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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Twisted Toxicity
Author Message
The Atomic Bat Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

08-11-2023, 06:11 PM

[Image: previously.jpg]

When we last left our heroes…

After reluctantly agreeing to join forces with what they thought to be the only surviving villain, the Smoker, Atomic Bat and Blue Tango found themselves following a "lead" that led them directly into the clutches of evil.

Merely seeking more information about the whereabouts of Doomsayer and what he had planned next, they walked right into a warehouse where the ultimate evil-doer was apparently waiting for them.

They were first attacked by Vain, who the heroes thought perished in the extermination of villains at the hands of Doomsayer months ago…  To their surprise, Vain was larger and much stronger than before, fueled by something more than the normal self-loving juices he drew his strength from prior to his…  "resurrection".

The heroes handled Vain after using their experience as a team and working together to almost easily take down the foe.  Their victory was short-lived, however, when another foe they had thought fell reemerged.


Tango noticed immediately that something was different about her.  Something more sinister.  Without saying a word, she summoned and orchestrated an attack using trees and vines that trapped our heroes!

[Image: OeJOSpc.png]

As the transport vehicle hummed and rattled along the treacherous path towards Toxicity's hidden lair, Atomic Bat tried her best to appear limp and unconscious. Blue Tango, still under the effects of the sedative, remained lifeless beside her. But Atomic Bat's senses, heightened by her vampiric nature, were acutely aware of every movement, every sound, and most importantly, of Toxicity's watchful eyes.

Toxicity's gaze often lingered a tad too long on Atomic Bat, and the hero could sense the villainess's rising suspicion.

"You really think you're clever, don't you, Batsy?"

Keeping her eyes closed, Atomic Bat continued to play possum.

Toxicity chuckled, her voice dripping with menace. "You can't fool nature."

It was time to drop the act.

Opening her eyes, she met Toxicity’s gaze head-on.

"Why are you doing this? Why help Doomsayer?"

Toxicity leaned in, her eyes cold and calculating. "For a little fun, for starters."

Before Atomic Bat could respond, a swift leafy vine, an extension of Toxicity’s arm, coiled around her neck.

In a fleeting moment, Atomic Bat was violently pulled forward, her head colliding with such intensity against the van's wall that it left a vivid crimson imprint. A burst of stars clouded her sight before darkness took over.

Toxicity, pleased with herself, whispered sinisterly into the now unconscious Atomic Bat's ear, "Sleep tight, little bat. The night has only just begun."

Blue Tango, on the other hand, remained oblivious to the exchange, his mind floating in a realm between consciousness and dream.

[Image: 8dDskLd.gif]

Atomic Bat's eyes fluttered open, her senses assaulted by an earthy aroma of vegetation.

Panic clawed at her for a split second as she realized her predicament.

She was entwined in grotesquely oversized plant vines that were pulsating with a sickly green goo.

She strained against the bindings, her muscles bulging, but they seemed to sense her resistance.

The more she fought, the tighter they became, constricting around her arms, legs, and torso like monstrous serpents. Every flex of her powerful muscles was met with an equally powerful response from the vines.

Unbeknownst to Atomic Bat, her captor, Toxicity, a notorious villain who controlled plant life with a wicked ease, was nearby, examining her with a fascinated glint in her eyes. An unsettling smile playing across the Plant-wielding villainess’s lips.

"Struggling is futile, Bat," Toxicity cooed.  She squeezed her one hand into a fist, tightening the grip around the hero. "The more you fight, the tighter I squeeze."

Atomic Bat's eyes narrowed, defiance igniting within her. "I won't give in to you!" She snapped, still trying to find some weakness in her restraints.

Toxicity merely laughed.

"I can see there's something different about you," she said, circling her prey like a shark. "Something that sets you apart from the others. Is it your strength? Your will? Or perhaps... something more?"

Struggling against her botanical bindings, Atomic Bat's response was a defiant glare. "If you think I'll share anything with you, you're sorely mistaken."

She continued to fight against her restraints, the vines tightening even further, threatening to crush her.

But she wouldn't give in.

She couldn't.

Toxicity, the city's green thumbed villainess, stood nearby, her eyes fixed on Atomic Bat with a hungry curiosity.

Toxicity's smile widened, and she took a step closer, the very earth seeming to respond to her whims.

"Oh, but I think you will. Your powers, they're not like others'. How did you come by them? What's your secret?"

Atomic Bat's face remained a mask of steely resolve. "Go to hell," she spat, her voice laced with contempt.

A flicker of annoyance crossed Toxicity's face, but it was quickly replaced by a calculating look.

"You think you're the first to defy me?" she asked, almost conversationally. "I have ways of making people talk. Ways you can't even imagine."

"I'll never talk, you're wasting your time."

Toxicity's eyes narrowed, and she leaned in, her face mere inches from Atomic Bat's. "We'll see about that, won't we?" She whispered, her breath foul with the scent of fertilizer. "We have all the time in the world."

With that, Toxicity's lips met Atomic Bat's in a kiss.

Toxicity pulled away, her lips glistening, a triumphant smile on her face.

"Sweet dreams, Atomic Bat."

Quickly deducting the poisonous intent behind Toxicity’s kiss, Atomic Bat feigned defeat.

Unsure of its intended effects, she allowed her body to slump, her eyes rolling back, giving every appearance that the venom had claimed its victim.

"Did you really think that silly gas, the best that I could do? Mere child’s play," Toxicity murmured to herself, believing she'd won.

"Now, let's see what secrets you're hiding."

Eager to unveil the mystery behind the Atomic Bat, Toxicity reached for the mask that concealed her true identity.

With a triumphant gleam in her eye, she slowly pulled it away, revealing the youthful face beneath.

[Image: Unmasked.jpg]

A gasp escaped Toxicity's lips as she stared at the unmasked Atomic Bat.

"A child?" She whispered in disbelief.

The hero's face, still in the guise of unconsciousness, appeared to belong to a teenager with an innocent look that sharply contrasted with the fierce reputation Atomic Bat had earned.

Toxicity's mind raced, How had someone this young come to possess such power, such skill?

Her fingers trembled as they touched the smooth, cool skin, looking for a clue, an understanding.

"Who… or what are you?"

But Atomic Bat gave no response, her body remaining limp.

With a frustrated sigh, Toxicity stood and carefully examined Atomic Bat's mask, turning it over in her hands.

She had uncovered one secret, but how many more were still hidden?

"Rest now, my Atomic pet," she said, speaking to the seemingly unconscious hero. "But don't worry, in due time, My plants and I will discover every secret you hold."

"Every hidden truth."

"Every concealed weakness."

"Even if you don't survive the process."

With those ominous words, she left the room, Atomic Bat's mask still clutched in her hand.

In the silence that followed, Atomic Bat's mind raced. The danger was far from over. Time was of the essence, and Atomic Bat's every instinct screamed at her to act, to break free from her bonds and to take control of her destiny.

Her youthful face might have been revealed, but Toxicity didn’t seem to recognize her, and her true nature was still a hidden card, one she would play with lethal precision when the time was right.

Atomic Bat continued to feign unconsciousness, her body limp and unresponsive as Toxicity's vile vines slowly loosened their grip. The monstrous plants, sensing no threat from their seemingly defeated prey, relaxed their crushing pressure, affording Atomic Bat a moment of reprieve.

Seizing the opportunity, Atomic Bat subtly tested the bonds, pressing against them with the careful application of her vampiric strength. The moment she exerted force, however, the vines reacted, their fibers tightening once more, squeezing her with renewed ferocity.

A lesser being might have succumbed to panic or despair, but Atomic Bat's thoughts were filled with a single, driving purpose: Blue Tango. The thought of her partner, her friend, in danger, compelled her to fight harder than she ever had before.

Her muscles strained, her bones creaked, and her breath came in gasps as she struggled against the powerful, unrelenting force of the vines.

Every fiber of her being was pushed to the limit, her body wracked with pain, yet she refused to give in.

With a determined roar, her mind fueled by her desperate need to protect Blue Tango, Atomic Bat summoned a surge of power, her vampiric strength reaching new heights. The vines trembled, their grip faltering for just a moment, but it was enough.

With a deafening snap, the vines exploded, their twisted fibers torn asunder by Atomic Bat's otherworldly strength.

She was free!

Panting, Atomic Bat rose to her feet. Her body ached, her limbs were heavy with exhaustion, but her spirit remained unbroken.

She knew what she had to do, and no force on Earth would stand in her way.

With the swiftness and stealth that had become her trademark, Atomic Bat crept from the room, her senses on high alert.

The corridor beyond was dimly lit.

Atomic Bat's heartbeat was the only sound.

The coast was clear, her escape seemingly unnoticed.

Her mind raced, plotting her next move, calculating her path to Blue Tango. Every second counted, every moment was precious. She could not afford to lose time, to lose focus.

Rounding the first corner, her thoughts were abruptly shattered by the sight that awaited her: the hulking figure of Vain!

[Image: best-bane-movie-quotes-batman-1.png]

He stood like a menacing statue, his massive form blocking the corridor.

The very air seemed to tremble at his presence, his muscles tightened with power, his face twisted with an unspoken challenge towards our hero.

For a heartbeat, the world stood still, Atomic Bat and Vain locked in a silent standoff, two formidable foes sizing each other up.

Then, with a growl, Vain lunged, his every muscle unleashing its pent-up fury in a single, deadly strike.

But Atomic Bat’s reflexes were sharper than he anticipated.

With uncanny agility, and clarity of mind honed from countless battles, she effortlessly sidestepped his initial onslaught.

Seizing the moment, she darted towards the ventilation system, disappearing into the vents before Vain could launch another attack at her.

[Image: 8dDskLd.gif]

The Blue Tango woke up with a heavy fog settled in his mind.  Every part of his body throbbed and when he tried to move, he could not.  His entire body was bound, encased in something strange and living.

A half-formed, plant and flesh-like cocoon wrapped around him from his feet to his chest.  He could feel it, a slow, creeping sensation, like insects crawling over his skin. He strained against it, but the cocoon held him fast, tightening up like a muscle every time he flinched.

The room swayed, blurring in and out of focus as he tried to gain his wits to no use. Colors danced and shifted, shadows stretching and twisting into unnatural shapes. His head lolled to the side, his vision swimming, and he caught a glimpse of a figure moving towards him.


Her voice drifted to him, a twisted melody that slithered into his ears, words and phrases slipping through his grasp like water through his fingers. He tried to listen, to understand, but the words were lost, drowned in a sea of confusion and disorientation.

"...perfect... new beginning... resurrection..." Toxicity's voice was soft, almost tender, but there was a darkness there, a malevolence that sent a chill down Tango's spine.  Her voice echoed in his head as he felt himself losing consciousness once more.

[Image: 8dDskLd.gif]

As Atomic Bat slipped silently from the air vent, her mind began racing. It wasn’t just about her current predicament. Her thoughts spiraled, and she whispered under her breath.

“Gee, I wonder what Mr. “What Defines Heroism” would do right about now?” She hesitated, peeking around the corner to ensure the path was unguarded.

“Isiah and Ned found time to share their profound insights with the rest of the world. Perhaps I should sit down, take notes, and be enlightened?"

"Or perhaps we should call out the charade for what it is?”

"I've listened intently to Isaiah’s grandiose speech about being the 'savior' of XWF and how he’s here to 'save' its fans. It's a narrative that might impress someone who's never set foot in the ring or someone who's easily swayed by flowery words. But to those of us who've dedicated our lives to the sport, his words sound more like the misplaced monologues of a motivational speaker than a fighter. Did he perhaps stumble into the XWF arena thinking it was a TEDx Event or something?”

“Because clearly, for someone who's supposedly here for the thrill of the fight, his speeches sound eerily reminiscent of a life coach lost in his own reflection. I was under the impression that we were in the XWF to compete, not wax poetic rather than wrestle!”

“Moreover, I find his logic puzzling.”

“If he truly believes that he already owns this domain, then what exactly is he even trying to save?”

“It's like a king claiming to rule his land but then setting out on a quest to conquer it.”

“It doesn't add up.”

“His narrative seems as tangled and confusing as a plot twist in a poorly written B-movie. It's high time Issiah King decided whether he’s here to be a messiah with a mic or a wrestler in the ring. The XWF doesn't need a savior; it needs fighters who stand by their actions rather than hide behind their words."

Atomic Bat silenced her monologue as she neared a closed door.

Gently, she tested the handle, finding it unlocked.

Cautiously, she took a quick glimpse inside.

The room appeared to be desolate except for bizarre plants and tendrils, which seemed to shift in response to her every motion.

With a swift, uneasy feeling, she shut the door behind her and resumed her path.

"And Ned frickin Kaye! I think it's high time we clarified a few things.”

“He was vocal about how heroes should inspire powerful emotions within others, but then, almost in the same breath, challenged our credibility, suggesting we've left no mark on anyone, ever. Like we haven’t directly saved countless lives, and indirectly even more? My entire mission in the XWF since day one was to inspire hope in a world that seemed hopeless, and as I stand here today, searching for my friend, attempting to save the world, and still standing resolute alongside of my partner to face the challengers of the XWF any and every time they call: It seems to me as if Ned Kaye hasn’t a clue who or what he’s up against.”

“It's not the extravagant suits, the fluttering capes, or the high-profile endorsements, that define heroism.”

“True heroism is rooted in the heart, a concept that seems foreign to Ned and his comrade.”

“It’s evident in the way that they operate.”

“They never took the time to genuinely study the championship team that they’re challenging, preferring to shoot arrows blindly into the void.”

“It's clear that their focus lies more on chasing individual accolades and undermining anyone who stands in their way rather than genuinely representing something larger than themselves. It’s obvious that Ned Kaye and Issiah King are not a team, and that will put them at a stark disadvantage at Warfare."

"Ned Kaye… It seemed uncharacteristic to attack us or our reign in the way that he did. Could it be that his mask is his well regarded moral compass?”

“And maybe now, we're starting to glimpse the man hiding behind it?"

Atomic Bat huffed in frustration before marching on.

"Our division might be small, but we've held these championships with honor and integrity while facing every team that has ever come looking for a shot.”

“He claims we'd endorse a gun shooting its owner's foot…”

“Yet, it seems that Ned and Isaiah are the ones shooting themselves in the foot with their blind ego-driven rants.”

“Oh, and Ruby-Oh’s are both Keto friendly and GREAT for your colon!  Ned craps on the idea of her selling nutritious cereal, but it just makes me think that Notorious Shampoo sales must be in the toilet."

"But I don’t see what that had to do with anything anyway. If he hadn’t noticed, Tango and I don’t have any sponsorships, nor are we looking for any.”

“Every time we step into that ring, it's not about the glitz and glamor. It's about the fight. It's about respect. It's about proving to every single fan out there that heroes still exist, and all it takes to become one yourself is Standing for what’s right, trying to make good decisions, and when you make them, admitting your mistakes.”

“By the end of the match, will Ned and Issiah be willing to admit theirs?”

“We don't need to proclaim our greatness; our actions clearly speak for themselves for anyone paying attention."

"So, go ahead. Let them try and dethrone us. That IS the name of the game, afterall, but while they have been busy sharpening their claws on one another, we've been preparing. Training. Fighting crime, and growing stronger as a unit. We're not just any tag team. We are the champions, and at Warfare, we'll prove once again why we deserve to hold these belts."

"Even 'refining fire' can be extinguished, and when the smoke clears, maybe, just maybe, they’ll finally understand what it truly means to be a hero."

"Now where in the heck are you, Tango!?"

With a swift and silent grace, Atomic Bat vanished into the shadows of the darkened corridor.

[Image: 8dDskLd.gif]

Tango woke again trying to take a deep breath, but couldn't.  Beginning to panic, he attempted to squirm, but got a much tighter, more firm squeeze from his fleshy captor this time. 

The cocoon was now past his chest and just below his chin.  Letting out a long breath, he quickly calmed himself and opened his eyes to a scene from a nightmare.  His vision was still blurred, but he could tell that the entire room he occupied was now completely taken over by the fleshy-like vegetation that Toxicity had brought about.

It moved and swam on the ceiling, floor, and walls like waves of snakes and made a loud rustling sound like a thousand autumn leaves blowing around in the wind.  A section of the vines opened up creating a doorway where a figure walked through and approached him.  He wanted to speak, but knew it wasn't possible.  He managed to let out a groan and felt a cold hand touch his cheek.

(There, there.)

Voices in his head spoke to him.  It was Toxicity, but if three or four of her were talking to him.

(It will all be over soon.)

A deep pain spawned within his gut along with the cold shrill of fear that now consumed him.  He could only think one thing.

(Am…  I dying?)

The group of Toxicity's laughed aloud in his head and echoed like they were in a large, empty hall.

(You're not dying, Blue Tango…  You are being………..  Reborn!)

The laughter continued as the blurry figure, who Tango was 99% sure was Toxicity, removed their hand and slowly stepped away.  Whoever this was, they could apparently read his thoughts, so he asked:

(Why am I here?)

Even his voice in his head sounded afraid.


The voices asked back.

(Look around Tango…  You're not the only one he wants.)

He blinked, but his eyes still wouldn't focus.  Other sections of the walls began to change and out came several other fleshy cocoons much like the one Tango was in.  He was nearly blind and what little he could see, he could not believe.

[Image: 8dDskLd.gif]

As The Atomic Bat stealthily navigated the dimly lit corridor, she felt tremors before she knew the cause.

Without warning, the wall to her right exploded in a shower of debris and dust.

Emerging from the wreckage was Vain, his massive frame barely fitting through the gaping hole he had just created.

His eyes locked onto Atomic Bat’s.

The suddenness of the situation gave Atomic Bat a jolt, but she wasn’t easily shaken.

Vain lunged forward with a roar, his arm outstretched, aiming to grab Atomic Bat. Her agility, honed from countless encounters and training, allowed her to evade his grasp, ducking low and rolling to the side, leaving Vain clutching air.

Not wasting a moment, she sprang back to her feet, readying herself for his next move.

Vain quickly pivoted and swung his arm aiming to take off Atomic Bat’s head with a massive sweeping arch.

Atomic Bat leaped over it, but Vain wasn’t finished. He pivoted back the other way and swung a hefty backhand. Atomic Bat, still in the air from the previous dodge, had little room to maneuver. The forceful blow caught her on the side, sending her skidding across the floor.

The fight took a brutal turn when Vain's massive fist connected with Atomic Bat's jaw, a crushing blow that sent shockwaves through her entire body.

The world spun, pain radiating through her skull, stars exploding in her vision.

A normal human would have been killed outright, but Atomic Bat's vampiric nature gave her the resilience to survive.

Still, the impact dazed her, her limbs feeling heavy, her thoughts fragmented.

Vain loomed over her, his massive form towering.

He knew he had her, knew that the tide had turned.

He could see the confusion in her eyes, the uncertainty in her movements.

He was winning.

But the Atomic Bat was not beaten.

Not yet.

She staggered to her feet, her body protesting, her mind willing her to continue.

She couldn't beat Vain head-on; that much was clear. His strength was too great, his size too much of an advantage.

But she couldn’t allow him to run free.

She needed to find another way, an alternative strategy that would give her the edge.

Her eyes darted around the room, her mind working furiously, looking for anything that might save her from this situation.

Vain was relentless, his confidence growing with every blow.

But Atomic Bat was a fighter, a champion, a hero.

She would not be defeated, not without a fight.

With a sudden flash of insight, she saw her opportunity.

Dodging another of Vain's powerful blows, Atomic Bat darted to the side, her movements a blur of speed and agility. She could feel Vain's frustration, sense his growing impatience. He wanted to finish this, wanted to prove his dominance. But Atomic Bat was not ready to concede, not ready to admit defeat.

In the heat of the battle, Atomic Bat's eyes locked onto what she believed to be an opening, a vulnerability in Vain's hulking form. With a sudden burst of energy, she launched herself at him, aiming a swift and powerful strike at his genitalia, a target that would have incapacitated any ordinary opponent.

But Vain was far from ordinary himself.

He barely flinched as Atomic Bat's attack connected, his body absorbing the blow without a trace of discomfort.

His eyes, cold and unfeeling, met Atomic Bat's, a sinister smile spreading across his face from beneath his mask.

Her heart sank as she realized that her desperate gamble had failed, that her last-ditch effort to turn the tide had been in, well… vain.

Vain's massive hand shot out, seizing Atomic Bat in an unbreakable grip.

Her body was rendered helpless in his clutches, her strength nothing against his overpowering might.

With a savage roar, Vain began to smash Atomic Bat into everything in sight.

Walls crumbled as her body was hurled into them, doors splintered as she was thrown through them, the ceiling cracked as she was slammed against it.

Atomic Bat was reduced to a ragdoll in Vain's hands, her body tossed and battered with a terrifying ferocity.

Pain radiated through her with every impact, her bones threatening to snap, her flesh bruising and tearing. Vain was playing with his prey, toying with her, enjoying her suffering.

The situation was grim and Atomic Bat's body was failing her, her mind clouded with pain and fear. Vain was relentless, his attacks unending, and unlike their prior meeting, his strength now seemingly inexhaustible.

As Atomic Bat's vision began to blur, as darkness threatened to consume her, she knew that this might be the end. Vain's cruelty, his power, his malice, were too much for her to overcome. The hero that had stood defiant against so many foes, that had fought and won against impossible odds, was on the brink of defeat.

But even in that dark moment, even as hope seemed lost, Atomic Bat's spirit remained strong.

And she would not give in.

As Vain continued his relentless assault, but in her battered state, her mind raced, searching for an escape..

Then, in a brief moment of clarity amid the chaos, she saw it: an air vent, high in the tall ceilings, barely visible but potentially reachable. It was a slim chance, a narrow opportunity, but it was all she had.

Atomic Bat summoned the last reserves of her strength. Her body screamed in protest, but she pushed through the pain, her eyes fixed on that small glimmer of hope.

In a desperate move, Atomic Bat reached into her utility belt, fingers scrambling to find something, anything, that could buy her a moment's respite.

Her hand closed around a small, cylindrical object, and a spark of hope ignited in her chest.

With a swift motion, she pulled out the flashbang and hurled it straight at Vain's face, activating it mid-air.

The room exploded in a brilliant flash of light, momentarily turning night into day.

Vain roared in surprise and pain as the intense brightness overloaded his senses, his massive hands flying up to shield his eyes.

Atomic Bat didn't waste a second. She knew the effect would be temporary, only lasting a few precious seconds.

Firing her grappling gun into the sky, she launched herself upward, her body arcing toward the vent.

Vain's head snapped around, his eyes widening in surprise as he realized her intent. He lunged for her, his massive hand reaching out, but it was too late.

Atomic Bat's fingers found the edge of the vent, her body pulling itself up with an effort that left her gasping. Vain's fingers closed on empty air below, his roar of frustration echoing through the room as Atomic Bat scrambled into the narrow passage.

Atomic Bat's heart pounded in her chest as she crawled through the tight space, her body aching, her mind reeling from the battle.

Behind her, Vain's roars grew fainter.

She had escaped him, but the battle had taken its toll. Her body was bruised, her spirit shaken, her confidence battered. But she was alive, and she was free to find Blue Tango and regroup.

Making her way down the corridor, she realized the further she walked the more dense the growing plant-life became.  Jungle-like.  A heavy mist hovered across the ground and most of the overhead lights were out or broken, making it very difficult to see.  The room where Tango was held wasn't hard to find, however, it seemed to be the source of everything, after all.  She followed the vines and walked into the horror of Tango nearly completely covered in the flesh-like cocoon.  At this point, just his eyes, nose, and mouth were exposed.  Other than Tango's pod, there were several others spread throughout the room.  To her surprise, they held some of the other villains that perished on that fateful day.  Rattler.  Sackman.  The Fiddler.  They were all there and trapped in these pod-like cocoons spawned from Toxicity's grotesque jungle.

Toxicity couldn't help but turn the Atomic Bat's way and crack a smile, who responded with a hero scowl and immediately made a move.  Toxicity sensed this a mile away and caused the vines covering the wall to reach out and pull her in, fleeing before she could be attacked!

Atomic Bat kicked dirt and punched the wall, which she found to be a mistake because a single vine wrapped around her wrist and tried pulling her in.  She quickly wrestled away from it then placed all of her focus on Tango, who was far worse for wear.

"Tango!"  She shouted and beat on the side of the pod!  "Snap out of it!"

Tango's face was pale and the fleshy plant around him moved like it was alive.  AB used quick thinking to access a gadget from her utility belt.  First, she pulled a long blade and attempted to cut the pod open, but it would not penetrate at all.  Then, she went to the tiny flame thrower on her wrist and tried cooking it…  But it didn't seem to do anything either besides irritate the environment around her.

Frustrated and distraught, she watched helplessly as the rest of Tango's face became submerged and he was completely covered.

"TANGO!!  NOO!!!"

Not far away, she heard the roars of Vain echoing through the halls in pursuit of her.  Her mind raced, she was out of options and time and nothing she did was fixing the situation.  Tango was trapped in this…  thing…  and there wasn't anything she could do about it.

Behind her, she heard a crack in one of the other pods.  Turning around, she saw someone fall out of one of the pods and onto the floor.  She took a cautious step forward and after seeing who else was in the pods, she guessed this wasn't going to be anyone she's excited to see.

She was right.

The figure only spent a moment on the ground, then rose up to their feet.

"I don't have time for this!  Come forward!  Show yourself!"

They did just that.  A younger looking, leaner, and stronger Kevin Spacey stepped forward.  He looked himself up and down and seemed impressed with the outcome from the time he spent encased in Toxicity's cocoon.

"Kevin Spacey?!  What's going on here?!"  She shouted at him. 

Right as she was about to make a move, the room rumbled under her feet and the roars from Vain grew louder.  

He was close. 

Without saying a word, Kevin Spacey quickly zipped out of the room.  AB tried chasing after him, but before she could exit the room the ceiling collapsed and down came Vain!  

AB sighed defeatedly and rubbed her eyes.

"Oh no….  Not again…"

Just then, she heard a crack from behind her.  The same as before.  It was Tango's pod!  It split up the middle and peeled away from him, allowing him to fall face first on the ground.  Vain grabbed a table and whipped it across the room towards Atomic Bat and Tango, but Bat dodged it by cartwheeling quickly out of the way and it crashed against the wall!

AB slid in close beside her fallen partner and grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Tango!  TANGO!!  Are you with me?!"

He blinked a few times then looked over to the Atomic Bat with a smile.  She looked close and concerned at him again.

"Are you alright?"

With a twinkle in his eye, he rose up and dusted himself off.  AB went from concerned to confused as there was something really different about Tango, but she couldn't put her finger on it.  His posture, the way he carried himself, even his voice…  It was all overflowing with confidence and he just seemed…  powerful.

He took several steps and stood in the center of the room as Vain continued roaring and raving like a rabid ape.

The Blue Tango took a deep breath through his nose and looked back at the Atomic Bat, who was still standing a little dumbfounded about Tango's…  condition.

"You ready for this shit or what?"  Tango said with an even wider smile and….


Atomic Bat snapped out of it and ran up into position as well.  Vain let out another loud roar before leaping across the room and landing just in front of the two heroes.

Blue Tango winked at Atomic Bat and pivoted on his heel to face the raging Vain.

“Time to put some of those new moves to the test,” he whispered just loud enough for her to hear.

Atomic Bat nodded, shifting to a defensive stance.

Vain let out a fierce roar and charged towards Blue Tango, but as Vain charged in, Blue Tango, with a speed that was breathtaking, sidestepped, grabbed Vain’s arm, and using his own momentum against him, flung Vain into the direction of the Atomic Bat.

As Vain stumbled forward, Atomic Bat leapt into the air, using Vain’s broad shoulders as a springboard, and came down with a powerful kick to the back of Vain’s head, causing him to stumble forward.

But the behemoth quickly recovered.

Blue Tango wasn’t about to let up. “Hey, big guy! Over here!”

Vain roared, charging again, but Blue Tango was ready!

Dropping low, he executed a well timed leg sweep, causing Vain to crash hard, headfirst through the wall.

Moments passed without any sign of life from Vain, but Atomic Bat and Blue Tango knew better than to assume it was over.

Working in tandem, they approached cautiously, ready for Vain’s next move.

Suddenly, Vain lunged upwards, reaching out with both hands. Atomic Bat countered by sending a rapid flurry of punches while Tango focused on Vain’s legs.

But Vain was resilient. Managing to grip Blue Tango’s leg during a kick, Vain yanked him forward, but before Vain could deliver a blow, Atomic Bat sung down from an overhead beam, kicking Vain squarely in the chest, breaking his grip on Blue Tango and sending the villain stumbling once more.

The two heroes moved quickly to sandwich the villain between them.

They didn’t need words.

In a synchronized move, Atomic Bat reached into her utility belt, recovering two flashbangs. She threw them in quick succession, the bright burst of light blinding Vain momentarily.

Vain roared, though this time in agony as Atomic Bat charged from one side, and Blue Tango sprinted in from the opposite direction.

As they came upon Vain, Blue Tango launched himself into the air with a flawless flying kick, while at the same time, Atomic Bat went low as she channeled all of her unnatural strength into a powerful shotgun blast of a shotgun dropkick to Vain’s lower back!

The combined force of their blows was too much even for the massive villain.

A sickening crunch echoed.

Vain’s back snapped from the pressure.

He fell.

Completely incapacitated.

Catching her breath, Atomic Bat turned to Blue Tango as she retrieved restraints from her belt.

“There was so much power behind that kick, Tango… What on Earth happened to you?”

Blue Tango smirked as Atomic Bat restrained the broken Vain. “I'm not sure, but I think I like it!  Feels like….  I got upgraded.”

Tango confidently stood in place and brushed the dust and debris from his suit.  He looked back at the fallen Vain and allowed a cocky smirk to come across his face.

"Ya know, taking down Vain as a team like that really makes me reflect on our duties as champions, AB.  Everytime we step up, it never fails that we not only have to defend our titles, but also defend our honor as heroes.  It's a hard pill for a lot of people to swallow and admit that someone like us can bring better change to the world as caped crusaders.  I'm not sure what the problem is exactly.  It's not like we just come in each and every week and simply act the part like a superhero case of stolen valor.  We do a lot more than put on the uniforms and strike a cliche superhero pose before we take care of business.  The charities, the burglaries, the break-ins…  They sometimes just don't make the news so word of our good deeds don't always make it to the ears of someone like Isiah King or Ned Kaye.  Not that we're looking for recognition or a nod from anyone, that's not our style.  We do because it's the RIGHT thing to do, period."

"Honestly, I'm not even that torn up about this fake team's lack of faith in our abilities as heroes, I'm more miffed about their lack of faith in us as champs!  How is it our fault that there's literally no other valid teams in the division right now?  Well, let's take it back a step, it IS partially our fault that there aren't any teams left, because as I stated before…  We've chased them all away.  That's why we're going to be standing across from Ned Kaye and Isiah King, two guys that together don't have enough momentum to move downhill."

"So, yeah, minus Kido and Cashe and the Guardians, who was there?  Noboday, but us.  Maybe, when AB approached me and offered not only a spot as her partner in crime fighting but a partner in the ring, her goal was to not necessarily be at the top of the division or hold it hostage… but to be a leader of the division!  I believe we lead by example.  We've shown up every time we've been called upon and we've gotten the job done!  We're fighting champions and taking whatever credit away from us because no one can work together as a team to come fight us is absurd!  I'm referring to what Ned said about this being the weakest division in the history of the XWF, which I have to say, if he did any of the research like he researched us…  I'm sure he didn't look into it too far.  Let me ask, is this terrible division he speaks of the same division that he's fighting to take over?  He should talk more out of his mouth and less from his butt, AB."

"I mentioned once about not really crossing paths with Ned Kaye before, so I never really took the pleasure to enjoy one of the many Ned Kaye productions or matches in his time here, unless I just happened to catch one.  Can you always tell when Ned knows when he's trapped between a rock and a hard place?  You could just tell in his voice and just the words falling out of his mouth that he had no faith in himself or his partner.  Heck, Isiah even admitted that they wouldn't have to work together because they'll do good enough individually to take us down.  That's not how this world works!  It just sounds like they both know their fate, which is getting absolutely wrecked, and they both point out every little misstep and wrong turn you make to make themselves look better."

"We'll really find out how serious these guys are come the weekend.  They admit that they don't exactly see eye-to-eye about things, which isn't always a dealbreaker, no doubt.  There have been plenty of teams in the past that don't give a hooey about the other guy or gal, yet they had the chemistry to get the job done and keep that winning momentum.  I've seen it!  It can happen!  Is that something you see when you look over to Ned Kaye and Isiah King?  I doubt it.  Not now anyway.  Maybe, if they started acting like a team and treating this match like something more than just some kind of solo-thing they can get away with…  Anyway, if we're making history as the leaders, the top, the champions of the worst tag team division in XWF history, then let this be probably the worst defense we've had so far.  Ned Kaye and Isiah King are NOT ready for what's coming.  We're coming out guns blazing, as we do, while our two challengers probably spent the week texting back and forth…  Ya'll know exactly what we've been up to and what we're up to between our defenses…  We're no bullshit and we're coming to Warfare to once again prove that at the top is exactly where we belong and there isn't a team in professional wrestling today that fits into our boots.  There isn't a duo out there that can carry our burden.  On Warfare, the Blue Tango and the Atomic Bat defend their XWF Tag Team Championships successfully for the 3rd time.  Saturday night, we give them their wish and push Ned Kaye and Kingslayer back to reality where they no longer have to deal with the other one.  Then, we will wait until the next tag team steps forward and are called upon for our sworn duties once more!" 

[Image: 8dDskLd.gif]

Atop the roof of the City PD with the faint sounds of the city below, Commissioner Jim Jordan stood waiting. From a light behind him, two silhouettes appeared, unmistakable.

“Our local juggernaut is currently laid up. Four broken vertebrates and a concussion. Not sure when or if he’ll wake up to answer any questions."

Tango grimaced. “Back to square one then…”

“Not entirely.” Atomic Bat chimed in. “We’ve learned that he is in league with Toxicity, and that they are somehow bringing villains back from the grave.”

Commissioner Jordan nodded.

“That’s troubling news.”

Jim let out a troubled sigh.

“Thankfully, this city has you both on its side. I shudder to think where we'd be without your teamwork. Speaking of teams, isn't there a tag team title defense on your horizon?"

Receiving no response, he turned around, a smirk already forming in anticipation of their typical elusive behavior.

As expected.

The rooftop was empty.

Jordan chuckled to himself.

“Every time.”

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