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XWF and Denzel Porter Presents: GRAND AWAKENING
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08-26-2023, 09:25 AM

Night Two

Date: August 26th

Location: Tokyo Japan, Tokyo Dome

Host Site: XWF and Denzel Porter

Commentary Team: Theo Pryce and Mister Big Ticket


After the GRAND AWAKENING gets done playing, The pyro goes off inside the Tokyo Dome in Tokyo Japan as a sold-out crowd goes wild in the arena as they chant Grand Awakening over and over again until the hard cam switched to the commentary table over by ringside where Denzel Porter, Theo Pryce and Mister Big Ticket will be calling the action.

Denzel Porter: WELCOME BACK TO NIGHT TWO OF GRAND AWAKENING!!!! Last night was amazing and had its memorable moments that many will remember forever but TONIGHT we are going try to outdo Night One and make Night Two a spectacle to remember.

Theo Pryce: Yeah it's going to be explosive tonight in Tokyo Japan as we got many big matches on this card including the opening match as best friends and rivals go head to head when Xavier Lux takes on Peter Vaughn.

Mister Big Ticket: That's a great opening match Theo but we got even more great hits on this card tonight. We've got Junko Souma vs Aria Knight, Spencer Adams vs Jim Caedus ,and The Co- Main Event Jason Long vs Bryan Willims which has the potential to be a show stellar.

Denzel Porter: Then in the Main Event Chris Page takes on Joe Montouri inside HELL IN A CELL!!! For the Entity World Championship, this match has been built as the Championship match of the decade. Tonight is going to be a special night for everyone here tonight and for the fans watching around the world and I know you're running out of patience so with that said LET'S GET READY FOR SHOWTIME!!!!


An Triad Event:

Match One
Standard Singles Match
Xavier Lux vs Peter Vaughn

Denzel Porter: The opening match is between friends and rivals but it's also a match of what if? You see back in December of 2021 of TPW, Peter and Xavier faced off in a Xavier in in a 3-way match with Drew Archyle which Peter won. That is the key pivotal moment in their careers where Peter went on to his great run, and Xavier struggles really began leading into his drought in 2022 which lasted over a year and a half.

“But what if Xavier won that match, would he have gone to have the career that Peter has?” Is the question but it was Peter's time to win but now we will see what if Lux won.

Theo Pryce: A Lot of history between these two and a lot of questions that will soon be answered.

Mister Big Ticket: Peter is coming in to prove that there should never be any w-ifs, while Lux is going to show the world what history would've been like if it had been him that got to walk away as Champion /color]

The lights in the building start to flicker, matching the opening riffs and drums of Disturbed's 'The Infection' which startles the crowd because of the song's fast start. They get to their feet just as brief pyro explosion goes off in the entrance and as lyrics of the song begin, "Venom" Xavier Lux steps out from behind the smoke left by the pyro. He stands there sporting his finest black and green gear and a black CCPE T-shirt. He looks around at the crowd who give him a mix reaction, not knowing much of the "Man with Venom in his Veins". He makes his way down the ramp, keeping his focus on the ring. Once he gets to ringside, he hops on the apron, wiping his boots, showing respect to the canvas where he is about to practice his craft. He then gets inside and makes his way to the corner, climbs to the second turnbuckle and again just looks around at the crowd who is still lukewarm on him. He takes off his CCPE T-shirt, and acknowledges a fan here and there before picking one whom he tosses the t-shirt too. Well that mark is now a fan, maybe Xavier is not that bad after all?
Ring Announcer: Making his way to the ring, from Los Angeles, CA, weighing in at 225lbs I give you "Venom" Xavier Lux!!!!!
The fan celebrates but fights off other fans who try to snatch the shirt away. He hops down as his music fades, the ref checks him and then gets ready for the match to start.
The lights in the arena go out, causing the usual hysteria from the crowd. After a few seconds, Peter Vaughn's face appears on the big tron, darkly smirking down at the fans.
"This Time... It's Different."
After Vaughn finishes speaking, he begins to laugh. His laughter carries on as the Tron video overtakes his image, beginning with "This Time It's Different" by Evans Blue. Sparks begin to erupt around the stage, showering nearby fans who feel like they're a little too close to the action. As the fireworks die down, two figures appear through the smoke and haze.
Ring Announcer: Making his way to the ring, from Dallas, Texas, he weighs in at 185lbs, I give you the TPW International Champion and SCW Roulette Champion Peter Vaughn!!!!!!!!!
Peter Vaughn walks forward first, followed by Chronic Chris Page stays behind him, smiling at the reaction Vaughn is getting. They stop at the top of the ramp, surveying the hatred from the crowd. From Vaughn's reaction, you'd think they were chanting his name, as he walks down the aisle with a cocky smile, with Page right behind him. The two make their way into the ring, heading into a corner to discuss some last-minute strategy.

The crowd pops huge as Vaughn and Lux stare across the ring from each other with applause from the Tokyo crowd. The two former Exiles make their way out from their corners where they reach the center of the ring going face to face, or as much as they can considering Lux towers over Vaughn by a good seven inches. Some talking back and forth between the two can be seen before they back away and then circle. There is a collar elbow tie-up with Lux immediately powering Vaughn back into the ropes. The referee calls for the break and at the three count, Lux breaks away cleanly. Lux motions for Vaughn to try again.

Denzel Porter: Lux letting Peter know that won't work.

Theo Pryce: Basically begging for Peter to try it again.

Mister Big Ticket: As I say be careful for what you wish for.

Peter takes a few seconds and then comes off the ropes where he circles Lux and then there is another lock up with this time Lux muscling Vaughn back into a neutral corner followed by a light pat on the cheek. Lux backs away toward the center of the ring with the referee’s count. Vaughn looks far from pleased as he shoots an evil eye at Lux. Peter walks out from the corner shoving Xavier who smiles at Peter while shaking his head. Vaughn attempts a kick to the midsection, Lux catches the boot and spins Peter in a complete circle before snapping Vaughn over with a side headlock takeover seeing Peter’s shoulders hitting the mat.




Peter escapes with a head scissors, Lux works his way up to his knees before yanking his head free. Peter quickly gets to his feet where he ducks under a Lux lariat. Lux spins around walking into a standing dropkick that sends Xavier spilling out through the ropes and out to the floor.

Denzel Porter: Peter hitting his famous Get out of my ring”.

Theo Pryce: Peter always letting the game and his opponent know this is his ring.

Vaughn starts sizing up Lux who is getting back to his feet. Peter bounces off the far side and leaps through the ropes with a suicide dive that’s on target as Lux is sent back into the security barricade! Vaughn takes over with a European Uppercut! Vaughn grabs Lux and looks to drive him headfirst off the ring apron, Xavier puts on the brakes with his hands, he drives an elbow to the ribs before officially introducing Vaughn’s face to the ring apron! Lux takes Vaughn and hurls him back into the ring before sliding in after him and picking him up off the mat where Lux scoops up Peter and slams him down to the mat. Lux drops a knee across the forehead before locking in a rear chin lock.

The referee slides into position asking Peter to surrender.

Denzel Porter: Lux trying to make Peter submit right now, the joy he would have if Peter gave into his will.

Theo Pryce: Peter isn't the type to give up, Lux will have to choke him out.

Mister Big Ticket: The battle of wills.

Lux cranks on the rear chin lock while the referee asks Peter to give it up, and again Vaughn refuses. Peter starts working his way back to a vertical base as he is able to turn into the chin lock take Lux back into the ropes and shoots Xavier across the ring, Lux bounces off the ropes ducking under a leap frog attempt by Peter. Vaughn spins around where Lux looks for a second scoop slam that Vaughn counters into a spinning Tornado DDT! Peter scurries into the cover with a hook of the leg.




Escape by Lux!

Denzel Porter: Not enough damage to keep Lux down.

Theo Pryce:Lux is as tough as they come.

Vaughn gets back to his feet where he immediately makes his way toward the ropes and out to the ring apron. Xavier starts to stir as he works his way back to his feet and as he stands to a vertical base Vaughn springboards off the top rope with a Missile Dropkick connecting on the money! Vaughn makes another cover.




Xavier pops a shoulder to applause from the crowd.

Vaughn gets to his feet where he wastes no time in picking Lux up off the mat where he drives him back into a corner with a shoulder block. Vaughn drives repeated shoulders to the midsection of Xavier before looking to send him across the ring with an Irish Whip, Lux reverses and it’s Vaughn who crashes into the buckles! Lux charges in after him with a splash into Vaughn driving him back against the buckles! Lux starts throwing European uppercuts to Vaughn rocking Peter’s head backward with each shot!

Lux brings Vaughn out from the corner with a front face lock and snaps off a suplex. Xavier floats over into the cover hooking the near leg.




Vaughn escapes with a kickout.

Lux doesn’t waste time as he gets back to his feet and starts stomping away at Vaughn. Xavier picks Peter up and hammers him with a right hand, followed by a second, and then a third before driving a boot into the midsection of Vaughn doubling him over! Lux lands a butterfly suplex to Vaughn and quickly makes the cover.




Peter pops a shoulder to a gasp from the crowd. Xavier gets back to his feet where he picks Peter up and shoots him into a set of buckles. Lux rushes in after him looking for a diving shoulder block! Vaughn sidesteps Xavier sending Lux sailing through the top and middle turnbuckle and cracking his right shoulder on the ring post! The momentum sends Xavier falling to the ring apron and dropping down to the floor.

Denzel Porter: Thats a nasty spill to take.

Theo Pryce:Definitely is but gives both men a chance to regroup.

Mister Big Ticket: These two have been giving each other all they can handle.

Vaughn drops down to the mat rolls out to the floor and instantly begins stomping away at the right shoulder of Lux! Peter picks him up and twists the right arm behind Lux’s back before sending him right shoulder first into the ring post a second time! Lux crumbles down to the floor while the referee lays the count to both men. Peter slides into the ring breaking the count and slides right back out to the floor. Vaughn picks Xavier up and wraps the right arm around the ring post before delivering a Superkick to the shoulder!

Vaughn hurls Lux back inside the ring and climbs up onto the ring apron.

Peter starts to scale up to the top turnbuckle where he sizes up his opponent. Peter leaps off the top rope with a diving elbow drop across the sternum of Lux! The crowd lets out a loud gasp and Vaughn is into a cover!




A massive gasp with a kick out from Lux!

Vaughn gets to both knees as he cuts his eyes toward the referee before getting back to his feet. Vaughn picks Lux up off the mat where he delivers an armbar DDT to the right arm! Vaughn transitions into a Japanese Armbar! The referee slides into position asking Lux to surrender! Xavier refuses to give up as he shakes off the referee with Vaughn cranking back harder and harder of the right arm and shoulder. The referee continues to ask Xavier to surrender and he continues to refuse, and in the process starts inching his way toward the bottom rope. The crowd starts to come alive as Vaughn continues to crank on the right arm and shoulder but is called to break the hold with Xavier grabbing the bottom rope and forcing the break!

Denzel Porter: Lux gets the bottom rope and now Petwr has no choice but to let go.

Theo Pryce: Lux not giving up like that.

Mister Big Ticket: Both these gladiators refuse to give up.

Vaughn doesn’t release the hold as the referee starts to lay the five count to him. Peter breaks the hold at the four count and gets to his feet where the referee admonishes him for his actions, yet Peter blows past the referee as he picks Lux up off the mat and sends him into the ropes with an Irish Whip, Lux bounces off the nearside and Vaughn ducks his head, Lux puts on the breaks and lands a DDT of his own! The crowd starts rallying behind Lux as both men lay on the mat with the referee executing his standing ten count.

Denzel Porter: Don't tell me it's going to end like this!

At the six count Lux rolls over and into a cover on Vaughn.




Vaughn escapes with a kick out to a loud gasp from the crowd. Lux works his way to one knee as hs starts shaking his right arm and shoulder while stepping back up to his feet. Lux picks Vaughn up off the mat and sends him through the ropes with a head scissors takeover, Lux gets himself back to his feet and starts sizing up Vaughn who is managing his way back to his feet. Xavier bounces off the farside gaining a full head of steam he leaps over the top rope with a flipping pescado crashing down on top of Vaughn taking both men down to the floor!

Lux is the first to pop back up to his feet still selling his right arm and shoulder while picking Peter up off the floor and driving him lower back first into the ring apron. Xavier pulls Vaughn away from the apron before driving him lower back first again into the apron and then deposits Vaughn back into the ring under the bottom rope. Lux climbs up on the ring apron and makes his way toward the nearest set of buckles. Xavier starts climbing up to the top rope! Lux is poised on the top turnbuckle and he sets sail with a Frog Splash elbow drop crashing down on top of Vaughn! Lux makes the side press hooking the inside leg.




A massive gasp from the crowd as Peter pops his shoulder up off the mat at the last possible second. Lux can’t believe it! His eyes drift toward the referee where he shows three fingers but only gets two back from the referee as Lux reaches his feet. He picks Peter up off the mat and shoots him into the ropes, Vaughn bounces off the ropes, and baseball slides between the legs of Lux. Xavier spins around and Vaughn pops up into a front handspring where he snaps Lux over with a head scissors takeover!

Vaughn beats Lux to his feet where he catches Xavier with a thumb to the eye!

Peter follows up with Sling Blade! Vaughn makes the cover hooking the near leg.




Lux escapes with a kickout! Vaughn rolls Lux over to his chest and starts rubbing his face into the mat!

Denzel Porter: Insult to
Injury from Peter!

Theo Pryce:One of his favorite moves.

The referee lays the count to Vaughn who breaks at four and gets back to his feet. Peter reaches down picking Xavier up and laces him across the chest with a knife-edge chop, followed by a second, and a third! Peter looks for a Superkick! Lux ducks and counters with a Pele Kick to the temple of Vaughn as he spins around! Xavier is back to his feet where he follows up with a PENALTY KICK!

Lux makes the cover hooking the inside leg.




Another kick out from Vaughn to a huge gasp from the crowd!

Denzel Porter: Lux can't believe it and neither can I!!!!

Theo Pryce: The fans are in disbelief.

Mister Big Ticket: Hell I can't believe it either I thought for sure Lux was about to get his redemption and answer the What if!

Lux slaps the mat in frustration and then gets up to argue with the referee about the count. This gives Peter time to recover and by the time Lux turns around he's taking a super kick to the face, the fans go wild as Peter follows up with a The Key Holder (Ripcord DDT) but Peter doesn't go for the cover, instead he heads to the top turnbuckle.

color=#44B8FF]Denzel Porter: Peter looking for something big.

Theo Pryce: Going for high risk and high reward.

Peter stands tall on top of the turnbuckle as Lux lays there lifeless. As the fans get on their feet in anticipation, Peter then leaps and hits The Plunge (Top-Rope Shooting Star Leg Drop) and then quickly hooks both legs as the referee gets in position.





Ring Announcer: Here is your winner by pinfall Peter Vaughn!!!!!!

Denzel Porter: Big time victory for Peter as he answers the what-if question.

Theo Pryce: Peter made sure history repeated itself but Xavier Lux pushed Peter to his limit and came within seconds of changing history.

Mister Big Ticket: Great match and performance from both but tonight belongs to Peter.

post match:

Xavier rolls over to a corner and just sits there, dejected... Peter comes over and offers his hand to help him up but Xavier refuses, completely dejected... but Peter doesn't move away instead he forces Xavier up and let's him know he did good and that they put on a great match. Xavier nods his head in agreement as he's like alright fine... Takes his hand, they then bro hug and after raising Peter's arm in victory, he leaves Peter to take his flowers from his 'loving fans'.


A Miracle Galaxy Pro Event

Match Two
Standard Singles Match
Junko vs Aria Knight

A slow, methodical walk to the ring focusing on the task at hand. She is not worried about fanfare or crowd reactions.

Ring Announcer: Making her way to the ring, from Oldham, England, she weighs in at 138lbs, I give you The Proper Villainess ' Aria Knight!!!!

She wears a long robe without sleeves and has one line of paint going down her eye. With her British nature, she wipes her feet before entering the ring to show respect to the mat and the sport.

Evolution by Ayumi plays over the speakers and the hometown favorite gets a grand standing ovation from the people of Japan as Junko Souma makes her way down the ramp, keeping her focus on her opponent.

Ring Announcer: Making her way to the ring, from Shinkiba, Koto City, Japan, she weighs in at 115lbs, she is the reigning TPW American Champion, I give you Junko Souma!!!!!

Junko runs up the steps and enters the ring and takes a bow in the middle of the ring and then strikes a pose before giving Knight a stare-down. She then walks to her corner and waits for the match to start.

Denzel Porter: This is going to be an instant classic as these two are no strangers from one another.

Theo Pryce: That's right these two have competed in IIW and MGP together.

Mister Big Ticket: Exactly these two know each other inside and out, this will come down to who makes the first mistake first.


The atmosphere inside the arena is electric, the crowd's excitement grows as Aria and Junko stand face-to-face in the center of the ring. The tension between the two competitors is thick as they eye each other down. The bell rings, and the match begins. Aria takes the initiative, immediately ensnaring Junko in a tight headlock and she quickly transitions into a front-face lock and sends her over with a Snap Suplex. Junko’s body arches through the air before crashing down onto the mat. Aria seizes the opportunity, shifting seamlessly into an STO, hooking her leg behind Junko’s and slamming her down, driving the back of Junko's head into the canvas. The first cover is made:


Theo Pryce: Going for the cover quickly here in the opening round of this match.

Denzel Porter: It is an early pin attempt but also a way to tired Junko out, making her use unnecessary stamina.

Tw-no, Junko easily kicks out despite the early offensive from Aria. Junko displays impressive resilience as she swiftly kips up and springs back into action. She launches herself off the ropes and delivers a well-executed dropkick right to Aria's chest, staggering her opponent. Junko doesn't pause, following up with a Hip Attack that sends Aria reeling into the cornerJunko keeps on her though, taking a run up and crashing into Aria with a second successive Hip Attack, flattening her in the corner before delivering several hard forearm strikes to the jaw. Junko pulls her into a front face lock and repositions herself so she’s perched in a seated position on the top turnbuckle and propels with a drilling Tornado DDT and quickly floats into a cover, hooking the outside leg and the referee’s hand comes down for:

Theo Pryce: Beautiful transition.


Two-but Aria determinedly thrusts a shoulder up right after the two, forcing a near fall.

Denzel Porter: It was a great combination into a pin attempt but not enough to put away Knight.

Mister Big Ticket: Needs a little more mustard.

Aria soon fights her way back into the match though when Junko attempts a flying crossbody. Aria shows great strength as she counters by catching her in mid-air and sends her flying backwards overhead with a Fall Away Slam, bringing Junko down to the mat. Aria seizes the moment to catch her breath before delivering a series of hard knife-edge chops to Junko’s chest as she gets back to her feet. Aria continues with the chops, forcing Junko into the ropes as she clutches her chest in pain, the redness from the impact already becoming apparent. Aria proceeds to take her down, driving the air out of her with a hard belly-to-belly suplex before she swiftly exits the ring and ascends to the top turnbuckle.

Theo Pryce: Knight taking to the sky.

Junko just manages to roll out of the way in time to avoid Aria's subsequent Top Rope Splash, leaving Aria crashing and burning.

Mister Bug Ticket: That's going to leave a mark.

The momentum of the impact sending her bouncing back to her feet. Junko capitalizes on the opening, executing a perfect Flying Headscissors that sends Aria across the ring. Junko then takes a run towards Aria, leaping up onto her shoulders and takes her down with a brilliant Hurricanrana.

Denzel Porter: Junko putting on a beautiful display of pro wrestling art.

Junko launches Aria into the opposing corner and runs in for another Hip Attack but Aria has the wherewithal and presence of mind to scout and catches her coming in with a well-timed Pump Kick that staggers her. Aria explodes out of the corner, almost taking Junko’s head off with the “Knightcap” Spinning Discus Lariat and immediately drops to apply a Bow-and-Arrow submission, wrenching Junko's back and eliciting a grimace of pain. Junko is able to fight through the pain though as she manages to reach the ropes, forcing Aria to break the hold. The match continues with a flurry of action. Both ladies have their fair share of dominant phases, countering, melee exchanges until Aria delivers a hard Superkick that rattles Junko's jaw but Junko retaliates with a Shotgun Dropkick that catches Aria off guard. Both competitors showcase their in-ring strengths, blending technical maneuvers with high-flying agility.

Theo Pryce: These two competitors continue to push each other to bring out the best versions of themselves.

Aria takes charge though, smashes into her with "Things That Go Bump in the Knight." She charges forward with a V-Trigger, driving her stiff knee into Junko's head, sending her crashing to the mat. The crowd's excitement reaches a fever pitch as Aria goes for the pinfall.


Junko kicks out defiantly at two

Mister Big Ticket: Junko says hell now it's not over over.

Theo Pryce: Knight can't believe it.

displaying her determination to stay in the fight. Aria lifts her up, gripping her in a reverse front face-lock, setting her up for “Bangers and Mash” (Cross Rhodes Rolling Cutter) but as she goes to roll, Junko fights out, twisting round athletically and maneuvers out of the predicament. She grabs a hold of Aria’s arm and suddenly pulls her in, nailing her with the “Bloody Rainmaker” (Ripcord Lariat) before pulling her up and nails her with the “JNK Driver” (Ki Crusher 99), transitioning into a pin.

The referee counts:



Denzel Porter: HOLY SHIT!!!

Theo Pryce: This time Knight says it's not over.

Mister Big Ticket: Someone's got to go outside the box to win this one.

Thr-No! Unbelievably, Aria kicks out of the JNK Driver and Junko can’t quite believe it. However she quickly regains her composure, dashing up to the nearest corner, leaping effortlessly up to the top turnbuckle. With a confident grin, Junko leaps off the top rope, performing the "Chocobo Sunrise" Moonsault. She soars through the air, her body twisting gracefully before crashing down onto Aria's prone form. The impact is palpable, and the referee slides into position for the pinfall.


The crowd is on their feet, the anticipation thick in the air.


The excitement builds to a crescendo.


Ring Announcer: Here is your winner by pin fall, Junko Souma!!!!


Theo Pryce: Great win for the TPW American Champion!

Mister Big Ticket: A hell of a win for Junko and well deserved but Aria Knight was impressive and did not disappoint even in defeat.

Denzel Porter: Both for these competitors gave the fans their money's worth but the night belongs to Junko Souma!


A TPW Event:

Match Three
Standard Singles Match
Spencer Adams vs Jim Caedus

The now familiar opening notes to "Ready Steady Go" by Paul Oakenfold begin to blast from the PA moments before the ring announcer plugs. The fans erupt. As the spiel is unloaded the lights cut, plunging the arena in darkness before silver strobes begin to flash and silver spotlights begin to continuously wave from along the length of the entrance walkway to the crowd and back.

Ring Announcer: Coming to the ring first, he stands at 5 feet 9 inches and weighing 227 lbs from Naples Island, Long Beach California, he is a former XWF Universal Champion....JIM CAEDUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!

Obviously practiced and well-timed, the moment the announcer finishes, "ready, steady, g-g-go!" is let fly by the song's vocalist and silver pyro erupts from the egress. Before the cloud of smoke dissipates, Jim Caedus emerges as the house lights come up. His hair hangs freely, bandanna covering the majority of his face, his eyes absent of emotion as he surveys the crowd of cheering APEX and/or Caedus marks and smarks as well as the BoBliophiles shouting insults, Fuck You and booing.

As the music continues he turns his attention to the ring and it's inhabitant(s) before advancing forward while carefully gathering his long blonde hair into a secured samurai-style bun. At ringside he removes his bandanna and scales the steps, ascending to the apron and stepping through the ropes into battle.

The opening baseline of No. 99 by Joey Bada$$ hits the PA and a spotlight pans over the crowd in search of Spencer before a camera cut shows us Spencer being escorted by a group of masked fans through the arena before the group eventually reaches a staircase between sections.

With the chorus playing out, the crowd’s chants of “BADMON!” carry throughout. Spencer marches down the stairs before hoping over and sitting atop the barricade. He looks over the crowd and raises an arm and pointed finger towards different parts of the crowd as he mouths the words “What’s my name?” for continued call and response.

Ring Announcer: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 190 pounds! STANDING at five feet eleven inches….”BAAAAADMON” SPEEEEENCER ADAAAAAMS!

Spencer pushes off and rolls into the ring nodding along to the song before dapping up Harvey and leaning against a corner in anticipation.


Theo Pryce: This is going to be a good one, Jim is a legend in XWF and Adams is a legend of Action Wrestling, these two have never faced off but have been teammates before so you know they have some familiarity with each

Mister Big Ticket: Both of them are highly competitive.

Denzel Porter: This is one I think many fans were excited for.

The bell rings and Jim and Spencer begin to circle around one another, The Badmon goes to lunge forward and catches Jim, pulling him into a side headlock. Caedus grabs around Spencer’s waist, and hoists him up for a side suplex, breaking free from the hold. Spencer is quick to his feet, and the two men again circle the ring, eyes glued to each other, when Caedus charges forward with a heavy clothesline, only for Spencer to counter into a float-over ddt. As Jim lays on the mat, Spencer hits the ropes, bouncing back towards Caedus and hitting him with a picture perfect standing moonsault!

Adams jumps back to his feet, pulling Caedus by his hair and being met with an elbow to the gut for his troubles. Adams begins to double over as his opponent continues to unload elbow after elbow into his midsection and finally breaks free.

Caedus then begins to unload into Spencer with machine gun lefts and rights, staggering Spencer back against the ropes.Caedus then spins around, preparing to land the Purgatory punch, but when his back is turned Spencer is a able to deliver a dropkick sending Jim towards the center of the ring. As he turns around he's caught with a jumping knee to the gut, doubling him over. As he bends over, Spencer lets loose another jumping knee, this time making a direct impact with Jim's nose. Jim starts reeling back, yet is still on his feet. Spencer makes his way towards him, but Jim recovers in time to hit a desperate Purgatory Punch, dropping Badmon to his hands and knees.

Theo Pryce: Knocked the wind out of him.

Almost immediately Caedus is on top of him, bringing hammerlike fists into the back of Spencer, beating him into the mat. Caedus hits the ropes and delivers a quick leg drop to the back of the Badmon's head, Jim wastes no time as he grabs onto his hair and drags Spencer to his feet, he Irish whips him hard into the corner turnbuckle, sending shots of pain up the spine of Spencer Adams. Caedus rushes at Spencer, arm extended and locked onto taking the head off of Adams, but just before he can make contact he is caught with a surprise enzuigiri, sending Caedus down onto one knee. Spencer capitalizes by whipping Caedus into the corner, where he crashes hard before slumping to his ass. A smirk washes over Spencer Adams’ face as he makes his way across the ring and onto the apron.

The crowd rises to their feet as Spencer springboards himself across the ring, hitting Caedus with a sickening Outside to Southside. Jim lays motionless in the corner, as Spencer quickly climbs to his feet and begins dragging Caedus towards the center for the pin. The ref slides in for the count





Theo Pryce: I thought it was all over!

Mister Big Ticket: Jim staying alive.

Denzel Porter: Spencer can't believe it!

Through perhaps pure will or determination Caedus is able to get his shoulder up a microsecond before the ref is able to count the win. Spencer looks around in shock, as Jim stays flat on the mat. Spencer pulls Caedus to his feet and rebounds him off the ropes before colliding with a devastating lariat that seems to wake Jim up a bit, as he pulls himself to his feet with haste, only to be met with a Koppo Kick for his troubles. Stunned, Caedus begins to rise only to be cut off by a second Koppo Kick. Somehow Caedus is able to stand on his feet, though he staggers there as if even a gust of wind could push him over. Caedus swipes towards Spencer, but Adams’ is able to catch his arm and pull him onto his shoulders to deliver a fireman’s carry slam. Adams makes his way to the corner where he motions towards the crowd, eating up their adulation as Caedus gets to his knees. Like a bullet out of a gun, Spencer takes off and hits Caedus with a 99 Problems that lands cleanly with the back of his head, crumpling him to the mat, where Spencer quickly covers him, the ref drops down and makes the count




Ring Announcer: And your winner via pin fall SPENCER ADAMS!!!

Theo Pryce: Big win for Adams!!!

Mister Big Ticket: Jim brought his legendary best bit it's Adams that's escaped with the win!


A KR Royalty Event:

Co- Main Event
Standard Singles Match
Jason Long vs Bryan Williams

Theo Pryce: I can't believe it but we are down to just two matches left on tonight's show.

Mister Big Ticket: Time flies when you're having fun Theo.

Denzel Porter: You're right about that Ticket. Next up is Jason Long vs Bryan Williams!


The introduction of the song is sudden, we hear an ominous tone that follows the Terminator line. The keys are dragged out, lingering in the air as the song gets to a slow start. Seconds pass, as a backing track is finally introduced along with the lengthy notes. Eventually, after a minute, the song really kicks into gear. Neon strobe lights flash along with the beat, a shadowy figure keeps in the darkness. Slowly, we see Bryan Williams methodically walk out from the back. He's dressed for a fight, his jacket covering his torso and his baseball bat in hand. It rests comfortably on his shoulder as it keeps its dangerous message. The animal mask on his head stays contrasted with the neon lights and the darkness. Bryan keeps his head low, as the song continues to play along. The techno beat ramps up more and more, as the lights around him shimmer and dance.

Ring Announcer: Making his way to the ring, from New York City, New York, weighing in at 189lbs, I give you Bryan Williams!!!!!

The song continues to play, as Bryan stands on the top of the ramp. With his head down, Bryan lets the baseball bat fall from his shoulder, the weight of the bat being pulled towards the ground. His head snaps forward, as he slowly begins to make his way down towards the ring.

Williams props his bat up against the ring steps, then climbs the steps to glide through the ropes. This crowd stands behind this guy firmly.

Superhero” by Metro Boomin and Future

There’s a moment of silence inside of the arena as the crowd awaits for the next match, but then the lights inside of the arena dim to darkness and the crowd sit in silence, but then they hear the instrumental hitting the P.A. System and that signals for them to begin booing upon knowing who it might be.

The crowd inside of the building began to boo loudly as the instrumentals of “The Birth of Merged Zamasu” begin to play through the speakers, the lights beginning to spiral around the arena before bringing them all around onto the stage where The Last Breathing Mercenary steps through the curtain, a large grin along his face as he stops at the top of the ramp and looks around the arena. The camera panned closer toward the man as he began his slow walk down to the ring, soaking in every second that the crowd showed their love for Long.

Ring Announcer: Introducing first/And their opponent… wrestling out of Wexford Town, County Wexford, Ireland and weighing in tonight at two hundred and fourteen pounds… THE LAST BREATHING MERCENARY… JAAAAASOOOONNNNNNN LOOOOOOOOONNGGGGGGGG!!!!

Long finds himself at ringside as his ring introduction is made, taking a moment to stand there and take a deep breath before turning to walk over to the steps and head up along them to get onto the ring apron. From there, he brushes his feet along the apron, removing [his ring jacket / shirt] and steps through the ropes. Long heads into the furthest corner and steps onto the second ropes, keeping himself up high as he looks out through the crowd– which only brings a large smile along his face, slightly laughing at the crowd, before leaping off of the apron and staying within the corner to prepare himself for the match.


Jason Long and Bryan Williams walk to the center of the ring and look at each other with an intense looks before giving each a smirk and then a head nod as they begin to circle around each other, looking for an opening on one another before deciding to lock up and begin a test of strength, they are even at first until Bryan delivers a surprise headbutt to Jason and then slings him inot the corner and immediately follows up with a shoulder into his gut and Jason drops into the corner in a seated position.

Theo Pryce: That’ll knock the air out of you.

Mister Big Ticket: Bryan driving that shoulder into Jason like a linebacker.

Denzel Porter: Unlike the NFL there is no oxygen mask for Jason to recover, he’ll have to tough out and get back into this match.

Bryan comes rushing towards Jason and nails him with a dropkick into his chest, Bryan then lifts Jason back up into the corner and hits him a thunderous chop to the chest and then another and another as the crowd counts the number of chops that Bryan gives out. Bryan then slings Jason in to the opposite side of the corner and meets him with a clothesline and then follows up with a British bulldog out of the corner and quickly goes for the cover.



Theo Pryce: Bryan has been in control from the start of this match and most have thought he did enough to keep Jason down.

Denzel Porter: Bryan knows Jason better than that, he has to know that it will take a lot more to keep Long down for a three-count.

Bryan goes to lift Jason up to his feet but gets caught with headbutt from Jason, Bryan holds his face while Jason follows up with a spinning backfist to the side of the head of Bryan, and the hits a thrust kick to the chest of Bryan that sends him into the ropes, as he bounces back towards Jason, Jason hits a suplex but keeps his hold on Bryan and lifts him back up for a second suplex and then other third final suplex. As Bryan laus their in the ring, Jason runs towards the turnbuckle and hits a backflip off it and comes down with a double foot stomp into the chest of Bryan, cause Bryan to elan forward as the air comes out of him and then Jason catches him with a running knee to the face!

Theo Pryce: The Hero has woken up and gain some momentum in this match.

Denzel Porter: The fans of Long knew it was only a matter of time before their Hero would bounce back in this match.

Mister Big Ticket: Now we just have to wait and see if he can keep this up or will Bryan take back control.

Jason lifts Bryan up to his feet and delivers a chop to the chest and then another as he backs him towards the ropes, he delivers a knee shot to the gut and then slings him to the opposite side of the ropes and wits for him to come back towards him but Bryan catches with a sling blade as he comes back around.

Denzel Porter: I wonder if that sling blade will aggravate the neck injury that Jason has been dealing with lately.

Bryan takes a moment to regroup and then stalks Jason as he staggers back to his feet. Bryan wraps his arms around his waist and goes for a German Suplex but Jason lands on his feet and then close line Bryan over the top rope, Bryan falls down to the floor . Jason looks like he’s going for a crossbody as he used the ropes to jump over but instead he lands on the apron and then use the ropes to hit a springboard moonsault on top of Bryan!

Mister Big Ticket: Jason Long is showing out right now.

Theo Pryce: Attacking Bryan with a fast paced offense.

Bryan and Jason get up at the same time and teh begin to trade punches and chops as the fans get louder from the excitement. Jason goes for a spinning back fist again but Bryan ducks and then lifts Jason up and drops him back first into the floor. The referee count gets to five and Bryan rolls back into the ring to break it up and then bounces off the ropes and comes back towards the side Jason is on as he staggers back up, Bryan then shoots through the middle ropes like a middle and it’s a suicide dive on Jason that sends him crashing into the barricade.

Denzel Porter: Air Williams!!!

Theo Pryce: Would’ve thought he came out of a cannon.

Bryan lifts Jason up and delivers a knee to the gut and then lifts him up and drops him face first on the barricade and then drives him back first into the apron. He then follows up with some hard chops to the chest of Long and goes to sling him into the barricade but Jason hits the breaks and comes back with a forearm to the face of Bryan and then pushes him face first into the steel pole. Jason rolls into the ring to break the referee count, he then rolls back out and hits Bryan with European uppercut that sends him staggering towards the steels steps, Jason notice this and kicks Bryan in the gut and looks to try and powerbomb Bryan onto them but Bryan holds his weight down and make sit hard for Jason to lift him, then Bryan power through and flips Jason back first into the steel steps.

Theo Pryce: Jason already has neck problems but I think he just got a back problem now.

Denzel Porter: Definitely will need a massage after that one.

Mister Big Ticket: These two are just beating the hell out of each other, you have to love when two highly competing individuals meet in the ring.

Bryan catches his breath while Jason crawls away from the steps, both men trying to regroup before sliding into the ring at the same time. They lock eyes as they both get to one knee, they start trading blows. Bryan, Jason, Bryan, Jason, Bryan , Jason, Bryan and Bryan again and then Bryan delivers a quick DDT to Jason and quickly goes for the pin attempt.




Bryan slaps the mat in frustration, he then gets up and takes a moment to regroup.

Theo Pryce: It looked like Bryan was on his way to a victory but Jason refused to give up.

Denzel Porter: You can see Bryan getting tired of Jason’s resilience.

Mister Big Ticket: Almost time to start digging deep and bringing out the big guns.

Bryan reaches down to lift Jason but Jason kicks him in the face and then trips him up to bring him down to the mat with him and then locks in a Koji Clutch in the middle of the ring. Jason applies the pressure and really keeps a tight squeeze on Bryan, cutting of his air and hoping to make him tap out or fade away. The referee looks at Bryan and ask him if he like to give up but he refuses and instead starts using every once of strength he's got to move himself closer to the ropes. Jason notices and applies even more pressure as he looks to tale him out before he makes it to the ropes.

Denzel Porter: Does Bryan have enough left in the tank to get out of this submissive or is Jason just a few minutes away from pulling out the win.

Bryan starts to struggle to make it to the ropes and looks like he begins to fade, the referee goes to check up and then lifts his arm up to see if he’s still there but Bryan arms drops like a loose noodle, the referee does it again and Bryan drops his arm like a dead fish. The referee lifts his arm for a third time and it looks like Bryan is about to drop but this time his arm stays up and Jason looks shocked.

Theo Pryce: Looks like Bryan isn’t dead yet.

Mister Big Ticket: Bryan Williams refusing to go out like this.

Bryan uses all his strength to lift him and Jason Long up into a standing position. Bryan then hits a backdrop driver and they both lay their lifeless for a moment until they both pull themselves up and Jason walks over towards Bryan but Bryan surprises him with a kick to the gut and then hits a superkick and then bounces off the ropes looking for a spear but Jason moves out of the way and Bryan goes shoulder first into the turnbuckle. He staggers out of the corner in pain and then Jason goes for a Canadian destroyer and then straight into a pin attempt.




Bryan kicks out at the very last minute.

Denzel Porter: GOOD GOD!!!

Theo Pryce: These two are putting on an absolute clinic, this might very be match of the night.

Mister Big Ticket: This is going to come down to who wants it more.

Bryan and Jason pull themselves once more from opposite sides from each corner. As they get to a standing position they look across at each other with a smirk and mouth to each other to bring it. They both rush out the corner looking for their finisher as Jason goes for the BLACKOUT DAYS while Bryan goes for the SUPERKICK RAGING DEMON and as they come within inches of each other they both connect with their finishers and it sends both men falling lifeless to the mat.

Denzel Porter: Who's going to make the cover first?!

The referee checks on both of them as they lay their unconscious, he then begins to count.











The referee calls for the bell.


Ring Announcer: The referee has called this match do to a double knockout, this is a DRAW!

Denzel Porter: Jason Long and Bryan Williams just put on an instant classic that left us with no winner, you just have to think these two will clash again at some point.

Theo Pryce: Incredible match from start to finish.

Referees enter the ring to help Jason and Bryan up to their feet. As they stand up, Bryan and Jason give each other a smirk and then a handshake as the fans give them a standing ovation.


A WGWF Event:

Entity World Championship
Hell In A Cell Math
Joe Montouri vs Chris Page ©

"Money, Power and Respect" by DMX starts playing.

Ring Announcer: Coming to the ring first, hailing from the Bronx, New York and standing at 6 feet 5 inches and 260 pounds, He is the current WGWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION..."TWIZTED"JOE MONTOURI!!!

J Mont walks out from the back with his WGWF World Heavyweight Title on his shoulder as Rev Theory is signing live as J Mont makes his grand entrance for the biggest match of his career. Looking calm, collected and cool but deep down, knowing all the pressure is on him. Lose, and the career is over with. Win, another title gets added to the resume. This has been a match that has been talked about for over a year now but never materialized. But all it took was Denzel Porter and The Grand Awakening to make one of the biggest matches of all time take place. And what better way than Hell in a Cell.

Pain Maker vs. Twizted Thoughtz

You won't see Chris and Joe in the ring. You are going to see 2 sadistic sons of a bitches do whatever it takes to win. J Mont, walking down the ramp, looking at all the signs and taking it in. This may be the last time he walks down a wrestling ramp or the next time you see him walking down a ramp, there will be more gold on his shoulders. J Mont sees a sign from a young fan and grabs it.]


J Mont rips up the sign and flips off the young fan. That could cause a suspension or fine, but at this point, that is the last thing on his mind. As J Mont gets closer to the ring, he looks up at the Hell in a Cell that is above the ring. Taking a deep breath, he sees another sign from a young fan in the front row.


J Mont holds the sign up for everyone to see as well as the cameras at ringside. J Mont then autographs the sign for the young fan and gives him a fist pump. J Mont then makes his way up the steps and has arrived in the ring. Looking up one more time at the Cell, then back down at his World Title that he just won by beating 2 legends in Peter Vaughn and Jim Caedus. J Mont goes up to the top turnbuckle and holds his title up high to a mixed reaction from the fans.

The lights dim out to darkness inside the Tokyo Dome. A countdown clock appears on the tron…






“Judas” by Fozzy rips across the speakers to a pop from the crowd.

Ring Announcer: And his opponent, from Detroit, Michigan, standing at 6 feet 1 inch and weighing 218 lbs, he is the current ENTITY WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION..."CHRONIC" CHRIS PAGE!!!!

Chris Page emerges with Candice Page on his arm with the Entity World Title strapped around his waist. America’s Couple stop as Page gives Candice a twirl before they share a gentle kiss. Chris and Candice start to make the long walk toward the ring as fans bow down out of sheer respect. Page and Candice reach ringside where Candice has a few words for her husband, another kiss, and Candice is taken to her ringside seat.

Page looks up in the ring a J Mont who paces back and forth.

Chris climbs up on the ring apron and steps through the ropes. Page unstraps the World Title and hoists it up in the air while not taking his eyes off J Mont. Chris passes the title off to the referee as his music fades away. Strobe lights start to flicker as attention diverts above the ring with the Hell in a Cell starting to lower. The ominous structure encloses J Mont and Chris Page, and with that we are set for our Main Event of the Grand Awakening.

A silence comes over the Toyko crowd as we see Chris Page and J Mont stand across the ring from each other surrounded by Hell in a Cell. Chris is the first to start walking out from his corner where he reaches the middle of the ring and flips J Mont the middle finger to an audible gasp from the crowd. J Mont walks out from his corner and right up to Page throwing both middle fingers in the face of CCP. Page immediately headbutts J Mont across the bridge of the nose! Page laces Mont across the chest with a knife-edge chop, followed by a second and then a third while backing Mont up against the ropes. Page looks for an Irish Whip, Mont counters, and its Page that bounces off the far side ducking under a lariat from Mont, Mont spins around as Page bounces off the nearside and into a snap powerslam! Mont makes a quick cover with a hook of the leg.




Page escapes with a kick out as Mont wastes no time getting to his knees, and he starts hammering down with a series of right hands to the forehead of Page. Mont lands six or seven shots before stepping up to his feet where he snatches Page up by the hair. Mont lands a European Uppercut sending Page back into a neutral corner. Mont rushes in eating a reverse elbow that rocks him backward several feet. Page comes out from the corner with a Judas Effect attempt that Mont evades and backs away as there is a stalemate between the two that garners applause from the Japanese fans.

Theo Pryce: These two are coming out the gates hot in this one and so far they are evenly matched.

Mister Big Ticket: Chris Page and Jmknt have known each other for a good time now, they know each other strengths and weaknesses.

Denzel Porter:This is going to be about who's will is stronger.

Page and Mont start to circle each other before locking up with a collar elbow with each jockeying for position. Mont snatches a side headlock and begins cranking on Page’s head and neck. Chris drives several forearms to the ribs before backing Mont up against the ropes and shoots him across the ring, Mont bounces off the far side and runs over Page with a shoulder block sending CCP down to the mat. Mont immediately starts stomping Page with the J Mont stomp on the body of Page finally ending with a vicious stomp to the face. Mont throws his arms up in the air striking a trademark J Mont pose to boos from the crowd bringing a smirk to his face.

Theo Pryce: Jmont feeds off this energy, he loves it when the fans boo him.

Mister Big Ticket:It's like he gets stronger off the negativity

Mont picks Page up off the mat and hurls him through the ropes and out to the floor. Mont steps through the ropes to the apron and hops down to the floor where he stands over Page spouting out some smack talk. Mont picks Page up and looks to drive him face-first into the Cell! Page puts on the brakes with both hands to the mesh of the Cell, J Mont looks to drive Page into the Cell a second time, and again the brakes are put on by Page. Page drives an elbow into the ribs of Mont several times breaking his grasp. CCP snatches J Mont by the head and drives him into the side of the Cell! Chris starts raking Mont’s face across the mesh of the Cage to a loud gasp from the Japanese crowd. Page drives Mont face-first off the Cage a second time before taking Mont and whipping with into the Cell with an Irish Whip, Mont bounces off the Cell and into a front waist lock by Page and is sent sailing overhead with a Release Belly to Belly overhead Suplex! Mont land on the mats at ringside with a thud.

Page works his way to his feet where he directs his attention toward the steel steps.

Chris walks over and separates the top portion of the steps. Mont starts using the Cell to pull himself up to a vertical base. CCP hoists up the top portion of the stairs and runs toward Mont driving them into the skull and sending him crumbling to the floor! Page takes the top portion of the stairs and slides them into the ring. Chris pivots attention back toward Joe who has been busted open. CCP takes a mount on Joe and begins driving a series of right hands into the forehead of Mont further opening the wound. Chris steps back up to his feet and he picks J Mont up before hurling him back into the ring.

Theo Pryce: Page is in full control now and Jmont is in a badway.

Mister Big Ticket: We knew this match was going to get bloody.

Denzel Porter: Jmont asked for this match and now he might be regretting it.

Page tosses the ring apron back where he reaches under the ring and pulls out a steel chair wrapped in Barbed Wire. Page slides the chair into the ring under the bottom rope and then rolls into the ring himself. Page is back to his feet as Mont pushes himself up out of a pool of his blood. Page drives a boot to the midsection and locks a front face lock. Page hooks the right leg of Mont and hoists him in the air where he drives him down into the mat with a Fisherman’s DDT! The Japanese fans gasp we see Page float over making a cover.[/i]




J Mont escapes with a kick out.

Theo Pryce:Page was literally seconds away from retaining his Championship

Mister Big Ticket: Jmont not letting Page get away that easy.

Denzel Porter: Jmont is as tough as they come.

Chris gets to both knees before stepping up to his feet where he points toward the Barbed Wire Wrapped Chair. Page walks over and reaches down picking up the barbed-wire-wrapped chair. Mont is working his way to one knee and with Chris approaching he raises the barbed wire wrapped chair overhead but walks into a low blow from J Mont! Some boos are heard from the crowd as Page crumbles to the mat with the barbed wire wrapped chair falling to the mat. J Mont wipes blood away from his forehead while getting back to his feet. J Mont reaches down picking Page up off the mat and delivers a Side Suplex onto the top portion of the steel steps with a sickening thud.

Mont makes a cover on the steel steps.




Page pops a shoulder up breaking the count.

Theo Pryce: That was close!

Mister Big Ticket:Jmont is doing everything he can to end this reign.

Denzel Porter: But Chris Page will not give in to his will.

J Mont picks up the Barbed Wire Wrapped Chair to a gasp from the crowd. Chris Page is seen rolling off the top portion of the stairs and gets to one knee with his head leaning over the steel steps. J Mont comes forward swinging the chair at the back of Page’s head! Page evades, barely, and Mont smashes the barbed wire wrapped chair into the top portion of the steel steps with a loud metal on metal echoing throughout the Tokyo Dome! Page steps back up to his feet where he thumbs Mont in the eye! Page snatches the Barbed Wire Wrapped Chair from the hands of J Mont! Page steps back several feet before he swings for the fences at J Mont’s forehead! Mont ducks sending Page whacking the top rope and causing the barbed wire wrapped chair to bounce back into Page’s face! Page has been busted open as he drops the chair and staggers backward into J Mont who drops Chris with an inverted style backbreaker across J Mont’s own back! Mont makes the cover once again.




Kickout by Page to a smattering of applause from a focused Japanese crowd. Mont holds out three fingers toward the referee only to be shown two from the official as J Mont steps up to his feet. Mont picks up the chair a second time and waits for Page who rolls toward the ropes and reaches up taking a hold of the second rope, then the top rope, and uses them to pull himself up off the mat as blood is flowing lightly down the side of his face. Page slowly spins around as we see J Mont with the Barbed Wrire Wrapped Chair in hand and with Page turning he swings for the fences and waffles Page in the face with the Barbed Wire Wrapped Chair to a massive gasp from the Japanese crowd! Blood starts pouring from Page’s forehead as J Mont drops down making another cover.




Page barely pops a shoulder off the mat!

Theo Pryce: Jmont almost had his fourth World Title of this year.

Mont gets back to his feet where he picks up the barbed wire wrapped chair and places it over his forehead and face of Page. J Mont looks out across the sold-out Tokyo Dome, he throws up his arms into another J Mont pose before stomping down on the barbed wire wrapped chair driving the shards of Barbed Wire into the flesh of Chris Page!

Theo Pryce: God almighty you can see the wire rip the flesh off Page.

Mister Big Ticket:This match is not for the real of heart.

Denzel Porter:Jmont showing he is willing to do anything to become Champion.

Page screams out in pain as he shoves the chair off his face causing more damage as the shards tear at his flesh! A bloody Chris Page rolls toward the ropes and out to the floor under the bottom rope. Fans in the crowd cringe at the shot of Page’s face and the blood starting to pour. J Mont walks over toward the ropes, J Mont steps through the ropes, and hops down to the floor. J Mont picks up the excess camera cable cord and wraps it around the neck of Page where he begins choking him out! J Mont is relentless in his assault as he flings Page around with the camera cord around his neck and sends Page face-first off the mesh of the Cell! J Mont turns toward one of the cameramen and yanks the camera off his shoulder. A bloody Page is starting to get to his feet using the apron and the ropes.

J Mont has the camera in his hands as he sizes up Page.

Chris starts to spin around and as he does J Mont looks to blast Page in the face with the camera! Page ducks and the camera shatters into pieces when it connects with the ring post. J Mont spins around and a bloody Page kicks him in the balls. J Mont drops to his knees and it’s Page who lands a Mafia Kick to Mont’s forehead knocking him backward to the floor. Chris takes a second to gather himself before staggering forward and picking Mont up off the floor where he drives him into the side of the Cell and starts raking his face across the mesh of the Cell.

Theo Pryce: Chris Page is performing facial reconstruction surgery on Jmont.

Denzel Porter: Yeah but not the kind you get in Hollywood.

Page hurls J Mont back into the ring, both men shedding blood. Page climbs up on the ring apron and steps through the ropes. J Mont is working his way to his feet where he’s met with a boot to the midsection and spiked with a Piledriver! Page rolls toward the ropes and rolls out to the ring apron. CCP pulls himself up to his feet using the ropes. Page makes his way toward the nearest set of buckles and starts climbing up to the top turnbuckle. Page stands up on the top rope looking down at J Mont and leaps off with a Diving Headbutt crashing down onto J Mont to a small applause from the crowd. Page makes the cover.




J Mont escapes with a kick out to a gasp from the crowd.

Theo Pryce: I can't believe it and neither can the fans!

Mister Big Ticket: The people of Japan are in disbelief.

Page gets to both knees glancing at the referee who shows him two fingers. Chris starts biting the bloody forehead of J Mont! Page starts hammering down with a flurry of right hands to the bloody forehead before stepping back up to his feet. Page shifts his attention toward the top portion of the steel steps. The crowd lets out another gasp as Page reaches down picking up the top portion of the steel steps. J Mont starts working his way back to a vertical base. J Mont staggers backward and slowly starts to turn around, it's then that Page explodes toward Mont cleaning his clock with the Steel Steps! Page takes the steel steps and drops them over the top rope and down to the floor.

Page turns his attention back toward Mont and drops down making a cover hooking the near leg of J Mont.




Mont escapes with another kick out!

Page gets back to his feet where he calls for the Page Plant which draws applause from the crowd. J Mont rolls over to his chest and pushes himself up out of a pool of his own blood, and when he reaches his feet Page comes up from behind spinning him around where he drives a boot to the midsection, Mont doubles over and Page sets him up for the Angel’s Wings, before Page can deliver the Page Plant J Mont counters with a back body drop onto the Barbed Wire Wrapped Steel Chair! The crowd cringes as Page’s back is sliced into with the shards of Barbed Wire!

Mont falls back into a neutral corner.

Chris Page rolls over off the Barbed Wire chair exposing his back that has been shredded. Page starts pushing himself up to all fours and as he does Mont rushes out from the corner with a punt kick to the temple of Page!

Denzel Porter: Jmont just scrambled the inside of Page head like some eggs.

J Mont makes the cover with a back press hooking the inside leg.




Page pops a shoulder at the very last split second to a massive gasp!

Theo Pryce:Page once again showing he will not give up.

A bloody J Mont gets back to his feet and jumps in the face of the referee arguing the count as he holds up three fingers garnering two from the referee which causes J Mont to flip him off before turning his attention back toward Page. J Mont picks Page up and hurls him through the top and middle rope and out to the ring apron. Mont latches onto the front face lock and pulls Page’s upper body through the ropes where he connects with the draping DDT!

J Mont rolls Page over making the cover and looking to secure the Entity World Title!




Page barely escapes with another kick out to applause from the crowd.

J Mont can’t believe it! He pounds the mat out of frustration before regaining his composure and returning to his feet. J Mont grabs the Barbed Wire chair and wedges it between the top and middle turnbuckle of a neutral corner. J Mont turns back toward Page who is slowly starting to stir. J Mont picks up Page and nails him with a stiff European Uppercut that sends Page back into another corner opposite the chair. J Mont comes into the corner and starts hammering Page with right hands to the forehead of Page! Mont brings Page out from the corner with a T-Bone Suplex! J Mont rolls over to his stomach and starts smacking his fists on the mat signaling for a JKO! Page slowly starts to roll over and push himself up off the mat to one knee. Chris manages to step up to his feet, and when he does J Mont uncoils and looks to deliver the JKO! Page shoves J Mont forward and face-first into the Barbed Wire chair wedged in the corner! J Mont staggers backward and into a back waist lock by Page who delivers a German Suplex! Page rolls through picking himself and Mont up off the mat where a second German Suplex is delivered! Page rolls through for a second time and picks himself and Joe up where a third and final Release German Suplex Page and Mont lay on the mat, both losing blood, both exhausted, but neither man prepared to concede.

Denzel Porter: They both have pushed each other to their limits.

Several seconds pass before Page rolls over draping his arm over the chest of Mont.




J Mont kicks out!

Page starts to push himself up off J Mont’s chest and back to his feet where he falls back into the ropes as blood continues to flow down his face and chest. J Mont rolls toward the ropes where he reaches out and grabs the bottom rope, he reaches up to the middle rope and then the top rope to pull himself back up to his feet! J Mont slowly spins around and Page lands a JKO!

Chris rolls J Mont over making the cover with a hook of the leg.




J Mont escapes inches away from the referee’s hand striking the mat with a third and final time.

Mister Big Ticket:Jmont showing he will just not go away!

Page can’t believe it as he now starts to question the count of the referee who shows him two fingers on one hand and inches with the other. Page gets to one knee and steps up to his feet. Chris snatches J Mont up by the head and drives him back into a neutral corner. Page laces J Mont across the chest with a knife-edge chop echoing throughout the Tokyo Dome! Page lands a second knife-edge chop echoing throughout the Dome before bringing Joe out from the corner with a snap mare. Page climbs up on the middle rope sizing up J Mont who starts working his way up to his feet and when he does Page leaps off the middle rope with a Blockbuster!

Chris makes the cover looking to retain the title and take J Mont’s career.




A huge gasp from the crowd while Page has an utter look of shock as he slowly works his way to his feet. Page picks J Mont up off the mat and sets him up for the Page Plant! Page under hooks the arm of J Mont but suddenly J Mont spins out and transitions into a JKO bringing a massive gasp from the sold-out Tokyo Dome.

J Mont lays on the mat looking up at the lights as he is unable to capitalize. Mont starts to stir as he rolls over and crawls toward Page, J Mont rolls Page over making the cover.




The loudest gasp from the crowd as Page pops a shoulder before the fatal count of three!

J Mont rolls to the ropes and out to the floor. J Mont drops down to one knee and tosses the apron back. J Mont reaches under the ring pulling out a black bag. J Mont slides the black sack into the ring under the bottom rope as blood covers his face and chest. Mont climbs back up to the ring apron and steps through the ropes while we see Page slowly, very slowly rolling over to his chest and pushing himself up off the mat to one knee. J Mont runs with a straight kick to the bloody face of Page knocking him backward to the mat. J Mont turns his attention to the black sack and walks over to it. Mont reaches down picks up the sack unties it, and proceeds to empty the contents into the ring displaying thousands of thumbtacks.

Theo Pryce: OH MY GOD!!!

Mister Big Ticket:Things are about to be taking even more to the extreme.

Denzel Porter: Jmont with evil intentions.

The Japanese crowd sits intently watching the Grand Awakening Main Event. J Mont turns his attention back toward Page who has rolled out to the ring apron and drops down to the floor. J Mont staggers toward the ropes and steps out to the apron of the ring. J Mont drops a double ax handle down on the back of Page! Mont takes Page and drives him face-first into the side of the Cell! Mont takes Page and drives him face-first into the bottom portion of the steel steps that are still in place from earlier leaving his blood on the steps. J Mont steps up on the bottom portion of the stairs and starts to pull Page up by the hair. J Mont sets Page for a Piledriver. J Mont looks to lift up Page but it’s Page who counters with a back body drop from the bottom portion of the stairs down to the floor! Page steps down to the floor as he staggers toward J Mont, CCP stomps J Mont across the forehead before picking him up and hurling him back into the ring.

Chris slides into the ring after J Mont and uses the ropes to get himself up to his feet.

Page looks over and sees the pile of thumbtacks. The Japanese crowd gasps as Page points toward the tacks. Page picks J Mont up off the mat and sets him up for the Page Plant. Page looks to under hook the arms only to have Mont counter with a back body drop into the Thumbtacks! The crowd gasps loudly as Page sits straight up and shows off the pin cushion that his back has just turned into!

J Mont starts sizing Page up as he begins to work his way back to his feet and when he does J Mont looks for JKO into the Thumbtacks! Page counters via shoving Mont off when he is in midair and it’s J Mont who lands into the Thumbtacks! J Mont screams out in pain as he sits up and we see hundreds of thumbtacks in his back. Page comes forward with a straight kick to the spine of Mont kicking tacks deeper into his body. Mia is seen in the front row hiding Baby G’s eyes. Page snatches J Mont up by the hair and scoops him up over his shoulder and delivers a running powerslam into the mat driving the tacks deeper into the back of J Mont before rolling out to the floor where the Barbed Wire Wrapped chair lays on the floor.

Page snatches the chair and slides back into the ring with it. CCP gets to his feet and backs up into a neutral corner.

Page comes out from the corner using the barbed wire chair as an elbow and drops it across the face of J Mont! A massive gasp from the crowd is heard upon the impact being made as we see Page float over into a front press, thumbtacks glistening in his back under the lights.





A bloody Page can’t believe it as he backs away from a lifeless J Mont body, questioning himself on what the hell he must do to tie a bow on this. Page backs all the way up into a neutral corner where he uses the ropes and pulls himself up to his feet. A shot of Candice Page is shown with a look of horror in her eyes. Chris steps through the ropes and out to the ring apron where he starts climbing up to the top turnbuckle. While Page is scaling the turnbuckles we see the referee checking on J Mont as Mont has removed the barbed wire wrapped chair from his face as the blood soaks the mat around him. J Mont wills himself up to one knee. The referee continues checking on J Mont when suddenly J Mont shoves the referee back into the ropes just as Page is standing up on the top turnbuckle causing Page to lose his balance and crotch himself on the top buckle! J Mont looks down at the thumbtacks and then up at Page. J Mont staggers toward the corner where he nails Page with a hard right hand rocking the Entity World Champion. J Mont steps up on the middle turnbuckle and he locks Page’s neck in position for the JKO! J Mont looks to come off the middle rope with a JKO! Page latches onto the top rope blocking the attempt! It doesn’t stop J Mont from trying a second time and again it’s blocked by Page who latches onto the top rope but this time Page uses his free hand to gouge the eyes of J Mont breaking Mont’s grip. Page drives J Mont face-first into the top turnbuckle. Page stands on the middle turnbuckle on the outside of the ring while J Mont is on the middle turnbuckle on the inside of the ring. Page steps up on the top rope and yanks J Mont up and into position for the Page Plant! The crowd pops huge as Page comes off the top rope with a thunderous Page Plant to J Mont driving him face-first into the thumbtacks!

Theo Pryce: GOOD LORD!

Mister Big Ticket: Page showing no mercy!

Denzel Porter: Jmont has to me in ungodly amount of pain right now.

Page rolls J Mont over making the cover with an arm draped over his chest.






The Cell starts to rise and almost instantly Candice Page and Mia are in the ring checking on their respective men. The referee steps out of the way as EMTs quickly are on the spot.


Mister Big Ticket: An absolute banger of a Hell In A Cell Match These two just put on.

Denzel Porter: Indeedthey did, they went to war and did whatever they needed to win but it's Chris Page that gets to walk away as still Champion.

A Special Thank You To The Following Match Writers:

Lou Pohl - @ZENITHfed
Denzel Porter - @DenzelPorter4
Chris Page - @ChronicChrisP

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