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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Training (Twisted Angel R/P)
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Christine Nash Offline
The Twisted Angel!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-17-2013, 10:44 AM

OOC: Had permission to use Ward in the r/p and he even gave some imput!

You know, it is funny how things can change overnight. How people can effect you and how life is just funny at how it evolves. One moment you are hurting and full of rage and the next Someone manages to tear the wall enough to slip in. Things change, and people change, life moves on and sometimes if things are meant to be, then end up back. No one knows this better than these two. They knew each other better than they knew themselves and in some cases… that is freaking scary. But in this case… maybe just what is needed to help boost what is already a dis-trot and lost soul and turning her into a more powerful and fierce competitor.

Scene opens with Matt and Christine walking into a gym where they train MMA. Christine looked a little nervous but was ready for the new challenge. This also was the first time her and Matt had done anything sense officially becoming a couple again. She still hurt but he had managed to find a way in just enough to get to her heart. But now… now he had to get to her other side. The demon within… The Twisted Angel that lived deep within her.

Matt: Ok baby, I know you don’t want me to do this… but I have to piss you off to get her out.

Christine: I know. And trust me… it won’t be hard to get her out. In fact I might be able to without you doing anything.

Matt: Yes but she still hates me.

Christine: True.

Matt gives her a hug and kiss, and then takes a deep breath before he looks at her and begins to speak.

Matt: I want you to think back. All the way to USW. I want you to remember when Jennah dumped me and I was at rock bottom. You remember Zora and her split and how the Hardcore Angel got so obsessed with me. You remember what she did to me. Or how about more recent… Micah.

About that moment her hand goes around his neck and starts to squeeze.

Matt: Hello Angel!

TA: So the piss ant returns. What happened? Did she get soft again and let you off your leash?

Matt: Off my leash, ha I earned my way off the leash, me and her are back together, So maybe I should let the demon out, but you need to unleash for the match.

TA: Don’t toy with me boy. I know what you did to her. I know the lies you spread and the deceit you brought her. Who do you think comforted her when you decided you brain and in you pants? Certainly wasn’t her so call husband. Trust broken and I am surprised she was weak enough to let a weasel like you back in.

She hadn’t let go of his neck as she stared into his eyes as she was full of rage!

Matt: Angel, this is what you need for your match. Use the rage you have for me, against your opponents.

She lets go of Matt and he starts to breath a little easier.

TA: I ain’t done with you boy. Your days are numbered and I will have my day with you as well.

Matt helps Christine put the MMA gloves on and they walk into the cage where Matt is going to help her with some new moves to learn. The first move Matt taught her was a leg stretch that stretch both of Matt legs apart as Matt taps to the submission. The next move Matt taught Christine was a Peruvian Necktie submission. Christine had Matt in this hold all Matt could do was tap because there was no way for some one to break this hold in the ring once Christine has it locked in.

After Matt had time to relax, Christine traps Matt in Reverse arm bar submission where she starts to speak.

TA: Had enough you little pest?

She then picks him up slamming him in the side of the cage.

TA: All these little so call boys in this match is going to be fun to play with. Especially if they are as easy as you. You made Christine weak… But you won’t break me down. You won’t break the rage I have. I feel sorry of all crying boys that are in this match when they find out that the Twisted one is not here to play nice. I am not here to take names and bake cookies. I am here to take care of business. All these men think I am weak and worthless. They think I am fake and not worth shit. I guess this match… they are going to find out, I am not just a pretty face.

She throws Matt across the ring bringing out his demon in the process.

TA: Worthless worms. That is all these people are. Worthless pathic worms that do nothing but think with their *****. I am going to go into this match and I am going to prove once and for all what a real competitor is. Not some Ken doll freak wannabes. You know what Ward… all you men make me freaken sick. All you all want is little Barbies to hang on your arms and tell you have damn good you are. Well this is one that ain’t going to do it. I am not some freaking china doll you display. NO I am a fighter and I might be a little crazy but I am NOT fake. I am not one you want to piss off as you already know and I am not one you want to toll and play with unless you want to get hurt. Fire burn, Dynamite comes in small packages… the lioness will stock her prey and I will prove once and more all that the Twisted Angel will rise.

Demon Matt: Angel, they will learn to not mess with the Twisted Angel, and the Second City Demon.

He walks over to her as she was breathing heavy and ready to strike. He places his hands on her cheeks and pulls her close as he passionately kisses Christine. At that moment she started to calm down and become normal again. Matt too had calmed down and the two of them smiled at each other as they walked hand in hand out of the gym.

1 team win

DTA - Don't Trust Anyone!!!

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