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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Interesting road ahead of us.
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Cam Lang Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(crowd reaction varies; dips between face & heel)

08-22-2013, 05:38 PM

the following Announcement
Has been paid for by the Leaders and sponsors of

[Image: er1_zpsb7b00e15.jpg]

A little recapping is on order for some of you, let me start with this. I've done nothing but take out fellow wrestlers in that ring, sure I'm only approaching my 2nd Warfare but I've already made an impact.

Let me give you an example, but first before that we can totally disregard my ''match'' with El Rey, if you want to you can classify it as a handicap match with myself versus El Rey and the damn ref. I've said it many times and I'll say it again, I would of won that match, but I'm learning that this place is full of self pretentious
assholes, so be it.

We had our revenge on El Rey anyways, me and Troy took him out with a statement, I told everyone before that match that if I didn't win, I would certainly be the one standing tall at the end of the night and in fact I was, we left El Rey down for the count.

Lang overlooks the city of San Diego from his very luxurious and contemporary condominium.

[Image: modern-living-room-designs-for-apartment-239.jpg]

Now we fast forward to last Madness, where it starts off with taking out Hunter Payne. I want to deliver a personal message to Hunter in the hopes that he recovers from the brutal beating he took at the hands of us, and also to El Rey who doesn't wanna go away... you think I'll be intimdated by you El Rey? You name the place and time, I'll take you on.

Anyways, we can fast forward to the end of the night. Seemingly over, Madison seems to be celebrating his and BOOM! I don't even know if I completely saw what happened, but all of a sudden you have myself, Troy Turner and LJ Havok standing tall to end Mega Madness, I hope King Madison recovered from the beating he took after Madness, but regardless it won't matter... he won't have that crown forever.

Then finally, the XWF gives me what I've wanted this whole time... X-treme
rules. Apart from having a monster partner such as Jason E Smith, we laid out
that wannabe Stone Cold Joseph Kain and the self proclaimed ''phenom Jack Kronus'' I was telling you boys that it was time to put up and shut up, unfortunately you couldn't go toe to toe with us and we came out with the victory.

Now what's next?

Well we'll be in for quite an interesting week. First off, regarding War games,we seem to have one of those kind of ''people'' that apparently will refuse to be apart of the team which I'm seated in. Quite frankly, that's one less person that I'll have to go through to begin a journey for championship gold, at the end of the day Mr.Radio it'll be your loss and trust me when I saw no one will be in tears over your non-participation. In fact, it's one less asshole that I need to deal with and that makes me quite content.

We also have quite an interesting match-up in the second War games, my fellow members of the Extreme revolution Troy Turner will face off against LJ Havok on opposing teams, I understand that this is a quest for both men and they're deadset on going for gold, and if it so happens that they meet in the center of the ring then so be it, but when it's all said and done the Extreme Revolution will still be on it's way to becoming the strongest faction in the XWF.

Let me just hint at something, we may of found another member of the XWF roster
to join us, one man that I wouldn't wanna fuck with... we'll all see over time my friends.

Lang is walking around and we walk down a hallway, we make our way in a very modern and fancy looking bedroom. Lang, like a 5 year old boy jumps on top of it and invites the camera into the room.

[Image: Modern-Apartment-Bedroom-Designs-3.jpg]

You may not believe it yet, and I wouldn't expect people to be in on this straight away, but it's inevitable that the Extreme revolution is taking this place down by storm and we're doing exactly what we want to do, we're slowly and steadily making this a more interactive and intense environment. Nothing gets me more, nothing makes me more satisfied than X-TREME rules. So this is a quick shoutout to my teammates and opponents, you can look throughout the next week for me to maybe ''review and critique'' some of these wrestlers performances within the XWF, it'll be some fun and I invite all of you to come join me.
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[-] The following 6 users Like Cam Lang's post:
(08-23-2013), Andrew Morrison (08-23-2013), Christine Nash (08-23-2013), Jason E Smith (08-23-2013), LJ Havok (08-22-2013), TroyTurner (08-23-2013)

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