Ric Flair
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09-10-2013, 06:48 AM
In-Ring Name: Ric Flair
Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Richard Fliehr
New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New
Wrestler Date of Birth: February 25, 1949
Height: 6 feet 1inch
Weight: 243 pounds
Hometown: Raleigh, North Carolina
Personality: Ladies man/Enigmatic
Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Face
Physical Build Description: aging, bleached blond hair, tanned.
Ring Attire: black tights, red knee pads, red boots.
Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Expensive suits
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Pic Base: Ric Flair
Wrestling Style: Technical/Dirty
Strengths: Stamina, Focus, intelligence, experience
Weaknesses: Power
Entrance Theme Music: Also sprach Zarathustra
Entrance Description: Also sprach Zarathustra begins as the crowd begins a chorus of WOOOOOs from the crowd. Flair steps from the curtain onto the stage as the WOOOOOOs continue. As he makes his way down the ramp he spins, showing off his red and gold robe. He walks to the ring, wipes his feet on the apron, lets out a WOOOOO and steps into the ring, bouncing off the ropes and letting out a few more WOOOOs.
Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Back body drop
Chop block
Elbow drop
Knife edge chop
Flying double axe handle
Butterfly suplex
Stalling suplex
Low blow
Thumb to the eye
Belly to back suplex
Gutwrench suplex
Shin breaker
Knee drop to face
Knee drop to ankle
Sleeper hold
Trademark Move(s): Knife edge chops
Primary Finisher: Figure Four Leglock
Secondary Finisher if applicable: Low blow into a roll-up
Additional notes: WOOOOO!