09-02-2013, 07:11 PM
A video tape is sent to XWF headquarters.
It's a dark closed room with candles all around. Eli is in the middle of the room rocking in his chair.
Eli James IV "On course. I'm near a river that is full of stories and memories. The screams haunt those who come here. Some say they can hear the people speaking. The water slowly moves on course. The river does it's job. It provides life, but when you use it the wrong way it could kill ya.
Cam Lang.. I heard what ya had to say. You may hear confidence when ya speak, but all I hear is terror. I hear uncertainty.
A veteran in the XWF? I've haven't been here that long at all. When you call me a veteran, it just goes to show the impact I've made in a few months. I've heard your name, but your impact hasn't had much on me, man. I see your impact gettin' to your head already, and I'm suppose to think what you say is sound judgment and true? Hehe.
People claim to have things solved all the time.. and years down the road what happens? It wasn't solved. People get on the TV screen and say, "the school shooting problem can be solved... gun laws". Then along comes some people sayin' 'guns don't kill people'. If guns, they say, should be outlawed because of killings.. then cars should too. Then we slowly start to realize that it isn't solved. It just seemed good and in some minds it was solved, until truth was presented.
So, you claim to have solved the mystery of Eli James and my message?
At War Games, I did pass out... ya cut a man's oxygen off and that's what happens, yet here I am. I'm alive, well, and my message continues to spread. Contained in our atmosphere, gravity is controlled. We're not just floating away, but leave our atmosphere and away you go. In a controlled atmosphere, you obey its laws whether you like it or not. If you went to another planet, you can't live like you would here... heh.. you gotta conform to its environment and find a way to live. This brings a riddle.. me losing.. me passing out.. me getting tired.. getting hungry or thirsty... does it show I'm just another man, or something bigger just 'obeying the atmosphere I'm placed in for a temporary time?
You think a temporary victory in a match puts you above me? Hehehe.
A temporary win does nothing but boost pride. And Cam.. pride leadeth to destruction.. so enjoy your downward spiral on that path.
This pride ya have has clouded your judgment. One minute you're speakin' fine, but once ya drink somethin' and it 'goes down the wrong pipe'.. your speech pauses and gets cluttered. What ya think is clear speech is only a fools talk.
You.. Troy.. and your Extreme Revolution is a fools revolution. It's a cloud in the sky that's here one minute and away it goes. Me and my message is like the wind. You may think we're gone, but then you're reminded we're still around and not going anywhere. Build yourselves a structure to block yourself from the wind, but all it takes is a strong wind to end your 'solving'. Your Revolution is temporal. My message is eternal.
You may call it an honor to kick me, but what do ya do.. what can ya do when you try to kick but your foot is nailed to the floor? Hehehe.
I'm not a message to solve. I'm the truth to be revealed.
The river. It flows.
Eli starts singing..
Eli James IV "Flow river flow, flow over me.. O living water, poured out for free.. O living water, flow over me... Whoever drinks the water I will give will never thirst again.. the drink I give is an ever-flowing river,
welling up within you to give eternal life.
Eli starts to stroke his beard and talks again.
Eli James IV "People say to me things they don't understand themselves. The river. You understand a river out there. It's a body of water with life in it. It's somethin' people associate peace with. People quote from the good book where it says, "He leadeth beside still waters"... the mind is taken immediately to a river. You go under and don't come out.. it's a silent murderer. No trial. No revenge. Nothin' ya do will make the river regret it swallowing ya up. It sits without a regret. Heh.
Imagine if every river could talk.. the stories it could tell. The humor.. the drama.. the horror. If the river could talk it would share a lot of wisdom, but who would listen? Heh. It's just another river. Right? Hehehe.
What if the river by your place was talkin'? What would it say about you? Would ya listen to the warning?
Eli starts singing again as the video fades to black..
Eli James IV "Let the river flow.. let the river flow.. hehe.
1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended  & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF