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08-07-2013, 07:28 AM
After enjoying what proved to be an interesting Madness, I was sitting in the dressing room with my brother, Matt. He did fairly well in the Rumble, before getting himself eliminated by Juan Madison past the halfway point. He was obviously upset about the entire situation, since he never actually accessed the possibility of saving his stamina. This is exactly why i opted out of joining into this madness, pun intended of course. As I was sitting in a chair, Matthew was pacing ever so vigilantly as if there was purpose to his demeanor.
So you lost, why get so bent out of shape?
Why else? I got screwed again?
No, it's just not your time yet. Besides, look at who else got taken out of the match.
I motion towards a television monitor that was listing the eliminations, showing the likes of Mr. Radio, Mr. Satellite, Sebastian Duke, Peter Gilmore...all of which could have been favorites to win the whole thing. It's not like he got screwed to begin with, he had the least chance the longer he was out there.
Besides you entered third. You out-lasted nineteen other guys, and eliminated a handful yourself. You should be proud you did as well as you did.
Yeah, I guess. Although this is no fun being on the losing end.
Well of course, nobody likes to lose.
That's easy for you to say, you've done fairly well so far.
Suddenly, the locker room door flies open. Both myself and Shocker whip our bodies around to see who enters...
When there is a storm...Lightning strikes!
Hunter Payne
RIP Ray Peterson
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08-07-2013, 02:59 PM
-Hunter Payne quietly enters and hides-
Payne: Hey if that bitch Joy comes in here, you guys haven't seen me. Cool?
-He hides in the restroom in the locker room-
The born and raised irish airbourne
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08-07-2013, 03:41 PM
Caliban limps in on his way to the hospital, picks up his bags and leaves still in his wrestling gear
If anyone see's Shawn steele tell him I said OOOOUUUUCCCHHHH you bastard
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08-07-2013, 06:34 PM
Then we see Viscera enter the club to see Payne's girlfirend..
Joy: Eww...get away from me you creep.
Joy: How do you know my last name, creep?
All we see is that Joy is getting Violated from this man, and he plants an intimate kiss that makes the guys shocked.
Joy: Why did you just did that to me?...Look i need to fin--
Then we see Viscera getting angry and grabs her throat so tightly until either Payne came out of the bathroom or one of the guys tired to pull him away from her..
Jackass of all Trades
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08-07-2013, 07:49 PM
Jonny Rebel just happens to be walking into the room and sees Viscera choking Joy. Hunter is nowhere to be seen. Jonny grabs Viscera by the nose and slams Big V's face into a locker. Rebel proceeds open the locker and places Big V's head in it. Jonny backs up and then big boots the lock door into Viscera's face. Viscera lays against the lockers. Jonny helps Joy to her feet.
Jonny: Come on V, you don't treat a woman like that.
Jonny hands her a big box of antibacterial wipes to clean off her mouth. which was nearly eaten off by Viscera a few seconds ago.
Hunter Payne
RIP Ray Peterson
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08-07-2013, 08:00 PM
-Being that he has been humiliated and ridiculed by Joy recently, Hunter Payne comes out of the restroom; opens his locker, pulls out some stale popcorn, then pulls up a steel folding chair to watch-
Payne: Hey look guys, Big Daddy V just fucked up...
-After Rebel's appearance, Joy hits a low blow on Viscera! Then proceeds to bash Viscera's head into the steel locker doors numerous times. Joy then walks up to Hunter Payne-
Joy: Finish him off...
Payne: Shit, I was supposed to be hiding...Nah, I'm good.
Joy: Hunter hurt him NOW!
Payne: No. He didn't mean to hurt anybody.
Joy: He meant to hurt me!
Payne: Well, that's different. You're acting like a total bitch Joy.
Joy: Hunter if you don't hurt him. I'll make you forfeit your match next Monday.
Payne: Damn it...
-Hunter Payne gets up and folds the steel chair he was sitting on. Then walks over to Viscera-
Payne: I'm sorry King Mabel, but better you than me right?
-Hunter Payne with a hard steel chair shot to Viscera-
Joy: Great. Now say goodbye to your friends cause we're going!
Payne: Nope I'm staying.
Joy: Yeah about that... No you're not. Let's go!
Payne: You are not my mom or my wife or even my girlfriend. So I'm staying.
Joy: Fine stay. But be prepared to forfeit Monday.
-Joy leaves-
Payne: Fuck! Guys I gotta go. Rebel I won't be forfeiting Monday! Fuck I really hate her...
-Hunter Payne unwillingly exits-
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Rebel (08-07-2013)
Jackass of all Trades
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08-07-2013, 08:12 PM
Jonny watches as Hunter and Joy leave the room. Viscera is crying in pain and Jonny makes a whip cracking sound.
Jonny: Dude is pU$$y-whipped, but don't even get any of it. That's some funny shit.
Jonny rolls Viscera's big ass into the bathroom and bids farewell to Lightning.
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Hunter Payne (08-07-2013)