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Gone Fishin'
Author Message
Tommy Wish Offline
Some Nobody

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

07-01-2024, 07:15 PM

[It opens to Tommy and Reggie sitting in a lake somewhere in Texas, we see them in the pier area with fishing gear on them and the items to fish. After some hours, Reggie and Tommy managed to catch some fish, and they place them back into the water so they can continue to fish. After some time, they sit on some bench near the lake as they drink some water and shoot the breeze for the time being.]

T: Hey man, you were out here catchin them fishes, you caught more than me!

Reg: Hey dude, you know i haven’t gone fishin since I was 10 years old with my foster parents. They basically taught me the basis of catchin fishes, hadn’t been doing for so long tha it brought me good memories.

T: Ah that’s cool, same thing with me. I haven’t fished in long time, guess its my southern roots growing on me again.

Reg: Speaking of which, you still living in JB’s crib?

T: Yeah i do, I usually just stay there being a recluse and workin on music. The main reason i came out here to Texas was for a family reunion that came by last week.

Reg: Oh i see, how come you didn’t invite me?

T: By the time it happened you were in Mexico doing a gig for some wrestling thing. By the time I called you, you’d been up all night with the fellas after the show. I think you said something in spanish i don’t remember at all.

Reg: Oh right, i did do some small show there. The house wasn’t as big as i thought it was, kinda a mood killer beccause i didn’t get paid so I got angry at the promoter. By the time you called i was legit arguing with the promoter in spanish over speaker, so yeah… lets just say im kicked off the tour with them.

T: Ah a feisty one i see, i don’t blame you for doing what you did. I’d do the same shit too, but honestly im glad that you came out here to hang with me. We never get to do stuff together.

Reg: Well, you do know that JB and you are joined to the hip most of the time, so you know…

[T then laughs at that comment from Reggie.]

T: Man, whatever it’s getting late out here, we should head to a restaurant tonight. There’s this tex mex place that serves some good grub, you’d be interested in joining me there?

Reg: You know me, I won’t pass up on no grub… but who’s payin… because i got no dinero in my pocketo hombre!

[Then both men laugh at Reggie’s comment, then T nodded his head at him paying. Then both men finish their drinks and toss them in the bin, and went there separate ways back to their hotels to rest and freshin up. By the time it was 9pm, Reggie and T were in their nice outfits for a night out in Texas, including them wearing cowboy boots. As they arrive to the Tex Mex place they noticed it was packed in there, and they waited about fifteen minutes to see the host person up front. As they get to the host, they talk to her to see if there’s a spot.]

T: Hey there ma’am, would there be any chance for a table for two?

Hostess: Um, sorry sir but this place is packed tonight and the next table won’t be available for about the next twenty minutes or so from now.

[Then T looked at Reggie, as Reggie looked at how crowed the place is. Then they decide to pass on the place as they walked out around the town that’s semi packed with partiers. Then they walk around the block until they see a hole in a wall type of bar they decide to enter in. By the time they entered, it seemed too bikerish for their liking.]

Reg: I don’t know about this place…. Seems kinda hostile to me.

T: I mean, it’s not that bad of a place an–

[Then across from them they see a helpless man getting beaten by one of the biker gangs with a pool stick sensesly, as the bar patrons look on with no care. Then after the man was beaten, the biker man suddenly comes up to T and Reggie, looking to confront them.]

Biker dude: What you two fellas doin hurr? We don’t like outsiders in our yard!

T: We come in peace, we just want some to drink.

Biker dude: Somethin to drink huh? Well take this!

[Then one of the biker gang member hands T a glass off piss, and they all laugh at him as he held it. Then one of them gang up on Reggie, spitting at his face and being a menace towards him.]

Biker dude #2: Who are you? You should go back to Mexico you wetback! I wish Trump would have built that wall to keep you mexicans out!

Reg: Tu chinga las almas tu bticino, cabron!

Biker dude #2: Nuh uh, we don’t speak that jibber jabber here!

[Reggie then backs up  from the man, and he pulls out a knife and aims it at the dude’s throat. Then suddenly the biker gang decide to confront the duo, but the bar owner comes out of his office to see all the commotion.]

Bar Owner: Okay hold on here what is going on! I am tryin to run a legit business and you clowns are fuckin up my place with your nonsense!

Biker Dude #1: Shut it Greg, this has nothing to do with you. We just don’t like outsider in our domain.

Bar Owner: Uh, i only let you guys in dude to being related to one of your chapter’s leaders wife, Marsha Duke. She told me that your gang would provide income in this dump, and now you are tryin to sabotage me!?!

[Before anymore bullshit comes along, T and Reggie decide to leave this place and decide to walk down to beach somewhere on the strip. They manage to find an outdoor beach bar were it wasn’t too many people and they decide to chill there, and drink some beer to pass the time.]

T: That was too much, also where you get that knife from?

[Reggie then plays with it, and places it back into it’s holster. Then he places it back into his pockets, and takes a sip of his beer.]

Reg: It was, and i always keep it on me for protection… learned it in Mexico during my excursion there. Don’t know if shit will pop off and all that.

T: Well true that man, you should have killed that dude who kept callin you names and brought up mean shit towards you, you don’t deserve that at all!

Reg: You see, i paid it no mind… i learned how to develop a thicker skin with bs. I could have killed him, but im not in a mood to be arrested in Texas tonight. Who’s gonna bail me out? You?

[T then ponders on that question, and he decides to sip his beer as Reggie does as well. Then they decide to look at the beach goers living their best lives, as they sit near the bar of the place with music suddenly playing. As soon as they hear some country song, they decide to finish their drinks and pay the bar lady the fee, and they bailed. From that point on, they just hang around the town as the scene fades to black.]

T: looks like we have ourselves some competition in Anarchy!

Reg: Who’s the two gringos we facing?

T: Laytoa Hixx and Razor Blade…

Reg: Oh sweet, looks like we have something to do as a team against those two gringos. I feel like this will be a cake walk against them, and we should just not even try against them, because I know they aren’t on our level of irrevent shit we do in the ring. I know Razor got his ass whopped by JB long agon, and this  Hixx chick i don’t know much about her except she got some thicc ass thighs on here, and she can apprently wrestle too.

T: Well i can’t fault them for going by The American Storm, because they sure do storm the place with how boring and vanilla they are, they might be what Anarchy needs to put the fans to sleep with how they work as a team. I heard that at some point they had a shot at the tag belts last PPV and came up short, man… i’d give my left nut to be in that position.

Reg: What position speak of?

T: You know, bein slaughtered by Ned and Prince Adye… hiding in the locker room with shame… and waiting to just be seen as the one who got milked by the tag champs. You know, the same position that the thugs are on the receiving of?

Reg: OOOOOHHHHHH, I see what you mean… being beaten and sent to the dump is how we also view them too, guess we aren’t too far from that tree then i guess.

T: Okay im bs’in on all that, we know we aren’t as good as them. We might not even come out of Anarchy as the winners of this tag match, but that will not stop me or you from letting the fireworks be set off against them. We will come in there, and explode on them and light them up and have them see the lights at the end. I mean, Hixx… shit, i’d love to break her ankle like if I was prime Perc Angle, just without the medals on.

Reg: Perc Angle?... you’d be better off as a Weirdo Angle since you call it a “fetish lock”... maybe you need to change that name.

T: I ain't changin shit…. Just like how i anit changin to fuck up Hixx and Razor with it in the process. But this will be more than that, me and you will shake the foundation of Anarchy on Fourth of July… Do you think so?

Reg: Think so?.... OH I KNOW SO!... we will come out like thugs through and through…win or lose, we will smoke the Storm off the face of the earth by the end of the night. Before you know it, they will be the bombs bursting in that ring… while we stand tall like the American flag.

T: Oh may god bless us for tearing down The American Storm from borin the ring up…. Ehh, it don’t matter, we just going to fuck em up like how we do. Any last words for them?

Reg: ¡No importa si ganamos o perdemos, nos aseguraremos de acabar con ustedes dos y enviarlos a la oscuridad, perras!

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