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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Prophet of Doom Returns
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Elisha Offline
Don't go down to the woods tonight.

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09-18-2013, 06:32 AM

Elisha has been staying around his cave over the last several weeks without being seen by anyone. No one has really searched for him since most of the people near him are terrified. Eli had left him deep in the woods near the Promise Land while he went on his own venture to other location(s). He gets to make his return to the ring after fighting in two coffin matches, but this time he'll get a chance to redeem the tag team loss he's been haunted by.

Following his interesting conversation with Casey Jones, his tag team partner for the upcoming tag team match, they both had begun to get an understanding of the other one. Still, Casey was curious about the underlining issues regarding the monster.

Cam Lang, as well as his group Extreme Revolution, had begun a short history already with The Congregation without any specific purpose except to make a name for them/himself. He had already tasted defeat from the leader, Eli James IV, and the newest member Alexandra Callaway. He's vowed to not repeat these losses that are affecting him. He wants to take out two strong members of the Congregation, not just to make a strong statement, but to get an opportunity at facing the tag team champions.

Jason Smith has been a hit and miss over the course of his time in the XWF, but has seemed to get some focus as of late. He'll team with the strong Cam Lang and hope to build themselves towards a shot at gold. The problem is Elisha and Casey Jones stand in their way. Not an easy team. Not an easy faction. Not an easy ride.

Prior to meeting Dr. Jones for his chat..

It's dark. Some fog is moving through the area. It's colder than it has been as of late. A deep raspy voice is heard echoing, bouncing off walls and coming from a distance. We're not outside. This is happening inside a building. A few lit candles reveal the walls and strange fog inside. Down in the depth of this darkened building the voice gets closer. A door with a smalls square window. Through the window we see Elisha sitting in a corner, grasping his Lacey doll.. fixed.

"R-Revenge. I-I-I. I-I-I LOST! I failed M-Mystica. I f-f-failed Eli. Tag Team Titles. R-R-Revenge. R-R-Redemption. Killkillkill.

Elisha looks at his Lacey doll and speaks through her like he were having a conversation with himself using the doll.

"Oh, son. Can you imagine what it would be like on Wednesday if you and Dr. Jones were able to defeat Cam Lang and Jason Smith? You'd be able to walk up to the ring for the wedding with confidence! It would be a great present for Eli. You gain your redemption.

"Redemption. DIEDIEDIE!

"Easy, son. Now is not the time. That all comes later. Isn't Wednesday gonna be beautiful? We'll all be there. This will be my first one. I'm gonna put on a pretty dress. You're gonna wear a nice suit.

"No. Nonononono.

"Son, you're gonna look nice! Don't give me any lip. Eli expects us to dress appropriately for this beautiful occasion. So listen, boy. Here is what's gonna happen. You and Dr. Jones are gonna be them two guys and become the number one contenders for the tag team titles. Then, you're gonna go to the back, we're gonna get you dressed and lookin' all nice, and we're gonna be a apart of something beautiful. Understand me?

"M-M-Momma. Yes.

"A joyous day for Eli, and a sad day for Cam Lang and Jason Smith. That poem you wrote to them was beautiful by the way, son.

A day we celebrate a communion of love
Will also be a day two fall out of union
A joyous laughter will awaken our soul
A tearful mourn shall be the others breath
Placed in a hourglass is the fate of all
Except the only one that is eternal to all
Lusted by greed and fixed by tape
It'll all be broken again, just wait and see

Two look to gain a chance for gold
Yet, in the way is a story untold
The monster who sits in darkness and waits
A doctor who knows the mind of all
Shackles loosen from the grip, so we run
Freedom set by the lights from the sun
How beautiful are feet who bring good news
The opposers bring lies, off with their heads.

Oh, son. It just brings tears to my eyes.

[Image: 2b6d4bc0-f04e-46fe-98b2-4584c5178299_zps1fa4586d.jpg]
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