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XWF FanBase: Classic Heel (usually booed; often plays dirty)
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07-19-2013, 05:03 PM
Scene #1:
- News had broken on XWF's Official Website that XWF; newcomber Mr. Russell Mania would be hosting his own talk show within the X-Treme Wrestling Federation, the name of the show was announced as "Groove Time". The event was given a weekly time-slot on XWF television. This comes as a shock to many within the XWF who are still unsure as to what to think about the flamboyant and savagely violent newcomber. The last time the fans seen Russell Mania they witness him break both of Brodus Clay's AND Tensai's legs with steel chairs, he attacked Hall Of Famer; Jerry "King" Lawler and we saw the former Funk-A-Dactyls betray their friends and align themselves with him.
The first edition of "Groove Time" with Russell Mania was just minutes before production and a packed studio audience is sitting on bleachers which are facing a stage area that looks similair to a 1970's roller disco. Fans hated Mr. Mania and he was already being called "The Most Hated Man In Wrestling", but after seeing what transpired between Mania and Tons Of Funk a few days ago they knew that this was something they did not want to miss, everyone was wondering who the guest of the first "Groove Time" was going to be.
The lights go down and the sound of "" begins to play throughout the studio, a disco balls lowers from the celing and Cameron and Naomi skip out from behind the curtain. We then hear a voice eminating from the P.A.
Show Intro Voice: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the first edition of XWF: "Grooooove Tiiiiiiiimeee" please welcome the funky, and oh so sexy baby...umm.... Cameron & Naomi; "The RussellManiacs" And please welcome the host of "Groove Line" ......
- Russell Mania runs out on to the stage and dance around disco-style pointing and smiling at the crowd who are savagely booing him. Mania continues to wave, point and smile to the crowd until the sound of "Grooveline" stops playing and the sound of the "boos" are much more apparent. Mania acts as though he does not hear anything other then cheers and continues to smile. He then walks over to a mahongany desk, pulls out the leather chair behind it and sits down behind the desk. The camera zooms in on Mania who begins to speak.
~Mister Russell Mania~: Ladies and WannaBeMe's my name is of course; Mister Russell Mania and I am "The Showcase Of An Immortal" and I am the host of XWF's new premiere Friday Night event! "Groove Time" where every Friday Night I will be sitting down with some of the XWF's finest young talent, now we have a very special guest for you this evening, and I know you've all been wondering who that guest is... And it is my pleasure to tell you..... That your going to have to wait a few more minutes.
- Fans boo loudly and chant "You Suck" & "Douchebag" at Mania who laughs loudly and holds his head and smiles.
~Mister Russell Mania~: Ha ha. Now I'd like to take you back to a few short nights ago when I... Russell Mania debuted in the XWF.
- We get a video recap of Russell Manias XWF Debut which features Manias debut, the broken legs of Tons Of Funk, Cameron & Naomi's betrayal and the attack on Jerry Lawler. The video ends and we clip back to an ecstatic Russell Mania who is smling ear-to-ear. We then quickly clips to Cameron and Naomi giggling over what happened to their former friends.
~Mister~Russell Mania~: Ladies and gentlemen "Grooveline" is proud to give to you the first interview with Tons Of Funk following their "getting what they had coming to them" which was provided by me. Here it is. Take a look.
---------------------Video Segment-----------------------------
- The screen flashes and we see Russell Mania walking towards a hospital, he makes his way up the steps and walks through the door, he holds the door open and waves the camera man in. Mania steps up to the receptionist. He taps on the glass and the receptionist looks up.
~Mister Russell Mania~: Hello Maaaaam! Could you be a dear and tell me what room Mr. Brodus Clay or Mr. Tensai are presently staying in?
- The receptionist types something into her computer and looks at it confused, she looks up at Mania.
Receptionst: I'm sorry sir, no one by those names are presently staying in this hospital...
~Mister Russell Mania~: No I know they are here, they are the two fat wrestlers in wheelchairs.
Receptionist: Oh Mr. Bloom & Mr. Murdoch! They are in room 204 on the 3rd floor.
- Mania chuckles at Tons Of Funk's real names and walks away from the reception desk, he walks into an elevator with a sickly looking child who is being held by his father, the childs mother stands beside the father rubbing the childs back. Mania with a grimacing expression on his face squeezes into the elevator with the family and pressed the (3rd floor) button. The elevator door closes and Mania cannot take his eyes off of the sick child, the father looks at Mania.
Father: Can I help you?
~Mister Russell Mania~: No, just keep that ugly little troll away from me... Gross... It smells like vomit.
- The father gives the kid to the mother and is about to punch Mania but Mania ducks and punches the father in the throat! He takes the father by the head and smashes his skull into the elevator door. The father falls down and Mania looks at the mother with her child, the mother tells her son to stand behind her and he does...Mania puts his hand on the mother should and leans his head into her neck, he begins to kiss her while she quivers... Then suddenly *ding* the elevator door opens and Mania steps away from the wife who was seemingly starting to "like it". Mania steps ovver the father who is laying in pain on the floor and waves to the mother and child as the elevator door closes.
We then see Mania walking down the hallway until he reaches a room that read "204" on the door. Mania smiles into the camera and knocks.
Brodus Clay: Come in.
- Mania slowly peeks his head in through the door and as soon as Clay and Tensai see him in the door way they become infuriated at the man who ended their careers. Mania smiles knowing that neither man is capable of standing let alone actually doing him harm. Mania pulls up a chair and places it between both men... Mania smiles and pats both men on the legs.
~Mister Russell Mania~: Big Brodus, Sweet T... How you boys doing tonight? Good?
- Clay and Tensai look at Russell with complete disdain, chomping at the bit wanting to rip him apart for hwat he had done to them.
~Mister Russell Mania~: Now I know there must be a million questions that you want to ask me and the number one question you both want to know is..."Why?" Am I right? You want to know why I chose to attack you a few nights ago, you want to know why I chose to end both of your careers? You want to know why I stole your ladies? Well The answer to all three of those questions is... "Because I Could"....
Brodus Clay: You just wait until we get out of here, we're going to put you in a wheelchair... Permanently!
- Mania looks at Clay and smiles.
~Mister Russell Mania~: Oh...Mr. Clay, one thing you both are fully aware of by now is that it is going to be a long, long time before you two fatties can walk on those legs again, I would een go as far as to say that there is a 50% chance both of your careers are OVER!
Brodus Clay: If that if the case, If I don't get my hands on you in that ring, if WE don't get our hands on you in that ring...Someday... Then your going to wish we did... Because if it comes down to us having to get our hands on you in the street.........."Little Man".... Then I will not stop until YOU don't have a pulse.
~Mister Russell Mania~: Ha ha! I destroyed you two when you were both at 100%, I'm not too concerned about the two overweight cripples. You see where Tons Of Funk is on a downward spiral towards a monthly disability payment and being confined to wheel chairs... RUSSELL MANIA is skyrocketing into superstardom! In one night! One night I became more of a star then either of you fatties would have ever been. And don't you forget it.
Brodus Clay: Your a piece of *BEEP*
- Mania stands up from his chair and walks over to Clay's bedside Clay reaches up and grabs Mania by the jacket he pulls Mania down towards him and Mania struggles but grab the lamp off of Clay's side table and smashes it over Clay's head! Clay falls back and the wound on his head has once again been reopened! Clay holds is face in pain! And Tensai tries to sit up but falls right onto his stomach off the table. Mania takes a few steaps back from Tensai who is trying to get back to his feet and Mania runs at him and kicks him in the head, knocking him unconscious again. He walks over to Clay who is still holds his face in shame, he smiles at him and walks over to a shelf, he then picks up a bedpan, walks over to Clay and begins to savagely beat him down with the bedpan until Clay lays unconscious in his bed. We finally hear the sound of security running in the distance and Mania makes a quick exit from the room. The last image we see is security running into the building only to find both members of Tons Of Funk beaten down in their hospital room.
------------------------End Segment--------------------------------------
- We flash back to a smiling Russell Mania behind the desk and a crowd that is silent with disgust. No one knows wheat to think of Mr. Russell Mania.
~Mister Russell Mania~: Wow, I don't know about you guys out there but I thought that was excellent television! simply excellent television. Cameron what did you think.
- Cameron smiles decutively at Russell and begins to speak.
Cameron: I think it was some of the sexiest television I have ever seen, baby.
- Mania smiles at Cameron and Naomi who begin to gesture sexually at him.
~Mister Russell Mania~: Ladies and WannaBeMe's it is now the time that you have all been waiting for..... *DRUM ROLL* Our special guest on the inagural "Groove Time" is..............................
- The crowd waits anxiously to see who Russell Mania's first guest would be. Then the sound of _______ begins to play and __________ emerges from backstage.
TBC By Anyone