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X-treme Wrestling Federation » The LFL » LFL Roster Sheets

Thanks for submitting your player! Here's what to expect from here...

Now that you've posted your LFL Player's profile here, we'll review it and move it to the official LFL roster forum. When that happens, you'll have your user account opened up to some expanded sections on our forums with more options.

If you have any questions, or would like to check on your status, you are welcome to send a message to Vinnie Lane.

Welcome to the LFL!

Sidney Grey
Author Message
CTN Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-15-2023, 03:33 AM

[Image: Hwa5ovF.gif]

Player Information

Desired Team: Denver Dimes

Desired Position: #1 Draft Pick!

Jersey Number: 0

Height: 5’9”

Weight: Admits to 118 lbs (closer to 145)

Brief Bio: Sid Bio

Player Strengths & Weaknesses

1) Tenacious (when chasing personal glory)
2) Tremendous Tendon Strength 
3) Veteran (at everything)

1) Alcoholism (hates Gatorade)
2) Can’t Resist Cheating
3) Quick to Anger

Best way to contact you: (I.E. Discord, Twitter, E-mail, etc.)
Twitter: @SidneyGreyCTN
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