When the lights goes out they heard wrestling has more than one royal family kingdom hits the speakers and smoke and fireworks burst open till Razor comes out with a suit and spreads his arms apart and fist pump it in the ground and fireworks above the arena and he walks down the aisle slapping kids and adults high fives and gets inside of the ring and the ring announcer hands Razor Blade a microphone while talking to the XWF universe
American nightmare|razor blade: So Arlington, Texas what do you want to talk about?
XWF universe cheers for Arlington and razor at the same time
American nightmare| razor blade: last year was totally awesome I mean I have on won not once but twice on the show of Anarchy the first match was me and Mr Oz until HGH came out and made me win by disqualified and the after the other match it was a triple threat match when the lights went out and came back on I also win by a count out in my triple threat match on Anarchy but enough of that though lets get down to business on my next victim he goes by the name of John Black.
XWF boos at john black
American nightmare| razor blade: Now what john Black. Just got through saying that he wants you all know that who side would you all rather side with team Black or team American nightmare Razor blade
But before you all start choosing which side you rather be with let's just wait until this Sunday when I win my third match in a row with John black at free for all on XWF.
American nightmare| razor blade: and when I get myself into this match with the soulja nothin then he will see me enter this Sunday's free for all match with twenty nine men and once I win that u might go for Dionysus for his x xtreme championship or I can fight Isiah king for his Xwf world championship after I win both of my matches at free for all with john black and win the free blood rumble match at free for all on XWF
Xwf chants you should win it, you should win it * you should win it
American nightmare| razor blade: you damn right I should win it when I opening the fight with John black and once I'm through with him then it's onto the blood rumble match at free for all and when this situation is over I'll be the one who wins it all at free for all on XWF
American nightmare| razor blade: be sure that you're ready for an ass whoopin when I humiliate you in our match at free for all and move on to the blood rumble match on Xwf
American nightmare| razor blade I only got one question for you John black who's the better American of XWF.
Kingdom plays again
Razor drops the mic and exit out of the ring and heads back to his locker room before free for all begins this Sunday