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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Leap Of Faith 2024 RP Board
PlaceMarker The End Reaches You
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

07-19-2024, 10:59 PM

Steps are heard, crunching in the snow. The camera pans to a heavily furred covered man. Soft white clouds escape from under his hood made from a polar bear's pelt and skull, with its teeth digging into his skull like a crown of thorns, digging into the bone itself, how it didn't bother him, was unknown. The breaths continued, and the camera panned around, revealing several moose carcasses.

He dropped to one knee, as crimson dripped from him, landing upon the powder of the tundra. Heat of the blood melting the superficial layer of the snow. Upon closer inspection of both the moose bodies and then his, one of the moose had a broken antler. When looking at his body however, several prongs of this particular moose were still stuck in his body, dripping his life blood down the bone of the moose horn.

He would stand up, grunting and growling in pain as he continued to walk. After another 20 minutes of walking, the camera shows a crude cabin, showing how much of an amateur builder the man is. As he enters it, a familiar voice sounded out to the man entering.

"Brother Autem! Welcome back home!"

He goes to hug Oz, who swats his hands away.

"Leave me alone. I need to train."

The camera pans up and sees "Broken" Oswald looking sad that he was tossed away.

Another voice sounded out within the cabin

"This world never truly deserved you, did it? That is why you chose to believe in yourself. Why you asked others to believe in me. You wanted to give them a choice to free themselves. Commendable, Oz. However, you never realized how little people view you. Outside of your BOB brothers, of course."

Mr. Oz grinned slyly

"But then again, all you have is their word, Oz. The flimsy word of people who would've tossed you aside if they hadn't been forced to work with you when BOB stood for Brotherhood of Baddies. If they didn't need your endless resources to keep up their operations.

You need to remember what brought you to this dance to begin with. What made you get signed to the XWF to begin with. It wasn't your money. People wanted to work with you for one reason.

Are you content with doing the dirty work of others? Are you content on being used for the things you can do for others?

Believe in me once more, Oswald.

Believe in me again, in yourself, and you will have the respect you deserve, what you've been working towards for years."

"Shut. Up. Both of you are nothing more than blowhards and creatures of deception. I already believe in myself, but I never needed my own group. I never truly needed you. After Leap of Faith years ago, after winning the Anarchy belt, I lost faith in myself. Once I started to believe in myself again, I started to feel empowered. I can hold onto those words and lessons, and not need to revert back towards you. No longer tethered by missing that feeling.

John Black was one of those who I helped when he and Wish were affiliated with BOB. Went to war with them with Barney and others.

This pay-per-view, it's the end of this war. Either I retain or he becomes a two-time champion."

From the darkness came out another version of Oswald, Ghost Tank, grinning wide

"Then maybe you should release me. You need to give yourself as much of an advantage as possible. What better way to retain than to go lunatic on him? Releasing all the pain you can, making him hurt enough that he understands he doesn't deserve another shot at the title. Break his bones to keep him on the shelf for months. Make him realize that there's a true psychopath in the XWF, and he's going up against him."

The man looked at Ghost Tank

"You're nothing more than a feral animal."

The bear's pelt is pulled off of his head, revealing long black hair, braided in long thick grouping.

[Image: cm92VKg.png]

"A cage would be your best place to be unleashed. However, you're too blunt of an instrument. You don't care enough about the title I received. You'll just hurt him and if he pins you, you'll move on.


He grabs a log near the crude fireplace, kneeling down to toss it in.

"None of you are warranted or needed. In this match, a deft hand, a precise one, is needed. None of you delivered on any of your promises to me. It is time to stop your influences on my mind. It is time to erase every shred of you three."

Each version of Oswald leapt at him. He let out a soft sigh before jumping at them, spinning in the middle of the air, kicking Mr. Oz in the back of the head, headbutting Ghost Tank, elbowing "Broken" Oswald in the nose. The blows causing them to get stopped in their motions, attempting to right themselves so they wouldn't land straight on their faces or backs. The three seeming to coordinate and performing the stereotypical "Superhero Landing", landing on one knee.

"I used to take pity on you three. Sweet, honeyed words of your abilities, your promises to take me to the next level. There's a reason why I chose not to bring Money Oz here. He got me more recognition, got me title reigns."

The three stood up and dusted themselves off, as the cabin began to slowly pull apart like a Jenga tower. The flames in the fireplace immediately exploded upwards through a hole the slowly drifting materials.

"i don't pity you anymore."

The sky over the building began to flare bright reddish-orange as fire began to erupt from the ground. Oswald looked at the three, brushing some hair from his face.

"It is time to alleviate myself of the cancers that hold me back."

Mr. Oz ran at Oswald, only to be grabbed by the head, palming it as if he were a 7'2 basketball player holding a basketball by one hand. He then moved him over as reddish-orange began to force its way out of the ground, and he placed the man's body over it, cooking him alive.

"Disappear of your own free will, and you will not suffer like him. I will no longer tolerate failures."

He looked at the other two as the lava spouts continued to cook Mr. Oz until he was nothing more than blackened bones, which then turned into ashes. His eyes seemed to glare with evil intent as they soon faded away from sight.

Back into the real world, Oswald went into his gym, going to work out for his match against John Black.

"Failures continue to follow us. I failed to capture that title a few times, but now it's mine. It is time for our rivalry to end, John. I will no longer suffer fools, I will no longer tolerate your existence. I will no longer allow you to breathe near me. No, I will not kill you. I'm simply going to bring you into an early retirement like I did to a couple others.

I am never going away, John. After this match is over, you will wake up in a cold sweat, confused and afraid, wondering if I am haunting you in your dreams. When you recover, you will wonder if this match was nothing more than a figment of your imagination, until you see replays of this match, when you see reviews from the marks who think they know our business better than we do, come across your social media feeds.

I am going to mentally scar you, John. I am going to spiritually destroy you and break the physical that is your body. This is the end of our rivalry, and it will be a glorious, bloody affair.

I usually don't take things to a race level, but, I want to make sure you understand, 100% so, what I'm going to do to you. I plan on cuffing you, and bring the police brutality to you. You will never have to fear them, so in a way it will be therapy, but imagine the worst treatment you've ever received by a cop because of their racial profiling bullshit, and amplify it. That's what's going to happen to you.

I'm no longer going to give a damn about what the marks think of me. You've never faced me as a true villain, and it's time I become one in your story.

I'm not going to let you feel happiness. I'm not going to let you feel safe. I'm going to take away everything that makes you confident in yourself, and turn you into a sniveling, weeping mess that no one will truly love.

Safety, love, adoration, respect.

All of these things are going to be taken from you in our match. You have never faced true evil in this fed, and it shows, because you never...





Everything is coming out at our match. From thumbtacks to vehicles. I will perforate and eviscerate you, until all that's left is a shell of a man.

The future will tell of our rivalry. How for the longest time, I held a lot more wins over you, and then you felt what it means to have a singles title like that, to be the first man, a Black man at that, to hold a brand new title.

When the match is over, you will be bloodied, on your back, and without the Revolution belt.

It's time to end your rebellious phase, and go back to the tag scene. Because I am going to keep you from touching singles gold, ever again.

I am the feral beast, baring its fangs, ready to strike its prey and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it except feel your blood drain from your body before it's stretchered out, before the XWF receives a lawsuit because you died.

You are no longer tolerated.

Go to the line, and hold the rope for those who are actually worth my damn time."

The image of Oswald, stern, staring straight down the camera as if looking into John's soul.

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (07-20-2024), Jett Sterling (07-20-2024), Misty Waters (07-19-2024), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (07-20-2024), Thunder Knuckles™ (07-19-2024)

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