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Mr. XWF Offline
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01-31-2013, 06:40 PM

[Image: rassyc.gif]

UPDATE: Returned to the XWF on January 31st, 2013 and still has a massive fucking cock

In-Ring Name: Mr. XWF
Real Name: Mr. XWF XWF XWF XWF

Newcomer, XWF veteran or WPW recruit: Been in XWF, CCWF, WPW, DW, BLW, and some others you guys might know from a long ass time ago.

Height: 6'6
Weight: 270
Hometown: XWF City

Personality: Very energetic and very charismatic but sometimes has a really foul mouth. Great with people and at will can either make them feel really comfortable with him or very uncomfortable in the blink of an eye, depending on what he feels like. Sometimes he yells in his promos and under that mask he sounds like a really muffled cross between 80's Hulk Hogan and The Rock. This causes the fans to have to quiet down so they can make out what he is yelling, but then once they start understanding him they burst into cheers or start saying his favorite sayings with him. He is a really cool guy, loves the ladies, great with puppies and all animals. His only apparent flaws, if you consider them flaws, are that he swears a lot and has a sometimes disturbing or perverted sense of humor. Parents sometimes complain that his magnetic personality makes their kids love him so much but then when he does something sick and ****ed up like film a promo while getting a full service rub-n-tug massage, it's a bad influence on the kids. One parent actually claims that their 7 year old son started demanding an "x-treme rub-n-tug just like the one Mr. XWF had."

While all of this is a concern you must also remember that Mr. XWF donates thousands and thousands of dollars to a whole great big bunch of crazy charities all year long and he very often will have puppies with him when he goes out so that if he runs into any fans they can take a picture of themselves and Mr. XWF both holding puppies together! Sometimes he even gives a puppy away if the person he runs into seems like they need a puppy in their lives! Just the other day Mr. XWF donated a puppy to a homeless man that was living under a bridge somewhere in the New York area. Mr. XWF was quoted as saying "even though I can't buy this homeless man a new house...or a television...or a sandwich, at least I can give him a puppy!" While this sort of thing is normally seen as a kind act, there were some who also found a problem with him giving puppies to random homeless people or random drunk people asking for directions. While these issues might be alarming to some, there is no denying this final upcoming point makes him a wonderful human being and probably the most amazing man to ever work for the XWF....... He's held Peter Gilmour's woman in his arms and lived to tell the story. Ask him about that when you run into him and take pictures holding puppies with him.

(***UPDATE*** Since getting angry one day and becoming a heel, he may or may not act as described above. If he's having a bad day and someone approaches him for a picture with their baby, he might slap their baby! If they have a dog, he might field goal kick it!)

Physical Description/Ring Attire: See signature for basic idea. Wears all kinds of Luchador masks and sometimes other random masks. Always has on the silver Shockmaster helmet.

Out Of Ring Attire: Well dressed but also well covered. Long sleeves, gloves, mask, the whole 9 yards to keep all of his skin covered. If he's dressed in something like a suit he will usually have tight black leather gloves and his mask will match the gloves. Occasionally his tie will also match the gloves/mask. Sometimes he just goes around in public wearing his wrestling gear, though. He doesn't mind one bit. When he is with Peter Gilmour's woman, he wears nothing except a heavily lubricated leather mask and an extra thick condom. He always wears the silver Shockmaster helmet.

(***UPDATE*** He tries not to sleep with Gilmour's woman as much now that he figured out she has fleas!)

Ethnicity: ??? We haven't even seen his skin tone. Ask Peter Gilmour's woman.

Pic Base: MVP with long sleeves (no skin shown in pic) and Shockmaster helmet.


Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Heel, plus he swears a lot and has a sometimes disturbing sense of humor

Wrestling Style: Lots of technical and clever tactics. Some power moves thrown in.

Strengths: Once his momentum gets going he is hard to stop. He can achieve "face style" momentum and comebacks even though he is a heel now. Can hit several high impact moves all in a row very fast and often times end a match right there.

Weaknesses: If he gets too amped up he can eventually run out of steam, especially if he starts sweating a lot because his entire body is concealed from head to toe. He can easily overheat in very long matches and will be forced to try and end them abruptly in desperate situations.

Entrance Theme: Coming Home! by Alter Bridge

Entrance Description: The arena darkens as the lights begin flashing and going nuts as if this was a rave. The fans boo as "Coming Home" begins to play and Mr. XWF steps out as the flickering and flashing of the lights hit him in a way that makes him look like he is glowing. His erection is clearly massive, as seen through his stretchy spandex body suit. He tries hyping up the crowd by shouting at them and motioning for them to liven up as he makes his way down toward the ring, but all it does it make them boo him more. He threatens to hit a couple fans along the way and then gets into the ring where he bounces off the ropes and yells things at the fans to get them booing him even louder. Sometimes it sounds like he is cursing at them but it's very hard to tell since he's got a mask on that covers his mouth. It seems that the less the fans can understand of his yelling during his entrance, the louder they will boo him!


Top 15-20 Moves:
Diving headbutt
Running headbutt
Springboard headbutt into or out of ring
Falling and crawling headbutts to fallen opponent anywhere on their body
More headbutts
Back breaker
Shoulder breaker
Cobra clutch
Spine buster
Any type of armbar takedowns or submissions
Super fast punches so that he lands several before the ref can even say anything
German suplex too close and into the ropes on purpose so opponent either gets stuck in the ropes or spills through to the outside

Primary Finisher: Rock Bottom! Rock Bottom! Rock Bottom!
Description: He does the Rock Bottom and actually starts yelling "Rock Bottom! Rock Bottom! Rock Bottom!" at the top of his lungs as he gets to his feet and stands with his chest puffed out and his head back. On a side note when people bitch about him stealing the move and stealing its name too, he usually hits them with the Rock Bottom! Rock Bottom! Rock Bottom!

Secondary Finisher: The Erectest Drop
Description: A reverse brainbuster into the top turnbuckle. Can be done from a standing position and also if the opportunity presents itself this move can be done from standing on the middle or top turnbuckle. For maximum damage, the turnbuckle pad can be removed so the metal is exposed but Mr. XWF would never remove the padding on his own. He would only use this to his advantage if the opponent already removed the padding for their own ill purposes!

Rarely Used Finisher: Backflip Rock Bottom!
Description: Hooks them for a Rock Bottom but flips backwards with the opponent in his clutches to deliver it in a manner that is much more damaging to the upper back and head of the opponent upon impact. Can be done from a standing position or off of the top turnbuckle for insane amounts of damage. If he is looking to take somebody out of action he will do the Backflip Rock Bottom off the top turnbuckle and through a waiting table or into a pile of chairs.

Trademark Move(s): Spear, chop block from behind
Description(s): Often will use the spear as a setup move before either of his finishers. Also loves to use the chop block, basically coming from behind the opponent and ramming his shoulder into the back of their knee and clipping their leg. If the opponent is having knee trouble as they get back up they are primed and ready for either finisher or even a spear.

(Edited by MR XWF XWF XWF XWF)

Mr. XWF's status has been changed to: Hitting that running clothesline into a Rock Bottom! You'll be looking up seeing nothing but my cock's bottom!

@MrXwF I'm cruisin for chicks baby! I'm horny as fuck! Who wants to hook up in the club this week? Drinks and Cock Bottoms on me ALLLL NIGHT LONG BABY!
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