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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Measuring Stick [RP1]
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ProphecyGG Offline
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02-06-2013, 05:21 AM

-Undisclosed Location-
-Somewhere outside Boston-

*The scene opens in a dimly lit room. The stone walls decorated with paintings of gothic like sceneries and castles. The floor looks to be expensive marble and granite mixed together in geometric patterns. A large black leather couch sits in the middle of the room which is where Prophecy is seated. In front of him an iron and glass table on which sits a laptop. Against the wall beyond that a large TV. On both sides of the stand two large stone gargoyles with rubies in their eye sockets.

*On the TV plays footage and highlights of his next opponent, Sebastian Duke. Prophecy sits leaning forward slightly, watching intensely and focused looking away only to type in a few notes on the laptop then returning to the TV. A phone suddenly rings. Prophecy pulls the phone out his pocket and puts it on speaker phone placing it on the table.*

Prophecy: "I hope this is important. I'm working here."

Voice: "Well I got something else for you to watch because I know what you're doing."

Prophecy: "...Go on."

Voice: "Check your inbox. I'll email the video to you."

Prophecy: "Alright. I'll take a look at it."

*Prophecy hangs up the phone. A couple seconds later his inbox chimes. He opens the message and downloads the file. He brings the video up on the TV screen. It's a clip of Sebastian Duke's comments...*

"...Having said all of that, it's time to address my opponent next week. Prophecy...

"Tell me, Prophecy, do you see your future? Do you know what's going to happen next week? Do you realize you have to step into the ring with a very vicious, very powerful, very angry Sebastian Duke? I don't envy you....

"I haven't seen much of you yet, but what I have seen, I will admit, I like. You have great potential. Potential though, only carries you so far....

"I hope you don't get over confident being a stellar rookie. You see, I'm also a rookie, at least as far as the XWF is concerned....

"Let me give you a little history. Not very long ago, a hot shot loud mouthed rookie by the name of Brett Rayne came in here and talked the talk... But he couldn't walk the walk... He stepped into the ring with me, lost... And we've never seen him since...

"Coincidence? I doubt it....

"Prophecy, you need to know that you're about to face the measuring stick. I'm the measuring stick because most rookies get swallowed up....

"By the life on the road....

"By the spolight shining too bright....

"By not being able to walk the walk....

"I walk the walk, Prophecy. Every week. Every event that I get booked on, I am all go, no quit! Win or lose, I come back fighting and I come back stronger...

"I am the measuring stick, Prophecy... Just accept that....

"Management, from time to time, likes to put rookies in the ring with me to allow them to prove that they have what it takes. You don't have to beat me to prove it, I mean, lets face it. You beating me, is just not going to happen....

"I PERSONIFY the new era of Warfare and the XWF. I PERSONIFY the next generation. I PERSONIFY the new blood. I lead this generation of XWFers Prophecy....

"It is time, you accepted the Angel of Darkness as your Leader!"

*Prophecy nods for a moment then sits back in the couch. A grin comes across his face. He sits there pondering for a moment. He rises from the couch and walks over to the closet. He pulls out a camera and tri-pod and sets it up in front of the couch. He sets it to record and takes a seat back on the couch.*

Prophecy: "Hello Sebastian. Soon, we will meet face to face. For now, however, this will have to do. Allow me to introduce myself, though I'm sure you know all to well who I am. I am Prophecy. I'm glad to see you have taken a personal liking to me and my work. Unfortunately you will not have the pleasure of adding me to your list of victims. There will be no sudden vanishing of me after our match and I can assure you ten times over that I will certainly be showing up.

"Let me say that I do not take you lightly. I have seen your work. In a small way I may even respect you. Allow me to tell you a few things about myself because you seem to be confused on few things. See this Wednesday you step into a world I know all to well. Many years ago I held the eXtreme title in another federation. A title I was willing to do anything to keep. I did just that. Week in week out putting my body on the line. Spilling my own and others blood without remorse. I fought through broken bones. Dislocated joints. Concussions. I was and am, the eXtreme Franchise. I carried that fed on my back.

"I have seen first hand close personal friends end their lives. Have dealt with the sudden loss of family. Felt the pain of being betrayed by people whom I considered friends. something I am all to familiar with. Pain is now something I enjoy. Much like you, I know what it's like to be screwed over. To be plotted against. To have worked so hard to earn what is rightfully mine only to have it stolen away for other interests and greedy and selfish means.

"So yes Sebastian...I know damn well what I am in for and the state of mind you are in. Do not think for one second that it concerns me. Win or lose, Sebastian, you will know you were just in a war. You are going to have to hit me with everything you can. Trust me when I tell you, I plan on doing the same. That being said it is a good possibility that our match will go down as one of the greatest, most brutal matches in the history of Warfare. I trust you will not disappoint me in bringing your all. In taking me to my limits. You need to know the likewise will also be the case.

"Luca found this out last week. To the point he needed to take time off to recover. Something tells me you are better than that. So come, Sebastian, and measure me up. Bring your A game and show these people what it is you personify. What you stand for. Bring the pain. I would have it no other way. I welcome it. Let us walk the walk together. Let us show these people and XWFers alike what extreme should look like. Let me show you what it is that I personify. You have your work cut out for you. Do not take me lightly. I am going to fight. I am going to hurt you. I am going to hit you with everything possible. I will not quit. You may damn well have to kill me to keep me down. You want me to give my soul up to the prince of darkness? Accept him as my leader? Then you best bring him with you. For I bow and kneel to no one without due cause. If you want my soul dear Sebastian, you are gonna have to come and take it and pry from my body. I regret to inform you there may not be one there. Perhaps it is I, who has been sent, to measure you up..."

*An evil grin comes across the face of Prophecy. He stands and walks over to the camera. It shakes for a moment then goes black. Prophecy brings the camera to the lap top connecting the two. He picks up the phone and puts it to his ear*

Prophecy: "Yea...I'm gonna send you something. Make sure it gets to him."

*He hangs up the phone and places it on the table. He picks up the remote control for the TV and returns to watching past matches and highlights of Sebastian Duke. He sits back on the couch.*

Prophecy: "....This is gonna fun..."

*Scene fade...*
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(02-06-2013), Wallace Witasick (02-06-2013)

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