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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Letter written to my opponents. (Finale)
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Cam Lang Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(crowd reaction varies; dips between face & heel)

10-09-2013, 10:52 AM

Quote:Dear all 8 other wrestlers in the ring with me tonight:

I want to send my best wishes to all of you for our match
tonight. While you read this, I will be in the comfort of
wherever I am, getting mentally and physically prepared for
what's about to come tonight. I have no fucking idea what I'm
about to get myself into, after all I've kind of lost my memory.
However, I can only somehow think it will all come naturally
to me when I step in between the ropes for tonight's contest.

You're not getting the old Cam Lang, but one that is refreshed
and ready for action. It's obvious that the old me was someone
who was consumed with hate and had so much animosity towards
other individuals, but as of right I really don't give a shit.
Seeing as the only people that like me are those within my own
stable, I really shouldn't disband from these guys so I really
have no choice, otherwise I'd most likely get a beating each
and every week.

So, who's going to win? Tri Bute just participated in a last man
standing match, and although he did make it out of that match with
Barney Green I'm not sure if he's going to be able to recover from
the bruises and injuries he suffered at the hands of the big man.
As for Jessie, I'm sure she's all ready to scrap, from what I've
compiled she always is. As for my future tag team partner in ESP,
I wish you GOOD LUCK tonight in this match up, but you need to realize
what I need to do if you so happen to get in my way.

Then we have these three people who apparently are somehow tolerated
around this place. Three people by the names of Mystica, Alexandra
Callaway and Eli James. It's been told to me that I've fought with all
three of these members of there so called ''Congregation'' and that I've
always come up on the short end of things, well I'm not guaranteeing a
victory tonight but what I am guaranteeing is how I'm going to make a
IMPACT whether you people like it or not.

So, we have those two teams out of the way... now, what's it going to be
like for myself and my partner in Peter Gilmour teaming with the one named
Sebastian Duke, who just suffered the brutalest of brutal matches against
the King, John Madison? Well, it sounds like Peter fucked something else up
and we don't even have Duke's help for this match. It's not like he'd be of
any use, honestly what he's been through I don't expect anyone to come out
of that like they're 100%.

With all that being said, we have a dilemma on our hands. How are me and Peter,
essentially going to be able to keep these championships. I could hide them
somewhere, I could get Barney Green to possibly eat them, or maybe we can just
give up and hand the championships over. But wait, I'm not going to do that. With
every cell that I'm composed of, it's going to be my duty to SOMEHOW and SOMEWAY
keep a hold onto these championships, if that doesn't go through... It'll be a fun
time getting to kick you all in the face.


Cam ''The Highlight'' Lang

[Image: CL.jpg]

Creds to BBD!
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Egyptian Snow Pharaoh (10-09-2013), LJ Havok (10-09-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (10-09-2013), Theo Pryce (10-09-2013)

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