometimes, at night, he swears he can still smell the gunpowder in the air. He's mostly chalked it up to his mind playing tricks on him, but sometimes he's not so sure.

He stands up and head to the bathroom. As he enters he notices Linn is standing near the counter looking at something out of his view.

SD: "What you got there?"

Startled, she turns around quickly, holding whatever it was she was looking at, behind her back.

LK: "Nothing. Nothing. You just scared me."

Sebastian senses a hint of fear. He comes closer and Linn backs up until she can't anymore. Her back touching the counter. The good mood Sebastian was in quckly draining.

SD: "No. No, see that's not it. I smell fear. I like that smell. What are you hiding behind your back, Linn?"

Linn, reluctantly, reveals a slip of paper and sowly hands it to Sebastian. He takes the object and his face begins turning red. Embarassment? Doubtful. Anger? Most probably. The object she handed him is not just some slip of paper. Not at all. What he holds in his hands is a photograph.

[Image: 33uvi81.jpg]

Filling quickly with rage, Sebastian throws a quick punch and shatters the bathroom mirror into hundreds of small pieces. Linn jumps backward near the shower as the pieces of glass scatter all around.

SD: "Where.... Where the hell did you get this?"
LK: "You... You know him?"
SD: "Of course I know him. Do you not watch the shows? That's Griffin MacAlister. Years ago he tried to kill me."
LK: "Ohhh Goddd!"
SD: "Where did you GET THIS!?"
LK: "It was taped to the mirror. I think I'm gonna be sick!"
SD: "I still smell fear. What are you not telling me?"
LK: "Nothing. I... I just feel violated that he was able to get into this place."
SD: "Naah. See that's not it. It's something else. If you're not going to tell me, I'll find out myself!"

Sebastian Duke turns and exits the bathroom and gets on the direct phone to the guard shack at the main entrance to the estate. Seconds later a guard picks up.

SD: "Yeah... No time for niceties. We've had a breach in security. Get your ass in here. Meet me down stairs within five minutes. Bring the security footage, and do NOT.... I can not stress this enough, do NOT make me come looking for you!"

Duke slams the phone in the receiver and stares out the window as he watches the guard he was just talking to hauling ass carrying something toward the Compound. He turns to Linn.

SD: "Your last chance Linn. What are you not telling me?"
LK: "I promise. It's nothing."
SD: "Not only do I smell fear, I smell a lie. I will find out...... Trust me."

He makes his way to the door and hesitates looking at the door. He turns his head looking at Linn and notices her hands shaking in fear. He smiles in an evil grin type of fashion as he exits and slams the door hard.

Once in the hall way he stops.

SD: "Jacob, Lucas, Jonathan! Downstairs, my office, immediately!"

[/i]He proceeds across the hall and down the spiral staircase which empties into the main corridor. As he lands in the corridor a hard wrapping at the large wooden double doors to the Compound. He opens up allowing Zach, the head of STS Security, into the building. Not saying anything, he leads Zach into his private office.

Once in the office they sit. Zach lays a compact disc on the table. Sebastian slams the photo on the table and slides it toward Zach who looks at it with a shocked look.[/i]

SD: "I want to know how this son of a b***h got in here! Not only was he in this building, he was in my GOD DAMN PRIVATE QUARTERS!"
Z: "This is not possible."
SD: "It's obviously possible. It happened. That is Griffin MacAlister. That is Buddy, my dog. That is MY hallway upstairs. THAT IS A GUN IN HIS HAND! SOMEBODY TOOK THAT PICTURE AND YOU...... are gonna tell me who. Understood?"
Z: "There is only three ways he could've gotten in."
SD: "I thought you said weeks ago there were ZERO WAYS HE COULD GET IN HERE!"
Z: "Well, technically yes, that's true, sir, but if one has the means anything is possible."
SD: "Explain that.... C'MON! DON'T waste my TIME!"
Z: "The fences are electrified so it's not possible he hopped them. He could've dug a ditch under one. He could have dropped in by plane over the top. Or...."
SD: "Or what?"
Z: "He could've come in from underneath."
SD: "What do you mean, underneath?"
Z: "Well, there used to be sewage and storm drain tunnels underneath this property. They haven't been used in over a hundred years. They were sealed off in 1899."
SD: "How would he get in here that way if they were sealed off? That makes zero sense to me."
Z: "You have to remember, block and mortar from the 1800's wasn't as good of quality as it is today. Over a hundred years of cold, damp and leaky mortar probably ate away the mortar and the blocks maybe fell in letting anything inside to pass under the floors."

Jacob, Lucas and Jonathan all enter the office at the same time standing in silence. Zach takes the CD and pops it into the player as they begin watching footage from inside the Compound.

SD: "So tell me, Zach, how the other scenarios are out as his point of entry."
Z: "That part is easy, sir. If he would have dug a tunnel under the fence we have guards in the towers and walking the grounds. He never would've had a chance. Once he crossed the fence, one of them in the tower would have picked him off. At the very least if he did manage to get by them, there's the snipers. They certainly would have picked him off. Plus I walked the perimeter a little less than an hour ago. I would've seen something. As for coming in from overhead, again, sir, the snipers."
JACOB: "What are we talking about here?"
SD: "A breach."

Sebastian picks up the photo and Jacob takes it from him staring at it. Lucas and Jonathan look over his shoulders and the color in Jonathans face drains completely. Suddenly, on the television screen....

SD: "THERE! That bastard there he is! Who the hell is that?"

Everyone but Jonathan moves in closer, squinting, trying to figure out who is holding what looks to be a camera. All at once, they all turns their heads slowly toward Jonathan.

SD: "There's that smell again."
Z: "What smell?"
SD: "Fear. I do love that smell. Jacob, search his room. Leave no corner untouched. Zach.... out. Lucas, check the basement for his point of entry. Get back here in 30 minutes. Jonathan....... You sit. Somebody close the door."

Jacob exits with a slight left headed toward the spiral staircase. Lucas exits to his right head to the basement. Zach closes the door upon his exit. Jonathan, meanwhile, no longer looking scared, sits across the table from Sebastian. He only sits with a smirk.

SD: "I no longer smell fear Jonathan. I do however, smell a rat."

Suddenly, a knock at the door.

SD: "Not now. I'm busy!"

The door opens and there stands Asmodeus. The High Priest of the Brotherhood. He enters and shuts the door and sits on the corner of the table holding his cane.

SD: "What is it Asmodeus? Now is not a good time."
A: "I saw the guard running for the Compound. So I asked my guard. He said there had been a breach. I came here for this."
SD: "For what?"
A: "This....... excriment sitting in front of me."
SD: "Asmodeus what are you talking about?"
A: "I have suspected this young man of being a traitor from day one. Now, I am here to pass is judgment."
JONATHAN: "Only God... can judge me."
A: "Now, I know I was right."
SD: "Why didn't you bring it up sooner?"
A: "Suspicion without the burden of proof means nothing."

Jacob barges in suddenly, scaring the hell out of Asmodeus who nearly falls off the table. He carries with him what looks to be files or folders of some kind. Jacob, turning himself toward Jonathan goes on the attack. He nails Jonathan with rights and lefts to his head, body and face as Jonathan tumbles to the floor caught off guard by the attack. Sebastian Duke stands quickly trying to pry Jacob off of Jonathan. Finally, he is successful.

JACOB: "The proof.... is in that folder!"
SD: "Proof of what?"
JACOB: "His treachery. He was sent by te Vatican! He has letters, envelopes, signature! Signed by Pope Benedict XVI himself! The envelopes even have the Seal of the Pope! Oh.. and an autograph from MacAlister himself!"

A bloodied Jonathan, now sitting back in the chair does nothing but smile.

SD: "And your goal? Jonathan?"
JONATHAN: "To destroy the Brotherhood."
SD: "For what reason?"
JONATHAN: "For your unholy stance against the Church."
SD: "What makes you think we're 'unholy'?"
JONATHAN: "You're satanists! Illuminati!"
A: "LIES spread by your Church! By your POPES! Through the centuries to tarnish our good name and our reputation!"
JONATHAN: "Then you deny your are Satanists but do not deny you are Illuminati!?"
SD: "What we are and are not ceases to be any concern of yours from this point forward!"
A: "How old are you Jonathan? We thought you were 16..... 18, maybe?"
A: "And your real name? Your christian name?"
JONATHAN: "Is not your concern."

Jacob, losing his patience takes Asmodeus' cane and rears back. Quickly, Asmodeus stands in his way. Jacob backs down still holding onto the cane. Asmodeus returns to the corner of the table.

JONATHAN: "What Jacob? Are you going to hit me with that cane? Show how big and strong you are? HA! You are a weak, pathetic, follower. Nothing more."
JACOB: "And what do you call yourself? You follow a religion in quick decline! A religion on the verge of collapse. Priests having sex with young boys! Scandalous affairs by men of the cloth!"
JONATHAN: "Lies! Spread by the likes of cowards trying to tarnish our good name and reputation! Isn't that right Asmodeus?"
SD: "ENOUGH! Jonathan, you planned to destroy the Brotherhood. How?"

Jonathan laughs. Jacob looking increasingly angry.

JACOB: "Tell me. What if you die today? Never reaching your goal."
JONATHAN: "Then so be it! I die a martyr. Glorious death for the cause!"
SD: "Answer my question! How did you plan to achieve your goal of destroying this sacred Brotherhood!?"
JONATHAN: "Will you allow me to speak without interruption until I am finished?"

Sebastian, still standing since seperating Jacob from Jonathan minutes ago take his seat behind the table.

SD: "Jacob. You stay put. I would like to hear what he has to say. In it's entirety. Jonathan, you have our full attention."
JONATHAN: "This Brotherhood of yours, Sebastian, is like a deadly poisonous snake in the grass. What do they say about poisonous snakes? Cut off the head and the body will fall. Something like that. At the beginning of this new year you were stricken deathly ill Sebastian. You placed the blame on Stephen for poisoning you with holy water. I think we all know thats not true. You were poisoned but not with holy water. Stupid fool! It was me that poisoned you. It was in your food and not the water! Poor Stephen had to die because you were too stubborn to die yourself!

"Without a leader to follow, this Brotherhood would no longer exist. It would crumble to its very foundation and and the dust scattered in the winds. You might say 'Oh well we still had Asmodeus to preach to us and a new leader would have been chosen eventually.' As true as that is, it would have done you no good. Had my attempt on your life, Sebastian, been successful. The so-called High Priest was next. Sebastian, had you died as you should have, Asmodeus would not have lived through the next week. I planned to take advantage of the chaos that would have ensued after a dead Sebastian Duke was discovered and then simply kill Asmodeus in his sleep, then make my escape.

"I also knew about the sewer tunnels. While everyone was so pre-occupied by the new security going up I took advantage to go in the tunnels and make sure the path was clear once I heard of MacAlisters plan to come back here. He doesn't know it. But, I sent him the tunnel map. I had figured, however incorrect, that if he did get in here, he'd finish the job he started years ago and kill you where you slept. End of story."

Before anyone could stop him, Jacob lifted the cane over his head and swung it downward causing a loud cracking sound as the cane came crashing down against the skull og Jonathan. One swing. It was done. Jonathan fell out of the chair and to the floor. Blood leaking out of his head. Sebastian and Asmodeus did nothing to stop him.

Jonathan laying on the ground losing conciousness fast. "Am I dying?" he asks himself. He lays there mumbling. Fairly comprehendable considering the blow to the head he just took.

JONATHAN: "Our Father, thou art in Heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done. On Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses. And we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me...."

He loses consciousness.

JACOB: "What the hell is he saying?"
A: "The lords prayer. And Psalm 23:4."
SD: "He thinks he's dying."
JACOB: "Damn good guess."
SD: "One thing I don't get."
A: "That is?"
SD: "The dog. He didn't bark or anything. He barks at his own shadow most of the time."
JACOB: "Oh that one's easy. MacAlister must have given him that Kobe beef tenderloin from the fridge. It was in the hallway with tint bite marks. I was worried he might get ill from it but he's up there scampering around. Ugly little thing, but cute at the same time. Anyhow I threw the meat away."
A: "Whats the matter?"
SD: "That stuff is over sixty bucks a pound! That was the wedding dinner for Linn and I!"

Suddenly, Lucas bursts through the door way. He stands in shock as he stares down at the unconscious body of Jonathan. The three others stare back at Luke.

"Another win for Sebastian Duke in the record books. Another main event on tap. This week I team with Angelus. Our opponents, Mark Flynn and the current solo holder of the XWF Tag Team Championship, Peter Gilmour.

"In the short time I've been here, Angelus is the last person I'd ever expect to team with. We're different in every imagineable way and on every conceivable level. Different personalities, different histories, different fighting styles... You name it. It's different.

"Angelus, you and I, have in a very short time, had a tumultuous history. Two times now we've squared off and two time now, you've had to have help to defeat me. This week is different.

"We're on the same side and for the life of me, I can not figure out whether or not I can trust you. You have seemingly seperated yourself from the Black Circle. All well and good but, can I trust it? Can I trust you?

"Nothing good comes from the Black Circle and even though you publically show disdain, much like myself, for the Black Circle and Shane , I have to question whether or not its legitimate. Surely, you understand.

"I have no problem with teaming up on Warfare. I extend my hand to you, like an olive branch. At least for the time being. The way I see it is somewhere down the line you and I will battle once more against each other. Somewhere down the line it will be revealed where your true allegiance lies.

"Black Circle.... or not....

"When that day comes, when the truth comes out, Angelus I will be there....

"Either to shake your hand in a sign of mutual respect...

"Or to strike you down....

"That choice is yours....

"Our opponents this week, Mark Flynn and Peter Gilmour. Two champions in their own right. Mark I really don't have much to say about you other then the fact you proved me wrong. If there is one thing in this world I hate more then anything else, it's being proven wrong. I guess you are pretty good. Either that or lucky. Much like Angelus though, Flynn, one day you and I will go toe to toe one on one in the squared circle and you too, will find out exactly what I'm made of. You'll get a taste, or a preview, this Wednesday night on Warfare...

"Polish up that United States Championship Mark Flynn, because sooner or later, I'm coming for it....

"Speaking of polishing belts, that brings me to Peter Gilmour. The self-professed King of Wrestling who only just recently, after a decade in this company, achieved real XWF gold....

"In just over two weeks, on February 23, Gilmour, you and I will do battle in Shane Carvers playground for your tag team titles. We'll both have partners, presumably, much like this week. Also, very much like this week, you'll lose. You'll lose on Warfare, and you'll lose on Carvers show. Why? The answer is simple really...

"You're just not as good as you think Petey. You're getting older, fatter, slower, more out of shape then ever before. I'm younger, bigger, stronger, faster, better... then you could ever be...

"Peter freakin' Gilmour. Living the dream. Finally capturing the XWF gold he's been desperately seeking! Too bad for you Peter, it'll be short lived. Very soon your tag team titles are coming home with Sebastian Duke. Just like Mark Flynn, Gilmour, you will get a taste of just exactly what awaits you....




"Tears probably....

"Blood maybe....

"Loss definitely....

"Mark Flynn and Peter Gilmour, your cold... dark... desolate future awaits you....

"I am your future....

"I will destroy you both....

"Trust me...."


Lucas stands in the doorway of Sebastian Dukes office shocked and stunned at the beaten up Jonathan lying on the floor.

L: "What happened?"
SD: "He's guilty."
L: "Of what?"
SD: "Helping Griffin MacAlister."
L: "What now?"
SD: "We prepare the body for a proper burial."
L: "What? He's not dead."
J: "Not his."
A: "Stephen's."
L: "Wait. I don't understand."
J: "Stephen was innocent."
A: "Jonathan admitted to not only helping Mr. MacAlister, but he also held proof of himself working with or for the Vatican in order to bring down our sacred Brotherhood."
L: "That son of a...."
SD: "He also admitted to trying to kill me and planning to kill Father Asmodeus."
L: "Wow. Just wow. I don't know what to say."
SD: "Did you find anything in the basement?"
L: "I found the only possible entry point. A cast iron grate the is no longer in its proper poition."
SD: "Anything else?"
L: "It has been used. Recently. Mud prints on the floor. Also, it was used previously. There were fresh scratch marks on the side of the grate."
SD: "Could've been from Griffin right?"
L: "Doubtfully. They would have come from inside, as if prying on it with something."
A: "That does make sense. Jonathan claimed to have, unbeknownst to MacAlister, helped him into the building by sending him tunnel routes or something."
L: "What happens to Jonathan? Will he die?"
SD: "That is not up to us. He will be bound and tossed in that hole in the basement. That hole is to be sealed with rebar and cement. What awaits him inside the tunnels is not my concern. You are all dismissed."

Asmodeus sticks around with Sebastian as Jacob and Lucas exit. As Luke passes the doorway:

SD: "Oh, hey Luke."

Lucas stops and turns to face the Leader.

L: "Yes, sir?"
SD: "I have one more thing i want your help with."
L: "Anything."
SD: "Linn Kwann is hiding something from me. Find out what it is. Do it quickly."
L: "How do I..."
SD: "I don't care how. You're the tech savvy genious around here. GO DO IT!"
L: "Yes, my Leader."

Startled by Sebastians temper, Lucas leaves quickly leaving Sebastian and Asmodeus alone.

A: "What is it, do you think she is hiding?"
SD: "I don't know. She definitely is though. When I walked into the bathroom this morning she was hiding that picture from me."
A: "It could be nothing more then shock. Perhaps she was shocked to discover someone had been in her home without her knowledge."
SD: "Nah. That's not it. It's something else. But what?"

Sebastian Duke and Asmodeus stare at each other.



What exactly is it?

Is she actually hiding something or was Asmodeus right in his idea that she was just shocked?

I guess the ultimate question is, will Lucas be able to unlock the truth?
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