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402 Blood Street Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

09-13-2023, 05:49 PM

It's a beautiful quiet night in the beautiful city of Wichita Kansas. The cows is pure electrifying in anticipation for tonight's action. Some of the best professional athletes the world has to offer will be under one roof, front and center stage in the middle of the XWF ring tonight. Suddenly the lights in the arena go off and everyone is hollering and hooting thinking there must have been a power line that went down or something in a nearby neighborhood.BOOM. The arena is covered in bright red lights with "Gang Unit" by Lil Loaded playing, but it couldn't be could it? 402 Blood Street wasn't expected to show up in the XWF for months. Suddenly a red lowrider starts to slowly creep its way towards the ring. "OMG it's really them they're here folks!", one announcer shouts. 402 Blood Street finally put the car in park in front of the XWF ring. They get out of the car one at a time respectfully and climb the steel steps up to the ring. They get in and look around. Rey grabs a microphone as the crowd is still red hot like the crowd from the 1969 Woodstock Festival and in a frenzy over their appearance. Rey taps the microphone and tries to settle the crowd down as they're still electrified. Rey waits for a good three to four minutes before he taps on the microphone again and starts to speak.

"YOOOOO, Yo, Yo." The crowd starts chanting yo-yo,yo, as Rey pumps up the crowd by climbing the ropes and feeding off the electricity of the Wichita crowd. "Omg you guys you have no idea how good that ovation felt. Boy is Wichita the place to be at or what tonight?" The crowd starts chanting XWF!! "Let me first start off by saying thank you guys once again it's truly a honor and a privilege to be here tonight standing here in this ring representing the XWF. We're truly humbled for this opportunity that's been presented to us and we expect to make the most out of this in hopes of becoming your next XWF tag team champions of the world. Now my brother and I we know, respect, and understand that we have a tough road ahead of us. There's a lot of folks back there who are waiting on the opportunity to crush our dreams and put a nail in the coffin of us reaching any success here in the XWF. We respect that and understand that you don't get into this business, this industry to just make friends and we're prime examples of that. This week it looks like to kick start our careers here in the XWF we're scheduled for a triple threat tag team match against Maxine and Bobbi London who I'll be downright honest with ya all I've never even heard of them." 

The crowd starts chanting who? 

"Same here guys I have no damn clue to who these people are but oh well moving on. It looks like we're also facing LSM and HGH." The crowd starts to boo as Rey puts a hand up. "Now now guys let's not do that we have to give them props where props are due. I mean let's face it you have to have some balls to even want to step into a ring with Asesino and myself to be honest you have to be almost down right nuts and extreme. But you know I will say this though the difference between them and us is that we have more than earned our stripes here and sure damn want it more then they'll ever know. You see guys I owe my life to this business it literally saved my life. Let me take you guys back down memory lane to a time when I was a teenager out in the tough streets of Lincoln, Nebraska. I was around 14 years old, a real rebel, tough ass as I thought nothing in this world could me right? Well I learned a valuable lesson in life quickly that they don't play games in the streets. One day after school I'm walking home thinking I'm someone with my red leather jacket and shined up Jordan shoes. I walk up on a couple of gangbangers hanging out on the corner of the street probably slanging rocks or something illegal I'm sure. They tell me to go to the other side of the street and won't let me get by. Now the obvious answer to this situation is to just go and save yourself, but my pride and ego wouldn't allow me to do that you see. I throw a shoulder into one of them as I try to walk on by and next thing I know I'm eating the cement with my face while having a gun pointed to the back of my head. As I'm counting down the last seconds of my life praying to the higher powers above I see a man standing up in front of me, thinking to myself that's got to be Jesus how else in the world am I not in heaven right now? Well come to find out it was the local wrestling promotor in Lincoln who just happened to own a local gym in our neighborhood as well Mr. Martinez"

"After the thugs ran off Mr. Martinez standing there with his pistol still in his hand helps me up off the ground. While I'm dusting myself off he says look kid if you really want to change your life around, if you want to be someone truly great and get off these streets alive come to my gym tomorrow. So I showed up and he introduced me to this business, to this game of pro wrestling. From there on out I vowed to owe my life to this business, the same very business that saved my life. My brother Asesino and myself have more than enough battle wounds and scars to prove our worth over the years and you HGH coming out here with your little podium and suit, well that just lets us and the fans know one fact about you and that's that you're nothing more than a pretty boy bitch! And come this Thursday night we're going to knock you back down to reality and off that podium real quick. Now hit them with some facts Asesino."

Asesino grabs the microphone and starts to talk while still having his head down.

"You see HGH let me spit some facts at you real quick G. You go around talking about how you don't ever have any competition and how everyone is a scum. You brag about beating this person and that person this many times. So you like to count the numbers do ya? You're a number and facts guy huh? Well let's be real for a minute and start spitting some facts here then G. The fact is that when you're on live TV wrestling that the XWF has its lowest live ratings of the entire show. Which boils down to one true fact and that's that you just suck are are just per boring. You're what they call the bathroom break match guy. Let's hit another number real quick G, 402 Blood Street has over 15 million subscribers on Youtube. So our fans know for a fact how we get down, what we're all about and how we conduct business in this very ring. 15 million people that believe in us, watch us pour our blood, sweat and tears every damn match we have. 15 million people who know for a fact that come Thursday we're going to have no problem kicking all four of your asses all over this ring. Let me hit you with one more fact real quick HGH. The real most important number and fact of them all. That if we locked horns 100 times out of that 100  times you would get your ass handed to you 100 times. You see you can come in here in this ring with your suits, podiums, luxury cars or whatever else you want to do to hype yourself up, but in the end it doesn't matter because you lack the one thing that a true warrior, a true champion, a true gladiator possess and that's heart kid. You may have fought nobody up to this point, but let me rest assure you we are the roadblock to your way up the top and after this Thursday you become just another asterisk another scum crying to get his way up the top. Don't worry though G we'll send you a postcard from the top of the mountain. After Thursday we're coming for those tag team titles and there's not a damn thing that any of the tag teams we're facing Thursday or in that back locker room can do about it! We out!"

The crowd pops and goes nuts as 402 Blood Street continues to hype up the crowd by giving fans high fives, taking pictures with them and signing a few autographs as the XWF goes to commercial break.
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(09-14-2023), Charlie Nickles (09-13-2023)

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