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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Special 9/11 Promo
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JosephKain Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Classic Heel

(usually booed; often plays dirty)

09-10-2013, 03:08 PM

Tribute video for 9/11 plays with footage of the XWF performing for various branches of the military and the first responders that were heroes on that fateful day with "My Hero" by The Foo Fighters playing in the background.

XWF fades in from this footage to a room with an American flag draped across the back. Joseph Kain steps out from behind the flag wearing a shirt that has the words "Never Forget" in red, white, and blue on it.

I like to have fun outside of the ring and spend time with my friends and dad, but I want to try and be serious for the duration of this promo because it's somethin that I believe strongly in...

We were all affected by the events of 9/11 twelve years ago. I can remember when it happend too. I was only eight. I was in third grade, my teacher sheltered us from it because she didn't think we would understand, and she knew the ones of us that did would flip out. I got to my aunt's house and my brother and step-brother told be everything that happend. My brother said they would get what was comin to them. And my step-brother was a bit of a conspiracy theorist..We've heard all of those. Regardless, it affected my outlook on the whole world. I didn't decide to join the military that day, but I did decide to make my life the best it could be because you never know when it can be taken away.

I can't say that I didn't have any roadblocks cause that would be a lie. I had problems in my teenage years. And I regret that a prophet of some sort didn't force me to join the military. My father served and my brother followed in his footsteps. These guys are the strongest men I know. My father served in the military up until he came down with cancer in 2007. He has recovered since then though. Military taught him to be strong.

My brother got hooked on painkillers and then on to harder drugs since he was honorable discharged due to his arm gettin blown nearly all the way off. We haven't seen him since. It saddens me and I pray for him every day.

Unfortunately, war is a necessary evil as long is there is evil people out there that wish to do harm to eachother. So I don't hate war and I don't hate our government. I just wish for peace, but we all know that that ain't gonna happen. What I spoke of with my father and brother are two of the many common scenarios that returning soldiers face. They put themselves through a lot. And I just wanted to take the time to thank all of the courageous men and women that serve this great country. Yeah we may have some problems with one another from time to time, but we are all American's just tryin to make our country better. Before I move on to my opponent for tomorrow night, I just wanna say thank you one more time. Thank you.

I'm goin to make this short and sweet, Rebel. Thanks for your service to this country. It isn't goin to stop me from defeatin you and movin up in the ranks. I don't like your smug attitude. And if you walk to that ring with a cocky smile on your face I WILL knock it off. Bad mouth me all you want about not bein a real American too. The truth about that is I am a real American. I'm a regular guy who just happens to be a professional wrestler. I am livin the American dream. No one can take that away from me.

Joseph Kain walks back behind the flag as XWF fades to another commercial break

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[Image: Josephkain_zps03edef6b.jpg]
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