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WARFARE: Our Main Bi-Weekly Show PrimeTime Jay Starkz
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JayStarkz Offline
Active in XWF

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(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

03-25-2024, 07:20 AM


Real Name: Jay Starkz

Wrestling Name: Jay Starkz

Nicknames: Mr.PrimeTime, The Playmaker, The Young Stunna

Picture Base/Face Claim: Carmelo Hayes


Height: 6’0

Weight: 210

Place of Birth: Los Angeles California

From: Macon, Ga

Role: Tweener


Background: Jay Starkz was born and raised in the streets of Macon Ga. He comes from a single-parent home, where his Mom Dee, raised him and his three sisters, Bria, Imani, and Jadesia who were all older than him, so Jay is the baby of the bunch but doesn't look it. He grew up having to fight all the time because of the boys his sisters dated but he didn't mind because he loved them and wanted to protect them from harm.

Because of these events, Jay  would grow a reputation as a fighter in the hood but once he made it to High School he would discover new talents in playing Quarterback in football and being a standout on his wrestling team, these two sports would keep Jay out of trouble in the hood and would help him grow a brotherly bond with teammate of both sports JT Marshall , over the next four years in High School they become closer than most blood brothers, Jays mom would even take JT  in as her own after being kicked out of his own home by his parents.

But as high school was coming to an end it was time for them to decide on what they wanted to do once they graduated , Jay had many options as he was such a phenomenal athlete in both Football and Wrestling that he would have offers from many colleges for both sports and even had local Indy wrestling promotions willing to pay him to join their rosters but JT  on the other hand wasn’t as big of a name as Jay and only received an offer from the Indy Wrestling Promotion.

Jay noticed the lack of offers JT got so instead of going off somewhere else and to break the duo up , Jay choose to accept the Indy Wrestling promotion offer and join JT there as a Tag Team known as The Hot Boyz, from the age of 18 and until 20 they would both flourish on the Indy circuit as a Tag Team but Jay started to stand out and wanted to have a singles run on the Indy’s and instead of JT doing his own thing he would stick around with Jay as his personal bodyguard , earning the title as The Enforcer as he watched his Bestfriend’s rise on The Indy Circuit.

But now after a year of having a singles run , At 21 Jay feels ready for the bright lights and pressure that the professional promotions brings.


Theme Music:

Entrance description: The lights dim as as Himothy by Quavo plays over the speakers

Then the word  PRIMETIME comes across the screen as PrimeTime Jay Starkz walks out on stage first wearing his wrestling gear on as he comes to a stop on stage and a spotlight falls down on him. At the same time, his enforcer JT Marshall steps off to the side and waits for Jay to point to himself as the Pyro goes off behind him and then walks down the stage with JT behind him. Jay smirks at the fans as he gets a mixed reaction front he fans and even stops halfway down to take a picture with a beautiful girl before walking up the steel steps and waits for JT to hold the ropes open for him so that Jay can step into the ring, Jay walks towards the corner and climbs up to the top turnbuckle and flexes at the crowd before jumping down and either smirks at his opponent or walks over towards his corner and waits for the match to start.


Pro Debut: When did your character (not you) debut into professional wrestling?

Finishing Moves

1.Witness( Curb Stomp)

2. Touchdown ( Superkick)

Signature Moves

1. PlayMade ( Styles Ckash



Common Moves (Feel free to add more than 10, Max 20)

1. Spinebuster

2. Lariat

3. DDT

4. Flying Headbutt

5. Crossface

6. Boston Crab

7. Suicide Dive

8.Tornado DDT

9. Enziguri

10. Any high flying or springboard move

In-Ring Strengths:

In-Ring Flaws: hot head and still a rookie so he'll make mistakes that a veteran wouldn't.

Similar Wrestler(s): Think Carmelo Hayes and Seth Rollings

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