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Wednesday Warfar 8/14 [hour 1]
Author Message
John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
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08-14-2013, 06:25 PM

[Image: w-ps1_zpsa1cfb188.png]
The War Room
San Diego, California
Hour 1
New Blood

The cameras start off filming the outside of an old, broken down, warehouse. The warehouse is pretty much vacant , except for all the exposed wiring, trash and full thriving population of rodents; who are not afraid to charge at the camera men and seem quite territorial. A thick cloud of smoke is always present and with it carries the distinct odor of burning tar and raw sewage. Navigating through; the smoke, rats and large, sporadic puddles of water next to exposed wiring is tricky, but the camera crew manages to do it and soon makes it to a row of - several, large, industrial elevators, that are set up to only travel down. Where they lead...surely must be, the pits of hell....

or some might just call it, "The War Room!" Yes, the official home of XWF Wednesday Warfare. Where else would you go to fulfill your thirst for blood and filth?

Upon safely exiting the elevators; some two hundred feet - below the surface, the cameras pick up a large underground arena. The area is jam packed with over three thousand fans and it begs the question - how did they all get down here safely and unscathed?

The arena itself radiates with a flux of energy; last week it was described as a cross between a fight club and a drug cartel. However, this week, the Warfare team have added a pinch of class to the setup. The ring is still a bit larger than your standard wrestling ring, but at least it now has an apron to hide all the litter under the ring. The lighting inside the building has improved somewhat as well. Last week, the talent complained that there wasn't enough lighting, and that they couldn't see where they were going! This week, Giovanni Ferrari and John Madison have pulled out all the stops and changed out some of the light bulbs.

To one side of the ring sits; a massive, steel door that appears to open up to some sort of chute, leading even further down. Whatever waits even lower than this dark underbelly of a fighting arena, must surely be the foul pits of Hades. Yet strangely enough, a huge neon set of lights brandish this chute as "The Winners' Ride" - clever name for a trap, or an actual ride of delight for winners? Only time will reveal that answer!

To the opposite side of this curious, yet horrific chute, stands the main entrance ramp that all the entertainers emerge from. Just a plain steal ramp that leads out a large set of balck drapes, surrounded by a mass of florescent light tubes and search lights. Thick patches of duct tape and loose cables, hang about in a clear display of a master electrician's handy work. High above the entrance is a huge screen that now brandishes the Warfare logo, but also serves a purpose of showcasing important video footage, as well as performer's musical interludes that announce their arrival.

Above the entryway of the stage is still that specially made skybox; a box crafted specifically for the General Managers. The box was constructed out of random scraps of metal found at a nearby junkyard, and stands around twenty feet off the ground. Inside of the observation tower are General Manager Giovanni Ferrari and his assistant John "King of the XWF" Madison. This box allows the two GMs to overlook the entire War Room as the show plays out. We switch focus over to them now in order to get their opening thoughts on the show.

Giovanni Ferrari: "Welcome to Wednesday Warfare, XWF fans! We're live in the War Room out of San Diego, California. I'm Warfare General Manager, Giovanni Ferrari, and standing next to me is my assistant and King of the XWF, John Madison!"

We get our first look at John Madison. This week he isn't wearing the body cast from last week, but he still rolling around in his wheelchair with his arm in a sling and his neck in a neck brace.

John Madison: "As always it's a pleasure to be sitting here beside you on the flagship of the XWF."

Giovanni Ferrari: "You look like you're doing a little better this week, John."

John Madison: "Thank you, Gio. My doctor said that I should be 100 percent by the time August 19 rolls around. It hasn't been easy training in this wheelchair, but I still get shit done."

Giovanni Ferrari: "Uh-huh. John, last week you actually got out of your wheelchair and ran down the steps after Peter Gilmour was thrown down them by Juan Madison."

John Madison: "Of course I did, Gio. I'm not like most people who get put in a wheelchair and spend their entire lives in it like a couple of lazy ass Peter Gilmours. I've been paralyzed for two weeks and I've been able to accomplish things that no other human being is capable of doing. I'm pretty sure that I'm superhuman, Gio. That's right, I beat paralysis because I am the KING... of the XWF..."

Giovanni Ferrari: "Oh give me a break! You were never paralyzed, John. But you better be getting ready because your king match is coming up soon."

John Madison: "Trust me, I'm ready, and I'm eager. I'm eager like this fresh batch of rookies that we got running around tonight."

Giovanni Ferrari: "Indeed, we do have an influx of rookies for tonight's broadcast. Joseph Kain, Troy Turner, Mike Harrison, Cam Lang, El Rey, Garrett Myers, Baalberith, and Chase A Watson will all make their debuts here in this first hour. I'll be watching very closely. You know why, John?"

John Madison: "Because you like men."

Giovanni Ferrari: "Oh knock it off, John. I'll be watching closely because I might give the most outstanding newcomer an X-Treme Title shot next week!"

John Madison: "But wait, Gio. Stevie Tyler is the X-Treme Champion and he's scheduled to face Eli James IV next week for the United States Title."

Giovanni Ferrari: "You are correct, John. Therefor, in the event that Stevie Tyler is successful tonight, then the aforementioned rookie will compete in a number one contender's match instead. You see, it's all about balance, John! Balance."

John Madison: "Sure, whatever. So who's the first F.N.G. tonight for this crowd to shit all over?"

Giovanni Ferrari: "That's the spirit, John! Let's take it to the ring to find out now."

Joseph Kain
- vs -
Troy Turner

Standard Singles Match

"From Atlanta, Georgia, Troy Turner!"

"From Florence, Alabama, Joseph Kain!"

The match starts off with an exchange of punches in the center of the ring. Neither of these men are fond of each other; that was made clear in their promos leading up to tonight. Kain breaks up the exchange by whipping Turner into a headlock. Turner pushes Kain off into the ropes. Kain bounces back and nails Turner right in the face with a superman punch! What a big move to start the night off! Kain pins Turner.




NO! Holy shit, Turner got his shoulder up just in time. How embarrassing would that have been to lose in under fifteen seconds on his debut night? I think that superman punch might have caught Turner by surprise. He doesn't look like he has a clue where he is as Kain consults the referee about the closeness of the count.

Kain throws Turner into the ropes and catches him with an arm drag. Kain retains the arm of Turner and pulls him back up to his feet into a wristlock. Kain makes a transition from the standing wristlock into an Angle Slam attempt, but Turner shifts out of the move and lands on his feet behind Kane. Turner then knocks Kain off of his feet with a super kick to the jaw. Turner with a quick pin attempt.



Kick out!

So far these guys are hitting some pretty sick-sounding impact moves in the early going. Turner utilizes a simple headlock to bring Kain up to his feet for the next maneuver. Turner goes to apply a vertical suplex, but Kain shifts his weight and lands behind him on his feet. Kain immediately applies a waist lock, going for a German suplex, presumably, but Turner reverses that into a waistlock of his own. Turner then lifts Kain and sends him flying through the air for a German suplex!

Kain shoots right back up to his feet but is taken back down by a series of rapid fire armdrags. After a third armdrag, Turner takes Kain down to the mat with a single-arm DDT. Turner pins Kain.



Kick out!

Turner, who looked like he was gonna lose ten seconds into the match, is now in full control. Troy applies an arm wrench and then delivers Kain face-first to the mat with a Rocker Dropper. Troy pins Kain again.



Kick out...

Turner walks over to the legs of Kain and goes to lock in the Shut-Up Time-- his version of the Lion Tamer-- but Kain kicks him away. Kain then sits up and knocks Turner out of the ring with a running clothesline. Kain walks up to the ropes and hits a plancha onto Turner! Both men are on the outside now...

Kain throws Turner head-first into the ring post, and then backs him into the guardrail. With Turner's back against the wall of the barricade, Kain throws a series of punches to the face. He then tosses Turner back into the ring.

Kain inserts himself into the ring by climbing up to the top rope. He tries to take Turner out with a flying clothesline, but misses! Turner runs into Kain with a forearm, and then gives him a hip toss into the corner turnbuckle pad. Kain's back bounces off the corner like a basketball as he flops down to the mat on his chest.

Turner picks Kain up, gives him a headbutt, and goes for a jack knife powerbomb, but Kain shifts his weight and lands behind Turner. Kain hits Turner with a backstabber and pins him!



Kick out!

Kain pushes himself up to the top rope for another high risk attempt. He flies through the air for a Five Star Frog Splash, but Turner rolls out of the way!

Turner pulls Kain up to his feet, bends him backwards and drops him with the Canceled (reverse DDT). Turner pins Kain.



3!--No! Our camera shot pans over to show that Kain had his foot on the bottom rope! Holy hell, what a way to kick things off tonight...

Turner unleashes some kicks onto the knee of Kain that still remains on the bottom rope. Turner pulls Kain by the ankle and then continues to stomp down into the knee. Turner climbs up to the top rope and jumps down on Kain with an HBK-style top rope elbow drop. He pins Kain.



Kick out.

Turner motions with his arms for a cradle pile driver... He gives Kain no time to recover and drags him up to his feet. Turner picks up Kain and drops him with the Brain Damage (Leaping Cradle Pile Driver). Turner covers Kain.




Turner wins after a hard fought battle!

Winner(s): Troy Turner

Following the match, Giovanni Ferrari gives Troy Turner and Joseph Kain a standing ovation. Gio said earlier that he would hand select tonight's rookie of the night to face the X-Treme Champion next week. Could it be one of these two men?

Jason E Smith
- vs -
"The Lionheart" Mike Harrison

Standard Singles Match

"From Blackpool, England, ‘The Lionheart’ Mike Harrison!"

"From London, England, Jason E Smith!"

The match starts with Smith executing a double leg takedown on Harrison. Smith then jumps onto Harrison's chest in the mounted position and begins to hammer him with punches. Smith pulls Harrison up to his feet and gives him a back chop followed by a fireman's carry. Smith goes to work on Harrison with some downward knee strikes to the back. Smith throws Harrison into the ropes and whips him around with a spine buster. Smith pins Harrison.



Kick out.

Smith throws Harrison into the corner and goes to work with some more lefts and rights. Smith gets a running start and then clashes into Harrison with a corner clothesline. Smith pulls Harrison out of the corner with a one handed bulldog. Smith pins Harrison.



Kick out!

Smith shifts into a ready stance as he waits for Harrison to slowly recover. Once Harrison is up, Smith runs in for the Smithy Super Kick, but Harrison side steps and delivers enzuigiri! The kick doesn't knock Smith down though. Harrison pops back up to his feet and hits Smith with a standing drop kick. Smith falls down to one knee. Harrison runs off the ropes and nails Smith forearm smash! That knocks Smith flat on his back. Harrison pins Smith.



Kick out.

Harrison works over Smith with a neck crank. Harrison maintains a hold over Smith's neck as he drags him to his feet. Harrison then throws Smith over his head with a belly to belly suplex. Harrison rolls Smith over into an armbar. Smith reaches out with his free arm but there's no rope nearby. He's forced to use his power instead. It takes a lot of energy from Smith, but he manages to lift up Harrison and slam him to the mat, breaking free from the armbar.

Both men recover at the same time. Harrison runs after Smith, but Smith catches him into position for a fireman's carry. Harrison breaks free from the carry by striking Smith in his eye with an elbow. Harrison then pins Smith after a Dragon Suplex.



Kick out!

Harrison shoots Smith into the ropes. He goes after Smith with a high-knee, but Smith counters with a clothesline. Smith sizes up Harrison and runs for a big boot, but Harrison ducks and runs off the ropes. Harrison then knocks out Smith with Sunshine Superkick! Harrison pins Smith.




Winner(s): "Lionheart" Mike Harrison

Again the cameras pan over to the skybox that General Manager Giovanni Ferrari is sitting in with John Madison. He and Madison both look impressed by the match that took place as they have their back and forth conversation.

Cam Lang
- vs -
El Rey

Standard Singles Match

"From unknown, El Rey!"

"From Ottawa, Canada, Cam Lang!"

The two men lock up and Cam Lang is the first to hit a move as he drops El Rey with a snap suplex. Lang throws Rey into the ropes and catches him with a side effect for the first pin.



Kick out.

Lang works over Rey with some kicks. He throws Rey into the ropes and launches him across the ring with a monkey flip. Lang executes a standing moonsault and pins Rey.



Kick out!

Lang gives Rey an Irish whip into the turnbuckle. Rey bounces off and Lang catches him in the back of the head with an enzuigiri. Lang pins Rey.



Kick out!

Lang charges after Rey for a spear, but Rey counters with a GORE! Rey with a quick pin attempt.



Kick out!

Rey uses both hands, throwing Lang four feet in the air into the corner. Rey then pulls Lang out of the corner and drops him with a tomstone piledriver. Rey pins Lang.



Kick out!

Rey climbs to the top rope. He attempts a Flying Jaguar (top rope moonsault),but Lang rolls out of the way.

Lang executes a spin out powerbomb for the pin on Rey.



Kick out!

Lang pulls Rey up to his feet with a headlock. He takes him to the mat with an arm drag and then applies an armscissor. Rey uses his strength to pull himself to the ropes for a rope break.

Lang recovers and goes right back to work with stomp stomps to Rey's body.

Lang throws Rey into the ropes and attempts a hurricanrana-- but Rey reverses it into a powerbomb. Rey throws Lang into the ropes and gives him the Jaguar Lariat! Rey pins Lang.



Kick out!

Rey picks up Lang and sets him up for a Muscle Buster. He carries Lang around the ring, but Lang breaks free and counters with a reverse STO! Lang pins Rey.



Kick out!

Following the near fall, Cam Lang walks out of the ring and sweeps his hand under the ring. He comes up to his feet with a baseball bat in hand! Wait a minute-- this isn't X-Treme Rules, kid!

Cam Lang walks into the ring with the bat in hand. The referee immediately stops Lang and removes the bat from his hands. The referee then goes to dispose of the bat. This turns out to be a trick on Lang's part as he walks over to the turnbuckle and removes the padding behind the referee's back.

With the turnbuckle pad removed, Lang grabs Rey and flapjacks him face-first into the exposed turnbuckle! The referee turns around as Lang pins Rey.



3? No, the referee isn't bringing his hand down! He just noticed that the turnbuckle pad is missing. He can only assume that Lang must have driven Rey's head into that exposed steel!

The referee and Lang get into it. Lang is putting his finger in the ref's face and yelling at him.

Suddenly, Rey comes up behind Lang with a schoolboy rollup!



Kick out! So close.

Lang takes down Rey with a clothesline. Cam Lang climbs to the top rope. He goes for a 450 splash but Rey moves out of the way!

Rey grabs Lang by the hair and then smashes him into the exposed turnbuckle that Lang uncovered earlier! Justice has been served to the dirty cheater. The referee allows it since Lang is the one who unwrapped it in the first place. Rey pins Lang.



Kick out! How the hell...

Rey picks up Lang who's now sporting a small cut on his forehead.

Rey hooks Lang's arms and spins him around into a... VERTEBREAKER!

Rey pins Lang!



Kick out!!

I can't believe it. How in the hell did Lang kick out?

Rey picks up Lang, and Lang fires off a punch into the face of Rey. Lang follows up with another punch out of desperation. Lang goes after Rey for a clothesline, but Rey ducks and catches Lang with a Gore! Rey then throws Lang into the corner, picks him up on the top rope, and drops him to the mat with an AVALANCHE VERTEBREAKER! Holy shit, Rey pins Lang.




Winner(s): El Rey

The Arrival

Warfare returns from a commercial break and the fans are gearing up for the next match, all of a sudden all the lights go out. On the X-Tron a countdown begins


Giovanni Ferrari (on commentary): What'’s happening? This isn’t anyone’s entrance? Who could it be?

The lights come on and there’s an average built, around 5ft 8” man stood in the middle of the ring. He does a 360 degree spin of the crowd before walking to the corner and grabbing a mic.

Giovanni Ferrari (confused): “Who is this guy?”

The man walks back to the middle of the ring and begins to speak.

[Image: chris-jericho-smackdown.jpg]

???: “So, I’ve finally arrived at Xtreme Wrestling Federation! It’s been a long and hard journey but I’ve made it!”

Giovanni Ferrari (Commentator): “I still don’t know who this guy is! Hopefully he will bring a new style of wrestling to XWF”

???: “Let me introduce myself…I’m Vynl and the future of XWF has arrived. I’m here for one thing and one thing only….The XWF Championship.”


John Madison: "Right, except there isn't an XWF Championship, Gio."

Giovanni Ferrari: “You know what he meant!”

Vynl: “It’s taken me 4 long years going from company to company, working my ass off and looks like it’s paid off. Now it’s time to climb the ladder of the biggest fed of them all and nobody is going to stand in my way.”

Vynl stops talking as the crowd begins to cheer chanting his name over and over…

Vynl: “So, who wants to be my first victim?”

Vynl drops the mic and leaves the ring and walks towards the backstage area as Papa Roach – Getting Away With Murder begins to play.

Giovanni Ferrari: “Looks like we could have been looking at a future headliner and champion. I can’t wait to see what he has to offer!”

"The Phantom" Jack Kronus
- vs -
Garrett "The Phoenix" Myers

Standard Singles Match

"From Southern New Jersey, Garrett "The Phoenix" Myers!"

"From Sheffield, England, "The Phantom" Jack Kronus!"

Myers and Kronus lock up, and Myers dominates from the start with an arm wrench. Myers smashes Kronus in the back of the arm with his elbow, and then runs him to the center of the ring with a bulldog. Myers applies a side headlock and positions Kronus in the nearby corner. Myers goes to work on Kronus with some martial arts kicks. Myers then climbs up to the top and goes to work on Kronus with some corner mounted punches. He hits ten of the punches before he shoves Kronus down tot he mat. Myers places himself on the top rope, waits for Kronus to recover, and flies into him with a cross body! Myers pins Kronus.



Kick out!

Myers throws Kronus into the ropes and goes for an enzuigiri, but Kronus ducks out of the way. Kronus reaches down and lifts Myers through the air with a gut wrench suplex. Kronus targets the arm of Myers and applies the Oppression (Kimura luck). Myers is in a bad way and is close to tapping out... but he lifts out of the hold and slams Kronus back-first into the turnbuckle. Myers goes to work with some martial arts punches. He hits Kronus with jabs and cross hooks, non-stop.

Myers takes Kronus out of the corner with a judo throw. Kronus gets up pretty quickly but is spun through the air by Myers' huricanrana.

Myers goes to follow up with a Afterburn (jumping roundhouse), but Kronus ducks out of the way. Kronus then catches Myers by surprise with the Turning Point (standing moonsault side slam)! Kronus hooks both of Myers legs, rolling him up for the pin.




Myers kicks out but he's half a second too late! Kronus was somehow able to slip away with the victory tonight.

Winner(s): Jack Kronus

Back in the skybox with Giovanni Ferrari and John Madison, neither man seems to be as thrilled as they were for the last two matches but they nod their heads in agreement to the outcome.

- vs -
Chase A. Watson

Standard Singles Match

We come back from a commercial break and Chase is already standing in the ring. The lights go out and The Lords of Salem begins playing the X Tron shows a shadow figure that slowly fades in to show Baalberith as the song reaches the chorus Baalberith walks slowly out from the curtain and makes his way methodically to the ring. As he reaches the rings he gets in and walks to his corner removes his cloak and stares into the opposite corner unblinking.

From the moment the bell rings Baalberith had the upper hand. He broke from the corner and went on the attack. Chase had no chance of defeating him from the start. It looked as if Chase might try to get an upper hand, but he fails and Baal gets it back quickly, hooking him for vicious underhook suplex. Chase hits the mat hard and tries to roll out of the ring. Baalberith grabs him and drags him back into the ring to work him over some more before finally hitting the Salem Drop and pinning him for the three count.

A quick and easy win for Baalberith. Is it enough to impress the General Manager?

Winner(s): Baalberith

The GM's Decision - Rookie of the Night

Baalberith's victory theme is cut short as Giovanni Ferrari speaks over the PA system from the skybox.

Giovanni Ferrari: "GREAT job, Baalberith. You made that look easy, didn't you? Well, John, I think I know who I'm going with. After all, it only makes sense that we go with the wrestler who beat his opponent the quickest."

At that moment, John Madison interrupts Giovanni Ferrari as he speaks into his own microphone.

John Madison: "Hold on, Gio. You can't just give the title shot to the guy who won the fastest. Besides, we all saw that there were varying levels of competition in this first 'new blood' hour. How can we know for sure that Baalberith didn't just get lucky by having a weak ass opponent?"

Giovanni Ferrari: "Excellent observation, my king. The only reason I said Baalberith in the first place was to make sure that I had your attention because I want this to be a joint decision. After all, you are my assistant and 'King' of the XWF. I value your opinion just like all of the 'warmongers' in this building. So, John, who did impress you tonight?"

John Madison: "The five men who impressed me the most were... Troy Turner, Mike Harrison, Cam Lang, Joseph Kain, and El Rey."

Giovanni Ferrari: "I see, well why don't we have those five individuals come out join Baalberith in the ring? Come on out boys."

After a few seconds, Troy Turner, Mike Harrison, Cam Lang, Joseph Kain, and El Rey walk down to the ring in a single file line.

Giovanni Ferrari: "One of these six men will face the X-Treme Champion next week, whomever that may be... Well, John, I think the first thing we should do is each of us eliminate one person who we don't think should move on to face the X-Treme Champion. What do you think, John?"

John Madison: "You're right, Gio... Let's see. You know what? I'm gonna stick to what I said earlier about Baalberith getting an easy opponent this week. I was a little impressed, but I need to see more before I can send him out to face someone like Stevie Tyler. Baalberith, head to the back!"

Baalberith shakes his head at the decision but walks to the back

Giovanni Ferrari: "Alright then. The other wrestler who I think performed the least good... ... this is tough, I'd love to see all five of these goes move on. But I'm gonna have to say... Joseph Kain; I'm sorry, my friend, but you are not ready for an X-Treme Title shot. Please leave the ring."

There are some audience members in the War Room who boo the decision made by Giovanni Ferrari. Clearly, Kain has his fair share of support in the crowd tonight. That leaves four men in the ring; Troy Turner, Cam Lang, El Rey, and Mike Harrison. John Madison and Giovanni Ferrari take a minute to speak off the mic... The audience chants for various names; the fans are split when it comes to which of these four men they want to see move on.

Giovanni Ferrari: "El Rey. I'm sorry sir, but we do not feel you are ready yet. You did win your match tonight, but me and John both feel as though Cam Lang showed more heart in the ring. We feel as though Cam Lang will be better suited in an X-Treme Rules environment. Please leave the ring."

The audience boos Giovanni and John hard for that call; they are outraged by the idea that El Rey shouldn't be in the final three. That leaves only Cam Lang, Mike Harrison and Troy Turner!

Giovanni Ferrari: "It was a tough decision, guys. I like El Rey too, but I just can't see him winning in an X-Treme rules environment. John, who do YOU want to send in to the X-Treme Title match?"

John Madison takes a moment to think over his decision...

John Madison: "I have to say... Troy Turner, congratulations, you are facing the X-Treme Champion next week!"

Mixed reaction from the crowd as Troy Turner raises his clenched fist above his head.

Giovanni Ferrari: "Well... I don't agree with that choice, John. Nevertheless, Troy Turner will meet the X-Treme Champion next week. HOWEVER, he will not go alone because I have settled on either Mike Harrison or Cam Lang. That's right, next week there will be a TRIPLE THREAT X-treme Title match. The only question is; will it be Harrison or Lang who move on with Turner? Hmm..."

Ferrari takes a moment to think over his choices...

Giovanni Ferrari: "CAM LANG! ... You are NOT facing the X-Treme Champion. Head to the back! 'Lionheart' Mike Harrison, you are moving on to face the champ along with Troy Turner next week!"

We go to the graphic for next week's X-Treme Title match

X-Treme Title
'Lionheart' Mike Harrison
- vs -
Troy Turner
- vs -
Winner of tonight's main event. ©
X-Treme Rules

If Stevie Tyler retains in the main event, then it will simply be Mike Harrison versus Troy Turner in a number one contender's match.

Stay tuned for our second hour of Wednesday Warfare.

Still to come:

Angels of Death versus LJ Havok and CaliBANNED.

Elisha versus Tony Santos in a thumbtack casket match.

And a fourway ladder match with Stevie Tyler defending the X-Treme Title against Alexandra Callaway, Angelus, and Mystica!

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[-] The following 12 users Like John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
Cam Lang (08-14-2013), Christine Nash (08-14-2013), DeathMerchant (08-14-2013), El Rey (08-14-2013), Jason E Smith (08-15-2013), Jessie-ica Diaz (08-14-2013), LJ Havok (08-14-2013), MattWard (08-15-2013), Mystica (08-14-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-14-2013), Rebel (08-14-2013), The Lionheart (08-15-2013)

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