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Aria Knight

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08-16-2023, 06:55 AM

[Image: proper.png]

Fade in.

London, England - Wrestle Britannia Dojo

Grand Awakening. The best of the best in the world of professional wrestling was invited to partake in this two-night extravaganza in Tokyo, Japan. The show is all social media is talking about, with predictions and breakdowns going on nonstop. Everyone seems hyped for the event.

Except Aria Knight.

Aria Knight: You probably have no idea who the fuck I am.


Aria Knight: And that’s fine. Enjoy the mystery while you can, ‘cos that’s goin’ to change very, very soon.

Seated on the ring apron of a run-down wrestling school belonging to her mentor and former trainer, Isla Villin, Aria Knight runs her hands through her jet black hair and leans back against the tattered red taped ring ropes.

Aria Knight: I'm The Propa' Villainess. Oldham's Own. The forma' KCW World and Television Champion until the Battle of Bannockburn wrecked the entire company into shame. I am currently one-third of Miracle Galaxy Pro's Celestial Trinity Champions with my mates in the Gaijin Assault Army. And at Grand Awakening, I'm goin’ to be Junko Souma's worst nightmare.

Her British accent is thick but her tone is clear and intentional.

Aria Knight: This li'l event is nothin' but a circle jerk of clout wrestlers from social media fightin' it out to appease Denzel Porter. All o' the cunts on Twitter runnin' in li'l circles like some sort of exclusive club are goin' to meet up in Japan and have themselves a big ol' party, yeah?[/b]

Aria scoffs at the notion.

[b]Aria Knight:
I'm not on social media, so I'm not a very well-known act in this circle. I've been wrestlin' in Japan all o’ this year for MGP. In Miracle Galaxy, I am one of the top stars. I represent the toughest unit in professional wrestling, the Gaijin Assault Army. If you have no idea who Aria Knight is, then you'll absolutely find out at this event. So while you're busy waitin' for J Mont and all of the otha' "stars" to do battle, you'll see myself and Junko Souma lay it all out there for your entertainment.. And to see who is the best.[/b]

She pauses.

[b]Aria Knight:
I know Junko very well. The current TPW American Champion. Forma' IIW Women's Champion. Very decorated. I know she does that death match shit and doesn't give a propa' fuck about her well bein'. I know she's been everywhere from TPW to CU:LT to IIW to MGP. I've even shared a ring wit' her in IIW. Junko Souma is an amazing talent.[/b]

But. There's always a but.

[b]Aria Knight:
But she doesn't deserve the acclaim that she gets. IIW and MGP created a workin' agreement to get that Women's Championship on me. Instead, she stole my title shot and won the championship before takin' it to MGP and losin' it immediately. She has all of you fooled. You all have given her too much bloody buzz just 'cos she's reeled off a few victories against people you've heard of. That doesn't make her shit. And I plan on exposin' that at this event.[/b]

Aria stretches her arms around and grips the bottom rope on either side of her shoulders.

[b]Aria Knight:
And afta' I'm finished wit' li'l ol' Junko Souma, The Propa Villainess is goin' to become a household name. Afta' I knock her teeth down her throat and tap her out to my Good Knight finisha', I'll be the one that is clamored about on social media. I'll be the one invited to join all o' the promotions. I'll be a secret no longa'. I am hands down the best wrestla' in the world. Not female wrestla'. The best overall. Championships from promotions all ova' the world have been wrapped around my waist and I’ve neva’ been pinned to lose ANY of ‘em, eitha’. The top talents who had egos the size of Denzel Porter's were humbled by me. Fightin' in Japan was my dream and I've made that dream come true ten-fold.[/b]

She is beginning to get fired up.

[b]Aria Knight:
So while this is just anotha' show for most of you.. Just an event you got booked for to further your "brand," this is my breakout party. This is my moment to get all of your attention and prove why I am exactly who I say that I am. I've fought in Tokyo! I've bled in Kyoto! I've gone the distance in a one-night tournament in this county! Blood, sweat, and tears have been left behind in Tokyo, so comin' back here isn't a vacation or a vanity project.. This is MY TURF! This is the place where I made my name and a place where I represent the greatest group of wrestlers ever assembled. The Gaijin Assault Army's creed is "want, take, have."[/b]

A brief pause.

[b]Aria Knight:
I want Junko Souma in the ring. I'll take her credibility. And I'll have the "fame" that she should have neva' had to begin wit'. It's that simple. [/b]

She bounces off of the ropes and jumps to her feet. The camera zooms in for a tight shot.

[b]Aria Knight:
I respect you, Junko Souma. I do. But I'm also here to prove that I am the betta' wrestla'. You took my IIW Women's Championship reign away from me b'fore I even had a chance.. So now, I must embarrass you in front of the biggest stars of this business. It is strictly business.[/b]

Aria runs her hand across her right eyebrow and down her cheek.

[b]Aria Knight:
This is where I paint a stripe. It’s my war paint, so to speak. It’s the icin’ on the cake of my preparation. Junko, the paint is goin’ to be as clear and present as it’s eva’ bloody been come Grand Awakening, ‘cos this is goin’ be a war. And there’s goin’ to be a casualty.[/b]

The scene fades to black.

A blonde-haired woman in her mid-40s approaches Aria. Her face is wrinkled from time but her arms are toned and it's obvious she was an athlete at one point in time.

"You ready to get goin', kid?"

The London accent blends in perfectly with Aria's. Aria nods and gives the woman a playful jab.

[b]Aria Knight:
'Bout time, Isla.[/b]

Isla Villin, Aria's trainer and mentor. When Aria turned 18 years old, she left home, took a bus 200 miles south to London, and settled in at Isla's wrestling school. Isla was a former world warrior wrestler herself, with her career unfortunately cut short after a devastating neck injury from Devil Matsumoto. The two butted heads early on but Isla has never left Aria's side.

[b]Isla Villin:
I came in and you were talkin' to the camera, so I decided to let you two have a moment.

Aria rolls her eyes.

Aria Knight: You know how much I hate cuttin' bloody promos. Sittin’ there like a goof, tryin’ to act tough and run your mouth as if that helps you win a bloody match. I s’pose it is all part of the game, though. I'd ratha' just do my talkin' in the ring. Works out betta’ for me that way.[/b]

[b]Isla Villin:

Isla nods.

Isla Villin: You'll get your chance at Grand Awakening to do all the talkin’ inside that ring that you can stand, kid. This is a big opportunity for you. There’s people DYING to get on this show.

Aria Knight: What? So I can mingle wit' the clout wrestlers and rub elbows wit' Denzel Porter?[/b]

[b]Isla Villin:
No. So you can beat one of the absolute best in the world and hang your hat on that. Junko has figured it out, Aria. She's been on a tear as of late. You two will tear the house down.

Aria huffs and shakes her head. 

Aria Knight: I'm not goin' to this show to "tear the house down." I'm showin' up to WIN.[/b]

[b]Isla Villin:
So much for shuttin’ down workin’ anywhere else and focusin’ solely on MGP, eh?

This has been a point of contention as of late with Aria. Having worked all over the world in 2023, Aria’s eyes and focus has not been fully on Miracle Galaxy Pro, costing her the company’s top prize, the Interstellar Dream title, on two occasions. Last month, Aria vowed to stop working elsewhere and immediately won MGP’s version of Trios titles with her faction-mates.

Aria Knight: This has been in the works for a while, Isla. It’s an opportunity I could not turn down. I’ve spent this entire year goin’ ‘round the world to build my name and reputation, so stayin’ in Japan and facin’ someone I’m familiar wit’ was a no-brainer. I haven’t shared a ring wit’ Junko since that tag match in IIW. [/b]

[b]Isla Villin:
She’s gotten betta’ since then. It’s goin’ to be a helluva fight b’tween you two.

Isla always has been the steady hand that guides the younger Aria. Aria turned thirty in April and has twelve years experience, but Isla’s veteran wisdom keeps her in check.

Isla Villin: She mauled Jasmine Raye to win the title. Then in TPW, she ran Brooke Blakely and Nova Skye out of the entire company, capturin’ the American title in the process. She’s a whole different wrestla’.

Aria does not want to hear it.

Aria Knight: I know of her achievements, Isla. I know she’s the favorite and people are startin’ to buzz about what she’s capable of.. I also know that I’m sick and tired of havin’ to act like I’m honored to be on this event and blessed to be in the ring wit’ her. I’ve won twenty-four matches this year, three championships, mid-year awards, and I’m as dangerous now as I’ve eva’ been. I didn’t have to flip a switch or figure myself out like she did. I’ve been bludgeoning opponents nonstop![/b]

[b]Isla Villin:
Just stay focused. This is a big opportunity, kid.

Aria cannot help but to chuckle. She knows that Isla is right, but still.

Aria Knight: Grand Awakening is just anotha’ night for me. I have bigger fish to fry in MGP wit’ Black Dahlia Legacy loomin’.[/b]

[b]Isla Villin:
Fightin’ Black Tora is a little bit lower on the totem pole than an all-star event where you’re featured on night two, kid. Don’t downplay this.

Aria Knight: I know it’s goin’ to be an epic encounter. I have good reason to cripple her in front of all o’ Japan as well. I just don’t want to be associated wit’ the lot. This isn’t my scene. I’m not in professional wrestling for the notoriety. I’m in it for the championship gold.[/b]

[b]Isla Villin:
Then ignore the outside noise. Forget the spectacle and focus on the match itself. You’ve worked in London to the States to Japan, kid. You have been in all sorts of situations wit’ different people on the card. From TJ Alexander to Jason Ryan to Costanza Caponata, you’ve seen it all. You were in the Battle of Bannockburn wit’ Mac Bane and ‘em, also. Focus on Junko Souma. She’s all that matters.

Isla follows up.

Isla Villin: The rest is just pomp and circumstances. 

Aria Knight: Suppose you’re right. [/b]

Aria bends down and picks up a brown leather backpack, slinging it over her left shoulder.

[b]Aria Knight:
Then let’s fly back to Japan and do this. We can stop by the Gaijin Assault Army dojo and put on some finishing touches to the strategy.[/b]

[b]Isla Villin:
This is a game changin’ opportunity. This will put The Propa’ Villainess on the map as THE top female wrestla’ in the world.

Aria Knight: I’m not content wit’ bein’ the best female. I will not stop until I am the best eva’.[/b]

The scene fades to black.

Aria Knight may not be the most well-known competitor on this show, but after it’s over, she will be known as the one who shocked the world.


OOC: Denzel Porter coming back helped my SWF fed's launch and I will always be appreciative of him helping spread the word on it when he absolutely did not have to. I appreciate Junko's handler for picking me to face 'em as well. I respect everyone on this show.
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Prof. Bobby Bourbon (08-16-2023), Theo Pryce (08-17-2023)

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