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The Taste Of Addiction....
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RussellMania Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Classic Heel

(usually booed; often plays dirty)

08-01-2013, 08:05 PM

[Image: russellmaniabanjkkjkjkjkjnerjpg_zpsb5a46b0c.jpg]

Backstage we see Russell Mania sitting backstage with Cameron and Naomi! And he cannot stop thinking about one particular moment that took place during Wednesday Night Warfare....

Cameron: What are you thinking about, Russ?

Naomi: Is it how you were screwed out of the Gauntlet Match? Is it about that smelly guy Peter Gilmour?

~Mister. Russell Mania~: No! Haha. Ya know ladies! I think you both are great! But I was thinking.... Why don't we "spice things up a bit"?

What do you mean?

~Mister. Russell Mania~: We bring in ANOTHER girl.

Naomi: We're not good enough?

~Mister. Russell Mania~: No you are, baby! I'm just thinking I could use a little vanilla swirl in my double chocolate! Ya know.

Cameron: Well.. when you say it like that... It sounds....delicious. Who did you have in mind.

~Mister. Russell Mania~: Christine. I tasted her sweet lips on Warfare! And I want to taste...more of her....much....much...more of her.....
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Caliban Offline
The born and raised irish airbourne

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

08-01-2013, 10:06 PM

Caliban is leaning against a wall just down the corridor

So your XWF's resident stud muffin huh? well Ill say one thing,

Caliban stands up and gives Cameron and Naomi a long look

You must pay well

then walks away from the 3 shaking his head

[Image: saz0o3.gif]

[Image: 32zp5xt.jpg]
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Baalberith (08-02-2013)

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