Scene open to show Dong on a mat cross legged and stretching for his match.
DONG: Luke-uh Arzegotti recently made comment to a gay guy and decided to bring my name into the mix.
Quote:So you can throw your hat into this mix all you want, it will only serve to make you look like a disappointment, wait.
In order to disappoint, there has to be expectations.
I expect you to lose in the first round.
To the Crimson fucking Dong. The guy who is my hero and I like have sex with all night because he is teh sexxi.
Clip ends and Dong is stretching upside down to where he was doing the carrot peel before.
DONG: Luke-uh? You were talking to Jimmy Rebel Yell, right-uh? When you said all that nice stuff-uh about me-uh?
The dong meester bites the head off of a Twinkie and mashes it all up in his mouth real sexy like. Mmm. mmm .mmm.
Once he says this song, the lights dim and become real sexy mood time. He knows he's exactly what we desire in extra oblong form.
DONG: Hey Luke-uh, I like-uh youre name-uh because uh uh uh I get to-uh have an orgasm-uh every-uh time-uh I-uh say-uh it-uh uh-uh uh uh uhuh-uh uh uhhhh ohh ohh uh ouhuh ouhijhewo jdsheyuhireyuhir7ey hdf gidfhiusdfhily\tgfdsjhyugdsylf hg uiyfhd78gfvrffdytgjhhy98ifyhtjhiuvkhbyn6bvyhujhu97gyihbh9gui n0bio 9g7uyib yiu gbhiukyhuh uh uhu uuhuhuh uhu huhuh uh uh uh uh uh uh oh oh oh oh uh Luke-uh has Faust in me. Nobody else might have faith but the Crimson Dong will rice.
The door bell rings and it's Crimsond Ong's friend at the door. His name is The Chrome Dong. And he is so flipping gay he is just gay. Here look, dummy:Straight bar gay bar get it get it good? He's trying to become a PROwrestler so Crimson Dong told him he should mimic his style and follow in his dongsteps. So far The Chrome Dong has not had any success at tryouts or in any manner due to shavings of collimator ester flour. No body knows the source of the contamination but it cause a smell that stench up Chrome Dong's Dong dong. Dong. dong
DONG: I am the dong and this is my friend who is also a dong but Chrome. Soon he will be in xwf too. DongdongDONElennoifgrdnDONg with my mentoring skills and leadership qualifies. On paper these dongs may look flabby but that's cause you looking at paper, dummy.
The Dong and his friend hi-5 each other with their dongs before dong closes out the blow down with a hoedown.