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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Truth Within....
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Jason E Smith Offline
Welcome the Darkness

XWF FanBase:

(crowd reaction varies; dips between face & heel)

07-23-2013, 01:38 PM

The lights are blinding, his eyes are trying to get use to the bright light just like when you wake up in the morning and you're trying to get use to the real world again and all he did was close his eyes for a second just to take some weight off of his heavy eyes because he was tired and the heavy burdens he had was taking it’s toll on his body and they all seem to target one part of him which was his eyes.

These burdens they are like strong wildfire which are blazing through his brain with only one thing that will extinguish them which is being in Neverland sleeping away his worries and thinking of beautiful memories which felt like centuries ago but the fire would soon return as soon he returned to reality. With all the fire and smoke it was hard to know what was really going on inside Jason E Smith’s head

Maybe we were about to find out surely all that was needed was the right questions?

When his eyes finally adjusted to the surroundings of the real world Jason E Smith realised where he was and why he had drifted again he was at a five star hotel in the hotel lobby sat in a small waiting area wondering when his interview to begin. was late for this interview and Jason E Smith was getting frustrated by the second every time he looked at the clock he kept seeing the hand tick backwards or clock just start to melt this is how bored he was becoming. To add to the frustrations it was a very hot day in California and Jason E Smith was in a suit Jason was feeling the heat so much it felt like he was a slab of meat cooking on a barbecue all he wanted was to be on the beach enjoying a nice cold beer.

Five minutes later the interviewer still had not shown up and Jason was getting so annoyed as he was trying not show it as this there were staff and guests hanging around the lobby so he was tapping his feet rapidly on the floor. Jason and had enough and started to get and march out of the door when finally the interviewer turned up. Jason sat back down on his chair and the interviewer and camera guy came over. Interviewer: Sorry we are so late... we was late finishing up another interview and got caught up in traffic sorry for inconvenience

Jason E Smith replied in way that was quite cheery but trying to hide his anger. Interviewer: Just give us a couple of minutes to set up the camera and me to sort out my notes and we are ready to go

When Interviewer looked into his bag Jason E Smith just rolled his eyes in response to what the interviewer had said.

While both the interviewer and camera guy was setting up Jason E Smith began to think about out of place he felt this suit and hotel was not him he could not afford this kind of lifestyle, this was all for show and what a viewer would see is not what is truly going on behind the curtain.... Well at least not yet. Then Jason’s train of thought go interrupted as the interviewer was ready to begin

XWF Interviewer:Okay we are ready

The Interviewer looks at the camera guy to get the all clear to begin to ask his questions... The camera guy signals to go and the interview begins.

XWF Interviewer: Hello and welcome to exclusive interview with Jason E Smith, thanks for joining us today Jason

Jason E Smith: You're welcome

XWF Interviewer: So Jason you recently returned to the XWF just before Leap of Faith you attacked Peter Gilmour and then took a shot at his championship at time the UFO title and failed, wasn’t really returned you had in mind was it?

What was a nice polite smile for the camera turned into a scowl

Jason E Smith: What kind of question is that.... of course it wasn’t and every dog has it’s day and in Gilmour’s case he’s more of scraggy mutt but he will when he loses his trio titles and then he will have nothing just like he deserves if it is my hand or someone else’s. No more questions about Leap of Faith

XWF Interviewer: Okay urm.. On this week’s Warfare you will be heading to the War Room for the first time and you will be in a triple threat match with two fresh faces of the XWF the ChessMaster and Guy Todie, Thoughts...

Jason E Smith: Well it’s difficult to prepare for opponent when you have no idea who they are but when it’s two opponents that’s extra difficult but that should be no problem for me, look at me

Jason E Smith stands up and slowly turns

Jason E Smith: Look at me!!! I am a man that can toss you about like a rag doll like child’s play and don’t get confused either I’m not playing games with these men just because they are new oh no no no I'm going out Wednesday and capturing these men like I am capturing prey.

ChessMaster and Guy Todie when you are laying uncomfortable as possible on wednesday after our match I want to remember who gave you a dose of reality and made you understand disappointment and failure because the training wheels off and this is the real world.

XWF Interviewer: Okay... I wanted to get your thoughts on some of the XWF superstars let’s start with the king John Madison

Jason E Smith: Well he’s the king he has the highest prize in this company and that should be respected no matter what and yes before you ask I respect him

XWF Interviewer: The newest faction in XWF The Connection

Jason E Smith: They have only just begun and personally I think this could be good thing to bring some change but I am saying no more than that.

XWF Interviewer: “The Phantom” Jack Kronus

Jason E Smith: Bit mysterious but he did learn a valuable lesson at Leap of Faith, never trust anyone, not even me.

XWF Interviewer was just about to say another name when the camera man passed him a sheet of paper there is a short pause.

XWF Interviewer: I have just been given a piece of paper called The List the honorable mentions this was made by Ricky Desmond the man who is in charge of The Connection does this change your opinion of The Connection?

XWF Interviewer handa Jason E Smith the piece of paper and Smith reads it and responds by saying

Jason E Smith: No he is entitled to his opinion and he can think what he likes

Smith grabs a lighter out of his pocket

Jason E Smith:although It’s not just my clothesline you have to worry about you also have to worry about my foot connecting to your face

Smith then lights the piece of paper and watches the piece of paper burn

Jason E Smith: Next question

Smith puts the lighter away

XWF Interviewer: What’s next for you?

Jason E Smith: I would prefer to focus this week and let the future be a surprise

The Interviewer looks at the camera and nods he turns to Jason and stands up

XWF Interviewer: Thanks for your time (offers hand)

Jason has a look of anger on his face, he stands and shake the Interviewer's hand and smiles as he does so... then he grips the man’s hand tighter and pulls him closer as his happy face into a serious look

Jason E Smith: Next time I decide to do an Interview you are going show up on time or the next stage of your career will be reviewing amateur theatre... my time is not to be wasted

Jason E Smith lets go of the Interviewers hand and makes his way out of the hotel door and is greeted by glorious sunshine a smile on the face of Jason appears cheek to cheek he reaches into his jacket and grabs some sunglasses he puts them on and looks up into clear blue sky then with a beaming smile Jason walk down the road a little bit stops and gets into the back of a chauffeur driven car.

A mysterious woman begins to speak as the car drives off she speaks with confidence and when she speaks she also sounds youthful

?????: What took you so long?

Jason E Smith: The interviewer was late

????: Well our boss won’t happy if we are late.... As we have big plans
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