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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Night One 2023 RP Board
Soft Deadline If it has to start this way so be it
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VictorTheJudgeMental Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-14-2023, 11:02 PM








Those are the three burning questions that every little bloody critter in the XWF should be concerned about right about now.

But first

So what do you feeble-minded fools want to know about this new ashole in town?  That's right I called myself an asshole because I am one.  I don't deny it.  I won't deny it.

I don't allow games in my courtroom, never had, and never will.  People who think they can are fools in my eyes, and so I make sure they will suffer, as there's no jury, just me.  I am the Judge, and I am the Jury and I hand out the punishment.  I believe anyone who steps into my area of expertise, is guilty whether they like it or not.

I am the one in control no one else.  I am the special enforcer.

After I hand out guilty verdicts, I will come calling for their debts.  If those who can't, or won't, or don't, pay their debts then I will collect them by any means necessary.  They will have no other choice.  What's the one clear word through all this?  CHOICE:

I give out the pain, no one else does, and trust me when I say this, there will be pain, and there will be plenty of it, and boy will it hurt.

You really don't want to cross me, but there may be no choice if I decide to come after you, and let's just say this being a newbie here in the XWF, I will come after anyone and everyone.  I'm not afraid to put you in my court and judge you for your past, present, and future mistakes.  Because you guys have plenty hiding in your closests and you all know you do.  No one can change that whether you say you can or not.

I make the rules in my courtroom, and everyone must follow them to the letter.

No one and I mean no one can figure me out, because sometimes I can't even figure myself out, and I like it like that.  It means I have to stay on my feet, think on my feet, and act on my feet. not only act, but react, and that is when I am at my strongest, and manage to put the message out.  It will be more bad luck if you get me to react.  So please either be a fool or don't even try.  I pity the fool as Mr. T. used to say.

So that's who I am whilst I want to be here in the XWF.  I was scouted by Mastermind and Antony the Jerk to bring stability to the Misfits, but I have my own ideas of what I should be doing, but they won't be revealed until after I have caused enough havoc to make waves within these hallow halls, and in that squared circle.

Where I come from is for another day, and so is how I became a judge, but for now this is all you are getting.  I don't give much away,


The XWF cameras fade in to the court room of Victor The Judge Mental.  It seems every where he went throughout the United States or the world he could work out of a tempory court room at his expense.

He was in Nashville because apparently Mastermind was due to fight Isiah King on a special edition of a Pay Per View called Sound and Fury, and Victor needed to get his first promo out for his Triple Threat Match on Day 1 of Relentless.

There was no one in the courtroom at the time except for his clerk.  Jason Robertson, who had been clerking for him for a few years now.

"Preparing the courtroom for Docket Number 001.    Triple Threat Match At Relentless Night 1.  Between his honor Victor The Judge Mental, Dolly Waters, and Bulk Logan.    Please welcome The Honorable Victor the Judge Mental."

The door to the courtroom opened and in walked Victor making his way to his desk.  He took the file from Jason Robertson and studied it for a few seconds before looking into the camera.

"The details of Docket Number 001 are very easy and comprehensible.    We have two parties who do not belong in my debut match coming up on Night 1 of Relentless and that's a total Fact.

"Let's start with the guy calling himself Bulk Logan."

A photo of Bulk came up on the screen.

[Image: dave-sullivan-hulkamaniac.png]


"Why guilty straight away you are all asking?  Well, look at the fat fecker.  He's an imposter.  A Hulk Hogan wannabe lookalike.  And he's clearly out of scruples."

"GUILTY times 2.

"Why Guilty Times 2?  Because he goes around the XWF like he owns the place, yet he never stepped foot in the place.  I had my people search records and records of the XWF, and never have they ever come across his name, and his likeness.  He's clearly a big fat balding liar.  And I hate liars very much.  You, my ugly so-called wannabee doppelganger want to be around people who like you.  You should be sent to prison.

"No. No. No.  Prison wouldn't suit you.    It would be too good for you.    You should be sent to a mental hospital for deranged and searching for one's own identity.

"No.  No.  No...  Sorry scratch that.  I'm belittling the health system and people's mental health and for that I apologize.  I won't say I'm sorry pursay, but this dude needs somewhere to call home, and it's not out in the wide open world.

"You Bulk Logan, are GUILTY on all counts.  Let's leave it as that.  You disgust me.  Not many people do.  But you do."  
"You were never Universal Champion, nor Television Champion, nor Tag Team Champion, nor X-treme Champion.  Anarchy wasn't around back then so you weren't even a champion of that brand either, and are you going to be, I have exposed you for all you are."

Victor sat still for a few seconds and looked back down at the docket in front of him, and then he looked back at the camera.

"And then there's my next opponent,"

A photo of Dolly Waters appeared on the screen.

[Image: entertainment-movies-2014-10-chloe-moret...s-main.jpg]

"Now she can claim to us all that she's good around here, and yes she has to be considered good because she's won championships unlike the fool who calls himself Bulk Logan.

"She's been here and done things that Bulk can't do, but her one biggest mistake has lead to her making me finding her....


"Guilty of using her sex appeal to get other people and opponents to do the dirty work for her.      She goes from one guy to another guy like a friend of my sister used to, and that's saying something.  I'm not going to let her get away with that.  I won't allow it.

"Also I find her

"GUILTY Times 2:

"Because that smile of hers gives away that she is hiding something, and we all know when people smile like that and hide stuff.  Deep down they have a deep dark secret, and if it gets out it'll end them.  I'm going to end you Dolly Waters once and for all.  You need to be taught a lesson because it's been allowed to go on for far too long.

"So ladies and gentlemen of the XWF, you have sat through your first day in my court, I have found both Bulk Logan and Dolly Waters guilty on all charges.  I'll be collecting the debt soon. Day 1 of this 2 Day trial is now over."

Victor The Judge Mental slams his gavel down on his desk, he then gets up, and heads towards the door to the chamber, just as the camera fades out.  He stops and turns around and says:

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EDWARD THE GREAT (09-15-2023), Theo Pryce (09-15-2023)

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