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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Inside the Mind of JTC
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JTC Offline
The Phenomenal Bad Guy

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-27-2013, 07:44 AM

[Image: jtcewcbanner_zps3ce49cf1.png]

As Wednesday Warfare is coming up as the match is like the last thing on my mind as I'm sitting outside of the arena as I'm on my phone texting my wife as I'm checking in for the fifth time in an hour on any news. As of course their is none as I text her back telling her just come to the arena theres not much to do untill the police gets some more information as she argeed as I sit there as my sister pulls up to the arena on her bike as she stops in front of the gates as she parks the bike and gets off. As she walks towards me as she bends down in front of me.

"No news yet?"

I shoke my head. "Nope."

"Don't worry, the police will find the person and she will be return with no harm. I believe it and feel it. Now get on your feet and use your anger and rage against your oppornments tonight and make sure they know that The Cross Family is not ones to be crossed."

I stood up as I knew she was right as I gave her a hug as I walked into the building as I walked in and down a few halls just my luck Mr. Steve stupid Sayors just have to bug me now as he walks up to me with his little mic for a interview.
[Image: 0b1d9592-a044-4756-82fa-f9f330228cb4_zps95035b14.jpg]
"I'm standing by a man who wants to make a name for hiself on Warefare Mr. Jonathon Thomas Cross. Mr. Cross I know time is not right and that you must be going through hell."

I stopped him right there.

"Hell? No you have no idea whats going through my mind. You prolly don't have any kids so you have no fucken clue the kind of things going through my mind right now. So much Rage and anger that I want to kill someone right now if it gets closer to my daughter."

As he took a deep breath as he didn't really know what to say.

"What your thoughts or words to say to your team member or your opponments for tonight?"

"My thoughts or words huh? It simple my team mates well it simple if you want to win then stay out of my way or you will be put down like our opponments. Now our opponments are in the worst luck in their wrestling career. Because the mood I'm in you don't want to mess with. I'm going to use all my anger and rage and I'm going to take it all out on each on one of you. So boys and girls getting ready for a ass kicking of a life time."

I about to to leave as I stop.

"By the way I'm JTC and you my friends are not."

As I walked away.

[Image: try%20one_zpsrw9trzdg.png]
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