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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Return of Eli James IV
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Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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09-11-2013, 10:35 AM

A helicopter is heard close by at The Promise Land. People stop their work and stare at the sky looking to see if Eli was making his return back home after a long absence. The helicopter stops and hovers over the people for a few minutes. It slowly starts to come down to the ground.. Eli gets out. The people rejoice loudly and begin shouting praises at Eli's return home. Emma-Lee and Mary-Beth both run to him and give him giant hugs as he smiles.

It's been several weeks since Eli had been at the Promise Land. Several questions are raised about Mystica.. if he were returning.. and about Elisha's whereabouts. Eli ignores the questions and embraces the praise from his people. The dark and cold Eli had left The Village, and a relaxed preacher enters the Promise Land.

The XWF began to grow accustom to the ridiculous claims by Eli James since his debut, but were introduced to a darker side of the man. Who would be showing up in the next fight, week to week? The relaxed southern preacher with a 'Word from the Almighty' or the dark and disturbed preacher who embraces some darkness.. the question that's always asked.

The people begin to shower Eli with gifts they have had since his departure. A few things are handmade, and others were just purchased to give him. They all walk with him as he moves toward is white wooden house. He steps on on his porch and turns around as people look on awaiting him to talk.

Eli James IV "Thank ya all for continuing your good work and not quitting while I was away. I had to go to a few places to handle some certain things, but for now.. I'm back.

Listen to the voice of the Almighty and cling to his ways. Do not be deceived at words covered in honey to sweeten its taste. Do not let the wool come over your eyes. Though I may be absent some times in your life, I will always return to you. In my absence, there will be Almighty to come to your rescue. He shall comfort you and give you strength. In our weakness, his strength is shown!

Let his grace and mercy overshadow your short-comings. When your eyes rob you of sight, then you shall depend on eternal words you have hid in your heart from the good book. Shower yourselves with the truth given by the good book.

When everything fails you.. your health.. your technology.. your job.. know the Word of the Almighty. His Word will not fail you. He will strengthen the weak. Give hope to the hopeless. He'll lift up the hurting.. heal the sick.. rain judgment on the wicked.. prosper His children. He'll sing your name and you'll have praises on your lips for him. He is our foundation. He is our truth. He is our Almighty!

The world exists because He spoke it to exist. All you see is made by Almighty's word except us.. we were formed by His hand. We live because of his breath. Let us not suffocate our soul.. let it be free and be joined with the Creator!

Let your songs be filled with praise to him and for all that he has done. It is for his purpose we remain here to spread the news of the second coming! He will be seen in a cloud of glory. His judgment will come to the wicked.. for they choose to remain in the darkness. Remember what the book says..

At the time I have planned,
I will bring justice against the wicked.
When the earth quakes and its people live in turmoil,
I am the one who keeps its foundations firm.
“I warned the proud, ‘Stop your boasting!’
I told the wicked, ‘Don’t raise your fists!
Don’t raise your fists in defiance at the heavens
or speak with such arrogance.’”
For no one on earth—from east or west,
or even from the wilderness—
should raise a defiant fist.
It is ALMIGHTY alone who judges;
he decides who will rise and who will fall.
For the Lord holds a cup in his hand
that is full of foaming wine mixed with spices.
He pours out the wine in judgment,
and all the wicked must drink it,
draining it to the dregs.
But as for me, I will always proclaim what ALMIGHTY has done;
For ALMIGHTY says, “I will break the strength of the wicked,
but I will increase the power of the godly.”

The just shall stand on his words. The wicked will drink the judgment. Everyone who relies on their strength will be weakened. They will be reminded of how temporary and weak their flesh is. All who do not sing of the Almighty's work shall not have a song to sing. Amen?

The people begin shouting Amen back at Eli and clapping their hands. A few of them start to dance a little in excitement. Eli looks on and loves what he sees. People start praising him, saying "Praise Eli". Mary-Beth and Emma-Lee leave Eli's arms and get his chair in the corner of the porch and bring it to him without him asking. He smiles and sits down. He motions for the people to sit where they are.

Eli James IV "I have another battle this evening against a lady who has embraced the darkness. Her name.. Alexandra Callaway.

A few sighs and gasps are heard when he says Alexandra, but Eli ignores it.

Eli James IV "She says she was born of a demon! She's a witch and loves to cast her magic on others.. and she may have done so to our loyal prophet Mystica. That's ok. Mystica will find his way. I trust he will remain true to the word and follow in the path I have set before him. Do not worry. He will be back.

It is time for the light to shine brighter than ever before. The witchcraft shall end, and Miss Callaway will fall in her sins.

He pauses for a moment and looks to be in a trance like he's seeing a vision in the distance.

Eli James IV "The door to mercy is slowly closing. The light is moving away and judgment cometh. They will sink in their pride and be crushed by their foolishness. Miss Callaway has chosen to remain in darkness, but I hold to hope that Mystica will show her the right path. He shall lead her home and we will be a family again.

A few notice him saying again meaning that Miss Callaway could be the same Alexandra that wandered away many years ago and had forgotten about Eli.

Eli James IV "The sun shall set and the fight will begin. The witch shall fall prey to the righteous. Her soul will be cleansed. And all right will be.. in this evil and dark world. I ask you all to pray.. those people still ignore the truth but not for long. How much more will they turn to themselves for comfort? Death knocks at the door.. steps are moving towards it.. and once opened it can't be shut. Amen?

They nod their heads in agreement and clap. Eli dismisses them to go back to finish their work before the day ends. Eli smiles while everyone leaves and goes into his home.. his smile disappears.. he grabs a camera and puts it close to his face.

Eli James IV "The truth? It's too much for anyone of you to understand. You can't even understand the entire universe and you think you can understand truth? It reaches beyond the furthest star and never stops.

Everyone.. EVERY.. one.. needs to be fixed. You all are broken. You all have been torn into pieces and you're tryin' to put it all together. It may work.. but it's only a temporary solution.

You think I should be terrified because you say you're the end of me? Darlin', I'm just beginning. My message is just now reaching ears and penetrating hearts. Why be terrified of something that'll never happen? I don't worry. I don't fear. I preach.

You could have been saved.. ya still can be saved.. all ya have to do is surrender to the Almighty. Obey. Follow Me. If ya really wanna know darkness, I can take ya to the edge.. but I promise you won't wanna step over. There's no return from that dark place. It's a place where souls sing from their pain. It's where whispers become screams. It is the one place peace and love is not found. It is a place of loneliness and eternal heartache. The evil people fear.. makes its home there. It is the birth place of the wicked and destruction. No flashes of light.. no helping hand.. no friends.. no solitude.. no silence.. its.. pure.. dark.

Alexandra.. it is time to put away your childish words. It's time for you to understand the darkness you try so hard to embrace is just a shadow. It's not darkness. This isn't for play, my dear Alexandra.. this.. heh.. this is the end.

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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