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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Quick interview before his match.
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"The Phantom" Jack Kronus

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09-04-2013, 10:08 AM

The camera zooms in to show the entrance of an hotel. It is an hot Wednesday morning. Around the entrance of this hotel dozens of cameras are waiting to catch a glimpse of anyone famous. There were rumours about some XWF superstars that were staying here because of their matches in the Warfare Show. Most people did not belive these kinds of rumours, however, if anyone was able to get a few pictures or even some words from those wrestlers, it would be worth all the waiting.

Suddenly, an old man that had arrived hours ago started screaming and pointing to the hotel's doors. After waiting for so long, he probably wasn't excepting to be able to see anyone.

"Who is that? It can't be... It's Jack Kronus! Hey Jack, smile for the camera."

Thousands of cameras started flashing all around Kronus. He tried to hide his face with his black gym bag, but it was to late. Everyone had already recognized him. A well dressed woman approached him and started talking. Jack tried to run away but the woman grabbed him by the sleeve of his jacket. Other reporters surrounded him too. He tried to turn around and enter the hotel again, but it was impossible. The hotel manager tried to calm down the mob, but it was impossible. Everyone wanted to get good pictures of Jack for using as a cover for magazines. Since he had no other option, Jack shoved aside a bunch of people and started running. However, he didn't go far. Just when he thought he got rid of the reporters, the woman that had grabbed Jack appeared behind him.

"Jack, please, I just want some words! I don't even need a full sentence! A few words are enought for my boss to promote me to a better job!"

"Look, I am sorry, but I do not want to say anything. Please respect my privacy..."

"I do not need anything about your personal life. You see, I work for a sports newspaper. Can you say anything about Jason Smith or Vynl?"

When Kronus heard the name "Jason Smith", his mind clicked. A fire started burning in his eyes. The camera man realized the opportunity and started recording.

"So you want to hear something about him? Let's see... What can I say? Oh, I know something I can say! Since Jason likes to brag about matches he had in the past, why don't we remind him about some of his best matches! I bet he doesn't remember about that time when he lost a Triple Threat match to this guy named Brian Campbell, or when he lost one other match against Eric Rex. Or maybe that singles match again "Slick" Rick... Hell, I bet he even forgot about the time when both FREAK and John Austin gave him the beating of his life time in that Madness vs Warfare match, back on High Stakes! He was the shame of Warfare that day... I bet he doesn't sound so strong to any of you now does he? If he lost matches against this losers, how does he expect to win anything against me without the help of someone else? Even if he and Vynl decide to team up on me, I want to remember everyone that this is going to be an X-treme match, and X-treme matches are my thing. I want to see how tought this "Big Bad Beast of the XWF" is when he gets body slammed into the thumbtack covered floor..."

After saying this, Jack signals for a cab to stop and disappears. The young woman smiles and does the same. She probably is quite happy with the interview she had. With this kind of material, there is now way the she wouldn't be promoted...

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