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Matthias Syn Offline
Champions get their name in red!
TITLE - Revolution Champion

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

10-11-2024, 07:37 PM

[Image: Silenceiceninekillsmask.webp]

I am going to raw dog the fourth wall this entire promo because it fucking feels better, so if that bothers you, hit the stop button now, return to your safe space and write a boring story about it that we will all pretend to give a shit about.

I read the Twitter DM’s. “Why are you burying me, Syn?"

That's the thing though, I'm not burying you. You bury yourself with your dull and uninspiring promos any time that you hit the mic. I just tell people the fucking truth. However inconvenient they believe that truth to be. There are no comfortable lies with me. I tell people the shit they need to hear and that other people don't have the balls to say because they don't want to upset the apple cart.

Here is a truth for you…

It is embarrassing the amount of you that won't opt-in to Anarchy. Pretend it's the “B” show all that you want but I know the truth. You didn't opt-in because you can't write a story. You can't get away with five hundred words of limp dick, beta cuck promo against someone like me who will absolutely and unequivocally, fucking eviscerate you on this mic and when I step between those ropes.

Because Matthias Syn is Fucking VIOLENCE!

I am surgical when that record button hits. A God among men with murderous intent. I go fucking hard one hundred percent of the time and couldn't care less about your feelings. I am on the card every goddamned show. I work BOTH brands.

Again, because I fucking can.

No one works as hard as Matthias Syn. There are some that come close. Misty Waters. Goddamned shame what they did to her. She grinds. Jason Cashe, he puts work in. Shout out to the DIOGee.

Does that make you mad, Thad? You pompous little prick. Pull yourself away from Uncle Theo’s knob and listen to me when I tell you, Matthias Syn isn't scared of you. I am not scared of anybody. That goes for that pudgy little bitch, Barry Masterson as well. I am not worried about repercussions from either of you. What are you going to do? This match is non-title. I’ll say whatever the fuck that I want. You gonna take the belt off of me? No, I don’t think that you will and you know that you don't have anyone in that locker room capable.

Thad, simping from one girl to the next is the ultimate cringe. Doing it so publicly? Embarrassing. When Lucy pulls that football away, and she will, because you don't deserve her, because she is too good for you, who will you simp for next?

I told you all from day one that this is a Revolution. That this is MY Revolution. I am going to change this industry. Change this fucking meta. You can go tell your stories to each other in some retirement home. Save them for the Midnight Society, because the new blood in this industry is taking over and the Syn City Saint is ushering in a new era.

This is a mass extinction event of the old guard and I am the asteroid roaring through space about to make an impact.

I don't want to hear your banal, recycled stories of love lost, or love found or nepotism. How many times can you name drop someone with some sway in the company?

“Theo and I walked hand and hand on the sun-soaked beach. I laid him beside me on the wet sand, one hand cupping his balls, the other wrapped firmly around his shaft. I began to suck… and suck and suck.”

Fuck Theo Price. You disgusting dolts. 

“I vote for Theo Price for Superstar of the Month.” Old guard bullshit. Let's give him his lifetime achievement award by making him September Star of the Month. Pathetic. I defend this title every fucking show. Do you know why? Because Matthias Syn is must see tv. Don't fucking blink. The best in the fucking business.

Which brings me to Michael Graves? Markel Graves? Fuck this, I am not playing the game, Flynn. I have wanted this for a long time.

Mark Flynn, living off of his reputation and his ELO rating. Fuck your ELO rating that you cling to like the last vestige of hope that is your fading career. You’re not even a sidekick. You’re enhancement talent at this point but you’re too self deprecating to even realize it.

Hide behind the laughter, Mark. I see you. You’ve been relegated. You’re now just someone who they put in front of a Superstar like me on the way to the top. To get the rub of the Mark Flynn victory. Let me ask you, Mark, who do you think actually gives a shit? I saw the promo from Oz. If he wins his match he chose YOU. Why do you think that is? I know the answer. Oz knows if he steps into the ring with me, he will leave in a fucking bodybag. You’re a silhouette, an echo of the man that you used to be and everyone can see it. It bleeds through the screen.

I can’t wait see the interactive promo you drop on these brainless fans because you know going one on one with me on this mic is a fucking death sentence. Don’t hide behind the fancy visuals, Mark. Fucking dweeb. Use your words.

I am going to fucking hurt you badly, Mark. You deserve it.

I am going to pull your fucking spine through your stomach and then beat you to death with it. You deserve it, Mark. You’re just like the rest of them. All these cucks in this audience and in that locker room, in every locker room across this industry. You’re just like them.

An entire generation of betas raised by betas. Spending their formative years staring at the world through the inside of lockers.

There's your next fucking story.

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