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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A Race Against Time - Part II: RP 2 vs Mystica & Elisha
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Sebastian Duke Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

08-01-2013, 12:48 PM

Friday, May 26, 2013 - 12:04 AM EST

It was dark by the time we pulled into Palm Cemetery. I had all available eyes scouring the terrain. Looking for anything at all that might suggest we'd caught up to and Madison. Anything that might suggest a fresh grave. We proceed slowly as to not miss a thing. We can't afford to miss anything.

MATTHEW: "There they are!"

Matthew points straight ahead. In the distance, in the headlights I can see the silhouette of a hearse. I order him to full speed and we bolt forward. As we get closer, I begin to think we're a few minutes too late.

The trucks come to a stop and we file out and run toward the apparent resting place of our Leader. Sebastian Duke. As we run as fast as we can, I can hear a chopper off to my left getting set to take off. It's blades are spinning faster and faster.

I can see John Madison climbing out of a backhoe and running toward the chopper. As we reach the grave, I look toward the chopper and see Madison climbing in. Shane stares me in the face. The man is soulless, that much I can tell. Nothing kind, nothing caring resides within that mans heart. One of my Brothers climb into the backhoe and I look over at the chopper as it begins to lift off. continues to stare at me as the chopper lifts, turns, and takes off out of here.

JACOB: "DIG! Get that fucker fired up!"

The engine turns and turns but will not fire up. This goes on for a few minutes before it become clear something is wrong with it. I finally venture over toward the large hulk of equipment to see what the problem is. In my years spent alongside Sebastian, I've learned a thing or two about engines. If an engine turns but doesn't fire its one of two things. No spark to ignite the fuel or no fuel to be ignited. As I near the backhoe, its evident what the issue is.


Madison or must have cut the fuel lines. The smell is evident and very overwhelming.

JACOB: "Just dig! As fast as we can! As we tire out, hand the shovel to someone else!"

The men work quickly. As quickly as they can because they know the urgency that is setting in. Sebastian Duke lays beneath this dirt and his time is running out. The amount of oxygen, if he has any at all, must be running out. The more he breathes, the less he has. The more he struggles to get more, the faster it dissipates.

It's not long before the shovels reach the cement vault. I'm not sure I even anticipated Madison and would take it this far. They did. The one good thing is, if he's lying inside a cement box, it means he didn't suffocate under the earth.

The man struggle to lift the heavy cement lid off of the vault. Eight of them struggle to lift the lid onto solid ground. What was see next is entirely sickening. Inside the vault lies a casket. They used his one and only fear against him and locked him inside of a casket? There will be hell to pay. They literally intended for the Angel of Darkness to succumb to the everlasting grip of death tonight.

Not on my watch.

JACOB: "Get that thing out of there! Get it opened!"

All of the stress is wearing on me. My head is pounding terribly. It's obvious I'm beginning to suffer the effects of post-concussion syndrome. I better see Dr. Nguyen when we do get back to Connecticut.

The Brothers wrestle the casket out of the vault and onto solid ground above. They try and try to open the lid of the casket but unfortunately it's not to be. These boxes aren't meant to be opened once they're shut and locked.

JACOB: "Grab anything. Pry bars, use the shovel tips if you have to. Get the damn thing opened! Your Leader is in that box and running out of time quickly!"

I thought it important to reiterate the essence of the time we were running out of. After a few busted shovels, Matthew came through and found a pry bar inside the backhoe. After a few minutes of prying against the locks, they finally pop and the lid of the gasket is opened.

There he is.

Our Leader.

The Angel of Darkness locked inside of a box by cowards that claimed to be his friend. Matthew checks for a pulse and for breathing.

JACOB: "Well?"

He just looks at me and shakes his head twice.

We are too late.

MATTHEW: "He's.......... gone."

I choke down my emotions as I look around at the Brothers kneeling before the deceased body of their Leader. Some praying. To whom, I don't know. Some openly sobbing.

Again, not on my watch.

I drive forward through the crowd and reach the casket. I beat and pound on his chest trying anything to get his heart started, but unfortunately its all for naught. I begin CPR. Faint breathing for a second, then nothing. Faint heartbeat for a second, then again, nothing.

JACOB: "We're not too late. We can bring him back!"


JACOB: "Rip a battery cable off of that backhoe! Joe, bring one of those trucks over here!"

I continue CPR while the others get to work. Joe drives a truck over and shuts it down. Minutes later, Matt come back with a battery cable in hand. This is the hard part. I have the know-how, but getting shocked is not something I look forward to. It better work, because it's going to hurt like hell.

As I continue CPR, I have Matt attach the cable to the battery post of the truck. I have Joe bring me the blade of a shovel. I stop the CPR and place the shovel blade onto Sebastians chest. I hold the bare end of the cable against the blade and I nod at Matthew and yell "3 seconds."

He turns the key and all at once my entire body tenses up. The volts course though my body and I can almost hear the hum of the electricity passing through the blade lying on Sebastians chest.

The three seconds are up and Matthew kills the engine. I drop to the ground immediately, but not for long. Remember that headache I was getting? It's a full fledged migraine now.

I check for a heartbeat and a pulse.

He's back.


His heart is so out of rhythm, he could suffer a fatal heart attack right here and now.

JACOB: "We're going again. 5 seconds this time."

MATTHEW: "5 seconds!? That might kill you both!"

JACOB: "Just do it!"

I set it up just like I did last time. Except this time I hesitate a little more, before nodding. He turns the key in the truck and as he does so, I lose bladder control and leak all over myself. 5 seconds seems like an eternity, but finally the engine is killed. I fall to the ground unable to move.

JACOB: "Check him, Matt."

I can feel Matt walk over me to check on the Leader.

JACOB: "Well?"

MATTHEW: "Breathing normally. Heart rhythm is regulated."

Thank God I didn't have to do that again.

MATTHEW: "Now what?"

JACOB: "Wake him up."

Minutes go by as I lay there in my own urine. I can move, but my migraine is pretty bad and now I just don't want to. I hear yelling. I hear slapping. I don't hear Sebastian Duke.

JACOB: "What's going on?"

MATTHEW: "I'm not sure. He just won't wake up."

My initial thought was that he was brain dead, but that thought quickly disappeared as I laid there. He couldn't be brain dead and breathe without help from a respirator or something like that.

JACOB: "We need to get him to the hospital."

MATTHEW: "Alright, I'll find the closest one."

JACOB: "No!"

MATTHEW: "What do you mean, no?"

JACOB: "Carefully load him up into the truck. We're going to Boston.

"And somebody help me up."

Matthew helps me get back to my feet. My muscles still tingle from the voltage coursing through them. Kind of similar to that feeling you get when your foot falls asleep.

Except worse.

MATTHEW: "Why Boston?"

JACOB: "Dr. Nguyen brought me back. If anyone can bring Sebastian back- it's him."

We loaded up and rolled out of the cemetery.

One thing is definitely for sure. I can not, and will not, let this slide. The Black Circle will pay for what it's done.

While the Angel of Darkness is away from his playground.

His Messenger, will come to play.

Jacob Samuel Anderson, is The Messenger.
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